path: root/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/kolframe/')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/ b/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bee15fdda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+procedure CalcRect(var src,dst:TRECT;mode:dword);
+ dh, dw:integer;
+ if (Mode and frbkStretch)=frbkStretch then
+ begin
+ if (Mode and frbkProportional)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (dst.right*src.bottom)>(src.right*dst.bottom) then
+ begin
+ dh:=dst.bottom;
+ dw:=dh*src.right div src.bottom
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dw:=dst.right;
+ dh:=dw*src.bottom div src.right;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dw:=dst.right;
+ dh:=dst.bottom;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (Mode and frbkStretchX)<>0 then
+ begin
+ dw:=dst.right;
+ if (Mode and frbkProportional)<>0 then
+ dh:=dw*src.bottom div src.right
+ else
+ dh:=src.bottom;
+ end
+ else if (Mode and frbkStretchY)<>0 then
+ begin
+ dh:=dst.bottom;
+ if (Mode and frbkProportional)<>0 then
+ dw:=dh*src.right div src.bottom
+ else
+ dw:=src.right;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dw:=src.right;
+ dh:=src.bottom;
+ end;
+ if (Mode and frbkBottom)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if dh<=dst.bottom then
+ begin
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dh:=dst.bottom;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Mode and frbkRight)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if dw<=dst.right then
+ begin
+ dst.left:=(dst.right-dw);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ src.left:=(dw-dst.right);
+ dw:=dst.right;
+ src.right:=src.left+dw;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Mode and frbkCenterX)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if dw<=dst.right then
+ begin
+ dst.left:=(dst.right-dw) div 2;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ src.left:=(dw-dst.right) div 2;
+ dw:=dst.right;
+ src.right:=src.left+dw;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Mode and frbkCenterY)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if dh<=dst.bottom then
+ begin
+ div 2;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ div 2;
+ dh:=dst.bottom;
+ end;
+ end;
+ dst.right:=dst.left+dw;
+function CreateDIB32(dc:HDC;w,h:integer):HBITMAP;
+ pt:pointer;
+ FillChar(bi,SizeOf(TBITMAPINFO),0);
+ bi.bmiHeader.biSize :=SizeOf(TBITMAPINFOHEADER);
+ bi.bmiHeader.biWidth :=w;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biHeight :=h;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes :=1;
+ bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount:=32;
+ result:=CreateDIBSection(dc,bi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,pt,0,0);
+procedure PreMultiplyChanells(hbmp:HBITMAP);
+ tPixel=array [0..3] of Byte;
+ bmp:windows.TBITMAP;
+ flag:bool;
+ pBitmapBits:PByte;
+ Len:dword;
+ bh,bw,y,x,z:integer;
+ pPixel:^tPixel;
+ alpha:dword;
+ GetObject(hbmp,SizeOf(bmp),@bmp);
+ bh:=bmp.bmHeight;
+ bw:=bmp.bmWidth;
+ z:=bw*4;
+ Len:=bh*z;
+ mGetMem(pBitmapBits,Len);
+ GetBitmapBits(hbmp,Len,pBitmapBits);
+ flag:=true;
