diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/db3x_mmap/dbsettings.c')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/db3x_mmap/dbsettings.c | 1013 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1013 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/db3x_mmap/dbsettings.c b/plugins/db3x_mmap/dbsettings.c deleted file mode 100644 index 85b91b1b6c..0000000000 --- a/plugins/db3x_mmap/dbsettings.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@ -/*
-Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
-Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
-all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
-listed in contributors.txt.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "commonheaders.h"
-DWORD GetModuleNameOfs(const char *szName);
-DBCachedContactValueList* AddToCachedContactList(HANDLE hContact, int index);
-static int mirCp = CP_ACP;
-HANDLE hCacheHeap = NULL;
-SortedList lContacts = {0};
-HANDLE hLastCachedContact = NULL;
-static DBCachedContactValueList *LastVL = NULL;
-static SortedList lSettings={0}, lGlobalSettings={0}, lResidentSettings={0};
-static HANDLE hSettingChangeEvent = NULL;
-static DWORD GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(struct DBContact *dbc,DWORD ofsModuleName)
- struct DBContactSettings *dbcs;
- DWORD ofsThis;
- ofsThis=dbc->ofsFirstSettings;
- while(ofsThis) {
- dbcs=(struct DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsThis,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings),NULL);
- if(dbcs->signature!=DBCONTACTSETTINGS_SIGNATURE) DatabaseCorruption(NULL);
- if(dbcs->ofsModuleName==ofsModuleName)
- return ofsThis;
- ofsThis=dbcs->ofsNext;
- }
- return 0;
-static DWORD __inline GetSettingValueLength(PBYTE pSetting)
- if(pSetting[0]&DBVTF_VARIABLELENGTH) return 2+*(PWORD)(pSetting+1);
- return pSetting[0];
-static char* InsertCachedSetting( const char* szName, size_t cbNameLen, int index )
- char* newValue = (char*)HeapAlloc( hCacheHeap, 0, cbNameLen );
- *newValue = 0;
- strcpy(newValue+1,szName+1);
- li.List_Insert(&lSettings,newValue,index);
- return newValue;
-static char* GetCachedSetting(const char *szModuleName,const char *szSettingName, int moduleNameLen, int settingNameLen)
- static char *lastsetting = NULL;
- int index;
- char szFullName[512];
- strcpy(szFullName+1,szModuleName);
- szFullName[moduleNameLen+1]='/';
- strcpy(szFullName+moduleNameLen+2,szSettingName);
- if (lastsetting && strcmp(szFullName+1,lastsetting) == 0)
- return lastsetting;
- if (li.List_GetIndex(&lSettings,szFullName,&index))
- lastsetting = (char*)lSettings.items[index]+1;
- else
- lastsetting = InsertCachedSetting( szFullName, settingNameLen+moduleNameLen+3, index )+1;
- return lastsetting;
-static void SetCachedVariant( DBVARIANT* s /* new */, DBVARIANT* d /* cached */ )
- char* szSave = ( d->type == DBVT_UTF8 || d->type == DBVT_ASCIIZ ) ? d->pszVal : NULL;
- memcpy( d, s, sizeof( DBVARIANT ));
- if (( s->type == DBVT_UTF8 || s->type == DBVT_ASCIIZ ) && s->pszVal != NULL ) {
- if ( szSave != NULL )
- d->pszVal = (char*)HeapReAlloc(hCacheHeap,0,szSave,strlen(s->pszVal)+1);
- else
- d->pszVal = (char*)HeapAlloc(hCacheHeap,0,strlen(s->pszVal)+1);
- strcpy(d->pszVal,s->pszVal);
- }
- else if ( szSave != NULL )
- HeapFree(hCacheHeap,0,szSave);
- switch( d->type ) {
- case DBVT_BYTE: log1( "set cached byte: %d", d->bVal ); break;
- case DBVT_WORD: log1( "set cached word: %d", d->wVal ); break;
- case DBVT_DWORD: log1( "set cached dword: %d", d->dVal ); break;
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- case DBVT_ASCIIZ: log1( "set cached string: '%s'", d->pszVal ); break;
- default: log1( "set cached crap: %d", d->type ); break;
- }
-void FreeCachedVariant( DBVARIANT* V )
- if (( V->type == DBVT_ASCIIZ || V->type == DBVT_UTF8 ) && V->pszVal != NULL )
- HeapFree(hCacheHeap,0,V->pszVal);
-static DBVARIANT* GetCachedValuePtr( HANDLE hContact, char* szSetting, int bAllocate )
- int index;
- if ( hContact == 0 ) {
- DBCachedGlobalValue Vtemp, *V;
- Vtemp.name = szSetting;
- if ( li.List_GetIndex(&lGlobalSettings,&Vtemp,&index)) {
