path: root/protocols/Tox/tox/deflibcreator/src/deflibcreator.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Tox/tox/deflibcreator/src/deflibcreator.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Tox/tox/deflibcreator/src/deflibcreator.cpp b/protocols/Tox/tox/deflibcreator/src/deflibcreator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6480fda7e3..0000000000
--- a/protocols/Tox/tox/deflibcreator/src/deflibcreator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <dbghelp.h>
-#include <shlwapi.h>
-#include <shellapi.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <iostream>
-#pragma comment(lib, "dbghelp.lib")
-#pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
-#pragma comment(lib, "shell32.lib")
-// ordinals to names
-typedef std::map<DWORD, std::vector<const char*> > ExportMap;
-void GetExports(PVOID pMapping, ExportMap& exports, WORD& imageType)
- ULONG size = 0;
- PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pHead = ImageNtHeader(pMapping);
- if(pHead && pDir)
- {
- imageType = pHead->FileHeader.Machine;
- char* base = static_cast<char*>(pMapping);
- DWORD rvaExportDir = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pDir) - base;
- PDWORD namesAddr = static_cast<PDWORD>(ImageRvaToVa(pHead, pMapping, pDir->AddressOfNames, &pSec));
- PWORD ordinalAddr = static_cast<PWORD>(ImageRvaToVa(pHead, pMapping, pDir->AddressOfNameOrdinals, &pSec));
- DWORD numFuncs = pDir->NumberOfFunctions;
- DWORD numNames = pDir->NumberOfNames;
- DWORD baseOrd = pDir->Base;
- std::set<DWORD> ordinals;
- DWORD lastOrd = baseOrd + numFuncs;
- for(DWORD i = baseOrd; i < lastOrd; ++i)
- {
- ordinals.insert(i);
- }
- for(DWORD i = 0; i < numNames; ++i)
- {
- WORD thisZeroBasedOrd = ordinalAddr[i];
- DWORD thisBasedOrd = thisZeroBasedOrd + baseOrd;
- ordinals.erase(thisBasedOrd);
- LPCSTR name = static_cast<LPCSTR>(ImageRvaToVa(pHead, pMapping, namesAddr[i], &pSec));
- exports[thisBasedOrd].push_back(name);
- }
- for(std::set<DWORD>::const_iterator iter = ordinals.begin(), end = ordinals.end();
- iter != end;
- ++iter
- )
- {
- exports.insert(std::make_pair(*iter, ExportMap::mapped_type()));
- }
- }
-PVOID MapFile(HANDLE hFile, DWORD fileMapPerm, DWORD mappedPerms)
- PVOID base = NULL;
- HANDLE hMap = CreateFileMappingW(
- hFile,
- fileMapPerm,
- 0,
- 0,
- );
- if(hMap)
- {
- base = MapViewOfFile(hMap, mappedPerms, 0, 0, 0);
- CloseHandle(hMap);
- }
- return base;
-PVOID MapFile(const wchar_t* fileName, DWORD filePerms, DWORD fileMapPerm, DWORD mappedPerms)
- PVOID base = NULL;
- HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(
- fileName,
- filePerms,
- );
- {
- base = MapFile(hFile, fileMapPerm, mappedPerms);
- CloseHandle(hFile);
- }
- return base;
-PVOID MapFileRO(const wchar_t* fileName, BOOL image)
- return MapFile(fileName, GENERIC_READ, PAGE_READONLY | (image ? SEC_IMAGE : 0), FILE_MAP_READ);
-std::wstring GetFileName(const wchar_t* pFilePath)
- const wchar_t* pAfterSlash = pFilePath, *pSlash = NULL;
- while((pSlash = wcspbrk(pAfterSlash, L"\\/")) != NULL)
- {
- pAfterSlash = pSlash + 1;
- }
- const wchar_t* pDot = wcschr(pAfterSlash, L'.');
- if(pDot != NULL)
- {
- return std::wstring(pAfterSlash, pDot);
- }
- else return std::wstring(pAfterSlash);
-std::wstring MakeWString(const char* string)
- size_t reqd = mbstowcs(NULL, string, 0);
- if(reqd != static_cast<size_t>(-1))
- {
- std::wstring str(reqd, 0);
- mbstowcs(&str[0], string, reqd);
- return str;
- }
- return std::wstring(string, string + strlen(string) + 1);
-void DoAndWaitForExecution(SHELLEXECUTEINFO& sei)
- if(!ShellExecuteEx(&sei))
- {
- std::wcerr << L"Couldn't execute \"" << sei.lpFile << L'\n';
- }
- else
- {
- WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, INFINITE);
- CloseHandle(sei.hProcess);
- }
-void CreateLibs(const std::wstring& defFile, const std::wstring& baseName, const std::wstring& outDir, WORD machineType)
- std::wstring curDir(1000, 0);
- curDir.resize(GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), &curDir[0], curDir.length()));
- curDir.resize(curDir.find_last_of(L"\\/") + 1);
- SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = {sizeof(sei), 0};
- sei.hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();
- sei.lpVerb = L"open";
- sei.lpDirectory = outDir.c_str();
- // 32-bit libs
- if(machineType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386)
- {
- std::wcout << L"Creating 32-bit libs...\n";
- // dlltool for mingw (x86)
