path: root/protocols/JabberG/jabber_xstatus.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/JabberG/jabber_xstatus.cpp')
1 files changed, 2146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/JabberG/jabber_xstatus.cpp b/protocols/JabberG/jabber_xstatus.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70101cccc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/JabberG/jabber_xstatus.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2146 @@
+Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda IM
+Copyright ( C ) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua
+Copyright ( C ) 2005-11 George Hazan
+Copyright ( C ) 2007 Maxim Mluhov
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+Revision : $Revision: 13500 $
+Last change on : $Date: 2011-03-25 15:14:31 +0200 (Пт, 25 мар 2011) $
+Last change by : $Author: $
+#include "jabber.h"
+#include "jabber_caps.h"
+#include <m_genmenu.h>
+#include <m_icolib.h>
+#include <m_fontservice.h>
+#include <m_cluiframes.h>
+#include "sdk/m_proto_listeningto.h"
+#include "sdk/m_skin_eng.h"
+#include "sdk/m_extraicons.h"
+// Simple dialog with timer and ok/cancel buttons
+class CJabberDlgPepBase: public CJabberDlgBase
+ typedef CJabberDlgBase CSuper;
+ CJabberDlgPepBase(CJabberProto *proto, int id);
+ CPepService *m_pepService;
+ CCtrlButton m_btnOk;
+ CCtrlButton m_btnCancel;
+ void OnInitDialog();
+ int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc);
+ virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ void StopTimer();
+ int m_time;
+CJabberDlgPepBase::CJabberDlgPepBase(CJabberProto *proto, int id):
+ CJabberDlgBase(proto, id, NULL),
+ m_btnOk(this, IDOK),
+ m_btnCancel(this, IDCANCEL)
+void CJabberDlgPepBase::OnInitDialog()
+ CSuper::OnInitDialog();
+ m_time = 5;
+ SetTimer(m_hwnd, 1, 1000, NULL);
+ TCHAR buf[128];
+ mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%s (%d)"), TranslateT("OK"), m_time);
+ m_btnOk.SetText(buf);
+int CJabberDlgPepBase::Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc)
+ switch (urc->wId)
+ {
+ case IDOK:
+ case IDCANCEL:
+ }
+ return CSuper::Resizer(urc);
+INT_PTR CJabberDlgPepBase::DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ switch (msg) {
+ case WM_TIMER:
+ if (wParam == 1) {
+ TCHAR buf[128];
+ mir_sntprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), _T("%s (%d)"), TranslateT("OK"), --m_time);
+ m_btnOk.SetText(buf);
+ if (m_time < 0) {
+ KillTimer(m_hwnd, 1);
+ UIEmulateBtnClick(m_hwnd, IDOK);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return CSuper::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam);
+void CJabberDlgPepBase::StopTimer()
+ KillTimer(m_hwnd, 1);
+ m_btnOk.SetText(TranslateT("OK"));
+// Simple PEP status
+class CJabberDlgPepSimple: public CJabberDlgPepBase
+ typedef CJabberDlgPepBase CSuper;
+ CJabberDlgPepSimple(CJabberProto *proto, TCHAR *title);
+ ~CJabberDlgPepSimple();
+ bool OkClicked() { return m_bOkClicked; }
+ void AddStatusMode(LPARAM id, char *name, HICON hIcon, TCHAR *title, bool subitem = false);
+ void SetActiveStatus(LPARAM id, TCHAR *text);
+ LPARAM GetStatusMode();
+ TCHAR *GetStatusText();
+ CCtrlCombo m_cbModes;
+ CCtrlEdit m_txtDescription;
+ void OnInitDialog();
+ int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc);
+ UI_MESSAGE_MAP(CJabberDlgPepSimple, CSuper);
+ BOOL OnWmMeasureItem(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ BOOL OnWmDrawItem(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ BOOL OnWmGetMinMaxInfo(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+ struct CStatusMode
+ {
+ LPARAM m_id;
+ char *m_name;
+ HICON m_hIcon;
+ TCHAR *m_title;
+ bool m_subitem;
+ CStatusMode(LPARAM id, char *name, HICON hIcon, TCHAR *title, bool subitem): m_id(id), m_name(name), m_hIcon(hIcon), m_title(title), m_subitem(subitem) {}
+ ~CStatusMode() { g_ReleaseIcon( m_hIcon ); }
+ };
+ OBJLIST<CStatusMode> m_modes;
+ TCHAR *m_text;
+ TCHAR *m_title;
+ int m_time;
+ int m_prevSelected;
+ int m_selected;
+ bool m_bOkClicked;
+ LPARAM m_active;
+ TCHAR *m_activeText;
+ void btnOk_OnClick(CCtrlButton *btn);
+ void global_OnChange(CCtrlData *);
+ void cbModes_OnChange(CCtrlData *);
+CJabberDlgPepSimple::CJabberDlgPepSimple(CJabberProto *proto, TCHAR *title):
+ CJabberDlgPepBase(proto, IDD_PEP_SIMPLE),
+ m_cbModes(this, IDC_CB_MODES),
+ m_txtDescription(this, IDC_TXT_DESCRIPTION),
+ m_modes(10),
+ m_text(NULL),
+ m_selected(0),
+ m_prevSelected(-1),
+ m_active(-1),
+ m_bOkClicked(false),
+ m_title(title)
+ m_btnOk.OnClick = Callback(this, &CJabberDlgPepSimple::btnOk_OnClick);
+ m_cbModes.OnChange = Callback(this, &CJabberDlgPepSimple::cbModes_OnChange);
+ m_cbModes.OnDropdown =
+ m_txtDescription.OnChange = Callback(this, &CJabberDlgPepSimple::global_OnChange);
+ m_modes.insert(new CStatusMode(-1, "<none>", LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), TranslateT("None"), false));
+ mir_free(m_text);
+void CJabberDlgPepSimple::AddStatusMode(LPARAM id, char *name, HICON hIcon, TCHAR *title, bool subitem)
+ m_modes.insert(new CStatusMode(id, name, hIcon, title, subitem));
+void CJabberDlgPepSimple::SetActiveStatus(LPARAM id, TCHAR *text)
+ m_active = id;
+ m_activeText = text;
+LPARAM CJabberDlgPepSimple::GetStatusMode()
+ return m_modes[m_selected].m_id;
+TCHAR *CJabberDlgPepSimple::GetStatusText()
+ return m_text;
+void CJabberDlgPepSimple::OnInitDialog()
+ CSuper::OnInitDialog();
+ WindowSetIcon( m_hwnd, m_proto, "main" );
+ SetWindowText(m_hwnd, m_title);
+ m_txtDescription.Enable(false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_modes.getCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ int idx = m_cbModes.AddString(m_modes[i].m_title, i);
+ if ((m_modes[i].m_id == m_active) || !idx)
+ {
+ m_prevSelected = idx;
+ m_cbModes.SetCurSel(idx);
+ if (idx) m_txtDescription.Enable();
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_activeText)
+ {
+ m_txtDescription.SetText(m_activeText);
+ }
+int CJabberDlgPepSimple::Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc)
+ switch (urc->wId)
+ {
+ case IDC_CB_MODES:
+ }
+ return CSuper::Resizer(urc);
+void CJabberDlgPepSimple::btnOk_OnClick(CCtrlButton*)
+ m_text = m_txtDescription.GetText();
+ m_selected = m_cbModes.GetCurSel();
+ m_bOkClicked = true;
+void CJabberDlgPepSimple::global_OnChange(CCtrlData *)
+ StopTimer();
+void CJabberDlgPepSimple::cbModes_OnChange(CCtrlData *)
+ StopTimer();
+ if (m_prevSelected == m_cbModes.GetCurSel())
+ return;
+ char szSetting[128];
+ if ((m_prevSelected >= 0) && (m_modes[m_cbModes.GetItemData(m_prevSelected)].m_id >= 0))
+ {
+ TCHAR *txt = m_txtDescription.GetText();
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "PepMsg_%s", m_modes[m_cbModes.GetItemData(m_prevSelected)].m_name);
+ m_proto->JSetStringT(NULL, szSetting, txt);
+ mir_free(txt);
+ }
+ m_prevSelected = m_cbModes.GetCurSel();
+ if ((m_prevSelected >= 0) && (m_modes[m_cbModes.GetItemData(m_prevSelected)].m_id >= 0))
+ {
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "PepMsg_%s", m_modes[m_cbModes.GetItemData(m_prevSelected)].m_name);
+ if (!m_proto->JGetStringT(NULL, szSetting, &dbv))
+ {
+ m_txtDescription.SetText(dbv.ptszVal);
+ JFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ } else
+ {
+ m_txtDescription.SetTextA("");
+ }
+ m_txtDescription.Enable(true);
+ } else
+ {
+ m_txtDescription.SetTextA("");
+ m_txtDescription.Enable(false);
+ }
+BOOL CJabberDlgPepSimple::OnWmMeasureItem(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (lpmis->CtlID != IDC_CB_MODES)
+ return FALSE;
+ TEXTMETRIC tm = {0};
+ HDC hdc = GetDC(m_cbModes.GetHwnd());
+ GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
+ ReleaseDC(m_cbModes.GetHwnd(), hdc);
+ lpmis->itemHeight = max(tm.tmHeight, 18);
+ if (lpmis->itemHeight < 18) lpmis->itemHeight = 18;
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL CJabberDlgPepSimple::OnWmDrawItem(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (lpdis->CtlID != IDC_CB_MODES)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (lpdis->itemData == -1) return FALSE;
+ CStatusMode *mode = &m_modes[lpdis->itemData];
+ TEXTMETRIC tm = {0};
+ GetTextMetrics(lpdis->hDC, &tm);
+ SetBkMode(lpdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT);
+ if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
+ {
+ SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
+ FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT));