- V = (DBCachedGlobalValue*)lGlobalSettings.items[index];
- if ( bAllocate == -1 ) {
- FreeCachedVariant( &V->value );
- li.List_Remove(&lGlobalSettings,index);
- HeapFree(hCacheHeap,0,V);
- return NULL;
- } }
- else {
- if ( bAllocate != 1 )
- return NULL;
- V = (DBCachedGlobalValue*)HeapAlloc(hCacheHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DBCachedGlobalValue));
- V->name = szSetting;
- li.List_Insert(&lGlobalSettings,V,index);
- }
- return &V->value;
- }
- else {
- DBCachedContactValue *V, *V1;
- DBCachedContactValueList VLtemp,*VL;
- if (hLastCachedContact==hContact && LastVL) {
- VL = LastVL;
- }
- else {
- VLtemp.hContact=hContact;
- if ( !li.List_GetIndex(&lContacts,&VLtemp,&index))
- {
- if ( bAllocate != 1 )
- return NULL;
- VL = AddToCachedContactList(hContact,index);
- }
- else VL = (DBCachedContactValueList*)lContacts.items[index];
- LastVL = VL;
- hLastCachedContact = hContact;
- }
- for ( V = VL->first; V != NULL; V = V->next)
- if (V->name == szSetting)
- break;
- if ( V == NULL ) {
- if ( bAllocate != 1 )
- return NULL;
- V = HeapAlloc(hCacheHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(DBCachedContactValue));
- if (VL->last)
- VL->last->next = V;
- else
- VL->first = V;
- VL->last = V;
- V->name = szSetting;
- }
- else if ( bAllocate == -1 ) {
- LastVL = NULL;
- FreeCachedVariant(&V->value);
- if ( VL->first == V ) {
- VL->first = V->next;
- if (VL->last == V)
- VL->last = V->next; // NULL
- }
- else
- for ( V1 = VL->first; V1 != NULL; V1 = V1->next )
- if ( V1->next == V ) {
- V1->next = V->next;
- if (VL->last == V)
- VL->last = V1;
- break;
- }
- HeapFree(hCacheHeap,0,V);
- return NULL;
- }
- return &V->value;
-} }
-#define NeedBytes(n) if(bytesRemaining<(n)) pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,(n),&bytesRemaining)
-#define MoveAlong(n) {int x=n; pBlob+=(x); ofsBlobPtr+=(x); bytesRemaining-=(x);}
-#define VLT(n) ((n==DBVT_UTF8)?DBVT_ASCIIZ:n)
-static __inline int GetContactSettingWorker(HANDLE hContact,DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs,int isStatic)
- struct DBContact *dbc;
- DWORD ofsModuleName,ofsContact,ofsSettingsGroup,ofsBlobPtr;
- int settingNameLen,moduleNameLen;
- int bytesRemaining;
- PBYTE pBlob;
- char* szCachedSettingName;
- if ((!dbcgs->szSetting) || (!dbcgs->szModule))
- return 1;
- // the db format can't tolerate more than 255 bytes of space (incl. null) for settings+module name
- settingNameLen=(int)strlen(dbcgs->szSetting);
- moduleNameLen=(int)strlen(dbcgs->szModule);
- if ( settingNameLen > 0xFE )
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("GetContactSettingWorker() got a > 255 setting name length. \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- if ( moduleNameLen > 0xFE )
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("GetContactSettingWorker() got a > 255 module name length. \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- log3("get [%08p] %s/%s",hContact,dbcgs->szModule,dbcgs->szSetting);
- szCachedSettingName = GetCachedSetting(dbcgs->szModule,dbcgs->szSetting,moduleNameLen,settingNameLen);
- {
- DBVARIANT* pCachedValue = GetCachedValuePtr( hContact, szCachedSettingName, 0 );
- if ( pCachedValue != NULL ) {
- if ( pCachedValue->type == DBVT_ASCIIZ || pCachedValue->type == DBVT_UTF8 ) {
- int cbOrigLen = dbcgs->pValue->cchVal;
- char* cbOrigPtr = dbcgs->pValue->pszVal;
- memcpy( dbcgs->pValue, pCachedValue, sizeof( DBVARIANT ));
- if ( isStatic ) {
- int cbLen = 0;
- if ( pCachedValue->pszVal != NULL )
- cbLen = (int)strlen( pCachedValue->pszVal );
- cbOrigLen--;
- dbcgs->pValue->pszVal = cbOrigPtr;
- if(cbLen<cbOrigLen) cbOrigLen=cbLen;
- CopyMemory(dbcgs->pValue->pszVal,pCachedValue->pszVal,cbOrigLen);
- dbcgs->pValue->pszVal[cbOrigLen]=0;
- dbcgs->pValue->cchVal=cbLen;
- }
- else {
- dbcgs->pValue->pszVal = (char*)mir_alloc(strlen(pCachedValue->pszVal)+1);
- strcpy(dbcgs->pValue->pszVal,pCachedValue->pszVal);
- }
- }
- else
- memcpy( dbcgs->pValue, pCachedValue, sizeof( DBVARIANT ));
- switch( dbcgs->pValue->type ) {
- case DBVT_BYTE: log1( "get cached byte: %d", dbcgs->pValue->bVal ); break;
