path: root/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_voicechat.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_voicechat.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_voicechat.cpp b/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_voicechat.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4417278b20..0000000000
--- a/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_voicechat.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "Xfire_voicechat.h"
- resetCurrentvoicestatus();
- m_ipport = NULL;
- m_tsrDLL = NULL;
- m_tsrGetServerInfo = NULL;
- m_pid = 0;
- //geladene tsr remote dll freigeben
- if (m_tsrDLL) {
- FreeLibrary(m_tsrDLL);
- m_tsrDLL = NULL;
- }
-void Xfire_voicechat::initVoicechat()
- //tsremotedll laden
- m_tsrDLL = loadTSR();
-//prüft ob das paket schonmal versendet wurde, soll unnötigen nwtraffic reduzieren, *ÜBERLEGUNG* ob wirklich notwendig
-BOOL Xfire_voicechat::alreadySend(SendGameStatus2Packet* packet)
- if (packet == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if (packet->ip[3] != m_lastpacket.ip[3] ||
- packet->ip[2] != m_lastpacket.ip[2] ||
- packet->ip[1] != m_lastpacket.ip[1] ||
- packet->ip[0] != m_lastpacket.ip[0] ||
- packet->port != m_lastpacket.port)
- {
- m_lastpacket = *packet;
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-//prüft nach laufenden voicechat anwendungen
-BOOL Xfire_voicechat::checkVoicechat(SendGameStatus2Packet* packet)
- //kein gültiger verweis?
- if (packet == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //jeh nach letzten status handeln
- switch (m_currentvoice) {
- if (checkforTS2(packet)) {
- return alreadySend(packet);
- }
- else {
- //kein ts2 mehr? dann paket restten
- resetSendGameStatus2Packet(packet);
- resetCurrentvoicestatus();
- //in db schreiben
- writeToDatabase(packet);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- if (checkforTS3(packet)) {
- return alreadySend(packet);
- }
- else {
- //kein ts3 mehr? dann paket restten
- resetSendGameStatus2Packet(packet);
- resetCurrentvoicestatus();
- //in db schreiben
- writeToDatabase(packet);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- if (checkforMumble(packet)) {
- return alreadySend(packet);
- }
- else {
- //kein mumble mehr? dann paket restten
- resetSendGameStatus2Packet(packet);
- resetCurrentvoicestatus();
- //in db schreiben
- writeToDatabase(packet);
- return TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- //prüfe nach ts3
- if (checkforTS3(packet)) {
- return alreadySend(packet);
- }
- //prüfe nach ts2
- else if (checkforTS2(packet)) {
- return alreadySend(packet);
- }
- //prüfe nach mumble
- else if (checkforMumble(packet)) {
- return alreadySend(packet);
- }
- break;
- };
- return FALSE;
-//setzte currentvoice auf 0 zurück, falls es einen disconnect gab
-void Xfire_voicechat::resetCurrentvoicestatus()
- m_currentvoice = XFIREVOICECHAT_NOVOICE;
- m_lastpacket.ip[3] = 0;
- m_lastpacket.ip[2] = 0;
- m_lastpacket.ip[1] = 0;
- m_lastpacket.ip[0] = 0;
- m_lastpacket.port = 0;
- m_pid = 0;
-//resettet das packet auf 0
-void Xfire_voicechat::resetSendGameStatus2Packet(SendGameStatus2Packet* packet)
- if (packet == NULL)
- return;
- //voiceid
- packet->gameid = XFIREVOICECHAT_NOVOICE;
- //ip zuweisen
- packet->ip[3] = 0;
- packet->ip[2] = 0;
- packet->ip[1] = 0;
- packet->ip[0] = 0;
- //port zuweisen
- packet->port = 0;
-//schreibt derzetigen status in die mirandadb für variables usw
-void Xfire_voicechat::writeToDatabase(SendGameStatus2Packet* packet)
- //für sprintf
- char temp[32];
- if (packet == NULL || packet->gameid == XFIREVOICECHAT_NOVOICE) {
- //einträge aus der db entfernen
- db_unset(NULL, protocolname, "VServerIP");
- db_unset(NULL, protocolname, "currentvoicename");
- //zurück
- return;
- }
- //ip speichern
- mir_snprintf(temp, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", (unsigned char)packet->ip[3], (unsigned char)packet->ip[2], (unsigned char)packet->ip[1], (unsigned char)packet->ip[0], packet->port);
- db_set_s(NULL, protocolname, "VServerIP", temp);
- //namen jeh nach id schreiben
- switch (packet->gameid) {
- db_set_s(NULL, protocolname, "currentvoicename", "Teamspeak 3");
- break;
- db_set_s(NULL, protocolname, "currentvoicename", "Teamspeak 2");
- break;
- db_set_s(NULL, protocolname, "currentvoicename", "Mumble");
- break;
- db_set_s(NULL, protocolname, "currentvoicename", "Ventrilo");
- break;
- };
-//versucht die TSR zuladen
-HMODULE Xfire_voicechat::loadTSR(char*, BOOL nolocaltest)
- TCHAR pathtotsr[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
- /*if (path)
- ; was tun*/
- _tcscat_s(pathtotsr, MAX_PATH, _T("TSRemote.dll"));
- //versuche dll zuladen
- HMODULE tsrDLL = LoadLibrary(pathtotsr);
- //konnte nicht geladen werden
- if (!tsrDLL) {
- XFireLog("TSRemote.dll load failed!");
- //bei keinem lokalen test abbruch
- if (nolocaltest) return NULL;
- //nochmal engl. lokal versuchen
- tsrDLL = LoadLibrary(_T("C:\\Program Files\\Teamspeak2_RC2\\client_sdk\\TSRemote.dll"));
- if (!tsrDLL) {
- XFireLog("TSRemote.dll load faild (using standard installationpath)!");
- //deutsches sys?