+ } else
+ {
+ SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW));
+ }
+ if (!mode->m_subitem || (lpdis->itemState & ODS_COMBOBOXEDIT))
+ {
+ TCHAR text[128];
+ if (mode->m_subitem)
+ {
+ for (int i = lpdis->itemData; i >= 0; --i)
+ if (!m_modes[i].m_subitem)
+ {
+ mir_sntprintf(text, SIZEOF(text), _T("%s [%s]"), m_modes[i].m_title, mode->m_title);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ lstrcpyn(text, mode->m_title, SIZEOF(text));
+ }
+ DrawIconEx(lpdis->hDC, lpdis->rcItem.left+2, (lpdis->>rcItem.bottom-16)/2, mode->m_hIcon, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ TextOut(lpdis->hDC, lpdis->rcItem.left + 23, (lpdis->>rcItem.bottom-tm.tmHeight)/2, text, lstrlen(text));
+ } else
+ {
+ TCHAR text[128];
+ mir_sntprintf(text, SIZEOF(text), _T("...%s"), mode->m_title);
+ DrawIconEx(lpdis->hDC, lpdis->rcItem.left+23, (lpdis->>rcItem.bottom-16)/2, mode->m_hIcon, 16, 16, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ TextOut(lpdis->hDC, lpdis->rcItem.left + 44, (lpdis->>rcItem.bottom-tm.tmHeight)/2, text, lstrlen(text));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL CJabberDlgPepSimple::OnWmGetMinMaxInfo(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
+ lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = 200;
+ lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = 200;
+ return 0;
+// CPepService base class
+CPepService::CPepService(CJabberProto *proto, char *name, TCHAR *node):
+ m_proto(proto),
+ m_name(name),
+ m_node(node),
+ m_hMenuItem(NULL)
+void CPepService::Publish()
+ XmlNodeIq iq( _T("set"), m_proto->SerialNext());
+ CreateData(
+ iq << XCHILDNS( _T("pubsub"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_PUBSUB))
+ << XCHILD( _T("publish")) << XATTR( _T("node"), m_node )
+ << XCHILD( _T("item")) << XATTR( _T("id"), _T("current")));
+ m_proto->m_ThreadInfo->send( iq );
+ m_wasPublished = TRUE;
+void CPepService::Retract()
+ TCHAR* tempName = mir_a2t( m_name );
+ _tcslwr( tempName );
+ m_proto->m_ThreadInfo->send(
+ XmlNodeIq( _T("set"), m_proto->SerialNext())
+ << XCHILDNS( _T("pubsub"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_PUBSUB))
+ << XCHILD( _T("publish")) << XATTR( _T("node"), m_node )
+ << XCHILD( _T("item"))
+ << XCHILDNS( tempName, m_node ));
+ mir_free( tempName );
+void CPepService::ResetPublish()
+ m_wasPublished = FALSE;
+void CPepService::ForceRepublishOnLogin()
+ if(!m_wasPublished)
+ Publish();
+// CPepGuiService base class
+CPepGuiService::CPepGuiService(CJabberProto *proto, char *name, TCHAR *node):
+ CPepService(proto, name, node),
+ m_bGuiOpen(false),
+ m_hIcolibItem(NULL),
+ m_szText(NULL),
+ m_hMenuService(NULL)
+ if (m_hMenuService)
+ {
+ DestroyServiceFunction(m_hMenuService);
+ m_hMenuService = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_szText) mir_free(m_szText);
+void CPepGuiService::InitGui()
+ char szService[128];
+ mir_snprintf(szService, SIZEOF(szService), "%s/AdvStatusSet/%s", m_proto->m_szModuleName, m_name);
+ int (__cdecl CPepGuiService::*serviceProc)(WPARAM, LPARAM);
+ serviceProc = &CPepGuiService::OnMenuItemClick;
+ m_hMenuService = CreateServiceFunctionObj(szService, (MIRANDASERVICEOBJ)*(void **)&serviceProc, this);
+ RebuildMenu();
+void CPepGuiService::RebuildMenu()
+ HGENMENU hJabberRoot = MO_GetProtoRootMenu( m_proto->m_szModuleName );
+ if ( hJabberRoot ) {
+ char szService[128];
+ mir_snprintf(szService, SIZEOF(szService), "%s/AdvStatusSet/%s", m_proto->m_szModuleName, m_name);
+ CLISTMENUITEM mi = { 0 };
+ mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
+ mi.hParentMenu = hJabberRoot;
+ mi.pszService = szService;
+ mi.position = 200010;
+ mi.icolibItem = m_hIcolibItem;
+ mi.ptszName = m_szText ? m_szText : _T("<advanced status slot>");
+ m_hMenuItem = ( HANDLE )CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDPROTOMENUITEM, 0, (LPARAM)&mi);
+} }
+bool CPepGuiService::LaunchSetGui(BYTE bQuiet)
+ if (m_bGuiOpen) return false;
+ m_bGuiOpen = true;
+ ShowSetDialog(bQuiet);
+ m_bGuiOpen = false;
+ return true;
+void CPepGuiService::UpdateMenuItem(HANDLE hIcolibIcon, TCHAR *text)
+ m_hIcolibItem = hIcolibIcon;
+ if (m_szText) mir_free(m_szText);
+ m_szText = text ? mir_tstrdup(text) : NULL;
+ if (!m_hMenuItem) return;
+ mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
+ mi.icolibItem = m_hIcolibItem;
+ mi.ptszName = m_szText ? m_szText : _T("<advanced status slot>");
+int CPepGuiService::OnMenuItemClick(WPARAM, LPARAM)
+ LaunchSetGui(0);
+ return 0;
+// CPepMood
+ TCHAR *szName;
+ char* szTag;
+} static g_arrMoods[] =
+ { LPGENT("None"), NULL },
+ { LPGENT("Afraid"), "afraid" },
+ { LPGENT("Amazed"), "amazed" },
+ { LPGENT("Amorous"), "amorous" },
+ { LPGENT("Angry"), "angry" },
+ { LPGENT("Annoyed"), "annoyed" },
+ { LPGENT("Anxious"), "anxious" },
+ { LPGENT("Aroused"), "aroused" },
+ { LPGENT("Ashamed"), "ashamed" },
+ { LPGENT("Bored"), "bored" },
+ { LPGENT("Brave"), "brave" },
+ { LPGENT("Calm"), "calm" },
+ { LPGENT("Cautious"), "cautious" },
+ { LPGENT("Cold"), "cold" },
+ { LPGENT("Confident"), "confident" },
+ { LPGENT("Confused"), "confused" },
+ { LPGENT("Contemplative"),"contemplative" },
+ { LPGENT("Contented"), "contented" },
+ { LPGENT("Cranky"), "cranky" },
+ { LPGENT("Crazy"), "crazy" },
+ { LPGENT("Creative"), "creative" },
+ { LPGENT("Curious"), "curious" },
+ { LPGENT("Dejected"), "dejected" },
+ { LPGENT("Depressed"), "depressed" },
+ { LPGENT("Disappointed"), "disappointed" },
+ { LPGENT("Disgusted"), "disgusted" },
+ { LPGENT("Dismayed"), "dismayed" },
+ { LPGENT("Distracted"), "distracted" },
+ { LPGENT("Embarrassed"), "embarrassed" },
+ { LPGENT("Envious"), "envious" },
+ { LPGENT("Excited"), "excited" },
+ { LPGENT("Flirtatious"), "flirtatious" },
+ { LPGENT("Frustrated"), "frustrated" },
+ { LPGENT("Grateful"), "grateful" },
+ { LPGENT("Grieving"), "grieving" },
+ { LPGENT("Grumpy"), "grumpy" },
+ { LPGENT("Guilty"), "guilty" },
+ { LPGENT("Happy"), "happy" },
+ { LPGENT("Hopeful"), "hopeful" },
+ { LPGENT("Hot"), "hot" },
+ { LPGENT("Humbled"), "humbled" },
+ { LPGENT("Humiliated"), "humiliated" },
+ { LPGENT("Hungry"), "hungry" },
+ { LPGENT("Hurt"), "hurt" },
+ { LPGENT("Impressed"), "impressed" },
+ { LPGENT("In awe"), "in_awe" },
+ { LPGENT("In love"), "in_love" },
+ { LPGENT("Indignant"), "indignant" },
+ { LPGENT("Interested"), "interested" },
+ { LPGENT("Intoxicated"), "intoxicated" },
+ { LPGENT("Invincible"), "invincible" },
+ { LPGENT("Jealous"), "jealous" },
+ { LPGENT("Lonely"), "lonely" },
+ { LPGENT("Lost"), "lost" },
+ { LPGENT("Lucky"), "lucky" },
+ { LPGENT("Mean"), "mean" },
+ { LPGENT("Moody"), "moody" },
+ { LPGENT("Nervous"), "nervous" },
+ { LPGENT("Neutral"), "neutral" },
+ { LPGENT("Offended"), "offended" },
+ { LPGENT("Outraged"), "outraged" },
+ { LPGENT("Playful"), "playful" },
+ { LPGENT("Proud"), "proud" },
+ { LPGENT("Relaxed"), "relaxed" },
+ { LPGENT("Relieved"), "relieved" },
+ { LPGENT("Remorseful"), "remorseful" },
+ { LPGENT("Restless"), "restless" },
+ { LPGENT("Sad"), "sad" },
+ { LPGENT("Sarcastic"), "sarcastic" },
+ { LPGENT("Satisfied"), "satisfied" },
+ { LPGENT("Serious"), "serious" },
+ { LPGENT("Shocked"), "shocked" },
+ { LPGENT("Shy"), "shy" },
+ { LPGENT("Sick"), "sick" },
+ { LPGENT("Sleepy"), "sleepy" },
+ { LPGENT("Spontaneous"), "spontaneous" },
+ { LPGENT("Stressed"), "stressed" },
+ { LPGENT("Strong"), "strong" },
+ { LPGENT("Surprised"), "surprised" },
+ { LPGENT("Thankful"), "thankful" },
+ { LPGENT("Thirsty"), "thirsty" },
+ { LPGENT("Tired"), "tired" },
+ { LPGENT("Undefined"), "undefined" },
+ { LPGENT("Weak"), "weak" },
+ { LPGENT("Worried"), "worried" },
+CPepMood::CPepMood(CJabberProto *proto):
+ CPepGuiService(proto, "Mood", _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD)),
+ m_icons(proto),
+ m_text(NULL),
+ m_mode(-1)
+ UpdateMenuItem(LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), LPGENT("Set mood..."));
+ if (m_text) mir_free(m_text);
+void CPepMood::InitGui()
+ CSuper::InitGui();
+ char szFile[MAX_PATH];
+ GetModuleFileNameA(hInst, szFile, MAX_PATH);
+ if (char *p = strrchr(szFile, '\\'))
+ strcpy( p+1, "..\\Icons\\xstatus_jabber.dll" );
+ TCHAR szSection[100];
+ mir_sntprintf(szSection, SIZEOF(szSection), _T("Status Icons/%s/Moods"), m_proto->m_tszUserName);
+ for (int i = 1; i < SIZEOF(g_arrMoods); i++)
