diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/srv_player.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Watrack/srv_player.pas | 1220 |
1 files changed, 1220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/srv_player.pas b/plugins/Watrack/srv_player.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60fd6534f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Watrack/srv_player.pas @@ -0,0 +1,1220 @@ +{player service}
+unit srv_player;
+uses windows,common,wat_api;
+function GetPlayerNote(name:PAnsiChar):pWideChar;
+function SetPlayerIcons(fname:pAnsiChar):integer;
+function LoadFromFile(fname:PAnsiChar):integer;
+function ProcessPlayerLink:integer;
+function ServicePlayer(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+function SendCommand (wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM;flags:integer):int_ptr;
+procedure ClearPlayers;
+// options procedures
+procedure DefFillPlayerList (hwndList:hwnd);
+procedure DefCheckPlayerList(hwndList:hwnd);
+ MusEnumProc = function(param:PAnsiChar;lParam:LPARAM):bool;stdcall;
+function EnumPlayers(param:MusEnumProc;lParam:LPARAM):bool;
+// "Get info" procedures
+function CheckPlayers (var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal):integer;
+function CheckFile (var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal;timeout:cardinal):integer;
+function GetChangingInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal):integer;
+function GetInfo (var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal):integer;
+// support procedures
+procedure ClearSongInfoData(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+procedure ClearPlayerInfo (var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+procedure ClearFileInfo (var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+procedure ClearChangingInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+procedure ClearTrackInfo (var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+procedure CopyPlayerInfo (const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+procedure CopyFileInfo (const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+procedure CopyChangingInfo(const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+procedure CopyTrackInfo (const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+ pwPlayer = ^twPlayer;
+ twPlayer = record
+ This:pPlayerCell;
+ Next:pwPlayer;
+ end;
+ PlayerLink:pwPlayer=nil;
+ shellapi,CommCtrl
+ ,appcmdapi,io,syswin,wrapper,srv_format,winampapi,msninfo,memini;
+ pPlyArray = ^tPlyArray;
+ tPlyArray = array [0..10] of tPlayerCell;
+ pTmplCell = ^tTmplCell;
+ tTmplCell = record
+ p_class,
+ p_text :PAnsiChar;
+ p_class1,
+ p_text1 :PAnsiChar;
+ p_file :PAnsiChar;
+ p_prefix :pWideChar;
+ p_postfix:pWideChar;
+ end;
+ StartSize = 32;
+ Step = 8;
+ buflen = 2048;
+ plyLink:pPlyArray=nil;
+ PlyNum:integer=0;
+ PlyMax:integer=0;
+function ProcessPlayerLink:integer;
+ ptr:pwPlayer;
+ ptr:=PlayerLink;
+ result:=0;
+ while ptr<>nil do
+ begin
+ ServicePlayer(WAT_ACT_REGISTER,lparam(ptr.This));
+ ptr:=ptr^.Next;
+ inc(result);
+ end;
+function SetPlayerIcons(fname:pAnsiChar):integer;
+ i,j:integer;
+ buf:array [0..255] of AnsiChar;
+ p,pp:pAnsiChar;
+ lhIcon:HICON;
+ result:=LoadLibraryA(fname);
+ if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ p:=StrCopyE(buf,'Player_');
+ i:=0;
+ while i<PlyNum do
+ begin
+ with plyLink^[i] do
+ begin
+ pp:=p;
+ for j:=0 to StrLen(Desc)-1 do
+ begin
+ if Desc[j] in sLatWord then
+ pp^:=UpCase(Desc[j])
+ else
+ pp^:='_';
+ inc(pp);
+ end;
+ pp^:=#0;
+ lhIcon:=LoadImageA(result,buf,IMAGE_ICON,16,16,0);
+ if lhIcon>0 then
+ begin
+ if Icon<>0 then
+ DestroyIcon(Icon);
+ Icon:=lhIcon;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ FreeLibrary(result);
+ end;