- tsrDLL = LoadLibrary(_T("C:\\Programme\\Teamspeak2_RC2\\client_sdk\\TSRemote.dll"));
- if (!tsrDLL) {
- XFireLog("TSRemote.dll load failed (using standard installationpath2)!");
- //aufgeben
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- XFireLog("TSRemote.dll successfully loaded!");
- //getserverinfo funktion holen
- m_tsrGetServerInfo = (LPtsrGetServerInfo)GetProcAddress(tsrDLL, "tsrGetServerInfo");
- return tsrDLL;
-//teamspeak 3 detection, benötigt ts3plugin
-BOOL Xfire_voicechat::checkforTS3(SendGameStatus2Packet *packet)
- //kein gültiger verweis?
- if (packet == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //existiert ein filemap?
- HANDLE hMapObject = OpenFileMappingA(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, "$ts3info4xfire$");
- //nicht gefunden, dann kein ts3
- if (hMapObject == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //versuch ipport zubesorgen
- ts3IPPORT *ipport = (ts3IPPORT *)MapViewOfFile(hMapObject, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(ts3IPPORT));
- //fehler beim zugriff auf filemap?
- if (ipport == NULL) {
- CloseHandle(hMapObject);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //wenn kein port, dann stimmt was mit der ip nicht, paket resetten
- if (ipport->port == 0) {
- //packet resetten
- resetSendGameStatus2Packet(packet);
- //unmap, handle schließem
- UnmapViewOfFile(ipport);
- CloseHandle(hMapObject);
- //in db schreiben
- writeToDatabase(packet);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //voiceid zuweisen
- m_currentvoice = XFIREVOICECHAT_TS3;
- packet->gameid = XFIREVOICECHAT_TS3;
- //ip zuweisen
- packet->ip[3] = ipport->ip[3];
- packet->ip[2] = ipport->ip[2];
- packet->ip[1] = ipport->ip[1];
- packet->ip[0] = ipport->ip[0];
- //port zuweisen
- packet->port = ipport->port;
- //unmap, handle schließem
- UnmapViewOfFile(ipport);
- CloseHandle(hMapObject);
- //in db schreiben
- writeToDatabase(packet);
- //ts3 gefunden
- return TRUE;
-//teamspeak 2 detection mit hilfe der tsr
-BOOL Xfire_voicechat::checkforTS2(SendGameStatus2Packet* packet)
- TtsrServerInfo serverinfo = { 0 };
- //get funktion ist nicht initialisiert
- if (m_tsrGetServerInfo == NULL || packet == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //infos holen
- m_tsrGetServerInfo(&serverinfo);
- //auswerten wenn serverip gesetzt
- if (serverinfo.ServerIp[0] != 0) {
- char * pos = strrchr(serverinfo.ServerIp, ':');
- if (pos == 0)
- return FALSE;
- *pos = 0;
- unsigned int ip = inet_addr(serverinfo.ServerIp);
- pos++;
- int port = atoi(pos);
- //port zuweisen
- packet->port = port;
- //ip zuweisen
- packet->ip[3] = LOBYTE(LOWORD(ip));
- packet->ip[2] = HIBYTE(LOWORD(ip));
- packet->ip[1] = LOBYTE(HIWORD(ip));
- packet->ip[0] = HIBYTE(HIWORD(ip));
- //gameid/voice zuweisen
- packet->gameid = XFIREVOICECHAT_TS2;
- m_currentvoice = XFIREVOICECHAT_TS2;
- //ab in die db
- writeToDatabase(packet);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-//detection für mumble
-BOOL Xfire_voicechat::checkforMumble(SendGameStatus2Packet* packet)
- //kein gültiger verweis?
- if (packet == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //gültige pid
- if (m_pid != 0 && !this->isValidPid(m_pid)) {
- m_pid = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- else {
- if (!this->getPidByProcessName(_T("mumble.exe"), &m_pid)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- DWORD size = 0;
- //tcptabelle holen
- //überhaupt was drin?
- if (size) {
- //liste auslesen
- if (GetExtendedTcpTable(ptab, &size, FALSE, AF_INET, TCP_TABLE_OWNER_PID_CONNECTIONS, 0) == NO_ERROR) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ptab->dwNumEntries; i++) {
- if (ptab->table[i].dwOwningPid == m_pid && ptab->table[i].dwLocalAddr != ptab->table[i].dwRemoteAddr) //verbindung gefunden, hoffentlich
- {
- unsigned char*rip = (unsigned char*)&ptab->table[i].dwRemoteAddr;
- XFireLog("IP %x,%x", ptab->table[i].dwRemoteAddr, ptab->table[i].dwRemotePort);
- //ipzuweisen
- packet->ip[3] = rip[0];
- packet->ip[2] = rip[1];
- packet->ip[1] = rip[2];
- packet->ip[0] = rip[3];
- //portzuweisen
- packet->port = r(ptab->table[i].dwRemotePort);
- //mumble
- packet->gameid = XFIREVOICECHAT_MUMBLE;
- m_currentvoice = XFIREVOICECHAT_MUMBLE;
- //table wieder freigeben
- free(ptab);
- //mumble läuft + ip gefunden also TRUE
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- free(ptab);
- }
- return FALSE;
-} \ No newline at end of file