+ m_icons.RegisterIcon( g_arrMoods[i].szTag, szFile, -(200+i), szSection, TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[i].szName));
+void CPepMood::ProcessItems(const TCHAR *from, HXML itemsNode)
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL, hSelfContact = NULL;
+ if ( !m_proto->IsMyOwnJID( from ))
+ {
+ hContact = m_proto->HContactFromJID(from);
+ if (!hContact) return;
+ }
+ else
+ hSelfContact = m_proto->HContactFromJID(from);
+ if ( xmlGetChild( itemsNode, _T("retract")))
+ {
+ if (hSelfContact)
+ SetMood(hSelfContact, NULL, NULL);
+ SetMood(hContact, NULL, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ HXML n, moodNode = XPath( itemsNode, _T("item/mood[@xmlns='") _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD) _T("']") );
+ if ( !moodNode ) return;
+ LPCTSTR moodType = NULL, moodText = NULL;
+ for ( int i = 0; n = xmlGetChild( moodNode, i ); i++ ) {
+ if ( !_tcscmp( xmlGetName( n ), _T("text")))
+ moodText = xmlGetText( n );
+ else
+ moodType = xmlGetName( n );
+ }
+ TCHAR *fixedText = JabberStrFixLines( moodText );
+ if (hSelfContact)
+ SetMood(hSelfContact, moodType, fixedText);
+ SetMood(hContact, moodType, fixedText);
+ mir_free( fixedText );
+ if (!hContact && m_mode >= 0)
+ ForceRepublishOnLogin();
+void CPepMood::CreateData( HXML n )
+ HXML moodNode = n << XCHILDNS( _T("mood"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD));
+ moodNode << XCHILD( _A2T(g_arrMoods[m_mode].szTag));
+ if ( m_text )
+ moodNode << XCHILD( _T("text"), m_text );
+void CPepMood::ResetExtraIcon(HANDLE hContact)
+ char *szMood = m_proto->ReadAdvStatusA(hContact, ADVSTATUS_MOOD, "id");
+ SetExtraIcon(hContact, szMood);
+ mir_free(szMood);
+void CPepMood::SetExtraIcon(HANDLE hContact, char *szMood)
+ if (hExtraMood != NULL)
+ {
+ ExtraIcon_SetIcon(hExtraMood, hContact, szMood == NULL ? NULL : m_icons.GetIcolibName(szMood));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IconExtraColumn iec;
+ iec.cbSize = sizeof(iec);
+ iec.hImage = m_icons.GetClistHandle(szMood);
+ iec.ColumnType = EXTRA_ICON_ADV1;
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_SET_ICON, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)&iec);
+ }
+void CPepMood::SetMood(HANDLE hContact, const TCHAR *szMood, const TCHAR *szText)
+ int mood = -1;
+ if (szMood)
+ {
+ char* p = mir_t2a( szMood );
+ for (int i = 1; i < SIZEOF(g_arrMoods); ++i)
+ if (!lstrcmpA(g_arrMoods[i].szTag, p ))
+ {
+ mood = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ mir_free( p );
+ if (mood < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!hContact)
+ {
+ m_mode = mood;
+ replaceStr(m_text, szText);
+ HANDLE hIcon = (mood >= 0) ? m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(g_arrMoods[mood].szTag) : LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT);
+ TCHAR title[128];
+ if (mood >= 0)
+ {
+ mir_sntprintf(title, SIZEOF(title), TranslateT("Mood: %s"), TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[mood].szName));
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/mood", m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(g_arrMoods[mood].szTag), TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[mood].szName));
+ } else
+ {
+ lstrcpy(title, LPGENT("Set mood..."));
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/mood", LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), TranslateT("Set mood..."));
+ }
+ UpdateMenuItem(hIcon, title);
+ } else
+ {
+ SetExtraIcon(hContact, mood < 0 ? NULL : g_arrMoods[mood].szTag);
+ }
+ if (szMood)
+ {
+ m_proto->JSetByte(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSID, mood);
+ m_proto->JSetStringT(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME, TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[mood].szName));
+ if (szText)
+ m_proto->JSetStringT(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG, szText);
+ else
+ m_proto->JDeleteSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG);
+ m_proto->WriteAdvStatus(hContact, ADVSTATUS_MOOD, szMood, m_icons.GetIcolibName(g_arrMoods[mood].szTag), TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[mood].szName), szText);
+ } else
+ {
+ m_proto->JDeleteSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSID);
+ m_proto->JDeleteSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME);
+ m_proto->JDeleteSetting(hContact, DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG);
+ m_proto->ResetAdvStatus(hContact, ADVSTATUS_MOOD);
+ }
+ NotifyEventHooks(m_proto->m_hEventXStatusChanged, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+void CPepMood::ShowSetDialog(BYTE bQuiet)
+ if( !bQuiet ) {
+ CJabberDlgPepSimple dlg(m_proto, TranslateT("Set Mood"));
+ for (int i = 1; i < SIZEOF(g_arrMoods); ++i)
+ dlg.AddStatusMode(i, g_arrMoods[i].szTag, m_icons.GetIcon(g_arrMoods[i].szTag), TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[i].szName));
+ dlg.SetActiveStatus(m_mode, m_text);
+ dlg.DoModal();
+ if (!dlg.OkClicked())
+ return;
+ m_mode = dlg.GetStatusMode();
+ replaceStr(m_text, dlg.GetStatusText());
+ }
+ if (m_mode >= 0)
+ {
+ Publish();
+ UpdateMenuItem(m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(g_arrMoods[m_mode].szTag), g_arrMoods[m_mode].szName);
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/mood", m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(g_arrMoods[m_mode].szTag), TranslateTS(g_arrMoods[m_mode].szName));
+ } else
+ {
+ Retract();
+ UpdateMenuItem(LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), LPGENT("Set mood..."));
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/mood", LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), TranslateT("Set mood..."));
+ }
+// CPepActivity
+#define ACTIVITY_ICON(section, item) -(300 + (section) * 20 + (item))
+ char *szFirst;
+ char *szSecond;
+ TCHAR *szTitle;
+ int iconid;
+} g_arrActivities[] =
+ { "doing_chores", NULL, _T("Doing chores"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 0) },
+ { NULL, "buying_groceries", _T("buying groceries"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 1) },
+ { NULL, "cleaning", _T("cleaning"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 2) },
+ { NULL, "cooking", _T("cooking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 3) },
+ { NULL, "doing_maintenance", _T("doing maintenance"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 4) },
+ { NULL, "doing_the_dishes", _T("doing the dishes"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 5) },
+ { NULL, "doing_the_laundry", _T("doing the laundry"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 6) },
+ { NULL, "gardening", _T("gardening"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 7) },
+ { NULL, "running_an_errand", _T("running an errand"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 8) },
+ { NULL, "walking_the_dog", _T("walking the dog"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 0, 9) },
+ { "drinking", NULL, _T("Drinking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 1, 0) },
+ { NULL, "having_a_beer", _T("having a beer"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 1, 1) },
+ { NULL, "having_coffee", _T("having coffee"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 1, 2) },
+ { NULL, "having_tea", _T("having tea"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 1, 3) },
+ { "eating", NULL, _T("Eating"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 2, 0) },
+ { NULL, "having_a_snack", _T("having a snack"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 2, 1) },
+ { NULL, "having_breakfast", _T("having breakfast"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 2, 2) },
+ { NULL, "having_dinner", _T("having dinner"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 2, 3) },
+ { NULL, "having_lunch", _T("having lunch"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 2, 4) },
+ { "exercising", NULL, _T("Exercising"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 0) },
+ { NULL, "cycling", _T("cycling"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 1) },
+ { NULL, "dancing", _T("dancing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 2) },
+ { NULL, "hiking", _T("hiking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 3) },
+ { NULL, "jogging", _T("jogging"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 4) },
+ { NULL, "playing_sports", _T("playing sports"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 5) },