- case DBVT_WORD: log1( "get cached word: %d", dbcgs->pValue->wVal ); break;
- case DBVT_DWORD: log1( "get cached dword: %d", dbcgs->pValue->dVal ); break;
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- case DBVT_ASCIIZ: log1( "get cached string: '%s'", dbcgs->pValue->pszVal); break;
- default: log1( "get cached crap: %d", dbcgs->pValue->type ); break;
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return ( pCachedValue->type == DBVT_DELETED ) ? 1 : 0;
- } }
- ofsModuleName=GetModuleNameOfs(dbcgs->szModule);
- if(hContact==NULL) ofsContact=dbHeader.ofsUser;
- else ofsContact=(DWORD)hContact;
- dbc=(struct DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact,sizeof(struct DBContact),NULL);
- if(dbc->signature!=DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 1;
- }
- ofsSettingsGroup=GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(dbc,ofsModuleName);
- if(ofsSettingsGroup) {
- ofsBlobPtr=ofsSettingsGroup+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob);
- pBlob = DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings),&bytesRemaining);
- while(pBlob[0]) {
- NeedBytes(1+settingNameLen);
- if(pBlob[0]==settingNameLen && !memcmp(pBlob+1,dbcgs->szSetting,settingNameLen)) {
- MoveAlong(1+settingNameLen);
- NeedBytes(5);
- if(isStatic && pBlob[0]&DBVTF_VARIABLELENGTH && VLT(dbcgs->pValue->type) != VLT(pBlob[0])) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 1;
- }
- dbcgs->pValue->type=pBlob[0];
- switch(pBlob[0]) {
- case DBVT_DELETED: { /* this setting is deleted */
- dbcgs->pValue->type=DBVT_DELETED;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 2;
- }
- case DBVT_BYTE: dbcgs->pValue->bVal=pBlob[1]; break;
- case DBVT_WORD: dbcgs->pValue->wVal=*(PWORD)(pBlob+1); break;
- case DBVT_DWORD: dbcgs->pValue->dVal=*(PDWORD)(pBlob+1); break;
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- NeedBytes(3+*(PWORD)(pBlob+1));
- if(isStatic) {
- dbcgs->pValue->cchVal--;
- if(*(PWORD)(pBlob+1)<dbcgs->pValue->cchVal) dbcgs->pValue->cchVal=*(PWORD)(pBlob+1);
- CopyMemory(dbcgs->pValue->pszVal,pBlob+3,dbcgs->pValue->cchVal);
- dbcgs->pValue->pszVal[dbcgs->pValue->cchVal]=0;
- dbcgs->pValue->cchVal=*(PWORD)(pBlob+1);
- }
- else {
- dbcgs->pValue->pszVal=(char*)mir_alloc(1+*(PWORD)(pBlob+1));
- CopyMemory(dbcgs->pValue->pszVal,pBlob+3,*(PWORD)(pBlob+1));
- dbcgs->pValue->pszVal[*(PWORD)(pBlob+1)]=0;
- }
- break;
- case DBVT_BLOB:
- NeedBytes(3+*(PWORD)(pBlob+1));
- if(isStatic) {
- if(*(PWORD)(pBlob+1)<dbcgs->pValue->cpbVal) dbcgs->pValue->cpbVal=*(PWORD)(pBlob+1);
- CopyMemory(dbcgs->pValue->pbVal,pBlob+3,dbcgs->pValue->cpbVal);
- }
- else {
- dbcgs->pValue->pbVal=(char*)mir_alloc(*(PWORD)(pBlob+1));
- CopyMemory(dbcgs->pValue->pbVal,pBlob+3,*(PWORD)(pBlob+1));
- }
- dbcgs->pValue->cpbVal=*(PWORD)(pBlob+1);
- break;
- }
- /**** add to cache **********************/
- if ( dbcgs->pValue->type != DBVT_BLOB )
- {
- DBVARIANT* pCachedValue = GetCachedValuePtr( hContact, szCachedSettingName, 1 );
- if ( pCachedValue != NULL )
- SetCachedVariant(dbcgs->pValue,pCachedValue);
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- logg();
- return 0;
- }
- NeedBytes(1);
- MoveAlong(pBlob[0]+1);
- NeedBytes(3);
- MoveAlong(1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob));
- NeedBytes(1);
- } }
- /**** add missing setting to cache **********************/
- if ( dbcgs->pValue->type != DBVT_BLOB )
- {
- DBVARIANT* pCachedValue = GetCachedValuePtr( hContact, szCachedSettingName, 1 );
- if ( pCachedValue != NULL )
- pCachedValue->type = DBVT_DELETED;
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- logg();
- return 1;
-static INT_PTR GetContactSetting(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- dgs->pValue->type = 0;
- if ( GetContactSettingWorker(( HANDLE )wParam, dgs, 0 ))
- return 1;
- if ( dgs->pValue->type == DBVT_UTF8 ) {
- WCHAR* tmp = NULL;
- char* p = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dgs->pValue->pszVal);
- if ( mir_utf8decode( p, &tmp ) != NULL ) {
- BOOL bUsed = FALSE;
- int result = WideCharToMultiByte( mirCp, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, tmp, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, &bUsed );