- std::wcout << L"\tCreating lib" << baseName << L".a...\n";
- std::wostringstream pstream;
- pstream << L"-d \"" << defFile << L"\" -l lib" << baseName << L".a";
- std::wstring binary = curDir + L"dlltool.exe";
- std::wstring parameters = pstream.str();
- sei.lpFile = binary.c_str();
- sei.lpParameters = parameters.c_str();
- DoAndWaitForExecution(sei);
- pstream.str(L"");
- // link for msvc (x86)
- std::wcout << L"\tCreating " << baseName << L".lib...\n";
- pstream << L"/lib /nologo /machine:x86 /def:\"" << defFile << "\" /out:\"" << outDir << baseName << L".lib\"";
- binary = curDir + L"link.exe";
- parameters = pstream.str();
- sei.lpFile = binary.c_str();
- sei.lpParameters = parameters.c_str();
- DoAndWaitForExecution(sei);
- }
- else
- {
- std::wcout << L"Creating 64-bit libs...\n";
- // dlltool for mingw (x64) (my fail if running on 32-bit comp)
- std::wcout << L"\tlib" << baseName << L"-x64.a...\n";
- std::wstring binary = curDir + L"dlltool64.exe";
- std::wstring as64Pos = L"\"";
- as64Pos += (curDir + L"as64.exe\"");
- std::wostringstream pstream;
- pstream << L"-d \"" << defFile << L"\" -S " << as64Pos << L" -l lib" << baseName << L"-x64.a";
- std::wstring parameters = pstream.str();
- sei.lpFile = binary.c_str();
- sei.lpParameters = parameters.c_str();
- DoAndWaitForExecution(sei);
- pstream.str(L"");
- // link for msvc (x64)
- std::wcout << L'\t' << baseName << L"-x64.lib...\n";
- binary = curDir + L"link.exe";
- pstream << L"/lib /nologo /machine:x64 /def:\"" << defFile << "\" /out:\"" << outDir << baseName << L"-x64.lib\"";
- parameters = pstream.str();
- sei.lpFile = binary.c_str();
- sei.lpParameters = parameters.c_str();
- DoAndWaitForExecution(sei);
- }
-BOOL CreateDef(LPCWSTR dllFile, const std::wstring& defFile, WORD& machineType)
- std::wcout << L"Creating " << defFile << L"...\n";
- // this is FALSE on purpose. If it's true, some dll's (mainly bcrypt.dll from Vista)
- // fail to map as an image because of some funkyness with the certificate or
- // something (STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH fyi). So this is just easier
- PVOID pMapping = MapFileRO(dllFile, FALSE);
- if(pMapping)
- {
- ExportMap exports;
- GetExports(pMapping, exports, machineType);
- if(!exports.empty())
- {
- std::wofstream defFile(defFile.c_str());
- std::wostringstream expDetails;
- defFile << L"LIBRARY \"" << GetFileName(dllFile) << L"\"\n\nEXPORTS\n";
- for(ExportMap::const_iterator iter = exports.begin(), end = exports.end();
- iter != end;
- ++iter
- )
- {
- expDetails.str(L"");
- expDetails.clear();
- expDetails << L'\t';
- const ExportMap::mapped_type& names = iter->second;
- if(!names.empty())
- {
- const std::wstring& initialName = MakeWString(*(names.begin()));
- expDetails << initialName << L"\t@" << iter->first << L'\n';
- for(ExportMap::mapped_type::const_iterator namesIter = names.begin() + 1, namesEnd = names.end();
- namesIter != namesEnd;
- ++namesIter
- )
- {
- expDetails << '\t' << MakeWString(*namesIter) << L'=' << initialName << L'\n';
- }
- }
- // unnamed export
- else
- {
- expDetails << L"Ordinal" << iter->first << L" NONAME\t@" << iter->first << L'\n';
- }
- defFile << expDetails.str();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- std::wcerr << dllFile << L" has no exports, nothing to do\n";
- return FALSE;
- }
- UnmapViewOfFile(pMapping);
- }
- return TRUE;
-int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv)
- std::wcout << L"DefLibCreator v1.0 -\n\n";
- if(argc < 2)
- {
- puts("Usage: DefLibCreator dll [outDir]");
- return 1;
- }
- else
- {
- std::wstring baseFileName = PathFindFileName(argv[1]);
- baseFileName.erase(baseFileName.find_last_of('.'));
- int outDirArg = (argc >= 3) ? 2 : 1;
- LPWSTR pFilePart = NULL;
- std::wstring outDir(GetFullPathName(argv[outDirArg], 0, NULL, NULL), 0);
- outDir.resize(GetFullPathName(argv[outDirArg], outDir.length(), &outDir[0], &pFilePart));
- // if the explicit output dir wasn't specified, we need to chop the dll filename off the end of outDir
- if(outDirArg == 1)
- {
- outDir.resize(pFilePart - outDir.c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- CreateDirectory(outDir.c_str(), NULL);
- }
- outDir.push_back(L'\\'); // ensure it ends with a slash
- std::wstring defFile(outDir);
- defFile += (baseFileName + L".def");
- WORD machineType = 0;
- if(CreateDef(argv[1], defFile, machineType))
- {
- CreateLibs(defFile, baseFileName, outDir, machineType);
- }
- }
- return 0;