+ { NULL, "running", _T("running"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 6) },
+ { NULL, "skiing", _T("skiing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 7) },
+ { NULL, "swimming", _T("swimming"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 8) },
+ { NULL, "working_out", _T("working out"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 3, 9) },
+ { "grooming", NULL, _T("Grooming"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 0) },
+ { NULL, "at_the_spa", _T("at the spa"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 1) },
+ { NULL, "brushing_teeth", _T("brushing teeth"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 2) },
+ { NULL, "getting_a_haircut", _T("getting a haircut"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 3) },
+ { NULL, "shaving", _T("shaving"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 4) },
+ { NULL, "taking_a_bath", _T("taking a bath"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 5) },
+ { NULL, "taking_a_shower", _T("taking a shower"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 4, 6) },
+ { "having_appointment", NULL, _T("Having appointment"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 5, 0) },
+ { "inactive", NULL, _T("Inactive"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 0) },
+ { NULL, "day_off", _T("day off"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 1) },
+ { NULL, "hanging_out", _T("hanging out"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 2) },
+ { NULL, "hiding", _T("hiding"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 3) },
+ { NULL, "on_vacation", _T("on vacation"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 4) },
+ { NULL, "praying", _T("praying"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 5) },
+ { NULL, "scheduled_holiday", _T("scheduled holiday"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 6) },
+ { NULL, "sleeping", _T("sleeping"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 7) },
+ { NULL, "thinking", _T("thinking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 6, 8) },
+ { "relaxing", NULL, _T("Relaxing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 0) },
+ { NULL, "fishing", _T("fishing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 1) },
+ { NULL, "gaming", _T("gaming"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 2) },
+ { NULL, "going_out", _T("going out"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 3) },
+ { NULL, "partying", _T("partying"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 4) },
+ { NULL, "reading", _T("reading"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 5) },
+ { NULL, "rehearsing", _T("rehearsing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 6) },
+ { NULL, "shopping", _T("shopping"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 7) },
+ { NULL, "smoking", _T("smoking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 8) },
+ { NULL, "socializing", _T("socializing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 9) },
+ { NULL, "sunbathing", _T("sunbathing"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 10) },
+ { NULL, "watching_tv", _T("watching TV"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 11) },
+ { NULL, "watching_a_movie", _T("watching a movie"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 7, 12) },
+ { "talking", NULL, _T("Talking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 8, 0) },
+ { NULL, "in_real_life", _T("in real life"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 8, 1) },
+ { NULL, "on_the_phone", _T("on the phone"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 8, 2) },
+ { NULL, "on_video_phone", _T("on video phone"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 8, 3) },
+ { "traveling", NULL, _T("Traveling"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 0) },
+ { NULL, "commuting", _T("commuting"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 1) },
+ { NULL, "cycling", _T("cycling"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 2) },
+ { NULL, "driving", _T("driving"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 3) },
+ { NULL, "in_a_car", _T("in a car"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 4) },
+ { NULL, "on_a_bus", _T("on a bus"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 5) },
+ { NULL, "on_a_plane", _T("on a plane"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 6) },
+ { NULL, "on_a_train", _T("on a train"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 7) },
+ { NULL, "on_a_trip", _T("on a trip"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 8) },
+ { NULL, "walking", _T("walking"), ACTIVITY_ICON( 9, 9) },
+ { "working", NULL, _T("Working"), ACTIVITY_ICON(10, 0) },
+ { NULL, "coding", _T("coding"), ACTIVITY_ICON(10, 1) },
+ { NULL, "in_a_meeting", _T("in a meeting"), ACTIVITY_ICON(10, 2) },
+ { NULL, "studying", _T("studying"), ACTIVITY_ICON(10, 3) },
+ { NULL, "writing", _T("writing"), ACTIVITY_ICON(10, 4) },
+ { NULL, NULL, NULL } // the end, don't delete this
+inline char *ActivityGetId(int id)
+ return g_arrActivities[id].szSecond ? g_arrActivities[id].szSecond : g_arrActivities[id].szFirst;
+// -1 if not found, otherwise activity number
+static int ActivityCheck( LPCTSTR szFirstNode, LPCTSTR szSecondNode )
+ if (!szFirstNode) return 0;
+ char *s1 = mir_t2a( szFirstNode ), *s2 = mir_t2a( szSecondNode );
+ int i = 0, nFirst = -1, nSecond = -1;
+ while ( g_arrActivities[i].szFirst || g_arrActivities[i].szSecond ) {
+ // check first node
+ if ( g_arrActivities[i].szFirst && !strcmp( s1, g_arrActivities[i].szFirst )) {
+ // first part found
+ nFirst = i;
+ if ( !s2 ) {
+ nSecond = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++; // move to next
+ while ( g_arrActivities[i].szSecond ) {
+ if ( !strcmp( g_arrActivities[i].szSecond, s2 )) {
+ nSecond = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ mir_free( s1 );
+ mir_free( s2 );
+ if ( nSecond != -1 )
+ return nSecond;
+ return nFirst;
+char *returnActivity (int id){
+ if (g_arrActivities[id].szFirst)
+ return g_arrActivities[id].szFirst;
+ if (g_arrActivities[id].szSecond)
+ return g_arrActivities[id].szSecond;
+ return NULL;}
+char *ActivityGetFirst(int id)
+ if (id >= SIZEOF(g_arrActivities) - 1)
+ return NULL;
+ while (id >= 0)
+ {
+ if (g_arrActivities[id].szFirst)
+ return g_arrActivities[id].szFirst;
+ --id;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char *ActivityGetFirst(char *szId)
+ if (!szId) return NULL;
+ int id = SIZEOF(g_arrActivities) - 1;
+ bool found_second = false;
+ while (id >= 0)
+ {
+ if (g_arrActivities[id].szFirst && (found_second || !lstrcmpA(g_arrActivities[id].szFirst, szId)))
+ return g_arrActivities[id].szFirst;
+ if (g_arrActivities[id].szSecond && !found_second && !lstrcmpA(g_arrActivities[id].szSecond, szId))
+ found_second = true;
+ --id;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char *ActivityGetSecond(int id)
+ return (id >= 0) ? g_arrActivities[id].szSecond : NULL;
+TCHAR *ActivityGetFirstTitle(int id)
+ if (id >= SIZEOF(g_arrActivities) - 1)
+ return NULL;
+ while (id >= 0)
+ {
+ if (g_arrActivities[id].szFirst)
+ return g_arrActivities[id].szTitle;
+ --id;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+TCHAR *ActivityGetSecondTitle(int id)
+ return ((id >= 0) && g_arrActivities[id].szSecond) ? g_arrActivities[id].szTitle : NULL;
+void ActivityBuildTitle(int id, TCHAR *buf, int size)
+ TCHAR *szFirst = ActivityGetFirstTitle(id);
+ TCHAR *szSecond = ActivityGetSecondTitle(id);
+ if (szFirst)
+ {
+ if (szSecond)
+ mir_sntprintf(buf, size, _T("%s [%s]"), TranslateTS(szFirst), TranslateTS(szSecond));
+ else
+ lstrcpyn(buf, TranslateTS(szFirst), size);
+ } else
+ *buf = 0;
+CPepActivity::CPepActivity(CJabberProto *proto):
+ CPepGuiService(proto, "Activity", _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_ACTIVITY)),
+ m_icons(proto),
+ m_text(NULL),
+ m_mode(-1)
+ UpdateMenuItem(LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), LPGENT("Set activity..."));
+ if (m_text) mir_free(m_text);
+void CPepActivity::InitGui()
+ CSuper::InitGui();
+ char szFile[MAX_PATH];
+ GetModuleFileNameA(hInst, szFile, MAX_PATH);
+ if (char *p = strrchr(szFile, '\\'))
+ strcpy( p+1, "..\\Icons\\xstatus_jabber.dll" );
+ TCHAR szSection[100];
+ mir_sntprintf(szSection, SIZEOF(szSection), _T("Status Icons/%s/Activities"), m_proto->m_tszUserName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(g_arrActivities); i++){