+function EnumPlayers(param:MusEnumProc;lParam:LPARAM):bool;
+ tmp:pPlyArray;
+ i,j:integer;
+ if (PlyNum>0) and (@param<>nil) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(tmp,PlyNum*SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ move(PlyLink^,tmp^,PlyNum*SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ i:=0;
+ j:=PlyNum;
+ repeat
+ if not param(tmp^[i].Desc,lParam) then break;
+ inc(i);
+ until i=j;
+ FreeMem(tmp);
+ result:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=false;
+procedure PreProcess; // BASS to start
+ i:integer;
+ tmp:tPlayerCell;
+ i:=1;
+ while i<(PlyNum-1) do
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_FIRST)<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=plyLink^[i];
+ move(plyLink^[0],plyLink^[1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*i);
+ plyLink^[0]:=tmp;
+ move(plyLink^[i],tmp,SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ move(plyLink^[0],plyLink^[1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*i);
+ move(tmp,plyLink^[0],SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_LAST)<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=plyLink^[0];
+ move(plyLink^[1],plyLink^[0],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*(PlyNum-1));
+ plyLink^[PlyNum-1]:=tmp;
+ move(plyLink^[0],tmp,SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ move(plyLink^[1],plyLink^[0],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*(PlyNum-1));
+ move(tmp,plyLink^[PlyNum-1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ end;
+procedure PostProcess; // Winamp clone to the end
+ i,j:integer;
+ tmp:tPlayerCell;
+ i:=1;
+ j:=PlyNum-1;
+ while i<j do
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_LAST)<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=plyLink^[i];
+ move(plyLink^[i+1],plyLink^[i],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*(PlyNum-i-1));
+ plyLink^[PlyNum-1]:=tmp;
+ move(plyLink^[i],tmp,SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ move(plyLink^[i+1],plyLink^[i],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*(PlyNum-i-1));
+ move(tmp,plyLink^[PlyNum-1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+}// break;
+ i:=1;
+ dec(j);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+function FindPlayer(desc:PAnsiChar):integer;
+ i:integer;
+ if (desc<>nil) and (desc^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ i:=0;
+ while i<PlyNum do
+ begin
+ if lstrcmpia(plyLink^[i].Desc,desc)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+function GetPlayerNote(name:PAnsiChar):pWideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ i:=FindPlayer(name);
+ if i>=0 then
+ result:=plyLink^[i].Notes
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+procedure DefFillPlayerList(hwndList:hwnd);
+ item:LV_ITEMA;
+ i,newItem:integer;
+ il:HIMAGELIST; //!!
+ FillChar(item,SizeOf(item),0);
+ FillChar(lvc,SizeOf(lvc),0);
+ ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hwndList, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES);
+ lvc.mask:=LVCF_FMT or LVCF_WIDTH;
+ lvc.fmt:=LVCFMT_LEFT;
+ lvc.cx:=160;
+ ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList,0,lvc);
+ item.mask:=LVIF_TEXT or LVIF_IMAGE; //!!
+ i:=0;
+ il:=ImageList_Create(16,16,ILC_COLOR32 or ILC_MASK,0,1); //!!
+ while i<PlyNum do
+ begin
+ item.iImage:=ImageList_AddIcon(il,plyLink^[i].Icon);
+ item.iItem:=i;
+ item.pszText:=plyLink^[i].Desc;
+ newItem:=SendMessageA(hwndList,LVM_INSERTITEMA,0,lparam(@item));
+ if newItem>=0 then
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)=0 then
+ ListView_SetCheckState(hwndList,newItem,TRUE);
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ ImageList_Destroy(SendMessage(hwndList,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,il)); //!!
+// ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwndList,0,LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+procedure DefCheckPlayerList(hwndList:hwnd);
+ i,j,k:integer;
+ item:LV_ITEMA;
+ szTemp:array [0..109] of AnsiChar;
+ p:pPlayerCell;
+ FillChar(item,SizeOf(item),0);
+ item.mask :=LVIF_TEXT;
+ item.pszText :=@szTemp;
+ item.cchTextMax:=100;
+ k:=ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList)-1;
+ for i:=0 to k do
+ begin
+ item.iItem:=i;
+ SendMessageA(hwndList,LVM_GETITEMA,0,lparam(@item));
+ j:=FindPlayer(item.pszText);
+ if j<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ p:=@plyLink^[j];
+ if ListView_GetCheckState(hwndList,i)=0 then
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags or WAT_OPT_DISABLED
+ else
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags and not WAT_OPT_DISABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure ClearTemplate(tmpl:pTmplCell);
+ with tmpl^ do
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(p_class);
+ mFreeMem(p_text);
+ mFreeMem(p_class1);
+ mFreeMem(p_text1);
+ mFreeMem(p_file);
+ mFreeMem(p_prefix);
+ mFreeMem(p_postfix);
+ end;
+ FreeMem(tmpl);
+function ServicePlayer(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ p:integer;
+ i:integer;
+ nl:pPlyArray;
+ tmp:tPlayerCell;
+ result:=WAT_RES_ERROR;
+ if LoWord(wParam)=WAT_ACT_REGISTER then
+ begin
+ if pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Check=nil then
+ exit;
+ p:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ p:=FindPlayer(PAnsiChar(lParam));
+ case LoWord(wParam) of
+ p:=FindPlayer(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Desc);
+ if (p=WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) or ((wParam and WAT_ACT_REPLACE)<>0) then
+ begin
+ if (p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) and ((plyLink^[p].flags and WAT_OPT_ONLYONE)<>0) then
+ exit;
+ if p=WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ p:=PlyNum;
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ inc(PlyNum);
+ if PlyNum>PlyMax then // expand array when append
+ begin
+ if PlyMax=0 then
+ PlyMax:=StartSize
+ else
+ inc(PlyMax,Step);
+ GetMem(nl,PlyMax*SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ if plyLink<>nil then
+ begin
+ move(plyLink^,nl^,PlyNum*SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ FreeMem(plyLink);
+ end;
+ plyLink:=nl;
+ end;
+ FillChar(plyLink^[p],SizeOf(tPlayerCell),0);
+// doubling notes
+ if (pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Notes<>nil) and
+ ((pPlayerCell(lParam)^.flags and WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE)=0) then
+ begin
+ i:=(StrLenW(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Notes)+1)*SizeOf(WideChar);
+ GetMem(plyLink^[p].Notes,i);
+ move(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Notes^,plyLink^[p].Notes^,i);
+ end
+ else
+ plyLink^[p].Notes:=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Notes;
+// doubling description
+ i:=StrLen(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Desc)+1;
+ GetMem(plyLink^[p].Desc,i);
+ move(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Desc^,plyLink^[p].Desc^,i);
+// doubling url
+ if pPlayerCell(lParam)^.URL<>nil then
+ begin
+ with plyLink^[p] do
+ begin
+ i:=StrLen(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.URL)+1;
+ GetMem(URL,i);
+ move(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.URL^,URL^,i);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ plyLink^[p].URL:=nil;
+ end
+ else // existing player
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[p].flags and WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE)=0 then
+ result:=int_ptr(plyLink^[p].Check)
+ else
+ begin // remove any info from templates
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ ClearTemplate(pTmplCell(plyLink^[p].Check));
+ end;
+ end;
+ // fill info
