path: root/plugins/Watrack/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/ b/plugins/Watrack/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a41d07d554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+{common options}
+ ChkFmtStr:array [0..3] of pWideChar = ('None','Audio','Video','All');
+ TCPTABLE = packed record
+ cpId :cardinal;
+ cpName:PAnsiChar;
+ end;
+ cpNum = 15;
+ cpTable:array [0..cpNum-1] of TCPTABLE = (
+ (cpId: 874;cpName:'Thai'),
+ (cpId: 932;cpName:'Japanese'),
+ (cpId: 936;cpName:'Simplified Chinese'),
+ (cpId: 949;cpName:'Korean'),
+ (cpId: 950;cpName:'Traditional Chinese'),
+ (cpId:1250;cpName:'Central European'),
+ (cpId:1251;cpName:'Cyrillic'),
+ (cpId:1252;cpName:'Latin I'),
+ (cpId:1253;cpName:'Greek'),
+ (cpId:1254;cpName:'Turkish'),
+ (cpId:1255;cpName:'Hebrew'),
+ (cpId:1256;cpName:'Arabic'),
+ (cpId:1257;cpName:'Baltic'),
+ (cpId:1258;cpName:'Vietnamese'),
+ (cpId:1361;cpName:'Korean (Johab)'));
+ hCpCombo:hwnd;
+function FillCpCombo(astr:PAnsiChar):boolean; stdcall;
+ i:integer;
+ cp:cardinal;
+ iIndex:integer;
+ buf:array [0..63] of WideChar;
+ result:=true; // MUST be at start
+ cp:=StrToInt(astr);
+ i:=0;
+ while i<cpNum do
+ begin
+ if cpTable[i].cpId=cp then
+ begin
+ iIndex:=SendMessageW(hCpCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,
+ lparam(TranslateW(FastAnsiToWideBuf(cpTable[i].cpName,buf))));
+ SendMessage(hCpCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,iIndex,cpTable[i].cpId);
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+function DlgProcOptions1(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
+ btnChkPlayer:bool=false;
+ btnChkFormat:integer=0;
+ tmp:longbool;
+ i,j:cardinal;
+ wnd:HWND;
+ pldescr:array [0..27] of AnsiChar;
+ pldescw:array [0..27] of WideChar;
+ p:pWideChar;
+ result:=0;
+ case hMessage of
+ SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CHK_PLAYER),'None');
+ SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CHK_FORMAT),ChkFmtStr[0]);
+ TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog);
+ DefFillPlayerList(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_PLAYERLIST));
+ DefFillFormatList(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_FORMATLIST));
+ i:=mTimer;
+ if (i>=1000) and (i mod 1000=0) then
+ i:=i div 1000;
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_TIMER,
+ 'Refresh time (sec) is time to refresh music info, statistic and'+
+ ' status messages. If zero, automatic refresh is disabled. If '+
+ 'value greater than 499, time signify as milliseconds.');
+ SetDlgItemInt(Dialog,IDC_TIMER,i,false);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_CHECKTIME,
+ 'Check file date and time to tag updates while playing.');
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_CHECKTIME,CheckTime);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_IMPLANTANT,
+ 'Use player process injection to obtain info easier. Can provoke antivirus '+
+ 'or firewall alarm.');
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_IMPLANTANT,UseImplant);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_MTHCHECK,
+ 'Use this option if WATrack freeze while player running. Slower processing.');
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_MTHCHECK,MTHCheck);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_TIMEOUT,
+ 'Timeout (msec) for separate thread handles checking.');
+ SetDlgItemInt(Dialog,IDC_TIMEOUT,TimeoutForThread,false);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_KEEPOLD,
+ 'Keep opened file as active, not newly founded.');
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_KEEPOLD,KeepOld);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_CHECKALL,
+ 'Check all marked players for active (started and playing) or stop at first founded');
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_CHECKALL,CheckAll);
+// MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_COVERFN,
+// 'Cover filename searching templates');