+ if (g_arrActivities[i].szFirst)
+ m_icons.RegisterIcon(g_arrActivities[i].szFirst, szFile, g_arrActivities[i].iconid, szSection, TranslateTS(g_arrActivities[i].szTitle));
+ if (g_arrActivities[i].szSecond)
+ m_icons.RegisterIcon(g_arrActivities[i].szSecond, szFile, g_arrActivities[i].iconid, szSection, TranslateTS(g_arrActivities[i].szTitle));}
+void CPepActivity::ProcessItems(const TCHAR *from, HXML itemsNode)
+ HANDLE hContact = NULL, hSelfContact = NULL;
+ if ( !m_proto->IsMyOwnJID( from ))
+ {
+ hContact = m_proto->HContactFromJID(from);
+ if (!hContact) return;
+ }
+ else
+ hSelfContact = m_proto->HContactFromJID(from);
+ if ( xmlGetChild( itemsNode, "retract"))
+ {
+ if (hSelfContact)
+ SetActivity(hSelfContact, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ SetActivity(hContact, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ HXML actNode = XPath( itemsNode, _T("item/activity[@xmlns='") _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_ACTIVITY) _T("']") );
+ if ( !actNode ) return;
+ LPCTSTR szText = XPathT( actNode, "text" );
+ LPCTSTR szFirstNode = NULL, szSecondNode = NULL;
+ HXML n;
+ for ( int i = 0; n = xmlGetChild( actNode, i ); i++ ) {
+ if ( lstrcmp( xmlGetName( n ), _T("text")))
+ {
+ szFirstNode = xmlGetName( n );
+ HXML secondNode = xmlGetChild( n, 0 );
+ if (szFirstNode && secondNode && xmlGetName( secondNode ))
+ szSecondNode = xmlGetName( secondNode );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TCHAR *fixedText = JabberStrFixLines( szText );
+ if (hSelfContact)
+ SetActivity(hSelfContact, szFirstNode, szSecondNode, fixedText);
+ SetActivity(hContact, szFirstNode, szSecondNode, fixedText);
+ mir_free( fixedText );
+ if (!hContact && m_mode >= 0)
+ ForceRepublishOnLogin();
+void CPepActivity::CreateData( HXML n )
+ char *szFirstNode = ActivityGetFirst(m_mode);
+ char *szSecondNode = ActivityGetSecond(m_mode);
+ HXML activityNode = n << XCHILDNS( _T("activity"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_ACTIVITY));
+ HXML firstNode = activityNode << XCHILD( _A2T( szFirstNode ));
+ if (firstNode && szSecondNode)
+ firstNode << XCHILD( _A2T(szSecondNode));
+ if (m_text)
+ activityNode << XCHILD( _T("text"), m_text);
+void CPepActivity::ResetExtraIcon(HANDLE hContact)
+ char *szActivity = m_proto->ReadAdvStatusA(hContact, ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY, "id");
+ SetExtraIcon(hContact, szActivity);
+ mir_free(szActivity);
+void CPepActivity::SetExtraIcon(HANDLE hContact, char *szActivity)
+ if (hExtraActivity != NULL)
+ {
+ ExtraIcon_SetIcon(hExtraActivity, hContact,
+ szActivity == NULL ? NULL : m_icons.GetIcolibName(szActivity));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IconExtraColumn iec;
+ iec.cbSize = sizeof(iec);
+ iec.hImage = m_icons.GetClistHandle(szActivity);
+ iec.ColumnType = EXTRA_ICON_ADV2;
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_SET_ICON, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)&iec);
+ }
+void CPepActivity::SetActivity(HANDLE hContact, LPCTSTR szFirst, LPCTSTR szSecond, LPCTSTR szText)
+ int activity = -1;
+ if (szFirst || szSecond)
+ {
+ activity = ActivityCheck(szFirst, szSecond);
+ if (activity < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ TCHAR activityTitle[128];
+ ActivityBuildTitle(activity, activityTitle, SIZEOF(activityTitle));
+ if (!hContact)
+ {
+ m_mode = activity;
+ replaceStr(m_text, szText);
+ HANDLE hIcon = (activity >= 0) ? m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(returnActivity(activity)) : LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT);
+ TCHAR title[128];
+ if (activity >= 0)
+ {
+ mir_sntprintf(title, SIZEOF(title), TranslateT("Activity: %s"), activityTitle);
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/activity", m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(returnActivity(activity)), activityTitle);
+ } else
+ {
+ lstrcpy(title, LPGENT("Set activity..."));
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/activity", LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), TranslateT("Set activity..."));
+ }
+ UpdateMenuItem(hIcon, title);
+ } else
+ {
+ SetExtraIcon(hContact, activity < 0 ? NULL : returnActivity(activity));
+ }
+ if (activity >= 0) {
+ TCHAR* p = mir_a2t( ActivityGetId(activity));
+ m_proto->WriteAdvStatus(hContact, ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY, p, m_icons.GetIcolibName(returnActivity(activity)), activityTitle, szText);
+ mir_free( p );
+ }
+ else
+ m_proto->ResetAdvStatus(hContact, ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY);
+void CPepActivity::ShowSetDialog(BYTE bQuiet)
+ CJabberDlgPepSimple dlg(m_proto, TranslateT("Set Activity"));
+ for (int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(g_arrActivities); ++i)
+ if (g_arrActivities[i].szFirst || g_arrActivities[i].szSecond)
+ dlg.AddStatusMode(i, ActivityGetId(i), m_icons.GetIcon(returnActivity(i)), TranslateTS(g_arrActivities[i].szTitle), (g_arrActivities[i].szSecond != NULL) );
+ dlg.SetActiveStatus(m_mode, m_text);
+ dlg.DoModal();
+ if (!dlg.OkClicked()) return;
+ m_mode = dlg.GetStatusMode();
+ if (m_mode >= 0)
+ {
+ replaceStr(m_text, dlg.GetStatusText());
+ Publish();
+ UpdateMenuItem(m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(returnActivity(m_mode)), g_arrActivities[m_mode].szTitle);
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/activity", m_icons.GetIcolibHandle(returnActivity(m_mode)), TranslateTS(g_arrActivities[m_mode].szTitle));
+ } else
+ {
+ Retract();
+ UpdateMenuItem(LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), LPGENT("Set activity..."));
+ m_proto->m_pInfoFrame->UpdateInfoItem("$/PEP/activity", LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT), TranslateT("Set activity..."));
+ }
+// icq api emulation
+HICON CJabberProto::GetXStatusIcon(int bStatus, UINT flags)
+ CPepMood *pepMood = (CPepMood *)m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD));
+ HICON icon = pepMood->m_icons.GetIcon(g_arrMoods[bStatus].szTag, (flags & LR_BIGICON) != 0);
+ return ( flags & LR_SHARED ) ? icon : CopyIcon( icon );
+int CJabberProto::CListMW_ExtraIconsApply( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM )
+ if (m_bJabberOnline && m_bPepSupported && ServiceExists(MS_CLIST_EXTRA_SET_ICON))
+ {
+ char* szProto = ( char* )JCallService( MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, wParam, 0 );
+ if ( szProto==NULL || strcmp( szProto, m_szModuleName ))
+ return 0; // only apply icons to our contacts, do not mess others
+ m_pepServices.ResetExtraIcon((HANDLE)wParam);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// JabberGetXStatus - gets the extended status info (mood)
+INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnGetXStatus( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
+ if ( !m_bJabberOnline || !m_bPepSupported )
+ return 0;
+ if ( wParam ) *(( char** )wParam ) = DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME;
+ if ( lParam ) *(( char** )lParam ) = DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG;
+ return ((CPepMood *)m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD)))->m_mode;
+// not needed anymore and therefore commented out
+/*INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnGetXStatusEx( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
+ HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam;
+ if ( !m_bJabberOnline || !m_bPepSupported )
+ return 1;
+ if (pData->cbSize < sizeof(JABBER_CUSTOM_STATUS)) return 1; // Failure
+ if ( wParam ) *(( char** )wParam ) = DBSETTING_XSTATUSNAME;
+ if ( lParam ) *(( char** )lParam ) = DBSETTING_XSTATUSMSG;
+ return ((CPepMood *)m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD)))->m_mode;
+// JabberGetXStatusIcon - Retrieves specified custom status icon
+//wParam = (int)N // custom status id, 0 = my current custom status
+//lParam = flags // use LR_SHARED for shared HICON
+//return = HICON // custom status icon (use DestroyIcon to release resources if not LR_SHARED)
+INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnGetXStatusIcon( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
+ if ( !m_bJabberOnline )
+ return 0;
+ if ( !wParam )
+ wParam = ((CPepMood *)m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD)))->m_mode;
+ if ( wParam < 1 || wParam >= SIZEOF(g_arrMoods) )