- mir_free( dgs->pValue->pszVal );
- if ( bUsed || result == 0 ) {
- dgs->pValue->type = DBVT_WCHAR;
- dgs->pValue->pwszVal = tmp;
- }
- else {
- dgs->pValue->type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
- dgs->pValue->pszVal = mir_alloc( result );
- WideCharToMultiByte( mirCp, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, tmp, -1, dgs->pValue->pszVal, result, NULL, NULL );
- mir_free( tmp );
- }
- }
- else {
- dgs->pValue->type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
- mir_free( tmp );
- } }
- return 0;
-static INT_PTR GetContactSettingStr(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- int iSaveType = dgs->pValue->type;
- if ( GetContactSettingWorker(( HANDLE )wParam, dgs, 0 ))
- return 1;
- if ( iSaveType == 0 || iSaveType == dgs->pValue->type )
- return 0;
- if ( dgs->pValue->type != DBVT_ASCIIZ && dgs->pValue->type != DBVT_UTF8 )
- return 1;
- if ( iSaveType == DBVT_WCHAR ) {
- if ( dgs->pValue->type != DBVT_UTF8 ) {
- int len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, dgs->pValue->pszVal, -1, NULL, 0 );
- wchar_t* wszResult = ( wchar_t* )mir_alloc(( len+1 )*sizeof( wchar_t ));
- if ( wszResult == NULL )
- return 1;
- MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, dgs->pValue->pszVal, -1, wszResult, len );
- wszResult[ len ] = 0;
- mir_free( dgs->pValue->pszVal );
- dgs->pValue->pwszVal = wszResult;
- }
- else {
- char* savePtr = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dgs->pValue->pszVal);
- mir_free( dgs->pValue->pszVal );
- if ( !mir_utf8decode( savePtr, &dgs->pValue->pwszVal ))
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else if ( iSaveType == DBVT_UTF8 ) {
- char* tmpBuf = mir_utf8encode( dgs->pValue->pszVal );
- if ( tmpBuf == NULL )
- return 1;
- mir_free( dgs->pValue->pszVal );
- dgs->pValue->pszVal = tmpBuf;
- }
- else if ( iSaveType == DBVT_ASCIIZ )
- mir_utf8decode( dgs->pValue->pszVal, NULL );
- dgs->pValue->type = iSaveType;
- return 0;
-INT_PTR GetContactSettingStatic(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- if ( GetContactSettingWorker(( HANDLE )wParam, dgs, 1 ))
- return 1;
- if ( dgs->pValue->type == DBVT_UTF8 ) {
- mir_utf8decode( dgs->pValue->pszVal, NULL );
- dgs->pValue->type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
- }
- return 0;
-static INT_PTR FreeVariant(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- if ( dbv == 0 ) return 1;
- switch ( dbv->type ) {
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- case DBVT_WCHAR:
- {
- if ( dbv->pszVal ) mir_free(dbv->pszVal);
- dbv->pszVal=0;
- break;
- }
- case DBVT_BLOB:
- {
- if ( dbv->pbVal ) mir_free(dbv->pbVal);
- dbv->pbVal=0;
- break;
- }
- }
- dbv->type=0;
- return 0;
-static INT_PTR SetSettingResident(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- size_t cbSettingNameLen = strlen(( char* )lParam) + 2;
- if (cbSettingNameLen < 512)
- {
- char* szSetting;
- int idx;
- char szTemp[512];
- strcpy( szTemp+1, ( char* )lParam );
- EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- if ( !li.List_GetIndex( &lSettings, szTemp, &idx ))
- szSetting = InsertCachedSetting( szTemp, cbSettingNameLen, idx );
- else
- szSetting = lSettings.items[ idx ];
- *szSetting = (char)wParam;
- if ( !li.List_GetIndex( &lResidentSettings, szSetting+1, &idx ))
- {
- if (wParam)
- li.List_Insert(&lResidentSettings,szSetting+1,idx);
- }
- else if (!wParam)
- li.List_Remove(&lResidentSettings,idx);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- }
- return 0;
-static INT_PTR WriteContactSetting(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- struct DBContact dbc;
- DWORD ofsModuleName;
- struct DBContactSettings dbcs;
- PBYTE pBlob;
- int settingNameLen=0;
- int moduleNameLen=0;
- int settingDataLen=0;
- int bytesRequired,bytesRemaining;
- DWORD ofsContact,ofsSettingsGroup,ofsBlobPtr;
- if (dbcws == NULL || dbcws->szSetting==NULL || dbcws->szModule==NULL )
- return 1;
- // the db format can't tolerate more than 255 bytes of space (incl. null) for settings+module name
- settingNameLen=(int)strlen(dbcws->szSetting);