+ with plyLink^[p] do
+ begin
+ flags:=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.flags;
+ if URL<>nil then
+ flags:=flags or WAT_OPT_HASURL;
+ if pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Icon<>0 then
+ begin
+ if icon<>0 then
+ DestroyIcon(icon);
+ icon:=CopyIcon(pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Icon);
+ end;
+ Init :=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Init;
+ DeInit :=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.DeInit;
+ Check :=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Check;
+ GetStatus:=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.GetStatus;
+ GetName :=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.GetName;
+ GetInfo :=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.GetInfo;
+ Command :=pPlayerCell(lParam)^.Command;
+ if Init<>nil then
+ tInitProc(Init);
+ end;
+// PreProcess;
+ PostProcess;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ dec(PlyNum);
+ if plyLink^[p].DeInit<>nil then
+ tDeInitProc(plyLink^[p].DeInit);
+ FreeMem(plyLink^[p].Desc);
+ if (plyLink^[p].flags and WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE)<>0 then
+ ClearTemplate(pTmplCell(plyLink^[p].Check));
+ if p<PlyNum then // not last
+ Move(plyLink^[p+1],plyLink^[p],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*(PlyNum-p));
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ plyLink^[p].flags:=plyLink^[p].flags or WAT_OPT_DISABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ plyLink^[p].flags:=plyLink^[p].flags and not WAT_OPT_DISABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[p].flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)<>0 then
+ else
+ result:=WAT_RES_ENABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=plyLink^[p];
+ move(plyLink^[0],plyLink^[1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*p);
+ plyLink^[0]:=tmp;
+ move(plyLink^[p],tmp ,SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ move(plyLink^[0],plyLink^[1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*p);
+ move(tmp ,plyLink^[0],SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ end;
+// PreProcess;
+// PostProcess;
+ end;
+ end;
+function LoadFromFile(fname:PAnsiChar):integer;
+ buf:pAnsiChar;
+ ptr:PAnsiChar;
+ NumPlayers:integer;
+ pcell:pTmplCell;
+ rec:tPlayerCell;
+ st,sec:pointer;
+ result:=0;
+ st:=OpenStorage(fname);
+ if st=nil then exit;
+ buf:=GetSectionList(st);
+ ptr:=buf;
+ NumPlayers:=0;
+ while ptr^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ sec:=SearchSection(st,ptr);
+ FillChar(rec,SizeOf(rec),0);
+ GetMem(pcell,SizeOf(tTmplCell));
+ StrDup(pcell^.p_class ,GetParamSectionStr(sec,'class' ));
+ StrDup(pcell^.p_text ,GetParamSectionStr(sec,'text' ));
+ StrDup(pcell^.p_class1,GetParamSectionStr(sec,'class1'));
+ StrDup(pcell^.p_text1 ,GetParamSectionStr(sec,'text1' ));
+ StrDup(pcell^.p_file ,GetParamSectionStr(sec,'file' ));
+ AnsiToWide(GetParamSectionStr(sec,'prefix' ),pcell^.p_prefix );
+ AnsiToWide(GetParamSectionStr(sec,'postfix'),pcell^.p_postfix);
+ rec.URL :=GetParamSectionStr(sec,'url');
+ rec.Desc :=ptr;
+ rec.flags:=GetParamSectionInt(sec,'flags') or WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE;
+ rec.Check:=pointer(pcell);
+ UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(sec,'notes'),rec.Notes);
+ ServicePlayer(WAT_ACT_REGISTER,lparam(@rec));
+ inc(NumPlayers);
+ while ptr^<>#0 do inc(ptr);
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+ FreeSectionList(buf);
+ CloseStorage(st);
+ result:=NumPlayers;
+function CheckTmpl(lwnd:HWND;cell:pTmplCell;flags:integer):HWND;
+ tmp,EXEName:PAnsiChar;
+ ltmp,lcycle:boolean;
+ lclass,ltext:PAnsiChar;
+ lclass:=cell.p_class;
+ ltext :=cell.p_text;
+ lcycle:=false;
+ repeat
+ result:=lwnd;
+ if (lclass<>nil) or (ltext<>nil) then
+ repeat
+ result:=FindWindowExA(0,result,lclass,ltext);
+ if result=0 then
+ break;
