diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/myshows/i_myshows_api.inc')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Watrack/myshows/i_myshows_api.inc | 247 |
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/myshows/i_myshows_api.inc b/plugins/Watrack/myshows/i_myshows_api.inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..572cc3ee31 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Watrack/myshows/i_myshows_api.inc @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +{}
+//type tDigest = array [0..15] of byte;
+ client_id = 'wat';//'wat'; 'tst'
+ client_ver = '1.0';
+ api_key = '51f5d25159da31b0814609c3a12900e2';
+{$include i_cookies.inc}
+const API_URL = 'http://api.myshows.ru/';
+ defreq = API_URL+'profile/login?login=<login>&password=<password>';
+procedure ShowError(code:integer);
+ buf:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ ppc:pWideChar;
+ case code of
+ 401: begin // Требуется авторизация
+ ppc:='Authorization required';
+ end;
+ 403: begin // Имя пользователя или пароль не подошли
+ ppc:='User name of password wrong';
+ end;
+ 404: begin // Не найдено, неправильные параметры
+ ppc:='Not found / wrong parameters';
+ end;
+ 500: begin // параметр запроса отсутствует
+ ppc:='Wrong query parameters';
+ end;
+ else
+ ppc:='something wrong!';
+ end;
+ StrCopyW(StrCopyEW(buf,'MyShows: '),TranslateW(ppc));
+ if ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_SHOWMESSAGEW)<>0 then
+ else
+ MessageBoxW(0,@buf,'ERROR',MB_ICONERROR)
+function GetMD5Str(digest:TMD5Hash; buf:pAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+ buf[00]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[00] shr 4]; buf[01]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[00] and $0F];
+ buf[02]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[01] shr 4]; buf[03]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[01] and $0F];
+ buf[04]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[02] shr 4]; buf[05]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[02] and $0F];
+ buf[06]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[03] shr 4]; buf[07]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[03] and $0F];
+ buf[08]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[04] shr 4]; buf[09]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[04] and $0F];
+ buf[10]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[05] shr 4]; buf[11]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[05] and $0F];
+ buf[12]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[06] shr 4]; buf[13]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[06] and $0F];
+ buf[14]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[07] shr 4]; buf[15]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[07] and $0F];
+ buf[16]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[08] shr 4]; buf[17]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[08] and $0F];
+ buf[18]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[09] shr 4]; buf[19]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[09] and $0F];
+ buf[20]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[10] shr 4]; buf[21]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[10] and $0F];
+ buf[22]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[11] shr 4]; buf[23]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[11] and $0F];
+ buf[24]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[12] shr 4]; buf[25]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[12] and $0F];
+ buf[26]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[13] shr 4]; buf[27]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[13] and $0F];
+ buf[28]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[14] shr 4]; buf[29]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[14] and $0F];
+ buf[30]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[15] shr 4]; buf[31]:=HexDigitChrLo[digest[15] and $0F];
