path: root/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_vlc.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/players/pl_vlc.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_vlc.pas b/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_vlc.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8f3185f1..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Watrack/players/pl_vlc.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-{Video Lan player}
-unit pl_VLC;
-uses windows,common,srv_player,wat_api,syswin,wrapper
- ,variants
- {$ENDIF}
- ,kolcomobj
- {$ELSE}
- ,ComObj
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure play; safecall;
- procedure pause; safecall;
- procedure stop; safecall;
- procedure playlistNext; safecall;
- procedure playlistPrev; safecall;
- property Playing: WordBool read Get_Playing;
- property Position: Single read Get_Position write Set_Position;
- property Time: SYSINT read Get_Time write Set_Time;
- property Length: SYSINT read Get_Length;
- (0)1-97(100)
- property Volume: SYSINT read Get_Volume write Set_Volume;
- property VersionInfo: WideString read Get_VersionInfo;
-// GuidOld: TGUID = '{E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8}';
- VLCClass = 'wxWindowClassNR';
- VLCName = 'VLC media player';
- COMName = 'VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.1'; // IVLCControl
-// GuidNew: TGUID = '{9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921}';
- VLCClassSkin = 'SkinWindowClass';
- VLCClassNew = 'QWidget';
- COMNameNew = 'VideoLAN.VLCPlugin2'; // IVLCControl2
-function Check(wnd:HWND;flags:integer):HWND;cdecl;
- tmp,EXEName:PAnsiChar;
- if wnd<>0 then
- begin
- result:=0;
- exit;
- end;
- result:=FindWindow(VLCClass,VLCName);
- if result=0 then
- result:=FindWindow(VLCClassSkin,nil); // VLCName
- if result=0 then
- result:=FindWindow(VLCClassNew,nil);
- if result<>0 then
- begin
- tmp:=Extract(GetEXEByWnd(result,EXEName),true);
- if lstrcmpia(tmp,VLCEXEName)<>0 then
- result:=0;
- mFreeMem(tmp);
- mFreeMem(EXEName);
- end;
-{ if result<>0 then
- begin
- tmp:=Extract(GetEXEByWnd(result,EXEName),true);
- if lstrcmpia(tmp,'VLC.EXE')<>0 then
- result:=0;
- mFreeMem(tmp);
- mFreeMem(EXEName);
- end;
-function SplitVersion(p:pWideChar):integer;
- result:=StrToInt(p);
- while (p^>='0') and (p^<='9') do inc(p); inc(p);
- result:=result*16+StrToInt(p);
- while (p^>='0') and (p^<='9') do inc(p); inc(p);
- result:=(result*16+StrToInt(p))*16;
- while (p^>='0') and (p^<='9') do inc(p); inc(p);
- result:=result*16+StrToInt(p);
-function GetVersion(const ver:pWideChar):integer;
- try
- result:=SplitVersion(ver);
- except
- result:=0;
- end;
-function GetVersionText(const v:variant):PWideChar;
- try
- StrDupW(result,PWideChar(WideString(v.VersionInfo)));
- except
- result:=nil;
- end;
-function GetWndText(wnd:HWND):pWideChar;
- p:pWideChar;
- result:=GetDlgText(wnd);
-need to clear " - lalala VLC" at the end
- if result<>nil then
- begin
- p:=StrRScanW(result,'-');
- if p<>nil then // found
- begin
- if (p>result) and ((p-1)^=' ') and ((p+1)^=' ') then
- (p-1)^:=#0;
- end;
- end;
-function GetTotalTime:integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.Length;
- except
- result:=inherited GetTotalTime;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function GetElapsedTime:integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.Time;
- except
- result:=inherited GetElapsedTime;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function GetStatus:integer; cdecl;
- v:variant;
- tmp:boolean;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- tmp:=v.Playing;
- if tmp then
- else
- result:=WAT_PLS_STOPPED;
- except
- result:=inherited GetStatus;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function Play(fname:PWideChar=nil):integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- except
- result:=inherited Play(fname);
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function Pause:integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.pause;
- except
- result:=inherited Pause;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function Stop:integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.stop;
- except
- result:=inherited Stop;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function Next:integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.playlistNext;
- except
- result:=inherited Next;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function Prev:integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.playlistPrev;
- except
- result:=inherited Prev;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function Seek(value:integer):integer;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.Position;
- if value>0 then
- v.Position:=value
- else
- result:=0;
- except
- result:=inherited Seek(value);
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function GetVolume:cardinal;
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- result:=v.Volume;
- result:=(result shl 16)+((result shl 4) div 100);
- except
- result:=0;
- end;
- v:=Null;
-procedure SetVolume(value:cardinal);
- v:variant;
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- v.Volume:=(value*100) shr 4;
- end;
- except
- result:=inherited SetVolume(value);
- end;
- v:=Null;
-function VolDn:integer;
- val:integer;
- result:=GetVolume;
- val:=loword(result);
- if val>0 then
- SetVolume(val-1);
-function VolUp:integer;
- val:integer;
- result:=GetVolume;
- val:=loword(result);
- if val<16 then
- SetVolume(val+1);
-function GetInfo(var SongInfo:tSongInfo;flags:integer):integer;cdecl;
- v:variant;
- result:=0;
- if (flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERDATA)<>0 then
- begin
- if SongInfo.plyver=0 then
- begin
- try
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMName);
- except
- try
- v:=CreateOleObject(COMNameNew);
- except
- v:=Null;
- end;
- end;
- if v<>Null then
- with SongInfo do
- begin
- txtver:=GetVersionText(v);
- plyver:=GetVersion(txtver);
- end;
- except
- end;
- v:=Null;
- if (flags and WAT_OPT_CHANGES)<>0 then
- SongInfo.wndtext:=GetWndText(SongInfo.plwnd);
- end;
- end;
-function Command(wnd:HWND;cmd:integer;value:integer):integer;cdecl;
- result:=0;
- case cmd of
- WAT_CTRL_PREV : result:=Prev;
- WAT_CTRL_PLAY : result:=Play(pWideChar(value));
- WAT_CTRL_PAUSE: result:=Pause;
- WAT_CTRL_STOP : result:=Stop;
- WAT_CTRL_NEXT : result:=Next;
- WAT_CTRL_VOLDN: result:=VolDn;
- WAT_CTRL_VOLUP: result:=VolUp;
- WAT_CTRL_SEEK : result:=Seek(value);
- end;
- plRec:tPlayerCell=(
- Desc :'VideoLAN player';
- flags :WAT_OPT_HASURL;
- Icon :0;
- Init :nil;
- DeInit :nil;
- Check :@Check;
- GetStatus:nil;
- GetName :nil;
- GetInfo :@GetInfo;
- Command :nil;
- URL :'';
- Notes :nil);
- LocalPlayerLink:twPlayer;
-procedure InitLink;
- LocalPlayerLink.Next:=PlayerLink;
- LocalPlayerLink.This:=@plRec;
- PlayerLink :=@LocalPlayerLink;
-// ServicePlayer(WAT_ACT_REGISTER,dword(@plRec));
- InitLink;