path: root/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
27 files changed, 902 insertions, 1195 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_chain.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_chain.pas
index 48b187259f..5be20d6d8c 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_chain.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_chain.pas
@@ -141,37 +141,18 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- StrDupW(actname,getText(HXML(node)));
- flags:=flags or ACF_BYNAME;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioNoWait))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_NOWAIT;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioKeepOld))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_KEEPOLD;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioSameThread))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_SAMETHREAD;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- UF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,'name',nil),actname);
+ StrDupW(actname,xmlGetText(HXML(node)));
flags:=flags or ACF_BYNAME;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioNoWait)=1 then
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioNoWait))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_NOWAIT;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioKeepOld)=1 then
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioKeepOld))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_KEEPOLD;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioSameThread)=1 then
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioSameThread))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_SAMETHREAD;
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_contact.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_contact.pas
index 7c17334f15..561c8840fa 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_contact.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_contact.pas
@@ -84,25 +84,12 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- contact:=ImportContact(HXML(node));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioKeepOnly))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_KEEPONLY;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioWindow))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_GETACTIVE;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- contact:=ImportContactINI(node);
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioKeepOnly)=1 then
+ contact:=ImportContact(HXML(node));
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioKeepOnly))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_KEEPONLY;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioWindow)=1 then
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioWindow))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_GETACTIVE;
@@ -112,7 +99,6 @@ var
-// tmpbuf:array [0..63] of WideChar;
@@ -168,14 +154,7 @@ begin
case fmt of
0: if (flags and ACF_GETACTIVE)=0 then
- 1: begin
- sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioContactWindow,nil);
- ExportContact(sub,contact);
-// AddAttrInt(sub,ioNumber,0); // contact
- if (flags and ACF_KEEPONLY)<>0 then AddAttrInt(sub,ioKeepOnly,1);
- end;
13: begin
tTextExport(node).AddFlag('keeponly' ,(flags or ACF_KEEPONLY )<>0);
tTextExport(node).AddFlag('getactive',(flags or ACF_GETACTIVE)<>0);
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_dbrw.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_dbrw.pas
index f9faa18293..dffd5ca233 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_dbrw.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_dbrw.pas
@@ -389,79 +389,40 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioDelete)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBDELETE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWRITE;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioContact);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCurrent)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_CURRENT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioResult )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RESULT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioParam )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_PARAM
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioContact)=0 then
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioDelete)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBDELETE
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWRITE;
- // else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioRead)=0 then ;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioContact);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCurrent)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_CURRENT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioResult )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RESULT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioParam )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_PARAM
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioContact)=0 then
- begin
- dbcontact:=ImportContact(HXML(node));
- end;
- StrDupW(dbmodule ,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioModule));
- StrDupW(dbsetting,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioSetting));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFileVariable))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_MODULE;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgVariable ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_SETTING;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_VALUE;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioType);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioByte )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBBYTE
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWord )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWORD
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioDword)=0 then
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBANSI
- else flags:=flags or ACF_DBUTEXT;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioSaveValue))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_SAVE;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioLast))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_LAST
- else
- StrDupW(dbvalue,getText(HXML(node)));
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioOper);
- if lstrcmpi(pc,ioDelete)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBDELETE
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWRITE;
-// else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioRead)=0 then ;
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioContact);
- if lstrcmpi(pc,ioCurrent)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_CURRENT
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioResult )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RESULT
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioParam )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_PARAM
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioContact)=0 then
- begin
- dbcontact:=ImportContactINI(node);
+ dbcontact:=ImportContact(HXML(node));
- UF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,ioModule ),dbmodule);
- UF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,ioSetting),dbsetting);
+ StrDupW(dbmodule ,xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioModule));
+ StrDupW(dbsetting,xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioSetting));
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioFileVariable)=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_MODULE;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioArgVariable )=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_SETTING;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioVariables )=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_VALUE;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFileVariable))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_MODULE;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgVariable ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_SETTING;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RW_VALUE;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioByte )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBBYTE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWord )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWORD
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioDword)=0 then
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBANSI
+ else flags:=flags or ACF_DBUTEXT;
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioType);
- if lstrcmpi(pc,ioByte )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBBYTE
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioWord )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBWORD
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioDword)=0 then
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioAnsi )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_DBANSI
- else flags:=flags or ACF_DBUTEXT;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioSaveValue))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_SAVE;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioLast))=1 then
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioLast))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_LAST
- UF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,'value'),dbvalue); //!!
+ StrDupW(dbvalue,xmlGetText(HXML(node)));
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_global.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_global.pas
index aee55d1bfb..aa5b9bb87c 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_global.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_global.pas
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ const
rtAnsi = 3;
rtUTF8 = 4;
- xmlparser:TXML_API_W;
IcoLibPrefix = 'action_type_';
@@ -175,22 +172,11 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioDisabled))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_DISABLED;
- StrDupW(ActionDescr,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioName));
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioDisabled))=1 then
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioDisabled))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_DISABLED;
- UF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,ioName),ActionDescr);
+ StrDupW(ActionDescr,xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioName));
@@ -335,36 +321,33 @@ var
- with xmlparser do
+ proto:=FastWideToAnsiBuf(xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioCProto),tmpbuf);
+ if (proto=nil) or (proto^=#0) then
- proto:=FastWideToAnsiBuf(getAttrValue(node,ioCProto),tmpbuf);
- if (proto=nil) or (proto^=#0) then
- begin
- result:=0;
- exit;
- end;
- is_chat:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioIsChat))<>0;
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ is_chat:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioIsChat))<>0;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(node,ioCUID);
- if is_chat then
- begin
- dbv.szVal.W:=tmp;
- end
- else
- begin
- FillChar(dbv,SizeOf(TDBVARIANT),0);
- dbv._type:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioCUIDType));
- case dbv._type of
- DBVT_BYTE : dbv.bVal:=StrToInt(tmp);
- DBVT_WORD : dbv.wVal:=StrToInt(tmp);
- DBVT_DWORD : dbv.dVal:=StrToInt(tmp);
- DBVT_ASCIIZ: FastWideToAnsi(tmp,dbv.szVal.A);
- DBVT_UTF8 : WideToUTF8(tmp,dbv.szVal.A);
- DBVT_WCHAR : dbv.szVal.W:=tmp;
- DBVT_BLOB : begin
- dbv.pbVal := mir_base64_decode(FastWideToAnsi(tmp,pAnsiChar(dbv.pbVal)),bufLen);
- dbv.cpbVal := bufLen;
- end;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioCUID);
+ if is_chat then
+ begin
+ dbv.szVal.W:=tmp;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FillChar(dbv,SizeOf(TDBVARIANT),0);
+ dbv._type:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioCUIDType));
+ case dbv._type of
+ DBVT_BYTE : dbv.bVal:=StrToInt(tmp);
+ DBVT_WORD : dbv.wVal:=StrToInt(tmp);
+ DBVT_DWORD : dbv.dVal:=StrToInt(tmp);
+ DBVT_ASCIIZ: FastWideToAnsi(tmp,dbv.szVal.A);
+ DBVT_UTF8 : WideToUTF8(tmp,dbv.szVal.A);
+ DBVT_WCHAR : dbv.szVal.W:=tmp;
+ DBVT_BLOB : begin
+ dbv.pbVal := mir_base64_decode(FastWideToAnsi(tmp,pAnsiChar(dbv.pbVal)),bufLen);
+ dbv.cpbVal := bufLen;
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_inout.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_inout.pas
index 5ae7a1cedf..b5fcbb466a 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_inout.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_inout.pas
@@ -327,36 +327,32 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioObject);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioClipboard)=0 then
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioObject);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioClipboard)=0 then
- begin
- flags:=flags or ACF_CLIPBRD;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCopy)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_COPYTO;
- // else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'paste')=0 then ;
- end
- else
+ flags:=flags or ACF_CLIPBRD;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCopy)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_COPYTO;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioFile)=0 then
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioFile)=0 then
- begin
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFileVariable))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_FILE_PATH;
- flags:=flags or ACF_FILE;
- StrDupW(tfile,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFile));
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_FWRITE
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAppend)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_FAPPEND;
- case StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioEnc)) of
- 0: flags:=flags or ACF_ANSI;
- 1: flags:=flags or ACF_UTF8;
- 2: flags:=flags or ACF_UTF8 or ACF_SIGN;
- 3: flags:=flags or 0;
- 4: flags:=flags or ACF_SIGN;
- end;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFileVariable))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_FILE_PATH;
+ flags:=flags or ACF_FILE;
+ StrDupW(tfile,xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFile));
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioWrite )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_FWRITE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAppend)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_FAPPEND;
+ case StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioEnc)) of
+ 0: flags:=flags or ACF_ANSI;
+ 1: flags:=flags or ACF_UTF8;
+ 2: flags:=flags or ACF_UTF8 or ACF_SIGN;
+ 3: flags:=flags or 0;
+ 4: flags:=flags or ACF_SIGN;
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_jump.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_jump.pas
index 4ac0473405..8e2bba787c 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_jump.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_jump.pas
@@ -293,100 +293,54 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(HXML(node),ioIf,0);
+ if sub<>0 then
- sub:=getNthChild(HXML(node),ioIf,0);
- if sub<>0 then
- begin
- tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioOper);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'math')=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_MATH
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNop )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_NOP;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'math')=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_MATH
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNop )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_NOP;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioCond);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNop)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_NOP // compatibility
- else if (flags and ACF_NOP)=0 then
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioCond);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNop)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_NOP // compatibility
+ else if (flags and ACF_NOP)=0 then
+ begin
+ if flags and ACF_MATH<>0 then
- if flags and ACF_MATH<>0 then
- begin
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'gt' )=0 then condition:=aeGT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'lt' )=0 then condition:=aeLT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'eq' )=0 then condition:=aeEQ
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'xor')=0 then condition:=aeXR
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'and')=0 then condition:=aeND;
- end
- else
- begin
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'empty')=0 then condition:=aeEMP
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'eq' )=0 then condition:=aeEQU
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'cont' )=0 then condition:=aeCON
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'start')=0 then condition:=aeSTR
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'ends' )=0 then condition:=aeEND;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioCase))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_CASE;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioBack))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_BACK;
- end;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioNot))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_NOT;
- if ((flags and ACF_MATH)<>0) or (condition<>aeEMP) then
- StrDupW(value,getAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'gt' )=0 then condition:=aeGT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'lt' )=0 then condition:=aeLT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'eq' )=0 then condition:=aeEQ
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'xor')=0 then condition:=aeXR