+ return 0;
+ int flags = 0;
+ if ( lParam & LR_SHARED ) flags |= LR_SHARED;
+ if ( lParam & LR_BIGICON ) flags |= LR_BIGICON;
+ return (INT_PTR)GetXStatusIcon( wParam, flags );
+// SendPepMood - sends mood
+BOOL CJabberProto::SendPepTune( TCHAR* szArtist, TCHAR* szLength, TCHAR* szSource, TCHAR* szTitle, TCHAR* szTrack, TCHAR* szUri )
+ if ( !m_bJabberOnline || !m_bPepSupported )
+ return FALSE;
+ XmlNodeIq iq( _T("set"), SerialNext() );
+ HXML tuneNode = iq << XCHILDNS( _T("pubsub"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_PUBSUB))
+ << XCHILD( _T("publish")) << XATTR( _T("node"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_TUNE))
+ << XCHILD( _T("item")) << XCHILDNS( _T("tune"), _T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_TUNE));
+ if ( szArtist || szLength || szSource || szTitle || szUri ) {
+ if ( szArtist ) tuneNode << XCHILD( _T("artist"), szArtist );
+ if ( szLength ) tuneNode << XCHILD( _T("length"), szLength );
+ if ( szSource ) tuneNode << XCHILD( _T("source"), szSource );
+ if ( szTitle ) tuneNode << XCHILD( _T("title"), szTitle );
+ if ( szTrack ) tuneNode << XCHILD( _T("track"), szTrack );
+ if ( szUri ) tuneNode << XCHILD( _T("uri"), szUri );
+ }
+ m_ThreadInfo->send( iq );
+ return TRUE;
+void CJabberProto::SetContactTune( HANDLE hContact, LPCTSTR szArtist, LPCTSTR szLength, LPCTSTR szSource, LPCTSTR szTitle, LPCTSTR szTrack )
+ if ( !szArtist && !szTitle ) {
+ JDeleteSetting( hContact, "ListeningTo" );
+ ResetAdvStatus( hContact, ADVSTATUS_TUNE );
+ return;
+ }
+ TCHAR *szListeningTo;
+ ZeroMemory( &li, sizeof( li ));
+ li.cbSize = sizeof( li );
+ li.dwFlags = LTI_TCHAR;
+ li.ptszArtist = ( TCHAR* )szArtist;
+ li.ptszLength = ( TCHAR* )szLength;
+ li.ptszAlbum = ( TCHAR* )szSource;
+ li.ptszTitle = ( TCHAR* )szTitle;
+ li.ptszTrack = ( TCHAR* )szTrack;
+ szListeningTo = (TCHAR *)CallService( MS_LISTENINGTO_GETPARSEDTEXT, (WPARAM)_T("%title% - %artist%"), (LPARAM)&li );
+ }
+ else {
+ szListeningTo = (TCHAR *) mir_alloc( 2048 * sizeof( TCHAR ));
+ mir_sntprintf( szListeningTo, 2047, _T("%s - %s"), szTitle ? szTitle : _T(""), szArtist ? szArtist : _T("") );
+ }
+ JSetStringT( hContact, "ListeningTo", szListeningTo );
+ char tuneIcon[128];
+ mir_snprintf(tuneIcon, SIZEOF(tuneIcon), "%s_%s", m_szModuleName, "main");
+ WriteAdvStatus( hContact, ADVSTATUS_TUNE, _T("listening_to"), tuneIcon, TranslateT("Listening To"), szListeningTo );
+ mir_free( szListeningTo );
+TCHAR* a2tf( const TCHAR* str, BOOL unicode )
+ if ( str == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ #if defined( _UNICODE )
+ return ( unicode ) ? mir_tstrdup( str ) : mir_a2t(( char* )str );
+ #else
+ return mir_strdup( str );
+ #endif
+void overrideStr( TCHAR*& dest, const TCHAR* src, BOOL unicode, const TCHAR* def = NULL )
+ if ( dest != NULL )
+ {
+ mir_free( dest );
+ dest = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( src != NULL )
+ dest = a2tf( src, unicode );
+ else if ( def != NULL )
+ dest = mir_tstrdup( def );
+INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnSetListeningTo( WPARAM, LPARAM lParam )
+ if ( !cm || cm->cbSize != sizeof(LISTENINGTOINFO) ) {
+ JDeleteSetting( NULL, "ListeningTo" );
+ }
+ else {
+ TCHAR *szArtist = NULL, *szLength = NULL, *szSource = NULL;
+ TCHAR *szTitle = NULL, *szTrack = NULL;
+ BOOL unicode = cm->dwFlags & LTI_UNICODE;
+ overrideStr( szArtist, cm->ptszArtist, unicode );
+ overrideStr( szSource, cm->ptszAlbum, unicode );
+ overrideStr( szTitle, cm->ptszTitle, unicode );
+ overrideStr( szTrack, cm->ptszTrack, unicode );
+ overrideStr( szLength, cm->ptszLength, unicode );
+ TCHAR szLengthInSec[ 32 ];
+ szLengthInSec[ 0 ] = _T('\0');
+ if ( szLength ) {
+ unsigned int multiplier = 1, result = 0;
+ for ( TCHAR *p = szLength; *p; p++ ) {
+ if ( *p == _T(':')) multiplier *= 60;
+ }
+ if ( multiplier <= 3600 ) {
+ TCHAR *szTmp = szLength;
+ while ( szTmp[0] ) {
+ result += ( _ttoi( szTmp ) * multiplier );
+ multiplier /= 60;
+ szTmp = _tcschr( szTmp, _T(':') );
+ if ( !szTmp )
+ break;
+ szTmp++;
+ }
+ }
+ mir_sntprintf( szLengthInSec, SIZEOF( szLengthInSec ), _T("%d"), result );
+ }
+ SendPepTune( szArtist, szLength ? szLengthInSec : NULL, szSource, szTitle, szTrack, NULL );
+ SetContactTune( NULL, szArtist, szLength, szSource, szTitle, szTrack );
+ mir_free( szArtist );
+ mir_free( szLength );
+ mir_free( szSource );
+ mir_free( szTitle );
+ mir_free( szTrack );
+ }
+ return 0;
+// process InfoFrame clicks
+void CJabberProto::InfoFrame_OnUserMood(CJabberInfoFrame_Event*)
+ m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD))->LaunchSetGui();
+void CJabberProto::InfoFrame_OnUserActivity(CJabberInfoFrame_Event*)
+ m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_ACTIVITY))->LaunchSetGui();
+// builds xstatus menu
+void CJabberProto::XStatusInit()
+ if (hExtraMood == NULL)
+ JHookEvent( ME_CLIST_EXTRA_IMAGE_APPLY, &CJabberProto::CListMW_ExtraIconsApply );
+ RegisterAdvStatusSlot( ADVSTATUS_MOOD );
+ RegisterAdvStatusSlot( ADVSTATUS_TUNE );
+ RegisterAdvStatusSlot( ADVSTATUS_ACTIVITY );
+void CJabberProto::XStatusUninit()
+ if ( m_hHookExtraIconsRebuild )
+ UnhookEvent( m_hHookExtraIconsRebuild );
+ if ( m_hHookExtraIconsApply )
+ UnhookEvent( m_hHookExtraIconsApply );
+// JabberSetXStatus - sets the extended status info (mood)
+INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnSetXStatus( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM )
+ if ( !m_bPepSupported || !m_bJabberOnline )
+ return 0;
+ CPepMood *pepMood = (CPepMood *)m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD));
+ if ( !wParam ) {
+ pepMood->m_mode = -1;
+ pepMood->Retract();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( wParam > 0 && wParam < SIZEOF(g_arrMoods)) {
+ pepMood->m_mode = wParam;
+ pepMood->LaunchSetGui( 0 );
+ return wParam;
+ }
+ return 0;
+INT_PTR __cdecl CJabberProto::OnSetXStatusEx( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ if ( !m_bPepSupported || !m_bJabberOnline )
+ return 1;
+ if (pData->cbSize < sizeof(JABBER_CUSTOM_STATUS)) return 1; // Failure
+ CPepMood *pepMood = (CPepMood *)m_pepServices.Find(_T(JABBER_FEAT_USER_MOOD));
+ int status = *pData->status;
+ if (status > 0 && status < SIZEOF(g_arrMoods)) {
+ pepMood->m_mode = status;
+ pepMood->m_text = JabberStrFixLines( pData->ptszMessage );
+ pepMood->LaunchSetGui( 1 );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Advanced status slots
+// DB data format:
+// Contact / AdvStatus / Proto/Status/id = mode_id
+// Contact / AdvStatus / Proto/Status/icon = icon
+// Contact / AdvStatus / Proto/Status/title = title
+// Contact / AdvStatus / Proto/Status/text = title
+void CJabberProto::RegisterAdvStatusSlot(const char *pszSlot)
+ char szSetting[256];
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "AdvStatus/%s/%s/id", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "AdvStatus/%s/%s/icon", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "AdvStatus/%s/%s/title", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "AdvStatus/%s/%s/text", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+void CJabberProto::ResetAdvStatus(HANDLE hContact, const char *pszSlot)
+{ // set empty text before DBDeleteContactSetting to make resident setting manager happy
+ char szSetting[128];
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/id", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, "");
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/icon", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, "");
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/title", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, "");
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/text", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, "");
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting);
+void CJabberProto::WriteAdvStatus(HANDLE hContact, const char *pszSlot, const TCHAR *pszMode, const char *pszIcon, const TCHAR *pszTitle, const TCHAR *pszText)
+ char szSetting[128];
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/id", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, pszMode);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/icon", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, pszIcon);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/title", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, pszTitle);