+// check filename
+ if cell.p_file<>NIL then
+ begin
+ tmp:=Extract(GetEXEByWnd(result,EXEName),true);
+ mFreeMem(EXEName);
+ ltmp:=lstrcmpia(tmp,cell.p_file)=0;
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+ if not ltmp then
+ continue;
+ end;
+ exit;
+ until false;
+ if lcycle then break;
+ lclass:=cell.p_class1;
+ ltext :=cell.p_text1;
+ if (lclass=nil) and (ltext=nil) then break;
+ lcycle:=not lcycle;
+ until false;
+// find active player
+function CheckAllPlayers(flags:integer;var status:integer; var PlayerChanged:bool):integer;
+ PrevPlayerName:PAnsiChar=nil;
+ stat,act,oldstat,i,j:integer;
+ tmp:tPlayerCell;
+ wwnd,lwnd:HWND;
+ i:=0;
+ PlayerChanged:=true;
+ PreProcess;
+ oldstat:=-1;
+ act:=-1;
+ wwnd:=0;
+ while i<PlyNum do
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)=0 then
+ begin
+ lwnd:=0;
+ repeat
+ wwnd:=0;
+ if (plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ lwnd:=CheckTmpl(lwnd,plyLink^[i].Check,plyLink^[i].flags);
+// find "Winamp" window
+ if (lwnd<>dword(WAT_RES_NOTFOUND)) and (lwnd<>0) and
+ ((plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_WINAMPAPI)<>0) then
+ begin
+ wwnd:=WinampFindWindow(lwnd);
+ if wwnd<>0 then
+ stat:=WinampGetStatus(wwnd);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ with plyLink^[i] do
+ begin
+ lwnd:=tCheckProc(Check)(lwnd,flags);
+ if (lwnd<>dword(WAT_RES_NOTFOUND)) and (lwnd<>0) and (GetStatus<>nil) then
+ stat:=tStatusProc(GetStatus)(lwnd);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (lwnd<>dword(WAT_RES_NOTFOUND)) and (lwnd<>0) then
+ begin
+ if (stat=WAT_MES_PLAYING) or ((flags and WAT_OPT_CHECKALL)=0) then
+ begin
+ act :=i;
+ result:=lwnd;
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case stat of
+ WAT_MES_PAUSED : j:=20;
+ else
+ j:=00;
+ end;
+ if oldstat<j then
+ begin
+ oldstat:=j;
+ act :=i;
+ result :=lwnd;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ if (plyLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_SINGLEINST)<>0 then
+ break;
+ until false;
+ if (result<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) and (result<>0) and
+ ((stat=WAT_MES_PLAYING) or ((flags and WAT_OPT_CHECKALL)=0)) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ if act>=0 then
+ begin
+ if result=1 then result:=0 //!! for example, mradio
+ else if wwnd<>0 then
+ result:=wwnd;
+ if act>0 then // to first position
+ begin
+ tmp:=plyLink^[act];
+ move(plyLink^[0],plyLink^[1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*act);
+ plyLink^[0]:=tmp;
+ move(plyLink^[act],tmp ,SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ move(plyLink^[0 ],plyLink^[1],SizeOf(tPlayerCell)*act);
+ move(tmp ,plyLink^[0],SizeOf(tPlayerCell));
+ end;
+ if PrevPlayerName=plyLink^[0].Desc then
+ PlayerChanged:=false
+ else
+ PrevPlayerName:=plyLink^[0].Desc;
+ status:=stat;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ PrevPlayerName:=nil;
+ end;
+ PostProcess;
+function TranslateToApp(code:integer):integer;
+ case code of
+ WAT_CTRL_PLAY : begin
+ if IsW2K then // Win2k+ only
+ else
+ end;
+ else
+ result:=-1;
+ end;
+function SendCommand(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM;flags:integer):int_ptr;
+ dummy:bool;
+ wnd:HWND;
+ lstat:integer;
+ result:=WAT_RES_ERROR;
+ wnd:=CheckAllPlayers(flags,lstat,dummy);
+ if wnd<>dword(WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) then
+ if plyLink^[0].Command<>nil then
+ result:=tCommandProc(plyLink^[0].Command)(wnd,wParam,lParam)
+ else if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_WINAMPAPI)<>0 then
+ result:=WinampCommand(wnd,wParam+(lParam shl 16))
+ else if (flags and WAT_OPT_APPCOMMAND)<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=TranslateToApp(wParam);
+ if result>=0 then
+ result:=SendMMCommand(wnd,result);
+ end;
+// Get Info (default)
+function GetSeparator(str:pWideChar):dword;
+ result:=StrIndexW(str,' '#$2013' ');