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'and')=0 then condition:=aeND;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'empty')=0 then condition:=aeEMP
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'eq' )=0 then condition:=aeEQU
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'cont' )=0 then condition:=aeCON
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'start')=0 then condition:=aeSTR
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,'ends' )=0 then condition:=aeEND;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioCase))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_CASE;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioBack))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_BACK;
- end;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioNot))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_NOT;
- sub:=getNthChild(HXML(node),ioPost,0);
- if sub<>0 then
- begin
- tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioOper);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioBreak)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_BREAK
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioJump )=0 then StrDupW(actlabel,getAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
+ if ((flags and ACF_MATH)<>0) or (condition<>aeEMP) then
+ StrDupW(value,xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
- end;
- 2: begin
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioOper);
- if lstrcmpi(pc,'math')=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_MATH
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioNop )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_NOP;
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioCond);
- if lstrcmpi(pc,ioNop)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_NOP // compatibility
- else if (flags and ACF_NOP)=0 then
- begin
- if flags and ACF_MATH<>0 then
- begin
- if lstrcmpi(pc,'gt' )=0 then condition:=aeGT
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'lt' )=0 then condition:=aeLT
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'eq' )=0 then condition:=aeEQ
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'xor')=0 then condition:=aeXR
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'and')=0 then condition:=aeND;
- end
- else
- begin
- if lstrcmpi(pc,'empty')=0 then condition:=aeEMP
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'eq' )=0 then condition:=aeEQU
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'cont' )=0 then condition:=aeCON
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'start')=0 then condition:=aeSTR
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,'ends' )=0 then condition:=aeEND;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioCase)=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_CASE;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioBack)=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_BACK;
- end;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioNot)=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_NOT;
- if ((flags and ACF_MATH)<>0) or (condition<>aeEMP) then
- UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,ioValue),value);
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(HXML(node),ioPost,0);
+ if sub<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioOper);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioBreak)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_BREAK
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioJump )=0 then StrDupW(actlabel,xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioValue));
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioAction);
- if lstrcmpi(pc,ioBreak)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_BREAK
- else if lstrcmpi(pc,ioJump )=0 then UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,ioLabel),actlabel);
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_messagebox.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_messagebox.pas
index 41a1068ab2..78320e1cd5 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_messagebox.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_messagebox.pas
@@ -147,26 +147,13 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- StrDupW(msgtitle,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioTitle));
- StrDupW(msgtext,getText(HXML(node)));
- boxopts:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioType));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgVariable))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MSG_TXT;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MSG_TTL;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionInt(node,ioTitle),msgtitle);
- UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionInt(node,ioText ),msgtext);
- boxopts:=GetParamSectionInt(node,ioType);
+ StrDupW(msgtitle,xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioTitle));
+ StrDupW(msgtext,xmlGetText(HXML(node)));
+ boxopts:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioType));
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioArgVariable)=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MSG_TXT;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioVariables )=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MSG_TTL;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgVariable))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MSG_TXT;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables ))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_MSG_TTL;
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_program.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_program.pas
index 33924c4279..d16c356019 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_program.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_program.pas
@@ -244,30 +244,27 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- StrDupW(prgname,getText(HXML(node)));
- StrDupW(args,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgs));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioCurrent))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_CURPATH;
+ StrDupW(prgname,xmlGetText(HXML(node)));
+ StrDupW(args,xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgs));
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioCurrent))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_CURPATH;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioParallel))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_PRTHREAD
- else
- time:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioWait));
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioParallel))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_PRTHREAD
+ else
+ time:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioWait));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFileVariable))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_PRG_PRG;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioFileVariable))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_PRG_PRG;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgVariable))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_PRG_ARG;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioArgVariable))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_PRG_ARG;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioWindow);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioHidden )=0 then show:=SW_HIDE
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioMinimized)=0 then show:=SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioMaximized)=0 then show:=SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED
- else show:=SW_SHOWNORMAL;
- end;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioWindow);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioHidden )=0 then show:=SW_HIDE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioMinimized)=0 then show:=SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioMaximized)=0 then show:=SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED
+ else show:=SW_SHOWNORMAL;
2: begin
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_service.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_service.pas
index cfeb456191..1868b89214 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_service.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_service.pas
@@ -174,25 +174,22 @@ begin
if act=0 then
- with xmlparser do
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(act,ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCurrent)=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_CURRENT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioResult )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_RESULT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioParam )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_PARAM
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioStruct )=0 then
- tmp:=getAttrValue(act,ioType);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioCurrent)=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_CURRENT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioResult )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_RESULT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioParam )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_PARAM
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioStruct )=0 then
- begin
- result:=ACF_TYPE_STRUCT;
-//!!!! param:=ReadStruct(act);
- end
- else
- begin
- StrDupW(pWideChar(param),getAttrValue(act,ioValue));
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNumber )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_NUMBER
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_UNICODE
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_STRING;
- end;
+ result:=ACF_TYPE_STRUCT;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ StrDupW(pWideChar(param),xmlGetAttrValue(act,ioValue));
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioNumber )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_NUMBER
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_UNICODE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then result:=ACF_TYPE_STRING;
@@ -329,60 +326,32 @@ begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- FastWideToAnsi(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioService),service.service);
-//!!!! StrDupW(service,getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioService));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables))=1 then
- service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT;
+ FastWideToAnsi(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioService),service.service);
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables))=1 then
+ service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT;
- sub:=getNthChild(HXML(node),ioWParam,0);
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioVariables))=1 then
- service.w_flags:=service.w_flags or ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT;
- service.w_flags:=service.w_flags or
- ReadParam(sub,PWideChar(service.wparam),(service.w_flags and ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT)<>0);
- sub:=getNthChild(HXML(node),ioLParam,0);
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioVariables))=1 then
- service.l_flags:=service.l_flags or ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT;
- service.l_flags:=service.l_flags or
- ReadParam(sub,PWideChar(service.lparam),(service.l_flags and ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT)<>0);
- sub:=getNthChild(HXML(node),ioOutput,0);
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioFree))=1 then
- service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_FLAG_FREEMEM;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(sub,ioType);
- if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_UNICODE
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_STRING
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioStruct )=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_STRUCT
- else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioInt )=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_NUMBER;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- StrDup(service,GetParamSectionStr(node,ioService));
-//!!!! UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionStr(node,ioService),service);
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioVariables)=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_SCRIPT_SERVICE;
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioWParam+'.'+ioVariables))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_SCRIPT_PARAM;
- flags:=flags or ReadParamINI(node,ioWParam+'.',wparam,(flags and ACF_SCRIPT_PARAM)<>0);
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioLParam+'.'+ioVariables))=1 then
- flags2:=flags2 or ACF_SCRIPT_PARAM;
- flags2:=flags2 or ReadParamINI(node,ioLParam+'.',lparam,(flags2 and ACF_SCRIPT_PARAM)<>0);
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioFree)=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_RFREEMEM;
- pc:=GetParamSectionStr(node,ioType);
- if lstrcmpi(pñ,ioUnicode)=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RUNICODE
- else if lstrcmpi(pñ,ioAnsi )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RSTRING
- else if lstrcmpi(pñ,ioStruct )=0 then flags:=flags or ACF_RSTRUCT
-// else if lstrcmpi(pñ,ioInt )=0 then ;
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(HXML(node),ioWParam,0);
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioVariables))=1 then
+ service.w_flags:=service.w_flags or ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT;
+ service.w_flags:=service.w_flags or
+ ReadParam(sub,PWideChar(service.wparam),(service.w_flags and ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT)<>0);
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(HXML(node),ioLParam,0);
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioVariables))=1 then
+ service.l_flags:=service.l_flags or ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT;
+ service.l_flags:=service.l_flags or
+ ReadParam(sub,PWideChar(service.lparam),(service.l_flags and ACF_FLAG_SCRIPT)<>0);
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(HXML(node),ioOutput,0);
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioFree))=1 then
+ service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_FLAG_FREEMEM;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioType);
+ if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioUnicode)=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_UNICODE
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioAnsi )=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_STRING
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioStruct )=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_STRUCT
+ else if lstrcmpiw(tmp,ioInt )=0 then service.flags:=service.flags or ACF_TYPE_NUMBER;
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_storage.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_storage.pas
index 500d366334..186e88240a 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_storage.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_storage.pas
@@ -155,12 +155,9 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- if lstrcmpiw(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper),ioCopy)=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_COPYFROM;
- Number:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioNumber));
- end;
+ if lstrcmpiw(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioOper),ioCopy)=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_COPYFROM;
+ Number:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioNumber));
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas
index 68f9acf7ba..8614d6430e 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas
@@ -361,22 +361,12 @@ begin
1: begin
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- StrDupW(text,getText(HXML(node)));
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioPost))=1 then
- flags:=flags or ACF_POSTPROCESS;
- end;
- end;
- 2: begin
- UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionInt(node,ioText),text);
- if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioVariables)=1 then
+ StrDupW(text,xmlGetText(HXML(node)));
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables))=1 then
flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(HXML(node),ioPost))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_POSTPROCESS;
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/inoutxml.pas b/plugins/Actman/inoutxml.pas
index cd11c1a963..bcf91222bf 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/inoutxml.pas
+++ b/plugins/Actman/inoutxml.pas
@@ -31,17 +31,14 @@ var
if actnode=0 then exit;
- with xmlparser do
+ pa:=GetLinkByName(FastWideToAnsiBuf(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioClass),buf));
+ if pa<>nil then
- pa:=GetLinkByName(FastWideToAnsiBuf(getAttrValue(actnode,ioClass),buf));
- if pa<>nil then
- begin
- result:=pa.Create;
- result.Load(pointer(actnode),1);
- end
- else
- result:=tBaseAction(1);
- end;
+ result:=pa.Create;
+ result.Load(pointer(actnode),1);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=tBaseAction(1);
function Import(list:tMacroList;fname:PWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
@@ -76,79 +73,72 @@ begin
- xmlparser.cbSize:=SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- root:=parseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
- nodenum:=0;
- impact:=imp_yes;
- repeat
- actnode:=getNthChild(root,ioAction,nodenum);
- if actnode=0 then break;
-//?? if StrCmpW(getName(actnode),ioAction)<>0 then break;
- tmp:=getAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
- if tmp<>nil then //!!
+ root:=xmlParseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
+ nodenum:=0;
+ impact:=imp_yes;
+ repeat
+ actnode:=xmlGetNthChild(root,ioAction,nodenum);
+ if actnode=0 then break;
+ tmp:=xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
+ if tmp<>nil then //!!
