path: root/src/modules/metacontacts/meta_utils.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules/metacontacts/meta_utils.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 576 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/metacontacts/meta_utils.cpp b/src/modules/metacontacts/meta_utils.cpp
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index e58f509fcf..0000000000
--- a/src/modules/metacontacts/meta_utils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-former MetaContacts Plugin for Miranda IM.
-Copyright © 2014 Miranda NG Team
-Copyright © 2004-07 Scott Ellis
-Copyright © 2004 Universite Louis PASTEUR, STRASBOURG.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
-#include "metacontacts.h"
-HANDLE invisiGroup;
-POINT menuMousePoint;
-/** Update the MetaContact login, depending on the protocol desired
-* The login of the "MetaContacts" protocol will be copied from the login
-* of the specified protocol.
-* @param szProto : The name of the protocol used to get the login that will be
-* affected to the "MetaContacts" protocol.
-* @return O on success, 1 otherwise.
-int Meta_SetNick(char *szProto)
- CONTACTINFO ci = { sizeof(ci) };
- ci.dwFlag = CNF_DISPLAY | CNF_TCHAR;
- ci.szProto = szProto;
- return 1;
- switch (ci.type) {
- case CNFT_BYTE:
- if (db_set_b(NULL, META_PROTO, "Nick", ci.bVal))
- return 1;
- break;
- case CNFT_WORD:
- if (db_set_w(NULL, META_PROTO, "Nick", ci.wVal))
- return 1;
- break;
- case CNFT_DWORD:
- if (db_set_dw(NULL, META_PROTO, "Nick", ci.dVal))
- return 1;
- break;
- if (db_set_ts(NULL, META_PROTO, "Nick", ci.pszVal))
- return 1;
- mir_free(ci.pszVal);
- break;
- default:
- if (db_set_s(NULL, META_PROTO, "Nick", (char *)TranslateT("Sender")))
- return 1;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-/** Assign a contact (hSub) to a metacontact (hMeta)
-* @param hSub : HANDLE to a contact that should be assigned
-* @param hMeta : HANDLE to a metacontact that will host the contact
-* @param set_as_default : bool flag to indicate whether the new contact becomes the default
-* @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
-BOOL Meta_Assign(MCONTACT hSub, MCONTACT hMeta, BOOL set_as_default)
- DBCachedContact *ccDest = CheckMeta(hMeta), *ccSub = currDb->m_cache->GetCachedContact(hSub);
- if (ccDest == NULL || ccSub == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(hSub);
- if (szProto == NULL) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Could not retrieve contact protocol"), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Get the login of the subcontact
- char *field = (char *)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING, 0);
- if (db_get(hSub, szProto, field, &dbv)) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Could not get unique ID of contact"), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check that is is 'on the list'
- if (db_get_b(hSub, "CList", "NotOnList", 0) == 1) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Contact is 'not on list' - please add the contact to your contact list before assigning."), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- db_free(&dbv);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (ccDest->nSubs >= MAX_CONTACTS) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Metacontact is full"), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- db_free(&dbv);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // write the contact's protocol
- char buffer[512];
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Protocol%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- if (db_set_s(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, szProto)) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Could not write contact protocol to metacontact"), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- db_free(&dbv);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // write the login
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Login%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- if (db_set(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, &dbv)) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Could not write unique ID of contact to metacontact"), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- db_free(&dbv);
- return FALSE;
- }
- db_free(&dbv);
- // If we can get the nickname of the subcontact...
