path: root/plugins/Watrack/templates/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/templates/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/templates/ b/plugins/Watrack/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa0c966728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+procedure Replace(dst:pWideChar;macro:integer;value:PWideChar);
+ buf:array [0..63] of WideChar;
+ pc:pWideChar;
+ buf[0]:='%';
+ pc:=vars[macro].alias;
+ if pc=nil then
+ pc:=vars[macro].name;
+ StrCopyW(buf+1,pc);
+ pc:=StrEndW(buf);
+ pc^:='%';
+ (pc+1)^:=#0;
+ StrReplaceW(dst,buf,value);
+function ReplaceAll(s:PWideChar):pWideChar;
+ tmp:integer;
+ pp,p:pWideChar;
+ ws:array [0..127] of WideChar;
+ ls:pWideChar;
+ i:integer;
+ tmpstr:pWideChar;
+ Info:pSongInfo;
+ Info:=pointer(CallService(MS_WAT_RETURNGLOBAL,0,0));
+ mGetMem(ls,32768);
+ StrCopyW(ls,s);
+ StrReplaceW(ls,'{tab}',#9);
+ StrCopyW(ws,Info^.player);
+ case PlayerCaps of
+ 1: LowerCase(ws);
+ 2: UpperCase(ws);
+ end;
+ Replace(ls,mn_player,ws);
+ Replace(ls,mn_file ,Info^.mfile);
+ Replace(ls,mn_year ,Info^.year);
+ Replace(ls,mn_genre ,Info^.genre);
+ GetExt(Info^.mfile,ws);
+ if LoCaseType=BST_CHECKED then
+ LowerCase(ws)
+ else
+ UpperCase(ws);
+ Replace(ls,mn_type ,ws);
+ Replace(ls,mn_track,IntToStr(ws,Info^.track));
+// codec
+ ws[0]:=WideChar( Info^.codec and $FF);
+ ws[1]:=WideChar((Info^.codec shr 8) and $FF);
+ ws[2]:=WideChar((Info^.codec shr 16) and $FF);
+ ws[3]:=WideChar((Info^.codec shr 24) and $FF);
+ ws[4]:=#0;
+ //fps
+ IntToStr(ws,Info^.fps div 100);
+ i:=0;
+ repeat
+ inc(i);
+ until ws[i]=#0;
+ ws[i]:='.';
+ IntToStr(pWideChar(@ws[i+1]),Info^.fps mod 100);
+ Replace(ls,mn_fps ,ws);
+ Replace(ls,mn_txtver ,Info^.txtver);
+ Replace(ls,mn_height ,IntToStr(ws,Info^.height));
+ Replace(ls,mn_width ,IntToStr(ws,Info^.width));
+ Replace(ls,mn_kbps ,IntToStr(ws,Info^.kbps));
+ Replace(ls,mn_bitrate,ws);
+ if Info^.vbr<>0 then
+ p:=chVBR
+ else if WriteCBR=0 then
+ p:=nil
+ else
+ p:=chCBR;
+ Replace(ls,mn_vbr ,p);
+ Replace(ls,mn_khz ,IntToStr(ws,Info^.khz));
+ Replace(ls,mn_samplerate,ws);
+ Replace(ls,mn_channels ,IntToStr(ws,Info^.channels));
+ case Info^.channels of
+ 1: p:=chMono;
+ 2: p:=chStereo;
+ 5,6: p:=ch51;
+ end;
+ Replace(ls,mn_mono,p);
+ Replace(ls,mn_size,
+ IntToK(ws,Info^.fsize,FSizeMode,FSPrecision,FSizePost));
+ Replace(ls,mn_length,IntToTime(ws,Info^.total));
+ Replace(ls,mn_total ,ws);
+ case Info^.status of
+ WAT_MES_PLAYING: pp:=splPlaying;
+ WAT_MES_PAUSED : pp:=splPaused;
+ else
+ {WAT_MES_STOPPED:} pp:=splStopped;
+ end;
+ Replace(ls,mn_status,TranslateW(pp));
+ Replace(ls,mn_nstatus,pp);
+ Replace(ls,mn_lyric ,Info^.lyric);
+ Replace(ls,mn_cover ,Info^.cover);
+ Replace(ls,mn_volume,IntToStr(ws,loword(Info^.volume)));
+ mGetMem(tmpstr,32767);
+ StrCopyW(tmpstr,Info^.artist);
+ if ReplaceSpc=BST_CHECKED then CharReplaceW(tmpstr ,'_',' ');
+ Replace(ls,mn_artist,tmpstr);
+ StrCopyW(tmpstr,Info^.title);
+ if ReplaceSpc=BST_CHECKED then CharReplaceW(tmpstr ,'_',' ');
+ Replace(ls,mn_title,tmpstr);
+ StrCopyW(tmpstr,Info^.album);
+ if ReplaceSpc=BST_CHECKED then CharReplaceW(tmpstr ,'_',' ');
+ Replace(ls,mn_album,tmpstr);
+ StrCopyW(tmpstr,Info^.comment);
+ if ReplaceSpc=BST_CHECKED then CharReplaceW(tmpstr ,'_',' ');
+ Replace(ls,mn_comment,tmpstr);
+ StrCopyW(tmpstr,Info^.wndtext);
+ if ReplaceSpc=BST_CHECKED then CharReplaceW(tmpstr ,'_',' ');
+ Replace(ls,mn_wndtext,tmpstr);
+ mFreeMem(tmpstr);
+ Replace(ls,mn_version,IntToHex(ws,Info^.plyver));
+ Replace(ls,mn_time ,IntToTime(ws,Info^.time));
+ if Info^.total>0 then
+ tmp:=(Info^.time*100) div Info^.total
+ else
+ tmp:=0;
+ Replace(ls,mn_percent,IntToStr(ws,tmp));
+ Replace(ls,mn_playerhome,Info^.url);
+ result:=ls;