+ begin
+ p:=list.GetMacro(tmp);
+ oldid:=$FFFFFFFF;
+ if p<>nil then
- p:=list.GetMacro(tmp);
- oldid:=$FFFFFFFF;
- if p<>nil then
+ if (impact<>imp_yesall) and (impact<>imp_noall) then
- if (impact<>imp_yesall) and (impact<>imp_noall) then
- begin
- StrCopyW(buf,TranslateW('Action "$" exists, do you want to rewrite it?'));
- impact:=ShowQuestion(StrReplaceW(buf,'$',tmp));
- end;
- if (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) then
- begin
- oldid:=p^.id;
- FreeMacro(p);
- end;
+ StrCopyW(buf,TranslateW('Action "$" exists, do you want to rewrite it?'));
+ impact:=ShowQuestion(StrReplaceW(buf,'$',tmp));
- // if new or overwriting then read macro details/actions
- if (p=nil) or (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) or (impact=imp_append) then
+ if (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) then
- with List[list.NewMacro()]^ do
+ oldid:=p^.id;
+ FreeMacro(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // if new or overwriting then read macro details/actions
+ if (p=nil) or (impact=imp_yesall) or (impact=imp_yes) or (impact=imp_append) then
+ begin
+ with List[list.NewMacro()]^ do
+ begin
+ if (p<>nil) and (oldid<>$FFFFFFFF) then // set old id to keep UseAction setting
- if (p<>nil) and (oldid<>$FFFFFFFF) then // set old id to keep UseAction setting
- begin
- flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT or ACF_OVERLOAD;
- id:=oldid;
- end
- else
- flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioVolatile))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_VOLATILE;
- StrCopyW(descr,tmp,MacroNameLen-1);
+ flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT or ACF_OVERLOAD;
+ id:=oldid;
+ end
+ else
+ flags:=flags or ACF_IMPORT;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioVolatile))=1 then flags:=flags or ACF_VOLATILE;
+ StrCopyW(descr,tmp,MacroNameLen-1);
- // reading actions
- actcnt:=0; // count in file
- ActionCount:=0; // amount of loaded
- repeat
- act:=ImportAction(getChild(actnode,actcnt));
- if act=nil then
- break;
- if uint_ptr(act)<>1 then
- begin
- arr[ActionCount]:=act;
- inc(ActionCount);
- end;
- inc(actcnt);
- until false;
- // moving actions to their place
- if Actioncount>0 then
+ // reading actions
+ actcnt:=0; // count in file
+ ActionCount:=0; // amount of loaded
+ repeat
+ act:=ImportAction(xmlGetChild(actnode,actcnt));
+ if act=nil then
+ break;
+ if uint_ptr(act)<>1 then
- GetMem(ActionList,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*ActionCount);
- move(arr,ActionList^,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*ActionCount);
+ arr[ActionCount]:=act;
+ inc(ActionCount);
- inc(result);
+ inc(actcnt);
+ until false;
+ // moving actions to their place
+ if Actioncount>0 then
+ begin
+ GetMem(ActionList,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*ActionCount);
+ move(arr,ActionList^,SizeOf(tBaseAction)*ActionCount);
+ inc(result);
- inc(nodenum);
- until false;
- destroyNode(root);
- end;
+ end;
+ inc(nodenum);
+ until false;
+ xmlDestroyNode(root);
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/ua/ b/plugins/Actman/ua/
index b560e99fb1..95f793e9f2 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/ua/
+++ b/plugins/Actman/ua/
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ begin
- xmlparser.FreeMem(res);
+ FreeMem(res);
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/ua/ b/plugins/Actman/ua/
index bf53ff954a..4a539a8275 100644
--- a/plugins/Actman/ua/
+++ b/plugins/Actman/ua/
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- xmlparser:TXML_API_W;
ioAction :PWideChar = 'Action';
@@ -32,27 +30,24 @@ function ImportMenuItems(node:HXML;var MenuItem:tUAMenuItem):integer;
- with xmlparser do
+ with MenuItem do
- with MenuItem do
- begin
- menu_opt:=0;
- // popup
- StrDupW(szMenuPopup,getAttrValue(node,ioMenuPopup));
- // name
- StrDupW(szMenuNameVars,getAttrValue(node,ioMenuName));
- // show
- StrDupW(szMenuShowWhenVars,getAttrValue(node,ioMenuShow));
- // used
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioMenuUsed))<>0 then
- menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_MENUUSE;
- // separated
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioMenuSeparated))<>0 then
- menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_MENUSEP;
- // no translate
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioNoTranslate))<>0 then
- menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_NOTRANS;
- end;
+ menu_opt:=0;
+ // popup
+ StrDupW(szMenuPopup,xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioMenuPopup));
+ // name
+ StrDupW(szMenuNameVars,xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioMenuName));
+ // show
+ StrDupW(szMenuShowWhenVars,xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioMenuShow));
+ // used
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioMenuUsed))<>0 then
+ menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_MENUUSE;
+ // separated
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioMenuSeparated))<>0 then
+ menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_MENUSEP;
+ // no translate
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(node,ioNoTranslate))<>0 then
+ menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_NOTRANS;
@@ -64,52 +59,44 @@ begin
if actnode=0 then exit;
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- // we don't need that node as is, just it's child for UA
-// actnode:=GetNthChild(actnode,ioUA,0);
- UA.flags:=0;
- // ----- Common -----
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioTwoState))<>0 then
- UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_2STATE;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioSaveState))<>0 then
- UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_SAVESTATE;
- // sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioRegister,nil);
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioHotkey))<>0 then
- UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGHOTKEY;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioToolbar))<>0 then
- UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGTTBB;
- if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioTabSRMM))<>0 then
- UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGTABB;
- // ----- Hotkey -----
- // nothing
- // ----- Modern CList toolbar -----
- // source - ANSI text
- sub:=GetNthChild(actnode,ioToolbar,0);
- WideToAnsi(GetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltip ),UA.szTTBTooltip ,MirandaCP);
- WideToAnsi(GetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltipPressed),UA.szTTBTooltipPressed,MirandaCP);
- // ----- TabSRMM toolbar -----
- sub:=GetNthChild(actnode,ioTabSRMM,0);
- StrDupW(UA.szTabBTooltip ,getAttrValue(sub,ioTooltip));
- StrDupW(UA.szTabBTooltipPressed,getAttrValue(sub,ioTooltipPressed));
- // ----- Menus -----
- num:=0;
- repeat
- sub:=getNextChild(actnode,ioMenuItem,@num);
- if sub=0 then break;
- i:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioType));
- ImportMenuItems(sub,
- UA.UAMenuItem[tMenuType(i)]);
- until false;
- end;
+ UA.flags:=0;
+ // ----- Common -----
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioTwoState))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_2STATE;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioSaveState))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_SAVESTATE;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioHotkey))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGHOTKEY;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioToolbar))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGTTBB;
+ if StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioTabSRMM))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGTABB;
+ // ----- Hotkey -----
+ // nothing
+ // ----- Modern CList toolbar -----
+ // source - ANSI text
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,ioToolbar,0);
+ WideToAnsi(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltip ),UA.szTTBTooltip ,MirandaCP);
+ WideToAnsi(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltipPressed),UA.szTTBTooltipPressed,MirandaCP);
+ // ----- TabSRMM toolbar -----
+ sub:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,ioTabSRMM,0);
+ StrDupW(UA.szTabBTooltip ,xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltip));
+ StrDupW(UA.szTabBTooltipPressed,xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltipPressed));
+ // ----- Menus -----
+ num:=0;
+ repeat
+ sub:=xmlGetNextChild(actnode,ioMenuItem,@num);
+ if sub=0 then break;
+ i:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(sub,ioType));
+ ImportMenuItems(sub,UA.UAMenuItem[tMenuType(i)]);
+ until false;
function Import(fname:PWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
@@ -139,50 +126,45 @@ begin
- xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- root:=parseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
- j:=0;
- repeat
- actnode:=getNthChild(root,ioAction,j);
- if actnode=0 then break;
- // search id by name?
- pcw:=GetAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
- ptr:=ptr1;
- inc(pbyte(ptr),4);
- for i:=0 to num-1 do
+ root:=xmlParseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
+ j:=0;
+ repeat
+ actnode:=xmlGetNthChild(root,ioAction,j);
+ if actnode=0 then break;
+ // search id by name?
+ pcw:=xmlGetAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
+ ptr:=ptr1;
+ inc(pbyte(ptr),4);
+ for i:=0 to num-1 do
+ begin
+ if (ptr.flags and ACF_SELECTED)<>0 then
- if (ptr.flags and ACF_SELECTED)<>0 then
+ if StrCmpw(pcw,ptr.descr)=0 then
- if StrCmpw(pcw,ptr.descr)=0 then
+ // delete old UA for overwrited actions
+ if (ptr.flags and ACF_OVERLOAD)<>0 then
- // delete old UA for overwrited actions
- if (ptr.flags and ACF_OVERLOAD)<>0 then
+ for act:=0 to HIGH(UActionList) do
- for act:=0 to HIGH(UActionList) do
+ if[act].dwActID then
- if[act].dwActID then
- begin
- DeleteUAction(act,true);
- break;
- end;
+ DeleteUAction(act,true);
+ break;
- num1:=AddUAction(-1,ptr);
- ImportUAction(getNthChild(actnode,ioUA,0),UActionList[num1]);
- break;
+ num1:=AddUAction(-1,ptr);
+ ImportUAction(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,ioUA,0),UActionList[num1]);
+ break;
- inc(ptr);
- inc(j);
- until false;
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ until false;
+ xmlDestroyNode(root);
- DestroyNode(root);
- end;
@@ -197,27 +179,24 @@ end;
function ExportMenuItems(node:HXML;const MenuItem:tUAMenuItem):HXML;
- with xmlparser do
+ result:=xmlAddChild(node,ioMenuItem,nil);
+ with MenuItem do
- result:=AddChild(node,ioMenuItem,nil);
- with MenuItem do
- begin
- // popup
- if (szMenuPopup<>nil) and (szMenuPopup^<>#0) then
- AddAttr(result,ioMenuPopup,szMenuPopup);
- // name
- if (szMenuNameVars<>nil) and (szMenuNameVars^<>#0) then
- AddAttr(result,ioMenuName,szMenuNameVars);
- // show
- if (szMenuShowWhenVars<>nil) and (szMenuShowWhenVars^<>#0) then
- AddAttr(result,ioMenuShow,szMenuShowWhenVars);
- // used
- AddAttrInt(result,ioMenuUsed,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_MENUUSE)<>0));
- // separated
- AddAttrInt(result,ioMenuSeparated,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_MENUSEP)<>0));
- // no translate
- AddAttrInt(result,ioNoTranslate,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_NOTRANS)<>0));
- end;
+ // popup
+ if (szMenuPopup<>nil) and (szMenuPopup^<>#0) then
+ xmlAddAttr(result,ioMenuPopup,szMenuPopup);
+ // name
+ if (szMenuNameVars<>nil) and (szMenuNameVars^<>#0) then
+ xmlAddAttr(result,ioMenuName,szMenuNameVars);
+ // show
+ if (szMenuShowWhenVars<>nil) and (szMenuShowWhenVars^<>#0) then
+ xmlAddAttr(result,ioMenuShow,szMenuShowWhenVars);
+ // used
+ xmlAddAttrInt(result,ioMenuUsed,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_MENUUSE)<>0));
+ // separated
+ xmlAddAttrInt(result,ioMenuSeparated,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_MENUSEP)<>0));
+ // no translate
+ xmlAddAttrInt(result,ioNoTranslate,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_NOTRANS)<>0));
@@ -229,70 +208,66 @@ var
- with xmlparser do
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(UActionList) do
- for i:=0 to HIGH(UActionList) do
+ if UActionList[i].dwActID=id then
- if UActionList[i].dwActID=id then
+ UA:=@UActionList[i];
+ actnode:=xmlGetChildByAttrValue(root,ioAction,ioName,name);
+ if actnode=0 then break;
+ // we don't need that node as is, just it's child for UA
+ actnode:=xmlAddChild(actnode,ioUA,nil);
+ // ----- Common -----
+ xmlAddAttrInt(actnode,ioTwoState ,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_2STATE )<>0));
+ xmlAddAttrInt(actnode,ioSaveState,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_SAVESTATE)<>0));
+ xmlAddAttrInt(actnode,ioHotkey ,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGHOTKEY)<>0));
+ xmlAddAttrInt(actnode,ioToolbar,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGTTBB )<>0));
+ xmlAddAttrInt(actnode,ioTabSRMM,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGTABB )<>0));
+ // ----- Hotkey -----
+ // nothing
+ // ----- Modern CList toolbar -----
+ // source - ANSI text
+ if ((UA.szTTBTooltip <>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltip^ <>#0)) or
+ ((UA.szTTBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed^<>#0)) then
- UA:=@UActionList[i];
- actnode:=getChildByAttrValue(root,ioAction,ioName,name);
- if actnode=0 then break;
- // we don't need that node as is, just it's child for UA
- actnode:=addChild(actnode,ioUA,nil);
- // ----- Common -----
- AddAttrInt(actnode,ioTwoState ,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_2STATE )<>0));
- AddAttrInt(actnode,ioSaveState,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_SAVESTATE)<>0));
- // sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioRegister,nil);
- AddAttrInt(actnode,ioHotkey ,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGHOTKEY)<>0));
- AddAttrInt(actnode,ioToolbar,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGTTBB )<>0));
- AddAttrInt(actnode,ioTabSRMM,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGTABB )<>0));
