diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_mkv.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_mkv.pas | 235 |
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_mkv.pas b/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_mkv.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df01a82f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_mkv.pas @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +{MKV file process}
+unit fmt_MKV;
+{$include compilers.inc}
+uses wat_api;
+function ReadMKV(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl;
+uses windows,common,io,srv_format;
+ idEBML = $A45DFA3;
+ idSegment = $8538067;
+ idInfo = $549A966;
+ idTimecodeScale = $AD7B1;
+ idDuration = $489;
+ idTracks = $654AE6B;
+ idTrackEntry = $2E;
+ idTrackType = $3;
+ idCodecPrivate = $23A2;
+ idName = $136E;
+ idVideo = $60;
+ idAudio = $61;
+ idPixelWidth = $30;
+ idPixelHeight = $3A;
+ idDefaultDuration = $3E383;
+ idSamplingFrequency = $35;
+ idChannels = $1F;
+ idCluster = $F43B675;
+function GetNumber(var ptr:pbyte):int64;
+ if (ptr^ and $80)<>0 then
+ result:=ptr^ and $7F
+ else if (ptr^ and $40)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=(ptr^ and $3F) shl 8; inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else if (ptr^ and $20)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=(ptr^ and $1F) shl 16; inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else if (ptr^ and $10)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=(ptr^ and $0F) shl 24; inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else if (ptr^ and $08)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=int64(ptr^ and $07) shl 32; inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 24); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else if (ptr^ and $04)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=int64(ptr^ and $03) shl 40; inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(int64(ptr^) shl 32); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 24); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else if (ptr^ and $02)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=int64(ptr^ and $01) shl 48; inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(int64(ptr^) shl 40); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(int64(ptr^) shl 32); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 24); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else if (ptr^ and $01)<>0 then
+ begin
+ inc(ptr);
+ result:= (int64(ptr^) shl 48); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(int64(ptr^) shl 40); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(int64(ptr^) shl 32); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 24); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+(ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ result:=result+ptr^;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ inc(ptr);
+function GetInt(var ptr:pbyte;len:integer):int64;
+ i:integer;
+ result:=0;
+ for i:=0 to len-1 do
+ begin
+ result:=(result shl 8)+ptr^;
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+function GetFloat(var ptr:pbyte):single;
+ i:dword;
+ f:single absolute i;
+ i:=( ptr^ shl 24); inc(ptr);
+ inc(i,ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ inc(i,ptr^ shl 8); inc(ptr);
+ inc(i,ptr^); inc(ptr);
+ result:=f;
+function ReadMKV(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl;
+ id,len:integer;
+ ptr:pByte;
+ buf:array [0..16383] of byte;
+ trktype,scale:integer;
+ ls:PAnsiChar;
+ tmp:integer;
+ lTotal:real;
+ result:=false;
+ f:=Reset(Info.mfile);
+ exit;
+ BlockRead(f,buf,SizeOf(buf));
+ ptr:=@buf;
+ trktype:=0;
+ lTotal:=0;
+ scale:=1;
+ repeat
+ id :=GetNumber(ptr);
+ len:=GetNumber(ptr);
+ if id=idEBML then // just check
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ inc(ptr,len);
+ end
+ else if id=idCluster then
+ break
+ else if id=idSegment then // do nothing
+ else if id=idInfo then // do nothing
+ else if id=idTracks then // do nothing
+ else if id=idTrackEntry then // do nothing
+ else if id=idVideo then // do nothing
+ else if id=idAudio then // do nothing
+ else if id=idTimecodeScale then
+ scale:=GetInt(ptr,len)
+ else if id=idDuration then
+ lTotal:=GetFloat(ptr)
+ else if id=idTrackType then
+ begin
+ tmp:=trktype;
+ trktype:=GetInt(ptr,len); // 1-video,2-audio
+ if (tmp=2) and (trktype=2) then
+ break;
+ end
+ else if (id=idCodecPrivate) and (trktype=1) then
+ begin
+ inc(ptr,16);
+ // 4 - ? (40=size included?)
+ // width,height
+ // 2 - ?
+ // 2 - bitperpixel?
+ Info.codec:=ptr^; inc(ptr);
+ Info.codec:=Info.codec+(ptr^ shl 8 ); inc(ptr);
+ Info.codec:=Info.codec+(ptr^ shl 16); inc(ptr);
+ Info.codec:=Info.codec+(ptr^ shl 24);
+ inc(ptr,len-19);
+ end
+ else if (id=idName) and (Info.title=NIL) then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(ls,len+1);
+ move(ptr^,ls^,len);
+ ls[len]:=#0;
+ AnsiToWide(ls,Info.title);
+ mFreeMem(ls);
+ inc(ptr,len);
+ end
+ else if id=idPixelWidth then
+ Info.width:=GetInt(ptr,len)
+ else if id=idPixelHeight then
+ Info.height:=GetInt(ptr,len)
+ else if id=idDefaultDuration then
+ begin
+ if trktype=1 then
+ begin
+ Info.fps:=(GetInt(ptr,len) div 1000);
+ if Info.fps<>0 then
+ Info.fps:=100000000 div Info.fps;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ GetInt(ptr,len);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if id=idSamplingFrequency then
+ Info.khz:=round(GetFloat(ptr)) div 1000
+ else if id=idChannels then
+ Info.channels:=GetInt(ptr,len)
+ else
+ inc(ptr,len);
+ until pAnsiChar(ptr)>=(PAnsiChar(@buf)+SizeOf(buf));
+ Info.total:=trunc(lTotal/(1000000000/scale));
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ LocalFormatLink:twFormat;
+procedure InitLink;
+ LocalFormatLink.Next:=FormatLink;
+ LocalFormatLink.This.proc :=@ReadMKV;
+ LocalFormatLink.This.ext :='MKV';
+ LocalFormatLink.This.flags:=WAT_OPT_VIDEO;
+ FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLink;
+ InitLink;