+ for y:=0 to bh-1 do
+ begin
+ pointer(pPixel):=PAnsiChar(pBitmapBits)+z*y;
+ for x:=0 to bw-1 do
+ begin
+ if pPixel^[3]<>0 then
+ flag:=false
+ else
+ pPixel^[3]:=255;
+ inc(pByte(pPixel),4);
+ end
+ end;
+ if not flag then
+ begin
+ GetBitmapBits(hbmp,Len,pBitmapBits); // alpha not changed
+ for y:=0 to bh-1 do
+ begin
+ pointer(pPixel):=PAnsiChar(pBitmapBits)+z*y;
+ for x:=0 to bw-1 do
+ begin
+ alpha:=pPixel^[3];
+ if alpha<255 then
+ begin
+ pPixel^[0]:=dword(pPixel^[0])*alpha div 255;
+ pPixel^[1]:=dword(pPixel^[1])*alpha div 255;
+ pPixel^[2]:=dword(pPixel^[2])*alpha div 255;
+ end;
+ inc(pByte(pPixel),4);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetBitmapBits(hbmp,Len,pBitmapBits);
+ mFreeMem(pBitmapBits);
+function FixBitmap(dc:HDC;var hBmp:HBITMAP):HBITMAP;
+ dc24,dc32:HDC;
+ hBitmap32,obmp24,obmp32:HBITMAP;
+ bmpInfo:windows.TBITMAP;
+ GetObject(hBmp,SizeOf(bmpInfo),@bmpInfo);
+ if bmpInfo.bmBitsPixel<>32 then
+ begin
+ dc32:=CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ dc24:=CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ hBitmap32:=CreateDIB32(dc,bmpInfo.bmWidth,bmpInfo.bmHeight);
+ obmp24:=SelectObject(dc24,hBmp);
+ obmp32:=SelectObject(dc32,hBitmap32);
+ BitBlt(dc32,0,0,bmpInfo.bmWidth,bmpInfo.bmHeight,dc24,0,0,SRCCOPY);
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc24,obmp24));
+ SelectObject(dc32,obmp32);
+ DeleteDC(dc24);
+ DeleteDC(dc32);
+ hBmp:=hBitmap32;
+ end;
+ PreMultiplyChanells(hBmp);
+ result:=hBmp;
+procedure TWATFrame.PreparePicture(dc:HDC;rc:TRECT);
+ bmpinfo:windows.TBITMAP;
+ src,dst:TRECT;
+ x,y,w,h,dh:integer;
+ br:HBRUSH;
+ hdcbmp:HDC;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ D.BkDC:=CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
+ FixBitmap(dc,D.BkBitmap);
+ DeleteObject(SelectObject(D.BkDC,CreateDIB32(dc,rc.right-rc.left,;
+ //fill empty space by BK color
+ br:=CreateSolidBrush(D.BkColor);
+ FillRect(D.BkDC,rc,br);
+ DeleteObject(br);
+ CopyRect(dst,rc);
+ hdcbmp:=CreateCompatibleDC(D.BkDC);
+ GetObject(D.BkBitmap,SizeOf(bmpinfo),@bmpinfo);
+ hOld:=SelectObject(hdcbmp,D.BkBitmap);
+ SetRect(src,0,0,bmpinfo.bmWidth,bmpinfo.bmHeight);
+ if (<( then
+ dec(dst.bottom,;
+ if (D.padding.left+D.padding.right)<(dst.right-dst.left) then
+ dec(dst.right,D.padding.left+D.padding.right);
+ CalcRect(src,dst,D.BkMode); // calculate final picture rect
+ w:=1;
+ if (D.BkMode and frbkTileX)<>0 then
+ begin
+ x:=dst.right;
+ while x<rc.right do
+ begin
+ inc(w);
+ inc(x,dst.right);
+ end;
+ end;
+ h:=1;
+ if (D.BkMode and frbkTileY)<>0 then
+ begin
+ y:=dst.bottom;
+ while y<rc.bottom do
+ begin
+ inc(h);
+ inc(y,dst.bottom);
+ end;
+ end;
+ bf.BlendOp :=AC_SRC_OVER;
+ bf.BlendFlags :=0;
+ bf.SourceConstantAlpha:=255;
+ bf.AlphaFormat :=1; // AC_SRC_ALPHA introduced in delphi 7
+ x:=dst.left+D.padding.left;
+ if x<dst.right then
+ while w>0 do
+ begin
+ dh:=h;
+ if y<dst.bottom then
+ while dh>0 do
+ begin
+ Windows.AlphaBlend(D.BkDC,x,y,dst.right-dst.left,,
+ hdcbmp,src.left,,src.right-src.left,,bf);
+ inc(y,dst.bottom);
+ dec(dh);
+ end;
+ inc(x,dst.right);
+ dec(w);
+ end;
+ SelectObject(hdcbmp,hOld);
+ DeleteDC(hdcbmp);