path: root/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_itunes.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/players/pl_itunes.pas')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_itunes.pas b/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_itunes.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f43e6bac91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_itunes.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+{iTunes player}
+unit pl_iTunes;
+uses windows,common,srv_player,wat_api
+ ,variants
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ,kolcomobj
+ {$ELSE}
+ ,ComObj
+ {$ENDIF}
+ iTunesClass = 'iTunes';
+ iTunesTitle = 'iTunes';
+ COMName = 'iTunes.Application';
+function Check(wnd:HWND;flags:integer):HWND;cdecl;
+ if wnd<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=FindWindow(iTunesClass,iTunesTitle);
+function GetFileName(wnd:HWND;flags:integer):PWideChar;cdecl;
+ v:variant;
+ try
+ v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentTrack.Location)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ v:=Null;
+function SplitVersion(p:pWideChar):integer;
+ result:=StrToInt(p);
+ while (p^>='0') and (p^<='9') do inc(p); inc(p);
+ result:=result*16+StrToInt(p);
+ while (p^>='0') and (p^<='9') do inc(p); inc(p);
+ result:=(result*16+StrToInt(p))*16;
+ while (p^>='0') and (p^<='9') do inc(p); inc(p);
+ result:=result*16+StrToInt(p);
+function GetVersion(const ver:pWideChar):integer;
+ if (ver<>nil) and (ver^<>#0) then
+ result:=SplitVersion(ver)
+ else
+ result:=0;
+function GetVersionText(const v:variant):PWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.Version)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetTotalTime(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.CurrentTrack.Duration;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function GetElapsedTime(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.PlayerPosition;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function GetStatus(wnd:HWND):integer; cdecl;
+ tmp:integer;
+ v:variant;
+ try
+ v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
+ tmp:=v.PlayerState;
+ if tmp=1 then
+ else
+ result:=WAT_MES_STOPPED;
+ except
+ result:=WAT_MES_UNKNOWN;
+ end;
+ v:=Null;
+function GetKbps(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.CurrentTrack.BitRate;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function GetKhz(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.CurrentTrack.SampleRate;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function GetTrack(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.CurrentTrack.TrackNumber;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function GetAlbum(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentTrack.Album)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetYear(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentTrack.Year)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetGenre(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentTrack.Genre)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetArtist(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentTrack.Artist)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetTitle(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentStreamTitle)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetComment(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.CurrentTrack.Comment)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function GetWndText(const v:variant):pWideChar;
+ try
+ StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.Windows.Name)));
+ except
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+function Play(const v:variant;fname:PWideChar=nil):integer;
+ try
+// v.PlayFile(fname);
+ v.BackTrack;
+ result:=v.Play;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function Pause(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.PlayPause;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function Stop(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.Stop;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function Next(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.NextTrack;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function Prev(const v:variant):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.PreviousTrack;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function Seek(const v:variant;value:integer):integer;
+ try
+ result:=v.PlayerPosition;
+ if value>0 then
+ v.PlayerPosition:=value
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function GetVolume(const v:variant):cardinal;
+ try
+ result:=v.SoundVolume;
+ result:=(result shl 16)+round((result shl 4)/100);
+ except
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+procedure SetVolume(const v:variant;value:cardinal);
+ try
+ v.SoundVolume:=integer((value*100) shr 4);
+ except
+ end;
+function VolDn(const v:variant):integer;
+ val:integer;
+ result:=GetVolume(v);
+ val:=loword(result);
+ if val>0 then
+ SetVolume(v,val-1);
+function VolUp(const v:variant):integer;
+ val:integer;
+ result:=GetVolume(v);
+ val:=loword(result);
+ if val<16 then
+ SetVolume(v,val+1);
+function GetInfo(var SongInfo:tSongInfo;flags:integer):integer;cdecl;
+ v:variant;
+ result:=0;
+ with SongInfo do
+ begin
+ try
+ v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
+ if (flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERDATA)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if plyver=0 then
+ begin
+ txtver:=GetVersionText(v);
+ plyver:=GetVersion(txtver);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (flags and WAT_OPT_CHANGES)<>0 then
+ begin
+ volume:=GetVolume(v);
+ if status<>WAT_MES_STOPPED then
+ time:=GetElapsedTime(v);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if total =0 then total :=GetTotalTime(v);
+ if track =0 then track :=GetTrack(v);
+ if year =NIL then year :=GetYear(v);
+ if genre =NIL then genre :=GetGenre(v);
+ if artist =NIL then artist :=GetArtist(v);
+ if album =NIL then album :=GetAlbum(v);
+ if comment=NIL then comment:=GetComment(v);
+ if kbps =0 then kbps :=GetKbps(v);
+ if khz =0 then khz :=GetKhz(v);
+ end;
+// wndtext:=GetWndText(v);
+ except
+ end;
+ v:=Null;
+// if title=NIL then title:=GetTitle; // only for streaming audio
+ end;
+function Command(wnd:HWND;cmd:integer;value:int_ptr):integer;cdecl;
+ v:Variant;
+ result:=0;
+ try
+ v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
+ case cmd of
+ WAT_CTRL_PREV : result:=Prev (v);
+ WAT_CTRL_PLAY : result:=Play (v,pWideChar(value));
+ WAT_CTRL_PAUSE: result:=Pause(v);
+ WAT_CTRL_STOP : result:=Stop (v);
+ WAT_CTRL_NEXT : result:=Next (v);
+ WAT_CTRL_VOLDN: result:=VolDn(v);
+ WAT_CTRL_VOLUP: result:=VolUp(v);
+ WAT_CTRL_SEEK : result:=Seek (v,value);
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+ v:=Null;
+ plRec:tPlayerCell=(
+ Desc :'iTunes';
+ Icon :0;
+ Init :nil;
+ DeInit :nil;
+ Check :@Check;
+ GetStatus:@GetStatus;
+ GetName :@GetFileName;
+ GetInfo :@GetInfo;
+ Command :@Command;
+ URL :'';
+ Notes :nil);
+ LocalPlayerLink:twPlayer;
+procedure InitLink;
+ LocalPlayerLink.Next:=PlayerLink;
+ LocalPlayerLink.This:=@plRec;
+ PlayerLink :=@LocalPlayerLink;
+// ServicePlayer(WAT_ACT_REGISTER,dword(@plRec));
+ InitLink;