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/text", m_szModuleName, pszSlot);
+ if (pszText) {
+ DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, pszText);
+ } else
+ {
+ // set empty text before DBDeleteContactSetting to make resident setting manager happy
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, "");
+ DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting);
+ }
+char *CJabberProto::ReadAdvStatusA(HANDLE hContact, const char *pszSlot, const char *pszValue)
+ char szSetting[128];
+ DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/%s", m_szModuleName, pszSlot, pszValue);
+ if (DBGetContactSettingString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, &dbv))
+ return NULL;
+ char *res = mir_strdup(dbv.pszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ return res;
+TCHAR *CJabberProto::ReadAdvStatusT(HANDLE hContact, const char *pszSlot, const char *pszValue)
+ char szSetting[128];
+ DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
+ mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "%s/%s/%s", m_szModuleName, pszSlot, pszValue);
+ if (DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, "AdvStatus", szSetting, &dbv))
+ return NULL;
+ TCHAR *res = mir_tstrdup(dbv.ptszVal);
+ DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
+ return res;
+// CJabberInfoFrame
+class CJabberInfoFrameItem
+ char *m_pszName;
+ HANDLE m_hIcolibIcon;
+ TCHAR *m_pszText;
+ LPARAM m_pUserData;
+ bool m_bCompact;
+ bool m_bShow;
+ void (CJabberProto::*m_onEvent)(CJabberInfoFrame_Event *);
+ RECT m_rcItem;
+ int m_tooltipId;
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem():
+ m_pszName(NULL), m_hIcolibIcon(NULL), m_pszText(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem(char *pszName, bool bCompact=false, LPARAM pUserData=0):
+ m_pszName(NULL), m_hIcolibIcon(NULL), m_pszText(NULL), m_bShow(true), m_bCompact(bCompact), m_pUserData(pUserData), m_onEvent(NULL)
+ {
+ m_pszName = mir_strdup(pszName);
+ }
+ ~CJabberInfoFrameItem()
+ {
+ mir_free(m_pszName);
+ mir_free(m_pszText);
+ }
+ void SetInfo(HANDLE hIcolibIcon, TCHAR *pszText)
+ {
+ mir_free(m_pszText);
+ m_pszText = pszText ? mir_tstrdup(pszText) : NULL;
+ m_hIcolibIcon = hIcolibIcon;
+ }
+ static int cmp(const CJabberInfoFrameItem *p1, const CJabberInfoFrameItem *p2)
+ {
+ return lstrcmpA(p1->m_pszName, p2->m_pszName);
+ }
+CJabberInfoFrame::CJabberInfoFrame(CJabberProto *proto):
+ m_pItems(3, CJabberInfoFrameItem::cmp), m_compact(false)
+ m_proto = proto;
+ m_hwnd = m_hwndToolTip = NULL;
+ m_clickedItem = -1;
+ m_hiddenItemCount = 0;
+ m_bLocked = false;
+ m_nextTooltipId = 0;
+ m_hhkFontsChanged = 0;
+ if (!proto->m_options.DisableFrame && ServiceExists(MS_CLIST_FRAMES_ADDFRAME))
+ {
+ InitClass();
+ CLISTFrame frame = {0};
+ frame.cbSize = sizeof(frame);
+ HWND hwndClist = (HWND)CallService(MS_CLUI_GETHWND, 0, 0);
+ frame.hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, _T("JabberInfoFrameClass"), NULL, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 100, 100, hwndClist, NULL, hInst, this);
+ frame.align = alBottom;
+ frame.height = 2 * SZ_FRAMEPADDING + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON) + SZ_LINEPADDING; // compact height by default
+ frame.tname = mir_a2t(proto->m_szModuleName);
+ frame.TBtname = proto->m_tszUserName;
+ m_frameId = CallService(MS_CLIST_FRAMES_ADDFRAME, (WPARAM)&frame, 0);
+ mir_free(frame.tname);
+ if (m_frameId == -1) {
+ DestroyWindow(frame.hWnd);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_hhkFontsChanged = HookEventMessage(ME_FONT_RELOAD, m_hwnd, WM_APP);
+ ReloadFonts();
+ m_hwndToolTip = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL,
+ m_hwnd, NULL, hInst, NULL);
+ SetWindowPos(m_hwndToolTip, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
+ CreateInfoItem("$", true);
+ UpdateInfoItem("$", proto->GetIconHandle(IDI_JABBER), proto->m_tszUserName);
+ CreateInfoItem("$/JID", true);
+ UpdateInfoItem("$/JID", LoadSkinnedIconHandle(SKINICON_OTHER_USERDETAILS), _T("Offline"));
+ SetInfoItemCallback("$/JID", &CJabberProto::InfoFrame_OnSetup);
+ }
+ if (!m_hwnd) return;
+ if (m_hhkFontsChanged) UnhookEvent(m_hhkFontsChanged);
+ SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
+ DestroyWindow(m_hwnd);
+ DestroyWindow(m_hwndToolTip);
+ DeleteObject(m_hfntText);
+ DeleteObject(m_hfntTitle);
+ m_hwnd = NULL;
+void CJabberInfoFrame::InitClass()
+ static bool bClassRegistered = false;
+ if (bClassRegistered) return;
+ WNDCLASSEX wcx = {0};
+ wcx.cbSize = sizeof(wcx);
+ wcx.lpfnWndProc = GlobalWndProc;
+ wcx.hInstance = hInst;
+ wcx.lpszClassName = _T("JabberInfoFrameClass");
+ wcx.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ RegisterClassEx(&wcx);
+ bClassRegistered = true;
+LRESULT CALLBACK CJabberInfoFrame::GlobalWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ CJabberInfoFrame *pFrame;
+ if (msg == WM_CREATE)
+ {
+ pFrame = (CJabberInfoFrame *)pcs->lpCreateParams;
+ if (pFrame) pFrame->m_hwnd = hwnd;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)pFrame);
+ } else
+ {
+ pFrame = (CJabberInfoFrame *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
+ }
+ return pFrame ? pFrame->WndProc(msg, wParam, lParam) : DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+LRESULT CJabberInfoFrame::WndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ switch (msg)
+ {
+ case WM_APP:
+ {
+ ReloadFonts();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case WM_PAINT:
+ {
+ RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc);
+ m_compact = rc.bottom < (2 * (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON) + SZ_LINEPADDING) + SZ_LINESPACING + 2 * SZ_FRAMEPADDING);
+ HDC hdc = BeginPaint(m_hwnd, &ps);
+ m_compact ? PaintCompact(hdc) : PaintNormal(hdc);
+ EndPaint(m_hwnd, &ps);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ POINT pt = { LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam) };
+ MapWindowPoints(m_hwnd, NULL, &pt, 1);
+ int res = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, (HWND)CallService(MS_CLUI_GETHWND, 0, 0), NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ POINT pt = { LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam) };
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_pItems.getCount(); ++i)
+ if (m_pItems[i].m_onEvent && PtInRect(&m_pItems[i].m_rcItem, pt))
+ {
+ m_clickedItem = i;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ POINT pt = { LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam) };
+ if ((m_clickedItem >= 0) && (m_clickedItem < m_pItems.getCount()) && m_pItems[m_clickedItem].m_onEvent && PtInRect(&m_pItems[m_clickedItem].m_rcItem, pt))
+ {
+ CJabberInfoFrame_Event evt;
+ evt.m_event = CJabberInfoFrame_Event::CLICK;
+ evt.m_pszName = m_pItems[m_clickedItem].m_pszName;
+ evt.m_pUserData = m_pItems[m_clickedItem].m_pUserData;
+ (m_proto->*m_pItems[m_clickedItem].m_onEvent)(&evt);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ m_clickedItem = -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ m_compact = !m_compact;
+ UpdateSize();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return DefWindowProc(m_hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+void CJabberInfoFrame::LockUpdates()
+ m_bLocked = true;
+void CJabberInfoFrame::Update()
+ m_bLocked = false;
+ UpdateSize();
+void CJabberInfoFrame::ReloadFonts()
+ LOGFONT lfFont;
+ FontID fontid = {0};
+ fontid.cbSize = sizeof(fontid);
+ lstrcpyA(, "Jabber");
+ lstrcpyA(, "Frame title");
+ m_clTitle = CallService(MS_FONT_GET, (WPARAM)&fontid, (LPARAM)&lfFont);
+ DeleteObject(m_hfntTitle);
+ m_hfntTitle = CreateFontIndirect(&lfFont);
+ lstrcpyA(, "Frame text");
+ m_clText = CallService(MS_FONT_GET, (WPARAM)&fontid, (LPARAM)&lfFont);
+ DeleteObject(m_hfntText);
+ m_hfntText = CreateFontIndirect(&lfFont);
+ ColourID colourid = {0};
+ colourid.cbSize = sizeof(colourid);
+ lstrcpyA(, "Jabber");
+ lstrcpyA(, "Background");
+ m_clBack = CallService(MS_COLOUR_GET, (WPARAM)&colourid, 0);
+ UpdateSize();
+void CJabberInfoFrame::UpdateSize()
+ if (!m_hwnd) return;
+ if (m_bLocked) return;
+ int line_count = m_compact ? 1 : (m_pItems.getCount() - m_hiddenItemCount);
+ int height = 2 * SZ_FRAMEPADDING + line_count * (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON) + SZ_LINEPADDING) + (line_count - 1) * SZ_LINESPACING;
+ {
+ if (!ServiceExists(MS_SKIN_DRAWGLYPH))
+ {
+ // crazy resizing for clist_nicer...
