path: root/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp b/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
index 901b28ada6..7b5ac5dd04 100644
--- a/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
+++ b/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
@@ -22,100 +22,6 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdafx.h"
-int facebook_json_parser::parse_buddy_list(std::string *data, List::List< facebook_user >* buddy_list)
- facebook_user* current = NULL;
- std::string jsonData = data->substr(9);
- JSONNode root = JSONNode::parse(jsonData.c_str());
- if (!root)
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- const JSONNode &list = root["payload"].at("buddy_list");
- if (!list)
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- // Set all contacts in map to offline (and reset client)
- for (List::Item< facebook_user >* i = buddy_list->begin(); i != NULL; i = i->next) {
- i->data->status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
- if (i->data->client == 0)
- i->data->client = CLIENT_WEB;
- }
- // Load last active times
- const JSONNode &lastActive = list["last_active_times"];
- for (auto it = lastActive.begin(); it != lastActive.end(); ++it) {
- const char *id = (*it).name();
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- if (current == NULL) {
- buddy_list->insert(std::make_pair(id, new facebook_user()));
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- current->user_id = id;
- }
- current->last_active = (*it).as_int();
- }
- // Find mobile friends
- const JSONNode &mobileFriends = list["mobile_friends"];
- for (auto it = mobileFriends.begin(); it != mobileFriends.end(); ++it) {
- std::string id = (*it).as_string();
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- if (current == NULL) {
- buddy_list->insert(std::make_pair(id, new facebook_user()));
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- current->user_id = id;
- }
- current->status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
- current->client = CLIENT_MOBILE;
- }
- time_t now = ::time(NULL);
- // Find now available contacts
- const JSONNode &nowAvailable = list["nowAvailableList"];
- for (auto it = nowAvailable.begin(); it != nowAvailable.end(); ++it) {
- const char *id = (*it).name();
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- if (current == NULL) {
- buddy_list->insert(std::make_pair(id, new facebook_user()));
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- current->user_id = id;
- }
- current->status_id = (current->client == CLIENT_MOBILE || current->client == CLIENT_MESSENGER) ? ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE : ID_STATUS_ONLINE;
- // Set contacts that were last active more than 1 minute ago as away
- if (current->status_id == ID_STATUS_ONLINE && current->last_active > 0 && (now - current->last_active) > 60) {
- current->status_id = ID_STATUS_AWAY;
- }
- }
- // Get aditional informations about contacts (if available)
- const JSONNode &userInfos = list["userInfos"];
- for (auto it = userInfos.begin(); it != userInfos.end(); ++it) {
- const char *id = (*it).name();
- current = buddy_list->find(id);
- if (current == NULL)
- continue;
- std::string name = (*it)["name"].as_string();
- if (!name.empty())
- current->real_name = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(name);
- std::string thumbSrc = (*it)["thumbSrc"].as_string();
- if (!thumbSrc.empty())
- current->image_url = utils::text::slashu_to_utf8(thumbSrc);
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void parseUser(const JSONNode &it, facebook_user *fbu)
fbu->user_id =;
@@ -758,54 +664,191 @@ int facebook_json_parser::parse_messages(std::string *pData, std::vector<faceboo
proto->SetStatus(isVisible ? ID_STATUS_ONLINE : ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE);
+ else if (t == "chatproxy-presence") {
+ const JSONNode &buddyList = (*it)["buddyList"];
+ if (!buddyList)
+ continue;
+ for (auto itNodes = buddyList.begin(); itNodes != buddyList.end(); ++itNodes) {
+ std::string id = (*itNodes).name();
+ MCONTACT hContact = proto->ContactIDToHContact(id);
+ if (!hContact) {
+ // FIXME: What to do, when we don't have this contact? What does it mean?
+ // fbu->handle = AddToContactList(fbu, CONTACT_FRIEND); // add this contact as friend?
