path: root/protocols/Twitter/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Twitter/src')
5 files changed, 98 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Twitter/src/connection.cpp b/protocols/Twitter/src/connection.cpp
index 488bd3e657..b7bfadfdf0 100644
--- a/protocols/Twitter/src/connection.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Twitter/src/connection.cpp
@@ -134,6 +134,10 @@ bool TwitterProto::NegotiateConnection()
+ // twitter changed the base URL in v1.1 of the API, I don't think users will need to modify it, so
+ // i'll be forcing it to the new API URL here. After a while I can get rid of this as users will
+ // have either had this run at least once, or have reset their miranda profile. 14/10/2012
+ DBWriteContactSettingString(0,m_szModuleName,TWITTER_KEY_BASEURL,"");
if((oauthToken.size() <= 1) || (oauthTokenSecret.size() <= 1)) {
// first, reset all the keys so we can start fresh
@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ struct update_avatar
std::string url;
+/* void *p should always be a struct of type update_avatar */
void TwitterProto::UpdateAvatarWorker(void *p)
if(p == 0)
@@ -426,11 +431,14 @@ void TwitterProto::UpdateAvatarWorker(void *p)
std::auto_ptr<update_avatar> data( static_cast<update_avatar*>(p));
+ // DBGetContactSettingString returns 0 when it suceeds, so if this suceeds it will return 0, or false.
+ // therefore if it returns 1, or true, we want to return as there is no such user.
+ // as a side effect, dbv now has the username in it i think
- std::string ext = data->url.substr(data->url.rfind('.'));
- std::tstring filename = GetAvatarFolder() + _T('\\') + dbv.ptszVal + (TCHAR*)_A2T(ext.c_str());
+ std::string ext = data->url.substr(data->url.rfind('.')); // finds the filetype of the avatar
+ std::tstring filename = GetAvatarFolder() + _T('\\') + dbv.ptszVal + (TCHAR*)_A2T(ext.c_str()); // local filename and path
@@ -442,11 +450,11 @@ void TwitterProto::UpdateAvatarWorker(void *p)
return; // lets just ignore unknown formats... if not it crashes miranda. should probably speak to borkra about this.
- _tcsncpy(ai.filename,filename.c_str(),MAX_PATH);
+ _tcsncpy(ai.filename,filename.c_str(),MAX_PATH); // puts the local file name in the avatar struct, to a max of 260 chars (as of now)
LOG( _T("***** Updating avatar: %s"), data->url.c_str());
- if(CallService(MS_SYSTEM_TERMINATED,0,0))
+ if(CallService(MS_SYSTEM_TERMINATED,0,0)) // if miranda is shutting down...
LOG( _T("***** Terminating avatar update early: %s"),data->url.c_str());
diff --git a/protocols/Twitter/src/main.cpp b/protocols/Twitter/src/main.cpp
index d5612be8b4..e354725dce 100644
--- a/protocols/Twitter/src/main.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Twitter/src/main.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo={
"Provides basic support for Twitter protocol.",
"dentist, omniwolf, Thief",
- "© 2009-2010 dentist, 2010-2011 omniwolf and Thief",
+ "© 2009-2010 dentist, 2010-2012 omniwolf and Thief",
diff --git a/protocols/Twitter/src/proto.cpp b/protocols/Twitter/src/proto.cpp
index ae843d8b07..2b1e60a8f9 100644
--- a/protocols/Twitter/src/proto.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Twitter/src/proto.cpp
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ TwitterProto::TwitterProto(const char *proto_name,const TCHAR *username)
//wstring ConsumerKey = L"T6XLGzrkfsJAgU59dbIjSA";
//wstring ConsumerSecret = L"xsvm2NAksjsJGw63RMWAtec3Lz5uiBusfVt48gbdKLg";
- AccessUrl = L"";
- AuthorizeUrl = L"";
- RequestUrl = L""; // threw in some parameters for fun, and to test UrlGetQuery
- UserTimelineUrl = L"";
+ AccessUrl = _T("");
+ AuthorizeUrl = _T("");
+ RequestUrl = _T(""); // threw in some parameters for fun, and to test UrlGetQuery
+ UserTimelineUrl = _T("");
diff --git a/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.cpp b/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.cpp
index b9a6c7242b..794959b328 100644
--- a/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.cpp
+++ b/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static T retrieve(const js::object &o,const std::string &key,bool allow_null = f
-twitter::twitter() : base_url_("")
+twitter::twitter() : base_url_("")
bool twitter::set_credentials(const std::string &username, const std::wstring &consumerKey, const std::wstring &consumerSecret,
@@ -120,8 +120,53 @@ const std::string & twitter::get_base_url() const
return base_url_;
+// this whole function is wrong i think. should be calling friends/ids, not followers
+/*js::array twitter::buildFriendList() {
+ INT_PTR friendCursor = -1;
+ js::array IDs; // an array for the userIDs. i dunno if js::array is the right thing to use..?
+ js::array masterIDs; // the list that contains all the users that the user follows
+ std::vector<twitter_user> friends;
+ while (friendCursor != 0) {
+ http::response resp = slurp(base_url_ + "/1.1/followers/ids.json?cursor=" + friendCursor + "&screen_name=" + username_,http::get);
+ if(resp.code != 200)
+ throw bad_response();
+ const js::variant var = json::parse(, ); // pull the data out of the http response
+ if(var->type() == typeid(js::object)) // make sure the parsed data is of type js::object (??)
