path: root/plugins/mRadio/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/mRadio/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 444 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/mRadio/ b/plugins/mRadio/
deleted file mode 100644
index d4330e84d1..0000000000
--- a/plugins/mRadio/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-{search station code}
-procedure SetAvatar(hContact:THANDLE);
- success:boolean;
- fname:pAnsiChar;
- url:pWideChar;
- buf,buf1,buf2:array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar;
- ext:array [0..15] of AnsiChar;
- section:pAnsiChar;
- pc:pAnsiChar;
- i:integer;
- // get url
- url:=DBReadUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optStationURL);
- // translate to Ansi
- FastWideToAnsiBuf(url,buf);
- mFreeMem(url);
- // search in INI
- i:=GetFSize(storage);
- if i=0 then
- i:=32767;
- mGetMem(pc,i+1);
- pc^:=#0;
- GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA(pc,i,storage);
- section:=pc;
- while section^<>#0 do
- begin
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(section,'URL','',buf1,SizeOf(buf1),storage);
- if StrCmp(@buf,@buf1)=0 then
- break;
- while section^<>#0 do inc(section);
- inc(section);
- end;
- mFreeMem(pc);
- if section^<>#0 then
- begin
- // get avatar link
- buf[0]:=#0;
- GetPrivateProfileStringA(section,'Avatar','',buf,SizeOf(buf),storage);
- if buf[0]<>#0 then
- begin
- // Here we trying to get Avatar chache directory
- // (create it if needs)
- // and copy (load) owr avatars there
- // in : buf = source avatar path
- // out: fname = destination (file name in cache)
- // rule for name is?..
- if StrPos(buf,'://')=nil then
- begin
- fname:=@buf;
- success:=FileExists(fname);
- // need to copy this file to avatar cache
- end
- else
- begin
- // download file
- GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH,pAnsiChar(@buf1));
- pc:=extract(pAnsiChar(@buf),true);
- StrCat(pAnsiChar(@buf1),pc);
- mFreeMem(pc);
- //mrAvt
- GetExt(pAnsiChar(@buf),pAnsiChar(@ext));
- GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH,pAnsiChar(@buf2));
- GetTempFileNameA(pAnsiChar(@buf2),'mrAvt',GetCurrentTime,pAnsiChar(@buf1));
- ChangeExt(pAnsiChar(@buf1),PAnsiChar(@ext));
- //
- fname:=@buf1;
- success:=GetFile(pAnsiChar(@buf),fname);
- end;
- if success then
- CallService(MS_AV_SETAVATAR,hContact,LPARAM(fname));
- end;
- end;
- TMySearchFilter = record
- lStation,
- lStationURL,
- lGenre:PAnsiChar;
- lBitrate:integer;
- lBitrateMode:integer;
- end;
- AckHandle = 427;
-// Since mRadio is unicode version only now, translate all strings to Wide
-// coz f*cking jinn will set unicode flag in any cases
-procedure LoadOneStation(section:pointer;const filter:TMySearchFilter);
- bitrate:integer;
- l:bool;
- columns:array [0..3] of TCHAR;
- pc:pAnsiChar;
- buf:array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(section,'URL');
- if pc<>nil then
- begin
- if (filter.lStationURL=nil) or (StrPos(CharLowerA(pc),filter.lStationURL)<>nil) then
- begin
- FillChar(csr,SizeOf(csr),0);
- csr.psr.cbSize:=SizeOf(csr.psr);
- csr.psr.Flags:=PSR_UNICODE;
- AnsiToWide(pc,csr.psr.firstname.w,MirandaCP);
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(section,optBitrate,'0');
- bitrate:=StrToInt(pc);
- if (bitrate<>0) and (filter.lBitrate<>0) then
- begin
- if filter.lBitrateMode<0 then l:=bitrate<=filter.lBitrate
- else if filter.lBitrateMode=0 then l:=bitrate =filter.lBitrate
- else{if filter.lBitrateMode>0} l:=bitrate>=filter.lBitrate;
- end
- else
- l:=true;
- if l then
- begin
- AnsiToWide(pc,,MirandaCP);
- StrCopy(buf,GetParamSectionStr(section,'Name',GetSectionName(section)),127);
- if (filter.lStation=nil) or (StrPos(CharLowerA(@buf),filter.lStation)<>nil) then