- // ----- Hotkey -----
- // nothing
- // ----- Modern CList toolbar -----
- // source - ANSI text
- if ((UA.szTTBTooltip <>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltip^ <>#0)) or
- ((UA.szTTBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed^<>#0)) then
+ sub:=xmlAddChild(actnode,ioToolbar,nil);
+ if (UA.szTTBTooltip<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltip^<>#0) then
- sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioToolbar,nil);
- if (UA.szTTBTooltip<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltip^<>#0) then
- begin
- AnsiToWide(UA.szTTBTooltip,pc,MirandaCP);
- AddAttr(sub,ioTooltip,pc);
- mFreeMem(pc);
- end;
- if (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed^<>#0) then
- begin
- AnsiToWide(UA.szTTBTooltipPressed,pc,MirandaCP);
- AddAttr(sub,ioTooltipPressed,pc);
- mFreeMem(pc);
- end;
+ AnsiToWide(UA.szTTBTooltip,pc,MirandaCP);
+ xmlAddAttr(sub,ioTooltip,pc);
+ mFreeMem(pc);
- // ----- TabSRMM toolbar -----
- if ((UA.szTabBTooltip <>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltip^ <>#0)) or
- ((UA.szTabBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed^<>#0)) then
+ if (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed^<>#0) then
- sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioTabSRMM,nil);
- if (UA.szTabBTooltip<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltip^<>#0) then
- AddAttr(sub,ioTooltip,UA.szTabBTooltip);
- if (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed^<>#0) then
- AddAttr(sub,ioTooltipPressed,UA.szTabBTooltipPressed);
+ AnsiToWide(UA.szTTBTooltipPressed,pc,MirandaCP);
+ xmlAddAttr(sub,ioTooltipPressed,pc);
+ mFreeMem(pc);
+ end;
- // ----- Menus -----
- for lmenu:=main_menu to HIGH(tMenuType) do
- begin
- sub:=ExportMenuItems(actnode,UA.UAMenuItem[lmenu]);
- AddAttrInt(sub,ioType,ORD(lmenu));
- end;
+ // ----- TabSRMM toolbar -----
+ if ((UA.szTabBTooltip <>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltip^ <>#0)) or
+ ((UA.szTabBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed^<>#0)) then
+ begin
+ sub:=xmlAddChild(actnode,ioTabSRMM,nil);
+ if (UA.szTabBTooltip<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltip^<>#0) then
+ xmlAddAttr(sub,ioTooltip,UA.szTabBTooltip);
+ if (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed^<>#0) then
+ xmlAddAttr(sub,ioTooltipPressed,UA.szTabBTooltipPressed);
+ end;
- break;
+ // ----- Menus -----
+ for lmenu:=main_menu to HIGH(tMenuType) do
+ begin
+ sub:=ExportMenuItems(actnode,UA.UAMenuItem[lmenu]);
+ xmlAddAttrInt(sub,ioType,ORD(lmenu));
+ break;
@@ -306,47 +281,43 @@ var
- xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
+ // we need append file, not rewrite
+ i:=GetFSize(fname);
+ if i=0 then exit;
+ mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
+ FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ BlockRead(f,res^,i);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ root:=xmlParseString(res,@i,nil);
+ mFreeMem(res);
+ num:=CallService(MS_ACT_GETLIST,0,LPARAM(@ptr));
+ if num>0 then
- // we need append file, not rewrite
- i:=GetFSize(fname);
- if i=0 then exit;
- mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
- FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
- f:=Reset(fname);
- BlockRead(f,res^,i);
- CloseHandle(f);
- root:=parseString(res,@i,nil);
- mFreeMem(res);
- num:=CallService(MS_ACT_GETLIST,0,LPARAM(@ptr));
- if num>0 then
+ ptr1:=ptr;
+ inc(pbyte(ptr),4);
+ for i:=0 to num-1 do
- ptr1:=ptr;
- inc(pbyte(ptr),4);
- for i:=0 to num-1 do
+ if ((aflags and ACIO_SELECTED)=0) or
+ ((ptr.flags and ACCF_EXPORT)<>0) then
- if ((aflags and ACIO_SELECTED)=0) or
- ((ptr.flags and ACCF_EXPORT)<>0) then
- begin
- WriteUAction(root,,ptr.descr);
- end;
- inc(ptr);
+ WriteUAction(root,,ptr.descr);
- CallService(MS_ACT_FREELIST,0,LPARAM(ptr1));
+ inc(ptr);
+ CallService(MS_ACT_FREELIST,0,LPARAM(ptr1));
+ end;
- res:=toString(root,@i);
+ res:=xmlToString(root,@i);
- f:=Rewrite(fname);
- BlockWrite(f,res^,i*SizeOf(WideChar));
- CloseHandle(f);
- xmlparser.FreeMem(res);
- DestroyNode(root);
- end;
+ f:=Rewrite(fname);
+ BlockWrite(f,res^,i*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ xmlFree(res);
+ xmlDestroyNode(root);
diff --git a/plugins/ImportTXT/ b/plugins/ImportTXT/
index 9f9a2e3f3c..1df28964b0 100644
--- a/plugins/ImportTXT/
+++ b/plugins/ImportTXT/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
rhxml: HXML;
curxml: HXML;
chldxml: HXML;
@@ -13,28 +12,6 @@ var
- If ServiceExists(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI) > 0 then
- begin
- XI.cbSize := SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- res := LongBool(CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI, 0, int(@XI)));
- if not res then
- begin
- XI.cbSize := SizeOf(TXML_API_W) - 4;
- res := LongBool(CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI, 0, int(@XI)));
- if not res then
- begin
- s := TranslateWideString('Error at initialization XML parser');
- DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- s := TranslateWideString('Your version of Miranda don''t support XML parsing');
- DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0);
- exit;
- end;
if (DContact.hContact = 0) or (DContact.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then
if (fContact.hContact <> 0) and (fContact.hContact <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then
DContact := fContact;
@@ -47,40 +24,40 @@ begin
ptxt := UTF8toWide(pFileText, ptxt, SizeOf(WideChar) * FileLen + 2);
ptxt[FileLen + 1] := #0000;
- rhxml := XI.parseString(ptxt, @txtlen, 'root');
+ rhxml := xmlparseString(ptxt, @txtlen, 'root');
if (rhxml = 0) then
- DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_MAXPROGRESS, 0, XI.getChildCount(rhxml));
- chldxml := XI.getFirstChild(rhxml);
- if XI.getName(chldxml) = 'version' then
+ DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_MAXPROGRESS, 0, xmlgetChildCount(rhxml));
+ chldxml := xmlgetFirstChild(rhxml);
+ if xmlgetName(chldxml) = 'version' then
ic := 0;
- curxml := XI.getNextChild(rhxml, 'event', @ic);
+ curxml := xmlgetNextChild(rhxml, 'event', @ic);
while (curxml <> 0) do
fillchar(dbei, SizeOf(dbei), 0);
dbei.cbSize := SizeOf(dbei);
dbei.szModule := PAnsiChar(proto);
- if TryStrToInt(XI.getText(XI.getChildByPath(curxml, 'time', false)), tm)
+ if TryStrToInt(xmlgetText(xmlgetChildByPath(curxml, 'time', false)), tm)
dbei.timestamp := tm;
- if XI.getText(XI.getChildByPath(curxml, 'incoming', false)) = 'Yes' then
+ if xmlgetText(xmlgetChildByPath(curxml, 'incoming', false)) = 'Yes' then
dbei.flags := DBEF_READ or DBEF_UTF
dbei.flags := DBEF_READ or DBEF_UTF or DBEF_SENT;
- if XI.getText(XI.getChildByPath(curxml, 'type', false))^ = '2' then
+ if xmlgetText(xmlgetChildByPath(curxml, 'type', false))^ = '2' then
- s := XI.getText(XI.getChildByPath(curxml, 'text', false)) + ': ' +
- XI.getText(XI.getChildByPath(curxml, 'data', false));
+ s := xmlgetText(xmlgetChildByPath(curxml, 'text', false)) + ': ' +
+ xmlgetText(xmlgetChildByPath(curxml, 'data', false));
dbei.eventType := EVENTTYPE_URL;
- s := XI.getText(XI.getChildByPath(curxml, 'text', false));
+ s := xmlgetText(xmlgetChildByPath(curxml, 'text', false));
dbei.eventType := EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE;
@@ -102,7 +79,7 @@ begin
- curxml := XI.getNextChild(rhxml, 'event', @ic);
+ curxml := xmlgetNextChild(rhxml, 'event', @ic);
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/init.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/init.cpp
index 7e06f1040c..9cb03cc152 100644
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/init.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/init.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ HFONT bold_font = NULL;
HANDLE hLoadPubKey = NULL, g_hCLIcon = NULL, hExportGpgKeys = NULL, hImportGpgKeys = NULL;
HGENMENU hSendKey = NULL, hToggleEncryption = NULL;
RECT key_from_keyserver_rect = {0}, firstrun_rect = {0}, new_key_rect = {0}, key_gen_rect = {0}, load_key_rect = {0}, import_key_rect = {0}, key_password_rect = {0}, load_existing_key_rect = {0};
-XML_API xi = {0};
int hLangpack = 0;
logtofile debuglog;
bool gpg_valid = false, gpg_keyexist = false;
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ static int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load()
HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded);
- mir_getXI(&xi); //TODO: check if we have access to api
diff --git a/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp b/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp
index 711fbadf95..df16fde641 100755
--- a/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp
+++ b/plugins/New_GPG/src/utilities.cpp
@@ -706,11 +706,11 @@ int GetJabberInterface(WPARAM w, LPARAM l) //get interface for all jabber accoun
static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC SendHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, void *pUserData)
HXML local_node = node;
- for(int n = 0; n <= xi.getChildCount(node); n++)
+ for(int n = 0; n <= xmlGetChildCount(node); n++)
- LPCTSTR str = xi.getText(local_node);
- LPCTSTR nodename = xi.getName(local_node);
- LPCTSTR attr = xi.getAttrValue(local_node, _T("to"));
+ LPCTSTR str = xmlGetText(local_node);
+ LPCTSTR nodename = xmlGetName(local_node);
+ LPCTSTR attr = xmlGetAttrValue(local_node, _T("to"));
MCONTACT hContact = ji->ContactFromJID(attr);
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC SendHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, void *pU
if(_tcsstr(str, _T("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")) && _tcsstr(str, _T("-----END PGP MESSAGE-----")))
wstring data = str;
- xi.setText(local_node, _T("This message is encrypted."));
+ xmlSetText(local_node, _T("This message is encrypted."));
wstring::size_type p1 = data.find(_T("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")) + mir_tstrlen(_T("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"));
while(data.find(_T("Version: "), p1) != wstring::npos)
@@ -744,8 +744,8 @@ static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC SendHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, void *pU
wstring::size_type p2 = data.find(_T("-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"));
wstring data2 = data.substr(p1, p2-p1-2);
- HXML encrypted_data = xi.addChild(node, _T("x"), data2.c_str());
- xi.addAttr(encrypted_data, _T("xmlns"), _T("jabber:x:encrypted"));
+ HXML encrypted_data = xmlAddChild(node, _T("x"), data2.c_str());
+ xmlAddAttr(encrypted_data, _T("xmlns"), _T("jabber:x:encrypted"));
return FALSE;
@@ -892,15 +892,15 @@ static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC SendHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, void *pU
std::wstring tmp = data.substr(p1, p2-p1);
- HXML encrypted_data = xi.addChild(node, _T("x"), tmp.c_str());
- xi.addAttr(encrypted_data, _T("xmlns"), _T("jabber:x:signed"));
+ HXML encrypted_data = xmlAddChild(node, _T("x"), tmp.c_str());
+ xmlAddAttr(encrypted_data, _T("xmlns"), _T("jabber:x:signed"));
return FALSE;
- local_node = xi.getChild(node, n);
+ local_node = xmlGetChild(node, n);
return FALSE;
@@ -910,35 +910,35 @@ static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC SendHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, void *pU
static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC PrescenseHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, void *pUserData)
HXML local_node = node;
- for(int n = 0; n <= xi.getChildCount(node); n++)
+ for(int n = 0; n <= xmlGetChildCount(node); n++)
- LPCTSTR str = xi.getText(local_node);
- LPCTSTR nodename = xi.getName(local_node);
+ LPCTSTR str = xmlGetText(local_node);
+ LPCTSTR nodename = xmlGetName(local_node);
if(_tcsstr(nodename, _T("x")))
- for(int n = 0; n < xi.getAttrCount(local_node); n++)
+ for(int n = 0; n < xmlGetAttrCount(local_node); n++)
- LPCTSTR name = xi.getAttrName(local_node, n);
- LPCTSTR value = xi.getAttrValue(local_node, name);
+ LPCTSTR name = xmlGetAttrName(local_node, n);
+ LPCTSTR value = xmlGetAttrValue(local_node, name);
if(_tcsstr(value, _T("jabber:x:signed")))
std::wstring status_str;
HXML local_node2 = node;
- for(int n = 0; n <= xi.getChildCount(node); n++)
+ for(int n = 0; n <= xmlGetChildCount(node); n++)
- LPCTSTR nodename2 = xi.getName(local_node2);
+ LPCTSTR nodename2 = xmlGetName(local_node2);
if(_tcsstr(nodename2, _T("status")))
- LPCTSTR status = xi.getText(local_node2);
+ LPCTSTR status = xmlGetText(local_node2);
status_str = status;
- local_node2 = xi.getChild(node, n);
+ local_node2 = xmlGetChild(node, n);
- LPCTSTR data = xi.getText(local_node);
+ LPCTSTR data = xmlGetText(local_node);
wstring sign = _T("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n");
wstring file = toUTF16(get_random(10)), status_file = toUTF16(get_random(10));
sign += data;
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC PrescenseHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, voi
- hContact = (*p)->getJabberInterface()->ContactFromJID(xi.getAttrValue(node, _T("from")));
+ hContact = (*p)->getJabberInterface()->ContactFromJID(xmlGetAttrValue(node, _T("from")));
hcontact_data[hContact].key_in_prescense = out.substr(p1, p2-p1-1).c_str();
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ static JABBER_HANDLER_FUNC PrescenseHandler(IJabberInterface *ji, HXML node, voi
- local_node = xi.getChild(node, n);
+ local_node = xmlGetChild(node, n);
return FALSE;
diff --git a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/CheckFeed.cpp b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/CheckFeed.cpp
index 9e156a3162..3ea2a0f3d9 100644
--- a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/CheckFeed.cpp
+++ b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/CheckFeed.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "common.h"
-TCHAR* CheckFeed(TCHAR *tszURL, HWND hwndDlg)
+LPCTSTR CheckFeed(TCHAR *tszURL, HWND hwndDlg)
Netlib_LogfT(hNetlibUser, _T("Started validating feed %s."), tszURL);
char *szData = NULL;
@@ -29,47 +29,45 @@ TCHAR* CheckFeed(TCHAR *tszURL, HWND hwndDlg)
if (!tszData)