- moduleNameLen=(int)strlen(dbcws->szModule);
- if ( settingNameLen > 0xFE )
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("WriteContactSetting() got a > 255 setting name length. \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- if ( moduleNameLen > 0xFE )
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("WriteContactSetting() got a > 255 module name length. \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- tmp = *dbcws;
- if (tmp.value.type == DBVT_WCHAR) {
- if (tmp.value.pszVal != NULL) {
- char* val = mir_utf8encodeW(tmp.value.pwszVal);
- if ( val == NULL )
- return 1;
- tmp.value.pszVal = ( char* )alloca( strlen( val )+1 );
- strcpy( tmp.value.pszVal, val );
- mir_free(val);
- tmp.value.type = DBVT_UTF8;
- }
- else return 1;
- }
- if(tmp.value.type!=DBVT_BYTE && tmp.value.type!=DBVT_WORD && tmp.value.type!=DBVT_DWORD && tmp.value.type!=DBVT_ASCIIZ && tmp.value.type!=DBVT_UTF8 && tmp.value.type!=DBVT_BLOB)
- return 1;
- if ((!tmp.szModule) || (!tmp.szSetting) || ((tmp.value.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ || tmp.value.type == DBVT_UTF8 )&& tmp.value.pszVal == NULL) || (tmp.value.type == DBVT_BLOB && tmp.value.pbVal == NULL) )
- return 1;
- // the db can not tolerate strings/blobs longer than 0xFFFF since the format writes 2 lengths
- switch( tmp.value.type ) {
- case DBVT_ASCIIZ: case DBVT_BLOB: case DBVT_UTF8:
- { size_t len = ( tmp.value.type != DBVT_BLOB ) ? strlen(tmp.value.pszVal) : tmp.value.cpbVal;
- if ( len >= 0xFFFF ) {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("WriteContactSetting() writing huge string/blob, rejecting ( >= 0xFFFF ) \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- {
- char* szCachedSettingName = GetCachedSetting(tmp.szModule, tmp.szSetting, moduleNameLen, settingNameLen);
- if ( tmp.value.type != DBVT_BLOB ) {
- DBVARIANT* pCachedValue = GetCachedValuePtr((HANDLE)wParam, szCachedSettingName, 1);
- if ( pCachedValue != NULL ) {
- BOOL bIsIdentical = FALSE;
- if ( pCachedValue->type == tmp.value.type ) {
- switch(tmp.value.type) {
- case DBVT_BYTE: bIsIdentical = pCachedValue->bVal == tmp.value.bVal; break;
- case DBVT_WORD: bIsIdentical = pCachedValue->wVal == tmp.value.wVal; break;
- case DBVT_DWORD: bIsIdentical = pCachedValue->dVal == tmp.value.dVal; break;
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- case DBVT_ASCIIZ: bIsIdentical = strcmp( pCachedValue->pszVal, tmp.value.pszVal ) == 0; break;
- }
- if ( bIsIdentical ) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- SetCachedVariant(&tmp.value, pCachedValue);
- }
- if ( szCachedSettingName[-1] != 0 ) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- NotifyEventHooks(hSettingChangeEvent,wParam,(LPARAM)&tmp);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else GetCachedValuePtr((HANDLE)wParam, szCachedSettingName, -1);
- }
- ofsModuleName=GetModuleNameOfs(tmp.szModule);
- if(wParam==0) ofsContact=dbHeader.ofsUser;
- else ofsContact=wParam;
- dbc=*(struct DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact,sizeof(struct DBContact),NULL);
- if(dbc.signature!=DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 1;
- }
- log0("write setting");
- //make sure the module group exists
- ofsSettingsGroup=GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(&dbc,ofsModuleName);
- if(ofsSettingsGroup==0) { //module group didn't exist - make it
- if(tmp.value.type&DBVTF_VARIABLELENGTH) {
- if(tmp.value.type==DBVT_ASCIIZ || tmp.value.type==DBVT_UTF8) bytesRequired=(int)strlen(tmp.value.pszVal)+2;
- else if(tmp.value.type==DBVT_BLOB) bytesRequired=tmp.value.cpbVal+2;
- }
- else bytesRequired=tmp.value.type;
- bytesRequired+=2+settingNameLen;
- ofsSettingsGroup=CreateNewSpace(bytesRequired+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob));
- dbcs.ofsNext=dbc.ofsFirstSettings;
- dbcs.ofsModuleName=ofsModuleName;
- dbcs.cbBlob=bytesRequired;
- dbcs.blob[0]=0;
- dbc.ofsFirstSettings=ofsSettingsGroup;
- DBWrite(ofsContact,&dbc,sizeof(struct DBContact));
- DBWrite(ofsSettingsGroup,&dbcs,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings));