+ SetDlgItemTextW(Dialog,IDC_COVERFN,CoverPaths);
+ MakeHint(Dialog,IDC_APPCOMMAND,
+ 'Emulate multimedia keys presses to control palyer');
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_APPCOMMAND,mmkeyemu);
+ hCpCombo:=GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CODEPAGE);
+ EnumSystemCodePages(@FillCpCombo,CP_INSTALLED);
+ tlparam(TranslateW('System default codepage')));
+ CB_SelectData(Dialog,IDC_CODEPAGE,UserCP);
+ if UserCP=0 then
+ i:=0
+ else
+ begin
+ i:=SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_CODEPAGE,CB_GETCOUNT,0,0)-1;
+ while i>0 do
+ begin
+ if dword(SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_CODEPAGE,CB_GETITEMDATA,dword(i),0))=UserCP then
+ break;
+ dec(i);
+ end
+ end;
+ SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_CODEPAGE,CB_SETCURSEL,i,0);
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+ WM_HELP: begin
+ with pHelpInfo(lParam)^ do
+ begin
+ if (iContextType=HELPINFO_WINDOW) and (iCtrlId=IDC_PLAYERLIST) then
+ begin
+ ListView_GetItemTextA(hItemHandle,
+ SendMessage(hItemHandle,LVM_GETNEXTITEM,-1,LVNI_FOCUSED),0,
+ @pldescr,HIGH(pldescr));
+ p:=GetPlayerNote(pldescr);
+ if p=nil then
+ p:='No any special notes for this player';
+ MessageBoxW(0,TranslateW(p),FastAnsiToWideBuf(pldescr,pldescw),0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_COMMAND: begin
+ case wParam shr 16 of
+ SendMessage(GetParent(Dialog),PSM_CHANGED,0,0);
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (wParam shr 16)=BN_CLICKED then
+ begin
+ case loword(wParam) of
+ btnChkPlayer:=not btnChkPlayer;
+ if btnChkPlayer then
+ begin
+ SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CHK_PLAYER),TranslateW('All'));
+ tmp:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CHK_PLAYER),TranslateW('None'));
+ tmp:=true;
+ end;
+ wnd:=GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_PLAYERLIST);
+ j:=ListView_GetItemCount(wnd)-1;
+ for i:=0 to j do
+ ListView_SetCheckState(wnd,i,tmp);
+ end;
+ wnd:=GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_FORMATLIST);
+ j:=ListView_GetItemCount(wnd)-1;
+ tmp:=btnChkFormat=3;
+ for i:=0 to j do
+ begin
+ if (btnChkFormat=1) or (btnChkFormat=2) then
+ begin
+ if (LV_GetLParam(wnd,i) and WAT_OPT_VIDEO)<>0 then
+ tmp:=btnChkFormat=2
+ else
+ tmp:=btnChkFormat=1;
+ end;
+ ListView_SetCheckState(wnd,i,tmp);
+ end;
+ inc(btnChkFormat);
+ if btnChkFormat=4 then btnChkFormat:=0;
+ SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CHK_FORMAT),TranslateW(ChkFmtStr[btnChkFormat]));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_NOTIFY: begin
+ case integer(PNMHdr(lParam)^.code) of
+ SendMessage(GetParent(Dialog),PSM_CHANGED,0,0);
+ end;
+ PSN_APPLY: begin
+ UserCP:=CB_GetData(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_CODEPAGE));
+ i:=GetDlgItemInt(Dialog,IDC_TIMER,tmp,false);
+ if i<500 then
+ i:=i*1000;
+ if i<>mTimer then
+ begin
+ mTimer:=i;
+ StopTimer;
+ StartTimer;
+ end;
+ TimeoutForThread:=GetDlgItemInt(Dialog,IDC_TIMEOUT,tmp,false);
+ if TimeoutForThread>=100 then
+ TimeoutForThread:=SysWin.ThreadTimeout;
+ CheckTime :=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_CHECKTIME);
+ UseImplant:=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_IMPLANTANT);
+ MTHCheck :=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_MTHCHECK);
+ KeepOld :=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_KEEPOLD);
+ mmkeyemu :=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_APPCOMMAND);
+ CheckAll :=IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_CHECKALL);
+ mFreeMem(CoverPaths);
+ CoverPaths:=GetDlgText(Dialog,IDC_COVERFN);
+ DefCheckPlayerList(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_PLAYERLIST));
+ DefCheckFormatList(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_FORMATLIST));
+ saveopt;
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ {result:=}DefWindowProc(Dialog,hMessage,wParam,lParam);
+ end;