tszData = mir_a2t(szData);
int bytesParsed = 0;
- HXML hXml = xi.parseString(tszData, &bytesParsed, NULL);
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseString(tszData, &bytesParsed, NULL);
if (hXml != NULL) {
int childcount = 0;
HXML node;
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(hXml), _T("xml")))
- node = xi.getChild(hXml, childcount);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(hXml), _T("xml")))
+ node = xmlGetChild(hXml, childcount);
node = hXml;
while (node) {
- LPCTSTR szNodeName = xi.getName(node);
+ LPCTSTR szNodeName = xmlGetName(node);
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("rss")) || !mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("rdf"))) {
- HXML chan = xi.getChild(node, 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < xi.getChildCount(chan); j++) {
- HXML child = xi.getChild(chan, j);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(child), _T("title"))) {
+ HXML chan = xmlGetChild(node, 0);
+ for (int j = 0; j < xmlGetChildCount(chan); j++) {
+ HXML child = xmlGetChild(chan, j);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(child), _T("title"))) {
mir_sntprintf(mes, _countof(mes), TranslateT("%s\nis a valid feed's address."), tszURL);
MessageBox(hwndDlg, mes, TranslateT("News Aggregator"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- TCHAR *tszTitle = (TCHAR *)xi.getText(child);
- return tszTitle;
+ return xmlGetText(child);
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("feed"))) {
- for (int j = 0; j < xi.getChildCount(node); j++) {
- HXML child = xi.getChild(node, j);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(child), _T("title"))) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < xmlGetChildCount(node); j++) {
+ HXML child = xmlGetChild(node, j);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(child), _T("title"))) {
mir_sntprintf(mes, _countof(mes), TranslateT("%s\nis a valid feed's address."), tszURL);
MessageBox(hwndDlg, mes, TranslateT("News Aggregator"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- TCHAR *tszTitle = (TCHAR *)xi.getText(child);
- return tszTitle;
+ return xmlGetText(child);
- node = xi.getChild(hXml, ++childcount);
+ node = xmlGetChild(hXml, ++childcount);
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
Netlib_LogfT(hNetlibUser, _T("%s is not a valid feed's address."), tszURL);
@@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
if (!tszData)
tszData = mir_a2t(szData);
int bytesParsed = 0;
- HXML hXml = xi.parseString(tszData, &bytesParsed, NULL);
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseString(tszData, &bytesParsed, NULL);
@@ -186,20 +184,20 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
if (hXml != NULL) {
int childcount = 0;
HXML node;
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(hXml), _T("xml")))
- node = xi.getChild(hXml, childcount);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(hXml), _T("xml")))
+ node = xmlGetChild(hXml, childcount);
node = hXml;
while (node) {
- LPCTSTR szNodeName = xi.getName(node);
+ LPCTSTR szNodeName = xmlGetName(node);
bool isRSS = !mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("rss")), isAtom = !mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("rdf"));
if (isRSS || isAtom) {
if (isRSS) {
- for (int i = 0; i < xi.getAttrCount(node); i++) {
- LPCTSTR szAttrName = xi.getAttrName(node, i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < xmlGetAttrCount(node); i++) {
+ LPCTSTR szAttrName = xmlGetAttrName(node, i);
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szAttrName, _T("version"))) {
- mir_sntprintf(ver, _countof(ver), _T("RSS %s"), xi.getAttrValue(node, szAttrName));
+ mir_sntprintf(ver, _countof(ver), _T("RSS %s"), xmlGetAttrValue(node, szAttrName));
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "MirVer", ver);
@@ -208,22 +206,22 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (isAtom)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "MirVer", _T("RSS 1.0"));
- HXML chan = xi.getChild(node, 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < xi.getChildCount(chan); j++) {
- HXML child = xi.getChild(chan, j);
- LPCTSTR childName = xi.getName(child);
+ HXML chan = xmlGetChild(node, 0);
+ for (int j = 0; j < xmlGetChildCount(chan); j++) {
+ HXML child = xmlGetChild(chan, j);
+ LPCTSTR childName = xmlGetName(child);
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("title"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "FirstName", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("link"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Homepage", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("description"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText) {
ClearText(szValue, szChildText);
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "About", szValue);
@@ -231,30 +229,30 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("language"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Language1", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("managingEditor"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "e-mail", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("category"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Interest0Text", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("copyright"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_s(hContact, "UserInfo", "MyNotes", _T2A(ClearText(szValue, szChildText)));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("image"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getChildCount(child); x++) {
- HXML imageval = xi.getChild(child, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
- LPCTSTR url = xi.getText(imageval);
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetChildCount(child); x++) {
+ HXML imageval = xmlGetChild(child, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
+ LPCTSTR url = xmlGetText(imageval);
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "ImageURL", url);
@@ -281,15 +279,15 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("lastBuildDate"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText) {
- TCHAR *lastupdtime = (TCHAR *)xi.getText(child);
+ TCHAR *lastupdtime = (TCHAR *)xmlGetText(child);
time_t stamp = DateToUnixTime(lastupdtime, 0);
double deltaupd = difftime(time(NULL), stamp);
double deltacheck = difftime(time(NULL), (time_t)db_get_dw(hContact, MODULE, "LastCheck", 0));
if (deltaupd - deltacheck >= 0) {
db_set_dw(hContact, MODULE, "LastCheck", (DWORD)time(NULL));
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
@@ -297,34 +295,34 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(childName, _T("item"))) {
CMString title, link, descr, author, comments, guid, category;
time_t stamp = 0;
- for (int z = 0; z < xi.getChildCount(child); z++) {
- HXML itemval = xi.getChild(child, z);
- LPCTSTR itemName = xi.getName(itemval);
+ for (int z = 0; z < xmlGetChildCount(child); z++) {
+ HXML itemval = xmlGetChild(child, z);
+ LPCTSTR itemName = xmlGetName(itemval);
// We only use the first tag for now and ignore the rest.
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("title")))
- ClearText(title, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(title, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("link")))
- ClearText(link, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(link, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("pubDate")) || !mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("date"))) {
if (stamp == 0)
- stamp = DateToUnixTime(xi.getText(itemval), 0);
+ stamp = DateToUnixTime(xmlGetText(itemval), 0);
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("description")) || !mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("encoded")))
- ClearText(descr, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(descr, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("author")) || !mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("creator")))
- ClearText(author, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(author, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("comments")))
- ClearText(comments, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(comments, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("guid")))
- ClearText(guid, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(guid, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(itemName, _T("category")))
- ClearText(category, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(category, xmlGetText(itemval));
XmlToMsg(hContact, title, link, descr, author, comments, guid, category, stamp);
@@ -333,26 +331,26 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("feed"))) {
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "MirVer", _T("Atom 3"));
- for (int j = 0; j < xi.getChildCount(node); j++) {
- HXML child = xi.getChild(node, j);
- LPCTSTR szChildName = xi.getName(child);
+ for (int j = 0; j < xmlGetChildCount(node); j++) {
+ HXML child = xmlGetChild(node, j);
+ LPCTSTR szChildName = xmlGetName(child);
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("title"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "FirstName", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("link"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getAttrCount(child); x++) {
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(child, x), _T("rel")))
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrValue(child, xi.getAttrName(child, x)), _T("self")))
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetAttrCount(child); x++) {
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(child, x), _T("rel")))
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrValue(child, xmlGetAttrName(child, x)), _T("self")))
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(child, x), _T("href")))
- db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Homepage", xi.getAttrValue(child, xi.getAttrName(child, x)));
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(child, x), _T("href")))
+ db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Homepage", xmlGetAttrValue(child, xmlGetAttrName(child, x)));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("subtitle"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText) {
ClearText(szValue, szChildText);
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "About", szValue);
@@ -360,29 +358,29 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("language"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Language1", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("author"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getChildCount(child); x++) {
- HXML authorval = xi.getChild(child, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(authorval), _T("email"))) {
- db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "e-mail", xi.getText(authorval));
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetChildCount(child); x++) {
+ HXML authorval = xmlGetChild(child, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(authorval), _T("email"))) {
+ db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "e-mail", xmlGetText(authorval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("category"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText)
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "Interest0Text", ClearText(szValue, szChildText));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("icon"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getChildCount(child); x++) {
- HXML imageval = xi.getChild(child, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
- LPCTSTR url = xi.getText(imageval);
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetChildCount(child); x++) {
+ HXML imageval = xmlGetChild(child, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
+ LPCTSTR url = xmlGetText(imageval);
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "ImageURL", url);
ptrT szNick(db_get_tsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick"));
@@ -405,7 +403,7 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("updated"))) {
- LPCTSTR szChildText = xi.getText(child);
+ LPCTSTR szChildText = xmlGetText(child);
if (szChildText) {
TCHAR *lastupdtime = (TCHAR *)szChildText;
time_t stamp = DateToUnixTime(lastupdtime, 1);
@@ -413,7 +411,7 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
double deltacheck = difftime(time(NULL), (time_t)db_get_dw(hContact, MODULE, "LastCheck", 0));
if (deltaupd - deltacheck >= 0) {
db_set_dw(hContact, MODULE, "LastCheck", (DWORD)time(NULL));
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
@@ -421,55 +419,55 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szChildName, _T("entry"))) {
CMString title, link, descr, author, comments, guid, category;
time_t stamp = 0;
- for (int z = 0; z < xi.getChildCount(child); z++) {
- HXML itemval = xi.getChild(child, z);
- LPCTSTR szItemName = xi.getName(itemval);
+ for (int z = 0; z < xmlGetChildCount(child); z++) {
+ HXML itemval = xmlGetChild(child, z);
+ LPCTSTR szItemName = xmlGetName(itemval);
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("title"))) {
- LPCTSTR szItemText = xi.getText(itemval);
+ LPCTSTR szItemText = xmlGetText(itemval);
if (szItemText)
ClearText(title, szItemText);
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("link"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getAttrCount(itemval); x++) {
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(itemval, x), _T("href"))) {
- ClearText(link, xi.getAttrValue(itemval, xi.getAttrName(itemval, x)));
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetAttrCount(itemval); x++) {
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(itemval, x), _T("href"))) {
+ ClearText(link, xmlGetAttrValue(itemval, xmlGetAttrName(itemval, x)));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("updated"))) {
if (stamp == 0)
- stamp = DateToUnixTime(xi.getText(itemval), 0);
+ stamp = DateToUnixTime(xmlGetText(itemval), 0);
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("summary")) || !mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("content"))) {