- begin
- AnsiToWide(@buf,csr.psr.nick.w,MirandaCP);
- StrCopy(buf,GetParamSectionStr(section,optGenre,'unknown'),127);
- if (filter.lGenre=nil) or (StrPos(CharLowerA(@buf),filter.lGenre)<>nil) then
- AnsiToWide(@buf,csr.psr.lastname.w,MirandaCP)
- else
- l:=false;
- end
- else
- l:=false;
- if l then
- begin
- columns[0].w:=csr.psr.nick.w; // Station name
- columns[1].w:=csr.psr.firstname.w; // URL
- columns[2].w:=csr.psr.lastname.w; // Genre
- columns[3]; // Bitrate
- csr.nSize :=SizeOf(csr);
- csr.nFieldCount:=4;
- csr.szFields :=@columns;
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PluginName,0,ACKTYPE_SEARCH,ACKRESULT_SEARCHRESULT,AckHandle,lparam(@csr));
- end;
- end;
- // initial value - nil, so we don't worry
- mFreeMem(csr.psr.nick);
- mFreeMem(csr.psr.firstname);
- mFreeMem(csr.psr.lastname);
- mFreeMem(;
- end;
- end;
-procedure ProcessSearch(var filter:TMySearchFilter;ini:PAnsiChar);
- pc:PAnsiChar;
- columns:array [0..3] of TCHAR;
- lstorage,section,list:pointer;
- columns[0].w:='Station Name';
- columns[1].w:='Station URL';
- columns[2].w:='Genre';
- columns[3].w:='Bitrate';
- csr.nSize :=SizeOf(csr);
- csr.nFieldCount:=4;
- csr.szFields :=@columns;
- csr.psr.cbSize :=0;
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PluginName,0,ACKTYPE_SEARCH,ACKRESULT_SEARCHRESULT,AckHandle,lparam(@csr));
- lstorage:=OpenStorage(ini);
- if lstorage<>nil then
- begin
- list:=GetSectionList(lstorage);
- pc:=list;
- while pc^<>#0 do
- begin
- section:=SearchSection(lstorage,pc);
- LoadOneStation(section,filter); //!!
- while pc^<>#0 do inc(pc);
- inc(pc);
- end;
- FreeSectionList(list);
- CloseStorage(lstorage);
- end;
- ProtoBroadcastAck(PluginName,0,ACKTYPE_SEARCH,ACKRESULT_SUCCESS,AckHandle,0);
- mFreeMem(filter.lStation);
- mFreeMem(filter.lStationURL);
- mFreeMem(filter.lGenre);
-procedure BasicSearch(name:PAnsiChar); cdecl;
- filter:TMySearchFilter;
- ini:array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar;
- FillChar(filter,SizeOf(filter),0);
- StrCopy(ini,storage);
- StrDup(filter.lStation,name);
- if filter.lStation<>nil then
- CharLowerA(filter.lStation);
- ProcessSearch(filter,ini);
-procedure ExtSearch(wnd:HWND); cdecl;
- filter:TMySearchFilter;
- ltmp:longbool;
- ini1,ini:array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar;
- FillChar(filter,SizeOf(filter),0);
- ini1[0]:=#0;
- GetDlgItemTextA(wnd,IDC_CUSTOMINI,@ini1,SizeOf(ini1));
- if ini1[0]=#0 then
- StrCopy(ini,storage)
- else
- ConvertFileName(ini1,ini);
- with filter do
- begin
-// CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE,dword(@ini1),dword(@ini));
- lBitrate:=GetDlgItemInt(wnd,IDC_BITRATE,ltmp,false);
- if IsDlgButtonChecked(wnd,IDC_LT)=BST_CHECKED then lBitrateMode:=-1
- else if IsDlgButtonChecked(wnd,IDC_EQ)=BST_CHECKED then lBitrateMode:=0
- else{if IsDlgButtonChecked(lParam,IDC_GT)=BST_CHECKED} lBitrateMode:=1;
- lStation:=GetDlgText(wnd,IDC_STATION,true);
- if lStation<>nil then
- CharLowerA(lStation);
- lStationURL:=GetDlgText(wnd,IDC_STATIONURL,true);
- if lStationURL<>nil then
- CharLowerA(lStationURL);
- lGenre:=GetDlgText(wnd,IDC_GENRE,true);
- if lGenre<>nil then
- CharLowerA(lGenre);
- end;
- ProcessSearch(filter,ini);
-function Service_SearchBasic(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
- if lParam=0 then
- result:=0
- else
- begin
- result:=AckHandle;
- CloseHandle(mir_forkthread(@BasicSearch,StrDup(PAnsiChar(lParam),PAnsiChar(lParam))));
- end;
-function Service_SearchByAdvanced(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
- if lParam=0 then
- result:=0
- else
- begin
- result:=AckHandle;
- CloseHandle(mir_forkthread(@ExtSearch,pointer(lParam)));
- end;