+ buf[32]:=#0;
+ result:=@buf;
+function GetMD5(const data;datalen:integer;var digest:TMD5Hash):TMD5Hash;
+ FillChar(digest,16,0);
+ mir_md5_hash(pmir_md5_byte_t(data),datalen,digest);
+ result:=digest;
+function Handshake(login, password:PAnsiChar):boolean;
+ buf:array [0..32] of AnsiChar;
+ digest:TMD5Hash;
+ request:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ res:pAnsiChar;
+ stat:mir_md5_state_t;
+ result:=false;
+ GetMD5Str(GetMD5(password,StrLen(password),digest),buf);
+ mir_md5_init(@stat);
+ mir_md5_append(@stat,@buf,32);
+ mir_md5_finish(@stat,digest);
+ StrCopy(request,defreq);
+ StrReplace(request,'<login>' ,login);
+ StrReplace(request,'<password>',buf);
+ res:=SendRequestCookies(request,false);
+// res:=SendRequest(request,REQUEST_GET);
+ if res<>nil then
+ begin
+ if uint_ptr(res)<$0FFF then
+ begin
+ ShowError(int_ptr(res));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ mFreeMem(res);
+ end;
+ end;
+function Encode(dst,src:pAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+ while src^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ if not (src^ in [' ','%','+','&','?',#128..#255]) then
+ dst^:=src^
+ else
+ begin
+ dst^:='%'; inc(dst);
+ dst^:=HexDigitChr[ord(src^) shr 4]; inc(dst);
+ dst^:=HexDigitChr[ord(src^) and $0F];
+ end;
+ inc(src);
+ inc(dst);
+ end;
+ dst^:=#0;
+ result:=dst;
+function SendMSRequest(request:pAnsiChar;doShowError:boolean):boolean;
+ res:pAnsiChar;
+ result:=true;
+ res:=SendRequestCookies(request,true);
+ if (uint_ptr(res)<>200) and (uint_ptr(res)<$0FFF) then
+ begin
+//!! if int_ptr(res)=401 then
+ begin
+ Handshake(msh_login,msh_password);
+ res:=SendRequestCookies(request,true);
+ end;
+ if (uint_ptr(res)<$0FFF) then
+ if (uint_ptr(res)<>200) and doShowError then
+ begin
+ ShowError(int_ptr(res));
+ result:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+function Scrobble(show:boolean):boolean;
+ si:pSongInfoA;
+ buf:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+// bufw:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ res,pc:PAnsiChar;
+ {img,}shId,epId:pAnsiChar;
+// imgw:pWideChar;
+ jn,jroot:PJSONNODE;
+ result:=false;
+ si:=pointer(CallService(MS_WAT_RETURNGLOBAL,WAT_INF_UTF8,0));
+ Encode(buf,si.mfile);
+ pc:=Extract(buf,true);
+ // Episode search by filename
+ StrCopy(StrCopyE(buf,API_URL+'shows/search/file/?q='),pc);
+ mFreeMem(pc);
+ res:=SendRequest(buf,REQUEST_GET);
+ if uint_ptr(res)>$0FFF then
+ begin
+ CallService(MS_JSON_GETINTERFACE,wparam(@json),0);
+ jroot:=json.parse(res);
+ jn:=json.get(jroot,'show');
+ shId:=json.as_string(json.get(jn,'id'));
+ jn:=json.get(jn,'episodes');
+ epId:=json.name(json.at(jn,0));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if show and (res<>nil) then
+ ShowError(int_ptr(res));
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // Show mark as "watching"
+ StrCopy(StrCopyE(StrCopyE(buf,API_URL+'profile/shows/'),shId),'/watching');
+ if SendMSRequest(buf,show) then
+ begin
+ // Episode check
+ StrCopy(StrCopyE(buf,API_URL+'profile/episodes/check/'),epId);
+ // StrCopy(request,API_URL+'profile/shows/');
+ if SendMSRequest(buf,show) then
+ begin
+ if si.cover=nil then
+ begin
+ jn:=json.get(jroot,'show');
+ img:=json.as_string(json.get(jn,'image'));
+ si:=pointer(CallService(MS_WAT_RETURNGLOBAL,WAT_INF_UNICODE,0));
+ FastAnsiToWide(img,pSongInfoW(si)^.cover);
+ json.free(img);
+ end;
+ //!! add option to show it??
+ if ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_SHOWMESSAGE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ json.free(shId);
+ json.free(epId);
+ jn:=json.get(jroot,'show');
+ shId:=json.as_string(json.get(jn,'title'));
+ jn:=json.get(jn,'episodes');
+ epId:=json.as_string(json.get(jn,'title'));
+ StrCopy(
+ StrCopyE(
+ StrCopyE(
+ StrCopyE(
+ StrCopyE(buf,'Show "'),
+ shId),
+ '"'#13#10'episode "'),
+ epId),
+ '" checked');
+ end;
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ json.free(shId);
+ json.free(epId);
+ json.delete_(jroot);