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_FRAMES_SHFRAME, m_frameId, 0);
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_FRAMES_SHFRAME, m_frameId, 0);
+ } else
+ {
+ RedrawWindow(m_hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ }
+void CJabberInfoFrame::RemoveTooltip(int id)
+ TOOLINFO ti = {0};
+ ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
+ ti.hwnd = m_hwnd;
+ ti.uId = id;
+ SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_DELTOOLW, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+void CJabberInfoFrame::SetToolTip(int id, RECT *rc, TCHAR *pszText)
+ TOOLINFO ti = {0};
+ ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
+ ti.hwnd = m_hwnd;
+ ti.uId = id;
+ SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_DELTOOLW, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+ ti.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS;
+ ti.hwnd = m_hwnd;
+ ti.uId = id;
+ ti.hinst = hInst;
+ ti.lpszText = pszText;
+ ti.rect = *rc;
+ SendMessage(m_hwndToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+void CJabberInfoFrame::PaintSkinGlyph(HDC hdc, RECT *rc, char **glyphs, COLORREF fallback)
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_SKIN_DRAWGLYPH))
+ {
+ rq.hDC = hdc;
+ rq.rcDestRect = *rc;
+ rq.rcClipRect = *rc;
+ for ( ; *glyphs; ++glyphs)
+ {
+ strncpy(rq.szObjectID, *glyphs, sizeof(rq.szObjectID));
+ if (!CallService(MS_SKIN_DRAWGLYPH, (WPARAM)&rq, 0))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fallback != 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ {
+ HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(fallback);
+ FillRect(hdc, rc, hbr);
+ DeleteObject(hbr);
+ }
+void CJabberInfoFrame::PaintCompact(HDC hdc)
+ RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc);
+ char *glyphs[] = { "Main,ID=ProtoInfo", "Main,ID=EventArea", "Main,ID=StatusBar", NULL };
+ PaintSkinGlyph(hdc, &rc, glyphs, m_clBack);
+ HFONT hfntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, m_hfntTitle);
+ SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
+ SetTextColor(hdc, m_clTitle);
+ int cx_icon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
+ int cy_icon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
+ int cx = rc.right - cx_icon - SZ_FRAMEPADDING;
+ for (int i = m_pItems.getCount(); i--; )
+ {
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem &item = m_pItems[i];
+ SetRect(&item.m_rcItem, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!item.m_bShow) continue;
+ if (!item.m_bCompact) continue;
+ int depth = 0;
+ for (char *p = item.m_pszName; p = strchr(p+1, '/'); ++depth) ;
+ if (depth == 0)
+ {
+ if (item.m_hIcolibIcon)
+ {
+ HICON hIcon = (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICONBYHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)item.m_hIcolibIcon);
+ if (hIcon)
+ {
+ DrawIconEx(hdc, SZ_FRAMEPADDING, (rc.bottom-cy_icon)/2, hIcon, cx_icon, cy_icon, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ g_ReleaseIcon(hIcon);
+ }
+ }
+ RECT rcText; SetRect(&rcText, cx_icon + SZ_FRAMEPADDING + SZ_ICONSPACING, 0, rc.right - SZ_FRAMEPADDING, rc.bottom);
+ DrawText(hdc, item.m_pszText, lstrlen(item.m_pszText), &rcText, DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
+ } else
+ {
+ if (item.m_hIcolibIcon)
+ {
+ HICON hIcon = (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICONBYHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)item.m_hIcolibIcon);
+ if (hIcon)
+ {
+ SetRect(&item.m_rcItem, cx, (rc.bottom-cy_icon)/2, cx+cx_icon, (rc.bottom-cy_icon)/2+cy_icon);
+ DrawIconEx(hdc, cx, (rc.bottom-cy_icon)/2, hIcon, cx_icon, cy_icon, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ cx -= cx_icon;
+ g_ReleaseIcon(hIcon);
+ SetToolTip(item.m_tooltipId, &item.m_rcItem, item.m_pszText);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SelectObject(hdc, hfntSave);
+void CJabberInfoFrame::PaintNormal(HDC hdc)
+ RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc);
+ char *glyphs[] = { "Main,ID=ProtoInfo", "Main,ID=EventArea", "Main,ID=StatusBar", NULL };
+ PaintSkinGlyph(hdc, &rc, glyphs, m_clBack);
+ HFONT hfntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
+ SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
+ int cx_icon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON);
+ int cy_icon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON);
+ int line_height = cy_icon + SZ_LINEPADDING;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_pItems.getCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem &item = m_pItems[i];
+ if (!item.m_bShow)
+ {
+ SetRect(&item.m_rcItem, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ int depth = 0;
+ for (char *p = item.m_pszName; p = strchr(p+1, '/'); cx += cx_icon) ++depth;
+ SetRect(&item.m_rcItem, cx, cy, rc.right - SZ_FRAMEPADDING, cy + line_height);
+ if (item.m_hIcolibIcon)
+ {
+ HICON hIcon = (HICON)CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICONBYHANDLE, 0, (LPARAM)item.m_hIcolibIcon);
+ if (hIcon)
+ {
+ DrawIconEx(hdc, cx, cy + (line_height-cy_icon)/2, hIcon, cx_icon, cy_icon, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
+ cx += cx_icon + SZ_ICONSPACING;
+ g_ReleaseIcon(hIcon);
+ }
+ }
+ SelectObject(hdc, depth ? m_hfntText : m_hfntTitle);
+ SetTextColor(hdc, depth ? m_clText : m_clTitle);
+ RECT rcText; SetRect(&rcText, cx, cy, rc.right - SZ_FRAMEPADDING, cy + line_height);
+ DrawText(hdc, item.m_pszText, lstrlen(item.m_pszText), &rcText, DT_NOPREFIX|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_END_ELLIPSIS);
+ RemoveTooltip(item.m_tooltipId);
+ cy += line_height + SZ_LINESPACING;
+ }
+ SelectObject(hdc, hfntSave);
+void CJabberInfoFrame::CreateInfoItem(char *pszName, bool bCompact, LPARAM pUserData)
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem item(pszName);
+ if (CJabberInfoFrameItem *pItem = m_pItems.find(&item))
+ return;
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem *newItem = new CJabberInfoFrameItem(pszName, bCompact, pUserData);
+ newItem->m_tooltipId = m_nextTooltipId++;
+ m_pItems.insert(newItem);
+ UpdateSize();
+void CJabberInfoFrame::SetInfoItemCallback(char *pszName, void (CJabberProto::*onEvent)(CJabberInfoFrame_Event *))
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem item(pszName);
+ if (CJabberInfoFrameItem *pItem = m_pItems.find(&item))
+ {
+ pItem->m_onEvent = onEvent;
+ }
+void CJabberInfoFrame::UpdateInfoItem(char *pszName, HANDLE hIcolibIcon, TCHAR *pszText)
+ CJabberInfoFrameItem item(pszName);
+ if (CJabberInfoFrameItem *pItem = m_pItems.find(&item))
+ pItem->SetInfo(hIcolibIcon, pszText);
+ if (m_hwnd)
+ RedrawWindow(m_hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE);
+void CJabberInfoFrame::ShowInfoItem(char *pszName, bool bShow)
+ bool bUpdate = false;
+ size_t length = strlen(pszName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_pItems.getCount(); ++i)
+ if ((m_pItems[i].m_bShow != bShow) && !strncmp(m_pItems[i].m_pszName, pszName, length))
+ {
+ m_pItems[i].m_bShow = bShow;
+ m_hiddenItemCount += bShow ? -1 : 1;
+ bUpdate = true;
+ }
+ if (bUpdate)
+ UpdateSize();
+void CJabberInfoFrame::RemoveInfoItem(char *pszName)
+ bool bUpdate = false;
+ size_t length = strlen(pszName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_pItems.getCount(); ++i)
+ if (!strncmp(m_pItems[i].m_pszName, pszName, length))
+ {
+ if (!m_pItems[i].m_bShow) --m_hiddenItemCount;
+ RemoveTooltip(m_pItems[i].m_tooltipId);
+ m_pItems.remove(i);
+ bUpdate = true;
+ --i;
+ }
+ if (bUpdate)
+ UpdateSize();