- LPCTSTR szItemText = xi.getText(itemval);
+ LPCTSTR szItemText = xmlGetText(itemval);
if (szItemText)
ClearText(descr, szItemText);
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("author"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getChildCount(itemval); x++) {
- HXML authorval = xi.getChild(itemval, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(authorval), _T("name")) && xi.getText(authorval)) {
- ClearText(author, xi.getText(authorval));
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetChildCount(itemval); x++) {
+ HXML authorval = xmlGetChild(itemval, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(authorval), _T("name")) && xmlGetText(authorval)) {
+ ClearText(author, xmlGetText(authorval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("comments"))) {
- LPCTSTR szItemText = xi.getText(itemval);
+ LPCTSTR szItemText = xmlGetText(itemval);
if (szItemText)
ClearText(comments, szItemText);
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("id"))) {
- LPCTSTR szItemText = xi.getText(itemval);
+ LPCTSTR szItemText = xmlGetText(itemval);
if (szItemText)
- ClearText(guid, xi.getText(itemval));
+ ClearText(guid, xmlGetText(itemval));
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szItemName, _T("category"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getAttrCount(itemval); x++) {
- LPCTSTR szAttrName = xi.getAttrName(itemval, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szAttrName, _T("term")) && xi.getText(itemval)) {
- ClearText(category, xi.getAttrValue(itemval, szAttrName));
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetAttrCount(itemval); x++) {
+ LPCTSTR szAttrName = xmlGetAttrName(itemval, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szAttrName, _T("term")) && xmlGetText(itemval)) {
+ ClearText(category, xmlGetAttrValue(itemval, szAttrName));
@@ -480,9 +478,9 @@ void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact)
- node = xi.getChild(hXml, ++childcount);
+ node = xmlGetChild(hXml, ++childcount);
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
db_set_dw(hContact, MODULE, "LastCheck", (DWORD)time(NULL));
@@ -508,25 +506,25 @@ void CheckCurrentFeedAvatar(MCONTACT hContact)
if (!tszData)
tszData = mir_a2t(szData);
int bytesParsed = 0;
- HXML hXml = xi.parseString(tszData, &bytesParsed, NULL);
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseString(tszData, &bytesParsed, NULL);
if (hXml == NULL)
int childcount = 0;
- HXML node = xi.getChild(hXml, childcount);
+ HXML node = xmlGetChild(hXml, childcount);
while (node) {
- LPCTSTR szNodeName = xi.getName(node);
+ LPCTSTR szNodeName = xmlGetName(node);
if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("rss")) || !mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("rdf"))) {
- HXML chan = xi.getChild(node, 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < xi.getChildCount(chan); j++) {
- HXML child = xi.getChild(chan, j);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(child), _T("image"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getChildCount(child); x++) {
- HXML imageval = xi.getChild(child, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
- LPCTSTR url = xi.getText(imageval);
+ HXML chan = xmlGetChild(node, 0);
+ for (int j = 0; j < xmlGetChildCount(chan); j++) {
+ HXML child = xmlGetChild(chan, j);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(child), _T("image"))) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetChildCount(child); x++) {
+ HXML imageval = xmlGetChild(child, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
+ LPCTSTR url = xmlGetText(imageval);
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "ImageURL", url);
@@ -553,13 +551,13 @@ void CheckCurrentFeedAvatar(MCONTACT hContact)
else if (!mir_tstrcmpi(szNodeName, _T("feed"))) {
- for (int j = 0; j < xi.getChildCount(node); j++) {
- HXML child = xi.getChild(node, j);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(child), _T("icon"))) {
- for (int x = 0; x < xi.getChildCount(child); x++) {
- HXML imageval = xi.getChild(child, x);
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
- LPCTSTR url = xi.getText(imageval);
+ for (int j = 0; j < xmlGetChildCount(node); j++) {
+ HXML child = xmlGetChild(node, j);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(child), _T("icon"))) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < xmlGetChildCount(child); x++) {
+ HXML imageval = xmlGetChild(child, x);
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(imageval), _T("url"))) {
+ LPCTSTR url = xmlGetText(imageval);
db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE, "ImageURL", url);
ptrT szNick(db_get_tsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick"));
@@ -584,7 +582,7 @@ void CheckCurrentFeedAvatar(MCONTACT hContact)
- node = xi.getChild(hXml, ++childcount);
+ node = xmlGetChild(hXml, ++childcount);
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
diff --git a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Common.h b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Common.h
index 7a2c424978..6e84892346 100644
--- a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Common.h
+++ b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Common.h
@@ -88,58 +88,59 @@ void UpdateListAdd(MCONTACT hContact);
void UpdateThreadProc(LPVOID AvatarCheck);
void DestroyUpdateList(void);
-extern HANDLE hUpdateMutex;
-extern HGENMENU hService2[7];
-int NewsAggrInit(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
-int OptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-int NewsAggrPreShutdown(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
-void NetlibInit();
-void NetlibUnInit();
-void InitMenu();
-void InitIcons();
-HICON LoadIconEx(const char* name, bool big);
-HANDLE GetIconHandle(const char* name);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrGetName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrGetCaps(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrSetStatus(WPARAM wp, LPARAM /*lp*/);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrGetStatus(WPARAM/* wp*/, LPARAM/* lp*/);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrLoadIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrGetInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrGetAvatarInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR NewsAggrRecvMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CheckAllFeeds(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR AddFeed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR ChangeFeed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR ImportFeeds(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR ExportFeeds(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CheckFeed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR EnableDisable(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-int OnToolbarLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcAddFeedOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcChangeFeedOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcChangeFeedMenu(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-void CALLBACK timerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime);
-void CALLBACK timerProc2(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime);
-bool IsMyContact(MCONTACT hContact);
-void GetNewsData(TCHAR *szUrl, char **szData, MCONTACT hContact, HWND hwndDlg);
-void CreateList(HWND hwndList);
-void UpdateList(HWND hwndList);
-void DeleteAllItems(HWND hwndList);
-time_t __stdcall DateToUnixTime(const TCHAR *stamp, bool FeedType);
-void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact);
-void CheckCurrentFeedAvatar(MCONTACT hContact);
-TCHAR* CheckFeed(TCHAR* tszURL, HWND hwndDlg);
-void UpdateMenu(bool State);
-int ImportFeedsDialog();
-LPCTSTR ClearText(CMString &value, const TCHAR *message);
-bool DownloadFile(LPCTSTR tszURL, LPCTSTR tszLocal);
-void CreateAuthString(char *auth, MCONTACT hContact, HWND hwndDlg);
-INT_PTR CALLBACK AuthenticationProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcExportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+extern HANDLE hUpdateMutex;
+extern HGENMENU hService2[7];
+int NewsAggrInit(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
+int OptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int NewsAggrPreShutdown(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
+void NetlibInit();
+void NetlibUnInit();
+void InitMenu();
+void InitIcons();
+HICON LoadIconEx(const char* name, bool big);
+HANDLE GetIconHandle(const char* name);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrGetName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrGetCaps(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrSetStatus(WPARAM wp, LPARAM /*lp*/);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrGetStatus(WPARAM/* wp*/, LPARAM/* lp*/);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrLoadIcon(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrGetInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrGetAvatarInfo(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR NewsAggrRecvMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CheckAllFeeds(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR AddFeed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR ChangeFeed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR ImportFeeds(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR ExportFeeds(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CheckFeed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR EnableDisable(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int OnToolbarLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcAddFeedOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcChangeFeedOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcChangeFeedMenu(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+void CALLBACK timerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime);
+void CALLBACK timerProc2(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime);
+bool IsMyContact(MCONTACT hContact);
+void GetNewsData(TCHAR *szUrl, char **szData, MCONTACT hContact, HWND hwndDlg);
+void CreateList(HWND hwndList);
+void UpdateList(HWND hwndList);
+void DeleteAllItems(HWND hwndList);
+time_t __stdcall DateToUnixTime(const TCHAR *stamp, bool FeedType);
+void CheckCurrentFeed(MCONTACT hContact);
+void CheckCurrentFeedAvatar(MCONTACT hContact);
+LPCTSTR CheckFeed(TCHAR* tszURL, HWND hwndDlg);
+void UpdateMenu(bool State);
+int ImportFeedsDialog();
+LPCTSTR ClearText(CMString &value, const TCHAR *message);
+bool DownloadFile(LPCTSTR tszURL, LPCTSTR tszLocal);
+void CreateAuthString(char *auth, MCONTACT hContact, HWND hwndDlg);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK AuthenticationProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcExportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
MCONTACT GetContactByNick(const TCHAR *nick);
MCONTACT GetContactByURL(const TCHAR *url);
diff --git a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/ExportImport.cpp b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/ExportImport.cpp
index fe6e512c29..d62d9b6f39 100644
--- a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/ExportImport.cpp
+++ b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/ExportImport.cpp
@@ -43,45 +43,45 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_IMPORTFILEPATH, FileName, _countof(FileName));
int bytesParsed = 0;
- HXML hXml = xi.parseFile(FileName, &bytesParsed, NULL);
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseFile(FileName, &bytesParsed, NULL);
if(hXml != NULL) {
HWND hwndList = (HWND)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA);
bool isTextUTF = false, isURLUTF = false, isSiteURLUTF = false, isGroupUTF = false;
- HXML node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("opml/body/outline"), 0);
+ HXML node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("opml/body/outline"), 0);
if ( !node)
- node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("body/outline"), 0);
+ node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("body/outline"), 0);
int count = (int)SendMessage(FeedsImportList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
int DUPES = 0;
if (node) {
while (node) {
- int outlineAttr = xi.getAttrCount(node);
- int outlineChildsCount = xi.getChildCount(node);
- TCHAR *xmlUrl = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(node, _T("xmlUrl"));
+ int outlineAttr = xmlGetAttrCount(node);
+ int outlineChildsCount = xmlGetChildCount(node);
+ TCHAR *xmlUrl = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, _T("xmlUrl"));
if (!xmlUrl && !outlineChildsCount) {
HXML tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if ( !node) {
do {
node = tmpnode;
- node = xi.getParent(node);
+ node = xmlGetParent(node);
tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if (node)
- } while (mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(node), _T("body")));
+ } while (mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(node), _T("body")));
else if (!xmlUrl && outlineChildsCount)
- node = xi.getFirstChild(node);
+ node = xmlGetFirstChild(node);
else if (xmlUrl) {
TCHAR *text = NULL, *url = NULL, *siteurl = NULL, *group = NULL;
BYTE NeedToImport = FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < outlineAttr; i++) {
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(node, i), _T("text"))) {
- text = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i))));
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), _T("text"))) {
+ text = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i))));
if (!text) {
isTextUTF = 0;
- text = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i));
+ text = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i));
} else
isTextUTF = 1;
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(node, i), _T("xmlUrl"))) {
- url = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i))));
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), _T("xmlUrl"))) {