+ continue;
+ }
+ // TODO: Check for friends existence/inexistence? Here we should get all friends (but we're already doing friendslist request, so we should have fresh data already)
+ const JSONNode &p_ = (*itNodes)["p"]; // possible values: 0, 2 (something more?) (might not be present)
+ const JSONNode &lat_ = (*itNodes)["lat"]; // timestamp of last activity (could be 0) (is always present)
+ const JSONNode &vc_ = (*itNodes)["vc"]; // possible values: 0, 8, 10 (something more?) (might not be present)
+ int status = ID_STATUS_DND; // DND to easily spot some problem, as we expect it will always be p==0 or p==2 below
+ // Probably means presence: 0 = away, 2 = online, when not present then that probably means don't change that status
+ if (p_) {
+ int p = p_.as_int();
+ if (p == 0)
+ status = ID_STATUS_AWAY;
+ else if (p == 2)
+ status = ID_STATUS_ONLINE;
+ if (proto->getWord(hContact, "Status", 0) != status)
+ proto->setWord(hContact, "Status", status);
+ }
+ // Last active time
+ if (lat_) {
+ time_t last_active = utils::time::from_string(lat_.as_string());
+ if (proto->getDword(hContact, "LastActiveTS", 0) != last_active) {
+ if (last_active > 0)
+ proto->setDword(hContact, "LastActiveTS", last_active);
+ else
+ proto->delSetting(hContact, "LastActiveTS");
+ }
+ }
+ // Probably means client: guess 0 = web, 8 = messenger, 10 = something else?
+ if (vc_) {
+ int vc = vc_.as_int();
+ TCHAR *client;
+ if (vc == 0) {
+ }
+ else if (vc == 8) {
+ client = _T(FACEBOOK_CLIENT_MESSENGER); // I was online on Miranda, but when looked at myself at I had icon of Messenger.
+ }
+ else if (vc == 10) {
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ ptrT oldClient(proto->getTStringA(hContact, "MirVer"));
+ if (!oldClient || mir_tstrcmp(oldClient, client))
+ proto->setTString(hContact, "MirVer", client);
+ }
+ }
+ }
else if (t == "buddylist_overlay") {
- // additional info about user status (used client)
+ // TODO: This is now supported also via /ajax/mercury/tabs_presence.php request (probably)
+ // additional info about user status (status, used client)
const JSONNode &overlay = (*it)["overlay"];
if (!overlay)
for (auto itNodes = overlay.begin(); itNodes != overlay.end(); ++itNodes) {
- std::string id = (*itNodes).as_string();
+ std::string id = (*itNodes).name();
- const JSONNode &p_ = (*itNodes)["p"];
- if (!p_)
+ MCONTACT hContact = proto->ContactIDToHContact(id);
+ if (!hContact) {
+ // FIXME: What to do, when we don't have this contact? What does it mean?
+ // fbu->handle = AddToContactList(fbu, CONTACT_FRIEND); // add this contact as friend?
+ }
- // TODO: This is now supported also via /ajax/mercury/tabs_presence.php request
- const JSONNode &p = (*it)["p"];
- if (p) {
- facebook_user* current = proto->facy.buddies.find(id); // HACKISH-WAY to get buddies...
- if (current == NULL)
- continue;
+ // TODO: Check for friends existence/inexistence?
- std::string status = p["status"].as_string(); // this seems to be "active" or "invisible" or null
- std::string webStatus = p["webStatus"].as_string(); // "active", "idle" or "offline"
- std::string fbAppStatus = p["fbAppStatus"].as_string(); // "offline" or "active" or "invisible" or null
- std::string messengerStatus = p["messengerStatus"].as_string(); // "offline" or "active" or "invisible" or null
- std::string otherStatus = p["otherStatus"].as_string(); // "offline" or "active" or "invisible" or null - this seems to be "active" when webStatus is "idle" or "active" only
+ /* if (getByte(fbu->handle, FACEBOOK_KEY_CONTACT_TYPE, 0) != CONTACT_FRIEND) {
+ // TODO: remove that popup and use "Contact added you" event?
+ }
- // this may never happen
- if (status != "active")
- current->status_id = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
+ // Wasn't contact removed from "server-list" someday?