- ofsBlobPtr=ofsSettingsGroup+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob);
- pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,1,&bytesRemaining);
- }
- else {
- dbcs=*(struct DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsSettingsGroup,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings),&bytesRemaining);
- //find if the setting exists
- ofsBlobPtr=ofsSettingsGroup+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob);
- pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,1,&bytesRemaining);
- while(pBlob[0]) {
- NeedBytes(settingNameLen+1);
- if(pBlob[0]==settingNameLen && !memcmp(pBlob+1,tmp.szSetting,settingNameLen))
- break;
- NeedBytes(1);
- MoveAlong(pBlob[0]+1);
- NeedBytes(3);
- MoveAlong(1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob));
- NeedBytes(1);
- }
- if(pBlob[0]) { //setting already existed, and up to end of name is in cache
- MoveAlong(1+settingNameLen);
- //if different type or variable length and length is different
- NeedBytes(3);
- if(pBlob[0]!=tmp.value.type || ((pBlob[0]==DBVT_ASCIIZ || pBlob[0]==DBVT_UTF8) && *(PWORD)(pBlob+1)!=strlen(tmp.value.pszVal)) || (pBlob[0]==DBVT_BLOB && *(PWORD)(pBlob+1)!=tmp.value.cpbVal)) {
- //bin it
- int nameLen,valLen;
- DWORD ofsSettingToCut;
- NeedBytes(3);
- nameLen=1+settingNameLen;
- valLen=1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob);
- ofsSettingToCut=ofsBlobPtr-nameLen;
- MoveAlong(valLen);
- NeedBytes(1);
- while(pBlob[0]) {
- MoveAlong(pBlob[0]+1);
- NeedBytes(3);
- MoveAlong(1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob));
- NeedBytes(1);
- }
- DBMoveChunk(ofsSettingToCut,ofsSettingToCut+nameLen+valLen,ofsBlobPtr+1-ofsSettingToCut);
- ofsBlobPtr-=nameLen+valLen;
- pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,1,&bytesRemaining);
- }
- else {
- //replace existing setting at pBlob
- MoveAlong(1); //skip data type
- switch(tmp.value.type) {
- case DBVT_BYTE: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.bVal,1); break;
- case DBVT_WORD: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.wVal,2); break;
- case DBVT_DWORD: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.dVal,4); break;
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- case DBVT_ASCIIZ: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr+2,tmp.value.pszVal,(int)strlen(tmp.value.pszVal)); break;
- case DBVT_BLOB: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr+2,tmp.value.pbVal,tmp.value.cpbVal); break;
- }
- //quit
- DBFlush(1);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- //notify
- NotifyEventHooks(hSettingChangeEvent,wParam,(LPARAM)&tmp);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- //cannot do a simple replace, add setting to end of list
- //pBlob already points to end of list
- //see if it fits
- if(tmp.value.type&DBVTF_VARIABLELENGTH) {
- if(tmp.value.type==DBVT_ASCIIZ || tmp.value.type==DBVT_UTF8) bytesRequired=(int)strlen(tmp.value.pszVal)+2;
- else if(tmp.value.type==DBVT_BLOB) bytesRequired=tmp.value.cpbVal+2;
- }
- else bytesRequired=tmp.value.type;
- bytesRequired+=2+settingNameLen;
- bytesRequired+=ofsBlobPtr+1-(ofsSettingsGroup+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob));
- if((DWORD)bytesRequired>dbcs.cbBlob) {
- //doesn't fit: move entire group
- struct DBContactSettings *dbcsPrev;
- DWORD ofsDbcsPrev,ofsNew;
- //find previous group to change its offset
- ofsDbcsPrev=dbc.ofsFirstSettings;
- if(ofsDbcsPrev==ofsSettingsGroup) ofsDbcsPrev=0;
- else {
- dbcsPrev=(struct DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsDbcsPrev,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings),NULL);
- while(dbcsPrev->ofsNext!=ofsSettingsGroup) {
- if(dbcsPrev->ofsNext==0) DatabaseCorruption(NULL);
- ofsDbcsPrev=dbcsPrev->ofsNext;
- dbcsPrev=(struct DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsDbcsPrev,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings),NULL);
- }
- }
- //create the new one
- ofsNew=ReallocSpace(ofsSettingsGroup, dbcs.cbBlob+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob), bytesRequired+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob));