+ url = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i))));
if ( !url) {
isURLUTF = false;
- url = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i));
+ url = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i));
} else
isURLUTF = true;
if (GetContactByURL(url) && NeedToImport) {
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(node, i), _T("htmlUrl"))) {
- siteurl = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i))));
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), _T("htmlUrl"))) {
+ siteurl = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i))));
if ( !siteurl) {
isSiteURLUTF = false;
- siteurl = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i));
+ siteurl = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i));
} else
isSiteURLUTF = true;
@@ -122,21 +122,21 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
if (NeedToImport) {
- HXML parent = xi.getParent(node);
+ HXML parent = xmlGetParent(node);
TCHAR tmpgroup[1024];
- while (mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(parent), _T("body"))) {
- for (int i = 0; i < xi.getAttrCount(parent); i++) {
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(parent, i), _T("text"))) {
+ while (mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(parent), _T("body"))) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < xmlGetAttrCount(parent); i++) {
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(parent, i), _T("text"))) {
if ( !group)
- group = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(parent, xi.getAttrName(parent, i));
+ group = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(parent, xmlGetAttrName(parent, i));
else {
- mir_sntprintf(tmpgroup, _countof(tmpgroup), _T("%s\\%s"), xi.getAttrValue(parent, xi.getAttrName(parent, i)), group);
+ mir_sntprintf(tmpgroup, _countof(tmpgroup), _T("%s\\%s"), xmlGetAttrValue(parent, xmlGetAttrName(parent, i)), group);
group = tmpgroup;
- parent = xi.getParent(parent);
+ parent = xmlGetParent(parent);
TCHAR *utfgroup = NULL;
@@ -187,22 +187,22 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
HXML tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if ( !node) {
do {
node = tmpnode;
- node = xi.getParent(node);
+ node = xmlGetParent(node);
tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if (node)
- while (mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(tmpnode), _T("body")));
+ while (mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(tmpnode), _T("body")));
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
if (hwndList) {
@@ -241,40 +241,40 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) {
int bytesParsed = 0;
- HXML hXml = xi.parseFile(FileName, &bytesParsed, NULL);
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseFile(FileName, &bytesParsed, NULL);
if(hXml != NULL) {
- HXML node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("opml/body/outline"), 0);
+ HXML node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("opml/body/outline"), 0);
if ( !node)
- node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("body/outline"), 0);
+ node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("body/outline"), 0);
if (node) {
while (node) {
- int outlineAttr = xi.getAttrCount(node);
- int outlineChildsCount = xi.getChildCount(node);
- TCHAR *xmlUrl = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(node, _T("xmlUrl"));
+ int outlineAttr = xmlGetAttrCount(node);
+ int outlineChildsCount = xmlGetChildCount(node);
+ TCHAR *xmlUrl = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, _T("xmlUrl"));
if (!xmlUrl && !outlineChildsCount) {
HXML tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if ( !node) {
do {
node = tmpnode;
- node = xi.getParent(node);
+ node = xmlGetParent(node);
tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if (node)
- } while (mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(node), _T("body")));
+ } while (mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(node), _T("body")));
else if (!xmlUrl && outlineChildsCount)
- node = xi.getFirstChild(node);
+ node = xmlGetFirstChild(node);
else if (xmlUrl) {
for (int i = 0; i < outlineAttr; i++) {
- if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getAttrName(node, i), _T("text"))) {
- TCHAR *text = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i))));
+ if (!mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), _T("text"))) {
+ TCHAR *text = mir_utf8decodeT(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i))));
bool isTextUTF;
if (!text) {
isTextUTF = false;
- text = (TCHAR *)xi.getAttrValue(node, xi.getAttrName(node, i));
+ text = (TCHAR *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i));
} else
isTextUTF = true;
SendMessage(FeedsList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)text);
@@ -287,23 +287,23 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcImportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
HXML tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if ( !node) {
do {
node = tmpnode;
- node = xi.getParent(node);
+ node = xmlGetParent(node);
tmpnode = node;
- node = xi.getNextNode(node);
+ node = xmlGetNextNode(node);
if (node)
- } while (mir_tstrcmpi(xi.getName(tmpnode), _T("body")));
+ } while (mir_tstrcmpi(xmlGetName(tmpnode), _T("body")));
MessageBox(hwndDlg, TranslateT("Not valid import file."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_IMPORTFILEPATH, FileName);
@@ -503,11 +503,11 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcExportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T("");
if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) {
- HXML hXml = xi.createNode(_T("opml"), NULL, FALSE);
- xi.addAttr(hXml, _T("version"), _T("1.0"));
- HXML header = xi.addChild(hXml, _T("head"), NULL);
- xi.addChild(header, _T("title"), _T("Miranda NG NewsAggregator plugin export"));
- header = xi.addChild(hXml, _T("body"), NULL);
+ HXML hXml = xmlCreateNode(_T("opml"), NULL, FALSE);
+ xmlAddAttr(hXml, _T("version"), _T("1.0"));
+ HXML header = xmlAddChild(hXml, _T("head"), NULL);
+ xmlAddChild(header, _T("title"), _T("Miranda NG NewsAggregator plugin export"));
+ header = xmlAddChild(hXml, _T("body"), NULL);
int count = (int)SendMessage(FeedsExportList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
@@ -526,34 +526,34 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcExportOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
TCHAR *section = _tcstok(group, _T("\\"));
while (section != NULL)
- HXML existgroup = xi.getChildByAttrValue(header, _T("outline"), _T("title"), section);
+ HXML existgroup = xmlGetChildByAttrValue(header, _T("outline"), _T("title"), section);
if ( !existgroup)
- elem = xi.addChild(elem, _T("outline"), NULL);
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("title"), section);
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("text"), section);
+ elem = xmlAddChild(elem, _T("outline"), NULL);
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("title"), section);
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("text"), section);
} else {
elem = existgroup;
section = _tcstok(NULL, _T("\\"));
- elem = xi.addChild(elem, _T("outline"), NULL);
+ elem = xmlAddChild(elem, _T("outline"), NULL);
- elem = xi.addChild(elem, _T("outline"), NULL);
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("text"), title);
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("title"), title);
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("type"), _T("rss"));
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("xmlUrl"), url);
- xi.addAttr(elem, _T("htmlUrl"), siteurl);
+ elem = xmlAddChild(elem, _T("outline"), NULL);
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("text"), title);
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("title"), title);
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("type"), _T("rss"));
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("xmlUrl"), url);
+ xmlAddAttr(elem, _T("htmlUrl"), siteurl);
- xi.toFile(hXml, FileName, 1);
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlToFile(hXml, FileName, 1);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
diff --git a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/NewsAggregator.cpp b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/NewsAggregator.cpp
index fc40b58c16..279a69ea5a 100644
--- a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/NewsAggregator.cpp
+++ b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/NewsAggregator.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ int hLangpack;
HANDLE hPrebuildMenuHook = NULL;
HWND hAddFeedDlg;
MWindowList hChangeFeedDlgList = NULL;
-XML_API xi = {0};
TCHAR tszRoot[MAX_PATH] = {0};
HANDLE hUpdateMutex;
@@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD)
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Load(void)
- mir_getXI(&xi);
// Add options hook
HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OptInit);
diff --git a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Options.cpp b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Options.cpp
index 66006753ff..7dac335b90 100644
--- a/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Options.cpp
+++ b/plugins/NewsAggregator/Src/Options.cpp
@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcAddFeedOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARA
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY), FALSE);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY, TranslateT("Wait..."));
- TCHAR tszURL[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }, *tszTitle = NULL;
+ TCHAR tszURL[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
+ const TCHAR *tszTitle = NULL;
if (GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FEEDURL, tszURL, _countof(tszURL)) || mir_tstrcmp(tszURL, _T("http://")) != 0)
tszTitle = CheckFeed(tszURL, hwndDlg);
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcChangeFeedOpts(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LP
if (GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FEEDURL, tszURL, _countof(tszURL)) || mir_tstrcmp(tszURL, _T("http://")) != 0) {
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY), FALSE);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY, TranslateT("Wait..."));
- TCHAR *tszTitle = CheckFeed(tszURL, hwndDlg);
+ const TCHAR *tszTitle = CheckFeed(tszURL, hwndDlg);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FEEDTITLE, tszTitle);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY), TRUE);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY, TranslateT("Check Feed"));
@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcChangeFeedMenu(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LP
if (GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FEEDURL, tszURL, _countof(tszURL)) || mir_tstrcmp(tszURL, _T("http://")) != 0) {
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY), FALSE);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY, TranslateT("Wait..."));
- TCHAR *tszTitle = CheckFeed(tszURL, hwndDlg);
+ const TCHAR *tszTitle = CheckFeed(tszURL, hwndDlg);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_FEEDTITLE, tszTitle);
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY), TRUE);
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_DISCOVERY, TranslateT("Check Feed"));
diff --git a/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteIt.cpp b/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteIt.cpp
index fce900c8dc..925b22dc34 100644
--- a/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteIt.cpp
+++ b/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteIt.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = {
static IconItem icon = { LPGEN("Paste It"), "PasteIt_main", IDI_MENU };
-XML_API xi = { 0 };
int hLangpack = 0;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
@@ -402,7 +401,6 @@ int ModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load(void)
- mir_getXI(&xi);
Icon_Register(hInst, LPGEN("Paste It"), &icon, 1);
diff --git a/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteToWeb2.cpp b/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteToWeb2.cpp
index e14db0a966..36e168a922 100644
--- a/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteToWeb2.cpp
+++ b/plugins/PasteIt/src/PasteToWeb2.cpp
@@ -105,22 +105,22 @@ void PasteToWeb2::SendToServer(std::wstring str, std::wstring fileName, std::wst
error = TranslateT("Error during sending text to web page");
if (resCont != NULL)
- HXML hXml = xi.parseString(resCont, NULL, _T("methodResponse"));
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseString(resCont, NULL, _T("methodResponse"));
if (hXml != NULL)
- HXML node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data/value/int"), 0);
- if (node != NULL && !mir_tstrcmp(xi.getText(node), _T("1")))
+ HXML node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data/value/int"), 0);
+ if (node != NULL && !mir_tstrcmp(xmlGetText(node), _T("1")))
- node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data"), 0);
+ node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data"), 0);
if (node != NULL)
- node = xi.getNthChild(node, _T("value"), 1);
+ node = xmlGetNthChild(node, _T("value"), 1);
if (node != NULL)
- node = xi.getChildByPath(node, _T("string"), 0);
+ node = xmlGetChildByPath(node, _T("string"), 0);
if (node != NULL)
- char* s = mir_t2a_cp(xi.getText(node), CP_ACP);
+ char* s = mir_t2a_cp(xmlGetText(node), CP_ACP);
mir_strncpy(szFileLink, s, _countof(szFileLink));
error = NULL;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void PasteToWeb2::SendToServer(std::wstring str, std::wstring fileName, std::wst
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
@@ -145,22 +145,22 @@ std::list<PasteFormat> PasteToWeb2::GetFormats()
wchar_t* resCont = SendToWeb("", headers, content);
if (resCont != NULL)
- HXML hXml = xi.parseString(resCont, NULL, _T("methodResponse"));
+ HXML hXml = xmlParseString(resCont, NULL, _T("methodResponse"));
if (hXml != NULL)