+ if result=0 then
+ result:=StrIndexW(str,' - ');
+ if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=result-1 + (3 SHL 16);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ result:=StrIndexW(str,#$2013);
+ if result=0 then
+ result:=StrIndexW(str,'-');
+ if result>0 then
+ result:=result-1 + (1 SHL 16);
+function DefGetTitle(wnd:HWND;fname,wndtxt:pWideChar):pWideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ if fname<>nil then
+ tmp:=DeleteKnownExt(ExtractW(fname,true))
+ else
+ tmp:=wndtxt;
+ if tmp=nil then
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ StrDupW(result,tmp);
+ i:=GetSeparator(result);
+ if i>0 then
+ StrCopyW(result,result+LoWord(i)+HiWord(i));
+ if fname<>nil then
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+function DefGetArtist(wnd:HWND;fname,wndtxt:pWideChar):pWideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ tmp:pWideChar;
+ if fname<>nil then
+ tmp:=DeleteKnownExt(ExtractW(fname,true))
+ else
+ tmp:=wndtxt;
+ if tmp=nil then
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ StrDupW(result,tmp);
+ i:=GetSeparator(result);
+ if i>0 then
+ result[LoWord(i)]:=#0;
+ if fname<>nil then
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+function DefGetVersionText(ver:integer):pWideChar;
+ if ver<>0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(result,10*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ IntToHex(result,ver);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+function DefGetWndText(wnd:HWND):pWideChar;
+ p:pWideChar;
+ if wnd<>0 then
+ begin
+ result:=GetDlgText(wnd);
+ if result<>nil then
+ begin
+ if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ with pTmplCell(plyLink^[0].Check)^ do
+ begin
+ if p_prefix<>nil then
+ begin
+ p:=StrPosW(result,p_prefix);
+ if p=result then
+ StrCopyW(result,result+StrLenW(p_prefix));
+ end;
+ if p_postfix<>nil then
+ begin
+ p:=StrPosW(result,p_postfix);
+ if p<>nil then
+ p^:=#0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+procedure ClearSongInfoData(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+ ClearPlayerInfo (dst,withFree);
+ ClearChangingInfo(dst,withFree);
+ ClearFileInfo (dst,withFree);
+ ClearTrackInfo (dst,withFree);
+procedure CopyChangingInfo(const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+ dst.time :=src.time;
+ dst.volume :=src.volume;
+ dst.wndtext:=src.wndtext;
+procedure ClearChangingInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+ dst.time :=0;
+ dst.volume:=0;
+ if withFree then
+ mFreeMem(dst.wndtext)
+ else
+ dst.wndtext:=nil;
+procedure CopyFileInfo(const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+ dst.fsize:=src.fsize;
+ dst.date :=src.date;
+ dst.mfile:=src.mfile;
+procedure ClearFileInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+ if withFree then
+ mFreeMem(dst.mfile)
+ else
+ dst.mfile:=nil;
+ dst.fsize:=0;
+ dst.date :=0;
+procedure CopyPlayerInfo(const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+ dst.player :=src.player;
+ dst.txtver :=src.txtver;
+ dst.url :=src.url;
+ dst.icon :=src.icon;
+ dst.plyver :=src.plyver;
+ dst.plwnd :=src.plwnd;
+ dst.winampwnd:=src.winampwnd;
+procedure ClearPlayerInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+ if withFree then
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(dst.player);
+ mFreeMem(dst.txtver);
+ mFreeMem(dst.url);
+ if dst.icon<>0 then
+ DestroyIcon(dst.icon);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dst.player:=nil;
+ dst.txtver:=nil;
+ dst.url :=nil;
+ end;
+ dst.icon :=0;
+ dst.plyver :=0;
+ dst.plwnd :=0;
+ dst.winampwnd:=0;
+procedure CopyTrackInfo(const src:tSongInfo;var dst:tSongInfo);
+ dst.artist :=src.artist;
+ dst.title :=src.title;
+ dst.album :=src.album;
+ dst.genre :=src.genre;
+ dst.comment :=src.comment;
+ dst.year :=src.year;
+ dst.lyric :=src.lyric;
+ dst.cover :=src.cover;
+ dst.kbps :=src.kbps;