- dbcs.cbBlob=bytesRequired;
- DBWrite(ofsNew,&dbcs,offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob));
- if(ofsDbcsPrev==0) {
- dbc.ofsFirstSettings=ofsNew;
- DBWrite(ofsContact,&dbc,sizeof(struct DBContact));
- }
- else {
- dbcsPrev=(struct DBContactSettings*)DBRead(ofsDbcsPrev,sizeof(struct DBContactSettings),NULL);
- dbcsPrev->ofsNext=ofsNew;
- DBWrite(ofsDbcsPrev,dbcsPrev,offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob));
- }
- ofsBlobPtr+=ofsNew-ofsSettingsGroup;
- ofsSettingsGroup=ofsNew;
- pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,1,&bytesRemaining);
- }
- //we now have a place to put it and enough space: make it
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&settingNameLen,1);
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr+1,(PVOID)tmp.szSetting,settingNameLen);
- MoveAlong(1+settingNameLen);
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.type,1);
- MoveAlong(1);
- switch(tmp.value.type) {
- case DBVT_BYTE: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.bVal,1); MoveAlong(1); break;
- case DBVT_WORD: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.wVal,2); MoveAlong(2); break;
- case DBVT_DWORD: DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.dVal,4); MoveAlong(4); break;
- case DBVT_UTF8:
- { int len=(int)strlen(tmp.value.pszVal);
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&len,2);
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr+2,tmp.value.pszVal,len);
- MoveAlong(2+len);
- }
- break;
- case DBVT_BLOB:
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&tmp.value.cpbVal,2) ;
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr+2,tmp.value.pbVal,tmp.value.cpbVal);
- MoveAlong(2+tmp.value.cpbVal);
- break;
- }
- { BYTE zero=0;
- DBWrite(ofsBlobPtr,&zero,1);
- }
- //quit
- DBFlush(1);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- //notify
- NotifyEventHooks(hSettingChangeEvent, wParam, (LPARAM)&tmp );
- return 0;
-static INT_PTR DeleteContactSetting(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- struct DBContact *dbc;
- DWORD ofsModuleName,ofsSettingsGroup,ofsBlobPtr;
- PBYTE pBlob;
- int settingNameLen,moduleNameLen,bytesRemaining;
- char* szCachedSettingName;
- WPARAM saveWparam = wParam;
- if ((!dbcgs->szModule) || (!dbcgs->szSetting))
- return 1;
- // the db format can't tolerate more than 255 bytes of space (incl. null) for settings+module name
- settingNameLen=(int)strlen(dbcgs->szSetting);
- moduleNameLen=(int)strlen(dbcgs->szModule);
- if ( settingNameLen > 0xFE )
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("DeleteContactSetting() got a > 255 setting name length. \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- if ( moduleNameLen > 0xFE )
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- OutputDebugStringA("DeleteContactSetting() got a > 255 module name length. \n");
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- ofsModuleName=GetModuleNameOfs(dbcgs->szModule);
- if(wParam==0) wParam=dbHeader.ofsUser;
- dbc=(struct DBContact*)DBRead(wParam,sizeof(struct DBContact),NULL);
- if(dbc->signature!=DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 1;
- }
- //make sure the module group exists
- ofsSettingsGroup=GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(dbc,ofsModuleName);
- if(ofsSettingsGroup==0) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 1;
- }
- //find if the setting exists
- ofsBlobPtr=ofsSettingsGroup+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob);
- pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,1,&bytesRemaining);
- while(pBlob[0]) {
- NeedBytes(settingNameLen+1);
- if(pBlob[0]==settingNameLen && !memcmp(pBlob+1,dbcgs->szSetting,settingNameLen))
- break;
- NeedBytes(1);
- MoveAlong(pBlob[0]+1);
- NeedBytes(3);
- MoveAlong(1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob));
- NeedBytes(1);
- }
- if(!pBlob[0]) { //setting didn't exist
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return 1;
- }
- { //bin it
- int nameLen,valLen;
- DWORD ofsSettingToCut;
- MoveAlong(1+settingNameLen);
- NeedBytes(3);
- nameLen=1+settingNameLen;