- if (!db_get(hSub, szProto, "Nick", &dbv)) {
- // write the nickname
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Nick%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- if (db_set(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, &dbv)) {
- MessageBox(0, TranslateT("Could not write nickname of contact to metacontact"), TranslateT("Assignment error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
- db_free(&dbv);
- return FALSE;
- }
- db_free(&dbv);
- }
- // write the display name
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "CListName%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- db_set_ts(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hSub, 0));
- // Get the status
- WORD status = db_get_w(hSub, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
- // write the status
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Status%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- db_set_w(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, status);
- // write the handle
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Handle%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- db_set_dw(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, hSub);
- // write status string
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "StatusString%d", ccDest->nSubs);
- TCHAR *szStatus = cli.pfnGetStatusModeDescription(status, 0);
- db_set_ts(hMeta, META_PROTO, buffer, szStatus);
- // Write the link in the contact
- db_set_dw(hSub, META_PROTO, "ParentMeta", hMeta);
- db_set_b(hSub, META_PROTO, "IsSubcontact", true);
- // update count of contacts
- db_set_dw(hMeta, META_PROTO, "NumContacts", ccDest->nSubs+1);
- ccDest->nSubs++;
- ccDest->pSubs = (MCONTACT*)mir_realloc(ccDest->pSubs, sizeof(MCONTACT)*ccDest->nSubs);
- ccDest->pSubs[ccDest->nSubs-1] = hSub;
- ccSub->parentID = hMeta;
- if (set_as_default)
- db_mc_setDefaultNum(hMeta, ccDest->nSubs-1, true);
- // set nick to most online contact that can message
- MCONTACT most_online = Meta_GetMostOnline(ccDest);
- Meta_CopyContactNick(ccDest, most_online);
- // set status to that of most online contact
- Meta_FixStatus(ccDest);
- // if the new contact is the most online contact with avatar support, get avatar info
- most_online = Meta_GetMostOnlineSupporting(ccDest, PFLAGNUM_4, PF4_AVATARS);
- if (most_online == hSub) {
- ai.hContact = hMeta;
- ai.format = PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
- _tcsncpy_s(ai.filename, _T("X"), _TRUNCATE);
- db_set_ts(hMeta, "ContactPhoto", "File", ai.filename);
- }
- // merge sub's events to the meta-history
- currDb->MetaMergeHistory(ccDest, ccSub);
- // Ignore status if the option is on
- if (options.bSuppressStatus)
- NotifyEventHooks(hSubcontactsChanged, hMeta, 0);
- return TRUE;
-* Convenience method - get most online contact supporting messaging
-MCONTACT Meta_GetMostOnline(DBCachedContact *cc)
- return Meta_GetMostOnlineSupporting(cc, PFLAGNUM_1, PF1_IM);
-/** Get the 'most online' contact for a meta contact (according to above order) which supports the specified
-* protocol service, and copies nick from that contact
-* @param hMetaHANDLE to a metacontact
-* @return HANDLE to a contact
-static int GetStatusPriority(int status)
- switch (status) {
- case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: return 8;
- case ID_STATUS_AWAY: return 4;
- case ID_STATUS_DND: return 7;
- case ID_STATUS_NA: return 6;
- case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: return 5;
- case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: return 1;
- case ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE: return 2;
- case ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH: return 3;
- }
- return 0;
-MCONTACT Meta_GetMostOnlineSupporting(DBCachedContact *cc, int pflagnum, unsigned long capability)
- if (cc == NULL || cc->nDefault == -1)
- return NULL;
- // if the default is beyond the end of the list (eek!) return null
- if (cc->nDefault >= cc->nSubs)
- return NULL;
- int most_online_status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
- MCONTACT most_online_contact = Meta_GetContactHandle(cc, cc->nDefault);
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(most_online_contact);
- if (szProto && CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0) >= ID_STATUS_ONLINE) {
- DWORD caps = CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, pflagnum, 0);
- if (capability == -1 || (caps & capability) == capability) {
- most_online_status = db_get_w(most_online_contact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
- // if our default is not offline, and option to use default is set - return default
- // and also if our default is online, return it
- if (most_online_status != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
- return most_online_contact;
- }
- else most_online_status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
- }
- else most_online_status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
- char *most_online_proto = szProto;
- // otherwise, check all the subcontacts for the one closest to the ONLINE state which supports the required capability
- for (int i = 0; i < cc->nSubs; i++) {
- if (i == cc->nDefault) // already checked that (i.e. initial value of most_online_contact and most_online_status are those of the default contact)
- continue;
- MCONTACT hContact = Meta_GetContactHandle(cc, i);
- szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
- if (szProto == NULL || CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0) < ID_STATUS_ONLINE) // szProto offline or connecting
- continue;
- DWORD caps = CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, pflagnum, 0);
- if (capability == -1 || (caps & capability) == capability) {
- int status = db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
- if (status == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) {
- most_online_contact = hContact;