+ dst.khz :=src.khz;
+ dst.channels:=src.channels;
+ dst.track :=src.track;
+ dst.total :=src.total;
+ dst.vbr :=src.vbr;
+ dst.codec :=src.codec;
+ dst.width :=src.width;
+ dst.height :=src.height;
+ dst.fps :=src.fps;
+procedure ClearTrackInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;withFree:bool);
+ if withFree then
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(dst.artist);
+ mFreeMem(dst.title);
+ mFreeMem(dst.album);
+ mFreeMem(dst.genre);
+ mFreeMem(dst.comment);
+ mFreeMem(dst.year);
+ mFreeMem(dst.lyric);
+ mFreeMem(dst.cover);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dst.artist :=nil;
+ dst.title :=nil;
+ dst.album :=nil;
+ dst.genre :=nil;
+ dst.comment:=nil;
+ dst.year :=nil;
+ dst.lyric :=nil;
+ dst.cover :=nil;
+ end;
+ dst.kbps :=0;
+ dst.khz :=0;
+ dst.channels:=0;
+ dst.track :=0;
+ dst.total :=0;
+ dst.vbr :=0;
+ dst.codec :=0;
+ dst.width :=0;
+ dst.height :=0;
+ dst.fps :=0;
+function CheckPlayers(var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal):integer;
+ PlayerChanged:bool;
+ fname:pWideChar;
+ result:=CheckAllPlayers(flags,dst.status,PlayerChanged);
+ if result<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ if PlayerChanged then
+ begin
+ ClearPlayerInfo(dst,false);
+ AnsiToWide(plyLink^[0].Desc,dst.player);
+ dst.plwnd:=result;
+ FastAnsiToWide(plyLink^[0].URL,dst.url);
+ if plyLink^[0].icon<>0 then
+ dst.icon:=CopyIcon(plyLink^[0].icon)
+ else if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ if GetEXEByWnd(dst.plwnd,fname)<>nil then
+ begin
+ dst.icon:=ExtractIconW(hInstance,fname,0);
+ if dst.icon=1 then
+ dst.icon:=0;
+ if dst.icon<>0 then
+ plyLink^[0].icon:=CopyIcon(dst.icon);
+ mFreeMem(fname);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if plyLink^[0].GetInfo<>nil then
+ tInfoProc(plyLink^[0].GetInfo)(dst,flags or WAT_OPT_PLAYERDATA)
+ else if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_WINAMPAPI)<>0 then
+ WinampGetInfo(wparam(@dst),flags or WAT_OPT_PLAYERDATA);
+ if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERINFO)=0 then
+ if dst.txtver=NIL then dst.txtver:=DefGetVersionText(dst.plyver);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ dst.plwnd:=result; // to prevent same player, another instance
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ end
+ end;
+function CheckFile(var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal;timeout:cardinal):integer;
+ fname:pWideChar;
+ tmp:integer;
+ remote,FileChanged:boolean;
+ ftime:int64;
+ if plyLink^[0].GetName<>nil then
+ fname:=tNameProc(plyLink^[0].GetName)(dst.plwnd,flags)
+ else
+ fname:=nil;
+ if (fname=nil) and (dst.plwnd<>0) then
+ begin
+ tmp:=0;
+ if (flags and WAT_OPT_MULTITHREAD)<>0 then tmp:=tmp or gffdMultiThread;
+ if (flags and WAT_OPT_KEEPOLD )<>0 then tmp:=tmp or gffdOld;
+ fname:=GetFileFromWnd(dst.plwnd,KnownFileType,tmp,timeout);
+ end;
+ if fname<>nil then
+ begin
+ remote:=StrPosW(fname,'://')<>nil;
+ // file changing time (local/lan only)
+ if not remote then
+ begin
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ begin
+ GetFileTime(f,nil,nil,@ftime);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // same file
+ if (dst.mfile<>nil) and (lstrcmpiw(dst.mfile,fname)=0) then
+ begin
+ if (not remote) and ((flags and WAT_OPT_CHECKTIME)<>0) then
+ FileChanged:=dst.date<>ftime
+ else
+ FileChanged:=false;
+ end
+ else // new filename
+ begin
+ FileChanged:=true;
+ end;
+ // if not proper ext (we don't working with it)
+ //!!!! check for remotes
+ if (not remote) and (CheckExt(fname)=WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) then
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(fname);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if FileChanged {or isContainer(fname)} then
+ begin
+ ClearFileInfo(dst,false);
+ dst.mfile:=fname; //!! must be when format recognized or remote
+ dst.date:=ftime; //!!