-function Service_GetCaps(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl; forward;
-function ExtSearchProc(Dialog:HWnd;hMessage:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
- buf:array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar;
- result:=0;
- case hMessage of
- CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_EQ,BST_CHECKED);
- TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog);
- end;
- WM_COMMAND: if (wParam shr 16)=BN_CLICKED then
- begin
- if loword(wParam)=IDOK then
- begin
- SendMessage(GetParent(Dialog),WM_COMMAND,IDOK+(BN_CLICKED) shl 16,
- GetDlgItem(GetParent(Dialog),IDOK));
- end
- else if loword(wParam)=IDC_BN_INIPATH then
- begin
- if ShowDlg(@buf,storage,'*.ini'#0'*.ini'#0#0) then
- SetDlgItemTextA(Dialog,IDC_CUSTOMINI,@buf);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function Service_ExtSearchUI(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
- TDLGTEMPLATEEX = packed record
- dlgVer:word;
- signature:word;
- helpID:dword;
- exStyle:dword;
- style:dword;
- cDlgItems:word;
- x:word;
- y:word;
- cx:word;
- cy:word;
- sz_Or_Ord menu;
- sz_Or_Ord windowClass;
- title:array [0..titleLen] of WideChar;
- pointsize:word;
- weight:word;
- italic:byte;
- charset:byte;
- typeface:array [0..stringLen] of WideChar;
- end;
- hr:HRSRC;
- result:=0;
- if lParam<>0 then
- begin
- if hr<>0 then
- begin
- pdte:=PDLGTEMPLATEEX(LoadResource(hInstance,hr));
- if pdte<>nil then
- begin
- if (Service_GetCaps(PFLAGNUM_1,0) and PF1_EXTSEARCHUI)<>0 then
- pdte^.style:=(pdte^.style and not WS_CHILD) or WS_POPUP or WS_BORDER;
- result:=CreateDialogIndirect(hInstance,
- PDlgTemplate(pdte){$IFNDEF FPC}^{$ENDIF},lParam,@ExtSearchProc);
- end;
- end;
- end;
-function Service_AddToList(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
- hContact:THANDLE;
- p:PWideChar;
- lurl:pWideChar;
- result:=0;
- if lParam<>0 then
- begin
- begin
- if id.w<>nil then
- lurl:=id.w
- else
- lurl:=firstname.w;
- if lurl<>nil then
- begin
-// find contact
- hContact:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST,0,0);
- while hContact<>0 do
- begin
- if StrCmp(PAnsiChar(CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO,hContact,0)),
- PluginName)=0 then
- begin
- p:=DBReadString(hContact,PluginName,optStationURL);
- l:=StrCmp(p,lurl)=0;
- mFreeMem(p);
- if l then
- begin
- DBDeleteSetting(hContact,strCList,'NotOnList');
- DBDeleteSetting(hContact,strCList,'Hidden');
- result:=hContact;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- hContact:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT,hContact,0);
- end;
-// if not found
- hContact:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD,0,0);
- if hContact<>0 then
- begin
- CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT,hContact,tlparam(PluginName));
- // URL
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optStationURL,lurl);
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optFirstName ,lurl);
- // Name
- if nick.w=nil then
- p:=lurl
- else
- p:=nick.w;
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,strCList ,optMyHandle,p);
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optNick ,p);
- // Bitrate
- if email.w<>nil then
- begin
- DBWriteWord (hContact,PluginName,optAge ,StrToInt(email.w));
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optBitrate,email.w);
- end;
- // Genre
- if lastname.w<>nil then
- begin
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optGenre ,lastname.w);
- DBWriteUnicode(hContact,PluginName,optLastName,lastname.w);
- end;
- SetStatus(hContact,ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
-// SetAvatar(hContact);
- result:=hContact;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;