+ if (getDword(fbu->handle, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED, 0)) {
+ delSetting(fbu->handle, FACEBOOK_KEY_DELETED);
- bool b;
+ std::string url = FACEBOOK_URL_PROFILE + fbu->user_id;
+ std::string contactname = getContactName(this, fbu->handle, !fbu->real_name.empty() ? fbu->real_name.c_str() : fbu->user_id.c_str());
- // "webStatus" and "otherStatus" are marked as "WEB" on FB website
- if ((b = (webStatus == "active")) || otherStatus == "active") {
- current->status_id = ID_STATUS_ONLINE;
- current->client = b ? CLIENT_WEB : CLIENT_OTHER;
- }
+ ptrT szTitle(mir_utf8decodeT(contactname.c_str()));
+ NotifyEvent(szTitle, TranslateT("Contact is back on server-list."), fbu->handle, FACEBOOK_EVENT_FRIENDSHIP, &url);
+ } */
+ /* ptrT client(getTStringA(fbu->handle, "MirVer"));
+ if (!client || mir_tstrcmp(client, fbu->getMirVer()))
+ setTString(fbu->handle, "MirVer", fbu->getMirVer());
+ */
+ const JSONNode &a_ = (*itNodes)["a"]; // possible values: 0, 2 (something more?)
+ const JSONNode &la_ = (*itNodes)["la"]; // timestamp of last activity (could be 0)
+ const JSONNode &s_ = (*itNodes)["s"]; // possible values: push (something more?)
+ const JSONNode &vc_ = (*itNodes)["vc"]; // possible values: 0, 8, 10 (something more?)
+ // Friller account has also these:
+ // const JSONNode &ol_ = (*itNodes)["ol"]; // possible values: -1 (when goes to offline), 0 (when goes back online) (something more?)
+ // const JSONNode &p_ = (*itNodes)["p"]; // class with fbAppStatus, messengerStatus, otherStatus, status, webStatus
+ int status = ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; // FREECHAT to easily spot some problem, as we expect it will always be p==0 or p==2 below
+ if (a_) {
+ int a = a_.as_int();
+ if (a == 0)
+ else if (a == 2)
+ status = ID_STATUS_ONLINE;
+ }
- // "fbAppStatus" and "messengerStatus" are marked as "MOBILE" on FB website
- if ((b = (fbAppStatus == "active")) || messengerStatus == "active") {
- current->status_id = ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE;
- current->client = b ? CLIENT_APP : CLIENT_MESSENGER;
+ if (proto->getWord(hContact, "Status", 0) != status)
+ proto->setWord(hContact, "Status", status);
+ if (la_ && status != ID_STATUS_ONLINE) {
+ time_t last_active = utils::time::from_string(la_.as_string());
+ // we should set IdleTS only when contact is IDLE, or OFFLINE
+ if (proto->getDword(hContact, "IdleTS", 0) != last_active) {
+ if (/*(fbu->idle || status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) &&*/ last_active > 0)
+ proto->setDword(hContact, "IdleTS", last_active);
+ else
+ proto->delSetting(hContact, "IdleTS");
- // this is not marked anyhow on website (yet?)
- current->idle = webStatus == "idle" || otherStatus == "idle" || fbAppStatus == "idle" || messengerStatus == "idle";
+ /*if (proto->getDword(hContact, "LastActiveTS", 0) != last_active) {
+ if (last_active > 0)
+ proto->setDword(hContact, "LastActiveTS", last_active);
+ else
+ proto->delSetting(hContact, "LastActiveTS");
+ }*/
+ }
+ else {
+ proto->delSetting(hContact, "IdleTS");
+ }
+ if (s_) {
+ // what to do with this?
+ }
+ // Probably means client: guess 0 = web, 8 = messenger, 10 = something else?
+ if (vc_) {
+ int vc = vc_.as_int();
+ /*if (vc == 0) {
+ // means active some time ago? (on messenger or also on web)
+ }
+ else if (vc == 8) {
+ client = _T(FACEBOOK_CLIENT_MESSENGER); // I was online on Miranda, but when looked at myself at I had icon of Messenger.
+ }
+ else if (vc == 10) {
+ // means actually active on messenger
+ }
+ else {
+ }*/
- // TODO: save that info to DB
+ ptrT oldClient(proto->getTStringA(hContact, "MirVer"));
+ if (!oldClient || mir_tstrcmp(oldClient, client))
+ proto->setTString(hContact, "MirVer", client);
} else if (t == "ticker_update:home") {