+ dst.fsize:=GetFSize(dst.mfile);
+ result:=WAT_RES_NEWFILE;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ mFreeMem(fname);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ end;
+// Get Info - main procedure
+function GetChangingInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal):integer;
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ ClearChangingInfo(dst,false);
+ if plyLink^[0].GetInfo<>nil then
+ tInfoProc(plyLink^[0].GetInfo)(dst,flags or WAT_OPT_CHANGES)
+ else if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_WINAMPAPI)<>0 then
+ WinampGetInfo(wparam(@dst),flags or WAT_OPT_CHANGES);
+ if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERINFO)=0 then
+ if dst.wndtext=NIL then dst.wndtext:=DefGetWndText(dst.plwnd);
+function GetInfo(var dst:tSongInfo;flags:cardinal):integer;
+ oldartist,oldtitle:pWideChar;
+ fname:pWideChar;
+ remote:boolean;
+ lmsnInfo:pMSNInfo;
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ remote:=StrPosW(dst.mfile,'://')<>nil;
+// if remote or ((plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERINFO)<>0) then
+ oldartist:=dst.artist; oldtitle:=dst.title;
+ ClearTrackInfo(dst,false);
+ // info from player
+ if plyLink^[0].GetInfo<>nil then
+ tInfoProc(plyLink^[0].GetInfo)(dst,flags and not WAT_OPT_CHANGES)
+ else if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_WINAMPAPI)<>0 then
+ WinampGetInfo(wparam(@dst),flags and not WAT_OPT_CHANGES);
+ // info from file
+ GetFileFormatInfo(dst);
+ if (plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERINFO)=0 then
+ with dst do
+ begin
+ if remote then
+ fname:=nil
+ else
+ fname:=mfile;
+ lmsnInfo:=GetMSNInfo;
+ if lmsnInfo<>nil then
+ begin
+ if artist=NIL then StrDupW(artist,lmsnInfo.msnArtist);
+ if title =NIL then StrDupW(title ,lmsnInfo.msnTitle);
+ if album =NIL then StrDupW(album ,lmsnInfo.msnAlbum);
+ end;
+ if artist=NIL then artist:=DefGetArtist(plwnd,fname,wndtext);
+ if title =NIL then title :=DefGetTitle (plwnd,fname,wndtext);
+ end;
+ if remote or ((plyLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_PLAYERINFO)<>0) or
+ isContainer(dst.mfile) then
+ begin
+ if (oldartist=oldtitle) or
+ ((oldartist<>nil) and (StrCmpW(dst.artist,oldartist)<>0)) or
+ ((oldtitle <>nil) and (StrCmpW(dst.title ,oldtitle )<>0)) then
+ begin
+ result:=WAT_RES_NEWFILE;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure ClearPlayers;
+ if PlyNum>0 then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ dec(PlyNum);
+ with plyLink^[PlyNum] do
+ begin
+ if DeInit<>nil then
+ tDeInitProc(DeInit);
+ FreeMem(Desc);
+ if URL<>nil then
+ FreeMem(URL);
+ if icon<>0 then
+ DestroyIcon(icon);
+ if (flags and WAT_OPT_TEMPLATE)<>0 then
+ begin
+ ClearTemplate(pTmplCell(Check));
+ mFreeMem(Notes);
+ end
+ else if Notes<>nil then
+ FreeMem(Notes);
+ end;
+ until PlyNum=0;
+ FreeMem(plyLink);
+ end;