+ {
+ const js::object &friendIDs = boost::any_cast<js::object>(*var); // cast the object into the type we can use
+ if(friendIDs.find("error") != friendIDs.end()) // don't really know why error should be at the end here?
+ throw std::exception("error while parsing friendIDs object from ids.json");
+ // ok need to find out how to convert all the IDs into an array. dunno if i can magically make it happen, or
+ // if i will have to parse it myself and add them one by one :(
+ IDs = retrieve<js::array>(friendIDs,"ids");
+ for(js::array::const_iterator i=IDs.begin(); i!=IDs.end(); ++i) {
+ //LOG("friends ID: " + i);
+ // add array to master array
+ js::object one = boost::any_cast<js::object>(**i);
+ masterIDs.push_back(one); // i don't understand this. how do we push into the array? should i just use C++ arrays (list?) and bail on boost?
+ }
+ // now we need to pick out the cursor stuff, and keep punching IDs into the array
+ }
+ else {
+ throw std::exception("in buildFriendList(), return type is not js::object");
+ }
+ }
std::vector<twitter_user> twitter::get_friends()
+ // maybe once i have the buildFriendLIst() func working.. but for now let's just get twitter working.
+ //js::array friendArray = buildFriendList();
std::vector<twitter_user> friends;
http::response resp = slurp(base_url_+"statuses/friends.json",http::get);
@@ -304,23 +349,45 @@ std::vector<twitter_user> twitter::get_statuses(int count,twitter_id id)
const js::object &one = boost::any_cast<js::object>(**i);
const js::object &user = retrieve<js::object>(one,"user");
+ //size_t RTcount = retrieve<size_t>(one,"retweet_count", true); // why doesn't this work?? it can't cast the output into an int even though twitter api says it's an int
twitter_user u;
u.username = retrieve<std::string>(user,"screen_name");
- bool isTruncated = retrieve<bool>(one,"truncated");
- if (isTruncated) { // the tweet will be truncated unless we take action. i hate you twitter API
- // here we grab the "retweeted_status" um.. section? it's in here that all the info we need is
- const js::object &Retweet = retrieve<js::object>(one,"retweeted_status");
- const js::object &RTUser = retrieve<js::object>(Retweet,"user");
- std::string retweeteesName = retrieve<std::string>(RTUser,"screen_name"); // the user that is being retweeted
- std::string retweetText = retrieve<std::string>(Retweet,"text"); // their tweet in all it's untruncated glory
- u.status.text = "RT @" + retweeteesName + " " + retweetText; // mash it together in some format people will understand
+ std::string rawText = retrieve<std::string>(one,"text");
+ if (rawText.length() == 140) { // might be a truncated tweet
+ if (rawText.substr(0, 4) == "RT @") { // starting to look like a RT...
+ if (rawText.substr(136, 4) == " ...") { // ok this is the best I can do. it starts with "RT @", ends with " ...", and is the full 140 chars
+ //if (RTcount > 0) { // the tweet will be truncated unless we take action. i hate you twitter API
+ //MessageBox(NULL, L"retweeted: TRUE", L"long tweets", MB_OK);
+ // here we grab the "retweeted_status" um.. section? it's in here that all the info we need is
+ // at this point the user will get no tweets and an error popup if the tweet happens to be exactly 140 chars, start with
+ // "RT @", end in " ...", and notactually be a real retweet. it's possible but unlikely, wish i knew how to get
+ // the retweet_count variable to work :(
+ const js::object &Retweet = retrieve<js::object>(one,"retweeted_status");
+ const js::object &RTUser = retrieve<js::object>(Retweet,"user");
+ std::string retweeteesName = retrieve<std::string>(RTUser,"screen_name"); // the user that is being retweeted
+ std::string retweetText = retrieve<std::string>(Retweet,"text"); // their tweet in all it's untruncated glory
+ u.status.text = "RT @" + retweeteesName + " " + retweetText; // mash it together in some format people will understand
+ }
+ }
else { // if it's not truncated, then the twitter API returns the native RT correctly anyway,
- u.status.text = retrieve<std::string>(one,"text"); // so we can just pretend it doesn't happen
+ //std::string twt = retrieve<std::string>(one,"text"); // no need to do this anymore, we already grabbed it above in rawText
+ // ok here i'm trying some way to fix all the "&amp;" things that are showing up
+ // i dunno why it's happening, so i'll just find and replace each occurance :/
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while((pos = rawText.find("&amp;", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+ rawText.replace(pos, 5, "&");
+ pos += 1;
+ }
+ u.status.text = rawText; // so we can just pretend it doesn't happen
} = retrieve<long long>(one,"id");
diff --git a/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.h b/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.h
index 10c1115967..b087643ee8 100644
--- a/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.h
+++ b/protocols/Twitter/src/twitter.h
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ public:
bool get_info(const std::string &name,twitter_user *);
bool get_info_by_email(const std::string &email,twitter_user *);
std::vector<twitter_user> get_friends();
+ //js::array buildFriendList();
twitter_user add_friend(const std::string &name);
void remove_friend(const std::string &name);