diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/templates/i_macro.inc')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Watrack/templates/i_macro.inc | 149 |
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/templates/i_macro.inc b/plugins/Watrack/templates/i_macro.inc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68c0be6e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Watrack/templates/i_macro.inc @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +{Macro help dialog}
+procedure SaveAliases;
+ buf:array [0..31] of AnsiChar;
+ i:integer;
+ p:PAnsiChar;
+ p:=StrCopyE(buf,'alias/');
+ for i:=0 to numvars-1 do
+ begin
+// if vars[i].alias<>nil then
+ DBWriteUnicode(0,PluginShort,IntToStr(p,i),vars[i].alias);
+ end;
+procedure LoadAliases;
+ buf:array [0..31] of AnsiChar;
+ i:integer;
+ p:PAnsiChar;
+ p:=StrCopyE(buf,'alias/');
+ for i:=0 to numvars-1 do
+ vars[i].alias:=DBReadUnicode(0,PluginShort,IntToStr(p,i),nil);
+procedure FreeAliases;
+ i:integer;
+ for i:=0 to numvars-1 do
+ mFreeMem(vars[i].alias);
+function MacroHelpDlg(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer; stdcall;
+ Changed:bool=false;
+ i:integer;
+ itemw:LV_ITEMW;
+ lvc:LV_COLUMN;
+ wnd:hwnd;
+ ws:PWideChar;
+ s:pAnsiChar;
+ rc:TRECT;
+ result:=0;
+ case hMessage of
+ FillChar(itemw,SizeOf(itemw),0);
+ FillChar(lvc ,SizeOf(lvc) ,0);
+ wnd:=GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_MACROHELP);
+ SendMessage(wnd,LVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT,1,0);
+ lvc.mask:=LVCF_FMT;
+ lvc.fmt :=LVCFMT_LEFT;
+ ListView_InsertColumn(wnd,0,lvc);
+ itemw.mask:=LVIF_TEXT;
+ for i:=0 to numvars-1 do
+ begin
+ itemw.iItem:=i;
+ ws:=vars[i].alias;
+ if ws=nil then
+ ws:=vars[i].name;
+ itemw.pszText:=ws;
+ SendMessageW(wnd,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,tlparam(@itemw));
+ end;
+ ListView_SetColumnWidth(wnd,0,LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ ListView_InsertColumn(wnd,1,lvc);
+ itemw.iSubItem:=1;
+ s:=nil;
+ for i:=0 to numvars-1 do
+ begin
+ itemw.iItem:=i;
+ if vars[i].help<>nil then
+ s:=vars[i].help;
+ itemw.pszText:=TranslateA2W(s);
+ SendMessageW(wnd,LVM_SETITEMTEXTW,i,tlparam(@itemw));
+ mFreeMem(itemw.pszText);
+ end;
+ ListView_SetColumnWidth(wnd,1,LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+ result:=1;
+ Changed:=false;
+ TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog);
+ end;
+ WM_SIZE: begin
+ GetClientRect(Dialog,rc);
+ InflateRect(rc,-8,-8);
+ MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_MACROHELP),
+ rc.left,rc.top,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.top,true);
+ end;
+ WM_COMMAND: begin
+ if (wParam shr 16)=BN_CLICKED then
+ case loword(wParam) of
+ IDOK, IDCANCEL: DestroyWindow(Dialog);
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_DESTROY: begin
+ if Changed then
+ begin
+ SaveAliases;
+ Changed:=false;
+ RegisterVariables;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_NOTIFY: begin
+ if wParam=IDC_MACROHELP then
+ begin
+ case integer(PNMHdr(lParam)^.code) of
+ with PLVDISPINFO(lParam)^ do
+ begin
+ if item.pszText<>nil then
+ begin
+ item.mask:=LVIF_TEXT;
+ if pWideChar(item.pszText)^=#0 then
+ pWideChar(item.pszText):=vars[item.iItem].name;
+ SendMessageW(hdr.hWndFrom,LVM_SETITEMW,0,tlparam(@item));
+ mFreeMem(vars[item.iItem].alias);
+ StrDupW(vars[item.iItem].alias,pWideChar(item.pszText));
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+ Changed:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ NM_DBLCLK: begin
+ if PNMListView(lParam)^.iItem>=0 then
+ begin
+ SendMessage(PNMHdr(lParam)^.hWndFrom,LVM_EDITLABEL,
+ PNMListView(lParam)^.iItem,0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function WATMacroHelp(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ result:=CreateDialogParamW(hInstance,'MACRO',wParam,@MacroHelpDlg,0);