path: root/protocols
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1 files changed, 56 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp b/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
index f3c75c4b40..311150c385 100644
--- a/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
+++ b/protocols/FacebookRM/src/json.cpp
@@ -252,50 +252,67 @@ void parseAttachments(FacebookProto *proto, std::string *message_text, JSONNODE
// Process attachements and stickers
JSONNODE *has_attachment = json_get(it, "has_attachment");
if (has_attachment != NULL && json_as_bool(has_attachment)) {
- JSONNODE *admin_snippet = json_get(it, "admin_snippet");
- if (admin_snippet != NULL) {
- // Append attachements
- std::string attachments_text = "";
- JSONNODE *attachments = json_get(it, "attachments");
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(attachments); j++) {
- JSONNODE *itAttachment = json_at(attachments, j);
- // TODO: behave different for stickers and classic attachements?
- // JSONNODE *attach_type = json_get(itAttachment, "attach_type"); // "sticker", "photo", "file"
- JSONNODE *name = json_get(itAttachment, "name");
- JSONNODE *url = json_get(itAttachment, "url");
- if (url != NULL) {
- std::string link = json_as_string(url);
+ // Append attachements
+ std::string type = "";
+ std::string attachments_text = "";
+ JSONNODE *attachments = json_get(it, "attachments");
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < json_size(attachments); j++) {
+ JSONNODE *itAttachment = json_at(attachments, j);
+ JSONNODE *attach_type = json_get(itAttachment, "attach_type"); // "sticker", "photo", "file"
+ if (attach_type != NULL) {
+ // Get attachment type - "file" has priority over other types
+ if (type.empty() || type != "file")
+ type = json_as_string(attach_type);
+ }
+ JSONNODE *name = json_get(itAttachment, "name");
+ JSONNODE *url = json_get(itAttachment, "url");
+ if (url != NULL) {
+ std::string link = json_as_string(url);
- if (link.find("/ajax/mercury/attachments/photo/view/") != std::string::npos)
- // fix photo url
- link = utils::url::decode(utils::text::source_get_value(&link, 2, "?uri=", "&"));
- else if (link.find("/") == 0) {
- // make absolute url
- bool useHttps = proto->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_FORCE_HTTPS, 1) > 0;
- link = (useHttps ? HTTP_PROTO_SECURE : HTTP_PROTO_REGULAR) + std::string(FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR) + link;
- }
+ if (link.find("/ajax/mercury/attachments/photo/view/") != std::string::npos)
+ // fix photo url
+ link = utils::url::decode(utils::text::source_get_value(&link, 2, "?uri=", "&"));
+ else if (link.find("/") == 0) {
+ // make absolute url
+ bool useHttps = proto->getByte(FACEBOOK_KEY_FORCE_HTTPS, 1) > 0;
+ link = (useHttps ? HTTP_PROTO_SECURE : HTTP_PROTO_REGULAR) + std::string(FACEBOOK_SERVER_REGULAR) + link;
+ }
- if (!link.empty()) {
- std::string filename;
- if (name != NULL)
- filename = json_as_string(name);
- if (filename == "null")
- filename.clear();
- attachments_text += "\n" + (!filename.empty() ? "<" + filename + "> " : "") + link + "\n";
- }
+ if (!link.empty()) {
+ std::string filename;
+ if (name != NULL)
+ filename = json_as_string(name);
+ if (filename == "null")
+ filename.clear();
+ attachments_text += "\n" + (!filename.empty() ? "<" + filename + "> " : "") + link + "\n";
+ }
- if (!attachments_text.empty()) {
- // TODO: have this as extra event, not replace or append message content
- if (!message_text->empty())
- *message_text += "\n\n";
+ if (!attachments_text.empty()) {
+ // TODO: have this as extra event, not replace or append message content
+ if (!message_text->empty())
+ *message_text += "\n\n";
+ // we can use this as offline messages doesn't have it
+ /* JSONNODE *admin_snippet = json_get(it, "admin_snippet");
+ if (admin_snippet != NULL) {
*message_text += json_as_string(admin_snippet);
- *message_text += attachments_text;
- }
+ } */
+ if (type == "sticker")
+ type = Translate("a sticker");
+ else if (type == "file")
+ type = (json_size(attachments) > 1) ? Translate("files") : Translate("a file");
+ else if (type == "photo")
+ type = (json_size(attachments) > 1) ? Translate("photos") : Translate("a photo");
+ char title[200];
+ mir_snprintf(title, SIZEOF(title), Translate("User sent you %s:"), type.c_str());
+ *message_text += title;
+ *message_text += attachments_text;
@@ -427,7 +444,7 @@ int facebook_json_parser::parse_messages(void* data, std::vector< facebook_messa
std::string message_text = json_as_string(body);
// Process attachements and stickers
- parseAttachments(proto, &message_text, it);
+ parseAttachments(proto, &message_text, msg);
// Ignore messages from myself, as there is no id of recipient
if (id == proto->facy.self_.user_id)