- HXML node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data/value/int"), 0);
- if (node != NULL && !mir_tstrcmp(xi.getText(node), _T("1")))
+ HXML node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data/value/int"), 0);
+ if (node != NULL && !mir_tstrcmp(xmlGetText(node), _T("1")))
- node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data"), 0);
+ node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data"), 0);
if (node != NULL)
- node = xi.getNthChild(node, _T("value"), 1);
+ node = xmlGetNthChild(node, _T("value"), 1);
if (node != NULL)
- node = xi.getChildByPath(node, _T("string"), 0);
+ node = xmlGetChildByPath(node, _T("string"), 0);
if (node != NULL)
- std::wstring str = xi.getText(node);
+ std::wstring str = xmlGetText(node);
std::wstring::size_type pos = str.find(L'\n');
if (pos < str.length())
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ std::list<PasteFormat> PasteToWeb2::GetFormats()
- xi.destroyNode(hXml);
+ xmlDestroyNode(hXml);
diff --git a/plugins/Quotes/src/ModuleInfo.cpp b/plugins/Quotes/src/ModuleInfo.cpp
index 65d2593482..2b137a6258 100644
--- a/plugins/Quotes/src/ModuleInfo.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Quotes/src/ModuleInfo.cpp
@@ -60,10 +60,7 @@ CModuleInfo::TXMLEnginePtr CModuleInfo::GetXMLEnginePtr()
mir_cslock lck(g_lmParsers);
if (!g_pXMLEngine)
- {
- mir_getXI(&xi);
g_pXMLEngine = TXMLEnginePtr(new CXMLEngineMI);
- }
return g_pXMLEngine;
diff --git a/plugins/Quotes/src/XMLEngineMI.cpp b/plugins/Quotes/src/XMLEngineMI.cpp
index 871cc2ed4f..6cd1ca5863 100644
--- a/plugins/Quotes/src/XMLEngineMI.cpp
+++ b/plugins/Quotes/src/XMLEngineMI.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
#include "StdAfx.h"
-XML_API xi;
class CXMLNodeMI : public IXMLNode,
@@ -20,18 +18,18 @@ namespace
if (m_bDestroy)
- xi.destroyNode(m_hXML);
+ xmlDestroyNode(m_hXML);
virtual size_t GetChildCount()const
- return xi.getChildCount(m_hXML);
+ return xmlGetChildCount(m_hXML);
virtual TXMLNodePtr GetChildNode(size_t nIndex)const
- HXML h = xi.getChild(m_hXML, (int)nIndex);
+ HXML h = xmlGetChild(m_hXML, (int)nIndex);
if (h)
return TXMLNodePtr(new CXMLNodeMI(h));
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ namespace
virtual tstring GetText()const
tstring sResult;
- LPCTSTR psz = xi.getText(m_hXML);
+ LPCTSTR psz = xmlGetText(m_hXML);
if (psz)
sResult = psz;
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ namespace
virtual tstring GetName()const
tstring sResult;
- LPCTSTR psz = xi.getName(m_hXML);
+ LPCTSTR psz = xmlGetName(m_hXML);
if (psz)
sResult = psz;
@@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ namespace
CXMLNodeMI* pXML = dynamic_cast<CXMLNodeMI*>(pNode.get());
if (pXML)
- xi.addChild2(pXML->m_hXML, m_hXML);
+ xmlAddChild2(pXML->m_hXML, m_hXML);
pXML->m_bDestroy = false;
return true;
@@ -83,13 +81,13 @@ namespace
virtual bool AddAttribute(const tstring& rsName, const tstring& rsValue)
- xi.addAttr(m_hXML, rsName.c_str(), rsValue.c_str());
+ xmlAddAttr(m_hXML, rsName.c_str(), rsValue.c_str());
return true;
virtual tstring GetAttributeValue(const tstring& rsAttrName)
- LPCTSTR pszValue = xi.getAttrValue(m_hXML, rsAttrName.c_str());
+ LPCTSTR pszValue = xmlGetAttrValue(m_hXML, rsAttrName.c_str());
return ((NULL != pszValue) ? tstring(pszValue) : tstring());
@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ namespace
// struct safe_string
// {
// safe_string(LPTSTR p):m_p(p){}
- // ~safe_string(){xi.freeMem(m_p);}
+ // ~safe_string(){xmlFree(m_p);}
// LPTSTR m_p;
// };
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ namespace
// };
- safe_string<TCHAR> ss(xi.toString(m_hXML, NULL));
+ safe_string<TCHAR> ss(xmlToString(m_hXML, NULL));
if (ss.m_p)
o << (char*)T2Utf(ss.m_p);
@@ -160,7 +158,7 @@ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr CXMLEngineMI::LoadFile(const tstring& rsFileName)const
mir_safe_string<TCHAR> ss(mir_utf8decodeT(pBuffer));
if (ss.m_p)
- HXML h = xi.parseString(ss.m_p, &nLen, NULL);
+ HXML h = xmlParseString(ss.m_p, &nLen, NULL);
if (h)
pResult = IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr(new CXMLNodeMI(h, true));
@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ namespace
IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr create_node(const tstring& rsName, const tstring& rsText, bool bIsDecl)
IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pResult;
- HXML h = xi.createNode(rsName.c_str(), rsText.c_str(), bIsDecl);
+ HXML h = xmlCreateNode(rsName.c_str(), rsText.c_str(), bIsDecl);
if (h)
pResult = IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr(new CXMLNodeMI(h, true));
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/lastfm/ b/plugins/Watrack/lastfm/
index e67b8854af..a5be3d3111 100644
--- a/plugins/Watrack/lastfm/
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/lastfm/
@@ -223,9 +223,6 @@ begin
- xmlparser:TXML_API_W;
function FixInfo(Info:pWideChar):pWideChar;
@@ -301,77 +298,73 @@ begin
- xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- i:=StrLenW(pcw)*SizeOf(WideChar);
- root:=parseString(pcw,@i,nil);
- actnode:=getChild(getChild(root,0),0); // "artist"
- if data.artist=nil then
- StrDupW(data.artist,getText(GetNthChild(actnode,'name',0)));
- i:=0;
- repeat
- node:=GetNthChild(actnode,'image',i);
- if node=0 then break;
- if StrCmpW(GetAttrValue(node,'size'),'medium')=0 then
- begin
- WideToUTF8(GetText(node),data.image);
- break;
- end;
- inc(i);
- until false;
- // bio
- p:=StrPosW(pcw,'<content><![CDATA[');
- if p<>nil then
+ i:=StrLenW(pcw)*SizeOf(WideChar);
+ root:=xmlParseString(pcw,@i,nil);
+ actnode:=xmlGetChild(xmlGetChild(root,0),0); // "artist"
+ if data.artist=nil then
+ StrDupW(data.artist,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'name',0)));
+ i:=0;
+ repeat
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'image',i);
+ if node=0 then break;
+ if StrCmpW(xmlGetAttrValue(node,'size'),'medium')=0 then
- inc(p,18);
- pp:=StrPosW(p,']]');
- if pp<> nil then pp^:=#0;
+ WideToUTF8(xmlGetText(node),data.image);
+ break;
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
- // similar
- i:=0;
- pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
- node:=GetNthChild(actnode,'similar',0);
- repeat
- nnode:=GetNthChild(GetNthChild(node,'artist',i),'name',0);
- if nnode=0 then break;
- if pcw<>@request then
- begin
- pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
- pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
- end;
- pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,GetText(nnode));
- inc(i);
- until false;
- pcw:=#0;
- StrDupW(data.similar,pWideChar(@request));
- // tags
- i:=0;
- pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
- node:=GetNthChild(actnode,'tags',0);
- repeat
- nnode:=GetNthChild(GetNthChild(node,'tag',i),'name',0);
- if nnode=0 then break;
- if pcw<>@request then
- begin
- pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
- pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
- end;
- pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,GetText(nnode));
- inc(i);
- until false;
- pcw:=#0;
- StrDupW(data.tags,pWideChar(@request));
- DestroyNode(root);
+ // bio
+ p:=StrPosW(pcw,'<content><![CDATA[');
+ if p<>nil then
+ begin
+ inc(p,18);
+ pp:=StrPosW(p,']]');
+ if pp<> nil then pp^:=#0;
+ // similar
+ i:=0;
+ pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'similar',0);
+ repeat
+ nnode:=xmlGetNthChild(xmlGetNthChild(node,'artist',i),'name',0);
+ if nnode=0 then break;
+ if pcw<>@request then
+ begin
+ pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
+ pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
+ end;
+ pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,xmlGetText(nnode));
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
+ pcw:=#0;
+ StrDupW(data.similar,pWideChar(@request));
+ // tags
+ i:=0;
+ pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'tags',0);
+ repeat
+ nnode:=xmlGetNthChild(xmlGetNthChild(node,'tag',i),'name',0);
+ if nnode=0 then break;
+ if pcw<>@request then
+ begin
+ pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
+ pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
+ end;
+ pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,xmlGetText(nnode));
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
+ pcw:=#0;
+ StrDupW(data.tags,pWideChar(@request));
+ xmlDestroyNode(root);
@@ -424,62 +417,58 @@ begin
- xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- i:=StrLenW(pcw)*SizeOf(WideChar);
- root:=parseString(pcw,@i,nil);
- actnode:=getChild(getChild(root,0),0); // "album"
- if data.album=nil then
- StrDupW(data.album,getText(GetNthChild(actnode,'name',0)));
- StrDupW(data.release,getText(GetNthChild(actnode,'releasedate',0)));
- if data.artist=nil then
- StrDupW(data.artist,getText(GetNthChild(actnode,'artist',0)));
- i:=0;
- repeat
- node:=GetNthChild(actnode,'image',i);
- if node=0 then break;
- if StrCmpW(GetAttrValue(node,'size'),'medium')=0 then
- begin
- WideToUTF8(GetText(node),data.image);
- break;
- end;
- inc(i);
- until false;
- p:=StrPosW(pcw,'<content><![CDATA[');
- if p<>nil then
+ i:=StrLenW(pcw)*SizeOf(WideChar);
+ root:=xmlParseString(pcw,@i,nil);
+ actnode:=xmlGetChild(xmlGetChild(root,0),0); // "album"
+ if data.album=nil then
+ StrDupW(data.album,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'name',0)));
+ StrDupW(data.release,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'releasedate',0)));
+ if data.artist=nil then
+ StrDupW(data.artist,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'artist',0)));
+ i:=0;
+ repeat
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'image',i);
+ if node=0 then break;
+ if StrCmpW(xmlGetAttrValue(node,'size'),'medium')=0 then
- inc(p,18);
- pp:=StrPosW(p,']]');
- if pp<> nil then pp^:=#0;
+ WideToUTF8(xmlGetText(node),data.image);
+ break;
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
- // tags
- i:=0;
- pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
- node:=GetNthChild(actnode,'toptags',0);
- repeat
- nnode:=GetNthChild(GetNthChild(node,'tag',i),'name',0);
- if nnode=0 then break;
- if pcw<>@request then
- begin
- pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
- pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
- end;
- pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,GetText(nnode));
- inc(i);
- until false;
- pcw:=#0;
- StrDupW(data.tags,pWideChar(@request));
- DestroyNode(root);
+ p:=StrPosW(pcw,'<content><![CDATA[');
+ if p<>nil then
+ begin
+ inc(p,18);
+ pp:=StrPosW(p,']]');
+ if pp<> nil then pp^:=#0;
+ // tags
+ i:=0;
+ pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'toptags',0);
+ repeat
+ nnode:=xmlGetNthChild(xmlGetNthChild(node,'tag',i),'name',0);
+ if nnode=0 then break;
+ if pcw<>@request then
+ begin
+ pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
+ pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
+ end;
+ pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,xmlGetText(nnode));
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
+ pcw:=#0;
+ StrDupW(data.tags,pWideChar(@request));
+ xmlDestroyNode(root);
@@ -532,66 +521,62 @@ begin
- xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
- CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
- with xmlparser do
- begin
- i:=StrLenW(pcw)*SizeOf(WideChar);
- root:=parseString(pcw,@i,nil);
- actnode:=getChild(getChild(root,0),0); // "track"
- if data.artist=nil then
- StrDupW(data.artist,getText(GetNthChild(GetNthChild(actnode,'artist',0),'name',0)));
- anode:=GetNthChild(actnode,'album',i);
- if data.album=nil then
- StrDupW(data.album,getText(GetNthChild(anode,'title',0)));
- data.trknum:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(anode,'position'));
- if data.title=nil then
- StrDupW(data.title,getText(GetNthChild(actnode,'name',0)));
- i:=0;
- repeat
- node:=GetNthChild(anode,'image',i);
- if node=0 then break;
- if StrCmpW(GetAttrValue(node,'size'),'medium')=0 then
- begin
- WideToUTF8(GetText(node),data.image);
- break;
- end;
- inc(i);
- until false;
- p:=StrPosW(pcw,'<content><![CDATA[');
- if p<>nil then
+ i:=StrLenW(pcw)*SizeOf(WideChar);
+ root:=xmlParseString(pcw,@i,nil);
+ actnode:=xmlGetChild(xmlGetChild(root,0),0); // "track"
+ if data.artist=nil then
+ StrDupW(data.artist,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'artist',0),'name',0)));
+ anode:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'album',i);
+ if data.album=nil then
+ StrDupW(data.album,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(anode,'title',0)));
+ data.trknum:=StrToInt(xmlGetAttrValue(anode,'position'));
+ if data.title=nil then
+ StrDupW(data.title,xmlGetText(xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'name',0)));
+ i:=0;
+ repeat
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(anode,'image',i);
+ if node=0 then break;
+ if StrCmpW(xmlGetAttrValue(node,'size'),'medium')=0 then
- inc(p,18);
- pp:=StrPosW(p,']]');
- if pp<> nil then pp^:=#0;
+ WideToUTF8(xmlGetText(node),data.image);
+ break;
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
- // tags
- i:=0;
- pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
- node:=GetNthChild(actnode,'toptags',0);
- repeat
- anode:=GetNthChild(GetNthChild(node,'tag',i),'name',0);
- if anode=0 then break;
- if pcw<>@request then
- begin
- pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
- pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
- end;
- pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,GetText(anode));
- inc(i);
- until false;
- pcw:=#0;
- StrDupW(data.tags,pWideChar(@request));
- DestroyNode(root);
+ p:=StrPosW(pcw,'<content><![CDATA[');
+ if p<>nil then
+ begin
+ inc(p,18);
+ pp:=StrPosW(p,']]');
+ if pp<> nil then pp^:=#0;
+ // tags
+ i:=0;
+ pcw:=pWideChar(@request); pcw^:=#0;
+ node:=xmlGetNthChild(actnode,'toptags',0);
+ repeat
+ anode:=xmlGetNthChild(xmlGetNthChild(node,'tag',i),'name',0);
+ if anode=0 then break;
+ if pcw<>@request then
+ begin
+ pcw^:=','; inc(pcw);
+ pcw^:=' '; inc(pcw);
+ end;
+ pcw:=StrCopyEW(pcw,xmlGetText(anode));
+ inc(i);
+ until false;
+ pcw:=#0;
+ StrDupW(data.tags,pWideChar(@request));
+ xmlDestroyNode(root);