- valLen=1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob);
- ofsSettingToCut=ofsBlobPtr-nameLen;
- MoveAlong(valLen);
- NeedBytes(1);
- while(pBlob[0]) {
- MoveAlong(pBlob[0]+1);
- NeedBytes(3);
- MoveAlong(1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob));
- NeedBytes(1);
- }
- DBMoveChunk(ofsSettingToCut,ofsSettingToCut+nameLen+valLen,ofsBlobPtr+1-ofsSettingToCut);
- }
- szCachedSettingName = GetCachedSetting(dbcgs->szModule,dbcgs->szSetting,moduleNameLen,settingNameLen);
- GetCachedValuePtr((HANDLE)saveWparam, szCachedSettingName, -1 );
- //quit
- DBFlush(1);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- { //notify
- dbcws.szModule=dbcgs->szModule;
- dbcws.szSetting=dbcgs->szSetting;
- dbcws.value.type=DBVT_DELETED;
- NotifyEventHooks(hSettingChangeEvent,saveWparam,(LPARAM)&dbcws);
- }
- return 0;
-static INT_PTR EnumContactSettings(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- struct DBContact *dbc;
- DWORD ofsModuleName,ofsContact,ofsBlobPtr;
- int bytesRemaining, result;
- PBYTE pBlob;
- char szSetting[256];
- if (!dbces->szModule)
- return -1;
- EnterCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- ofsModuleName=GetModuleNameOfs(dbces->szModule);
- if(wParam==0) ofsContact=dbHeader.ofsUser;
- else ofsContact=wParam;
- dbc=(struct DBContact*)DBRead(ofsContact,sizeof(struct DBContact),NULL);
- if(dbc->signature!=DBCONTACT_SIGNATURE) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return -1;
- }
- dbces->ofsSettings=GetSettingsGroupOfsByModuleNameOfs(dbc,ofsModuleName);
- if(!dbces->ofsSettings) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return -1;
- }
- ofsBlobPtr=dbces->ofsSettings+offsetof(struct DBContactSettings,blob);
- pBlob=(PBYTE)DBRead(ofsBlobPtr,1,&bytesRemaining);
- if(pBlob[0]==0) {
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return -1;
- }
- result = 0;
- while(pBlob[0]) {
- NeedBytes(1);
- NeedBytes(1+pBlob[0]);
- CopyMemory(szSetting,pBlob+1,pBlob[0]); szSetting[pBlob[0]]=0;
- result = (dbces->pfnEnumProc)(szSetting,dbces->lParam);
- MoveAlong(1+pBlob[0]);
- NeedBytes(3);
- MoveAlong(1+GetSettingValueLength(pBlob));
- NeedBytes(1);
- }
- LeaveCriticalSection(&csDbAccess);
- return result;
-static INT_PTR EnumResidentSettings(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
- int i;
- int ret;
- for(i = 0; i < lResidentSettings.realCount; i++) {
- ret=((DBMODULEENUMPROC)lParam)(lResidentSettings.items[i],0,wParam);
- if(ret) return ret;
- }
- return 0;
-// Module initialization procedure
-static int stringCompare( DBCachedSettingName* p1, DBCachedSettingName* p2 )
- return strcmp( p1->name, p2->name );
-static int stringCompare2( char* p1, char* p2 )
- return strcmp( p1, p2);
-int InitSettings(void)
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING,GetContactSetting);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING_STR,GetContactSettingStr);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTINGSTATIC,GetContactSettingStatic);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_FREEVARIANT,FreeVariant);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING,WriteContactSetting);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING,DeleteContactSetting);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS,EnumContactSettings);
- CreateServiceFunction(MS_DB_SETSETTINGRESIDENT,SetSettingResident);
- CreateServiceFunction("DB/ResidentSettings/Enum",EnumResidentSettings);
- hSettingChangeEvent=CreateHookableEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED);
- hCacheHeap=HeapCreate(0,0,0);
- lSettings.sortFunc=stringCompare;
- lSettings.increment=100;
- lContacts.sortFunc=HandleKeySort;
- lContacts.increment=50;
- lGlobalSettings.sortFunc=HandleKeySort;
- lGlobalSettings.increment=50;
- lResidentSettings.sortFunc=stringCompare2;
- lResidentSettings.increment=50;
- mirCp = CallService( MS_LANGPACK_GETCODEPAGE, 0, 0 );
- return 0;
-void UninitSettings(void)
- HeapDestroy(hCacheHeap);
- li.List_Destroy(&lContacts);
- li.List_Destroy(&lSettings);
- li.List_Destroy(&lGlobalSettings);
- li.List_Destroy(&lResidentSettings);