- most_online_proto = szProto;
- return most_online_contact;
- }
- if (status <= ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) // status below ID_STATUS_OFFLINE is a connecting status
- continue;
- if (GetStatusPriority(status) < GetStatusPriority(most_online_status)) {
- most_online_status = status;
- most_online_contact = hContact;
- most_online_proto = szProto;
- }
- }
- }
- // no online contacts? if we're trying to message, use 'send offline' contact
- if (most_online_status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && capability == PF1_IM) {
- MCONTACT hOffline = Meta_GetContactHandle(cc, db_get_dw(cc->contactID, META_PROTO, "OfflineSend", INVALID_CONTACT_ID));
- if (hOffline)
- most_online_contact = hOffline;
- }
- return most_online_contact;
-DBCachedContact* CheckMeta(MCONTACT hMeta)
- DBCachedContact *cc = currDb->m_cache->GetCachedContact(hMeta);
- return (cc == NULL || cc->nSubs == -1) ? NULL : cc;
-int Meta_GetContactNumber(DBCachedContact *cc, MCONTACT hContact)
- for (int i = 0; i < cc->nSubs; i++)
- if (cc->pSubs[i] == hContact)
- return i;
- return -1;
-MCONTACT Meta_GetContactHandle(DBCachedContact *cc, int contact_number)
- if (contact_number >= cc->nSubs || contact_number < 0)
- return 0;
- return cc->pSubs[contact_number];
-/** Hide all contacts linked to any meta contact, and set handle links
-* Additionally, set all sub contacts and metacontacts to offline so that status notifications are always sent
-* and ensure metafilter in place
-int Meta_HideLinkedContacts(void)
- DBVARIANT dbv, dbv2;
- char buffer[512];
- for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) {
- DBCachedContact *cc = currDb->m_cache->GetCachedContact(hContact);
- if (cc == NULL || cc->parentID == 0)
- continue;
- DBCachedContact *ccMeta = CheckMeta(cc->parentID);
- if (ccMeta == NULL)
- continue;
- // get contact number
- int contact_number = Meta_GetContactNumber(cc, hContact);
- // find metacontact
- if (contact_number < 0 || contact_number >= ccMeta->nSubs)
- continue;
- // update metacontact's record of status for this contact
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Status%d",contact_number);
- // prepare to update metacontact record of subcontat status
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
- WORD status = (!szProto) ? ID_STATUS_OFFLINE : db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
- db_set_w(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, buffer, status);
- // update metacontact's record of nick for this contact
- if (szProto && !db_get(hContact, szProto, "Nick", &dbv)) {
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "Nick%d",contact_number);
- db_set(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, buffer, &dbv);
- mir_snprintf(buffer, "CListName%d",contact_number);
- if (db_get(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", &dbv2))
- db_set(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, buffer, &dbv);
- else {
- db_set(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, buffer, &dbv2);
- db_free(&dbv2);
- }
- db_free(&dbv);
- }
- else {
- if (!db_get(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", &dbv)) {
- mir_snprintf(buffer,"CListName%d",contact_number);
- db_set(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, buffer, &dbv);
- db_free(&dbv);
- }
- }
- if (options.bSuppressStatus)
- MCONTACT hMostOnline = Meta_GetMostOnline(ccMeta); // set nick
- Meta_CopyContactNick(ccMeta, hMostOnline);
- Meta_FixStatus(ccMeta);
- }
- return 0;
-int Meta_HideMetaContacts(bool bHide)
- // set status suppression
- bool bSuppress = bHide ? FALSE : options.bSuppressStatus;
- for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) {
- bool bSet;
- DBCachedContact *cc = currDb->m_cache->GetCachedContact(hContact);
- if (cc->IsSub()) { // show on hide, reverse flag
- bSet = !bHide;
- }
- else if (cc->IsMeta())
- bSet = bHide;
- else
- continue;
- db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", bSet);
- }
- if (bHide) {
- for (int i = 0; i < arMetaWindows.getCount(); i++)
- SendMessage(arMetaWindows[i].m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
- arMetaWindows.destroy();
- }
- return 0;
-int Meta_SuppressStatus(BOOL suppress)
- for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact))
- if (db_mc_isSub(hContact))
- return 0;
-int Meta_CopyContactNick(DBCachedContact *ccMeta, MCONTACT hContact)
- if (options.bLockHandle)
- hContact = Meta_GetContactHandle(ccMeta, 0);
- if (!hContact)
- return 1;
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact);
- if (szProto == NULL)
- return 1;
- if (options.clist_contact_name == CNNT_NICK) {
- ptrT tszNick(db_get_tsa(hContact, szProto, "Nick"));
- if (tszNick) {
- db_set_ts(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, "Nick", tszNick);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else if (options.clist_contact_name == CNNT_DISPLAYNAME) {
- TCHAR *name = cli.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0);
- if (name && mir_tstrcmp(name, TranslateT("(Unknown contact)")) != 0) {
- db_set_ts(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, "Nick", name);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-int Meta_SetAllNicks()
- for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) {
- DBCachedContact *cc = CheckMeta(hContact);
- if (cc == NULL)
- continue;
- MCONTACT most_online = Meta_GetMostOnline(cc);
- Meta_CopyContactNick(cc, most_online);
- Meta_FixStatus(cc);
- }
- return 0;
-static void SwapValues(MCONTACT hContact, LPCSTR szSetting, int n1, int n2)
- char buf1[100], buf2[100];
- mir_snprintf(buf1, SIZEOF(buf1), "%s%d", szSetting, n1);
- mir_snprintf(buf2, SIZEOF(buf2), "%s%d", szSetting, n2);
- DBVARIANT dbv1, dbv2;
- int ok1 = !db_get(hContact, META_PROTO, buf1, &dbv1);
- int ok2 = !db_get(hContact, META_PROTO, buf2, &dbv2);
- if (ok1) {
- db_set(hContact, META_PROTO, buf2, &dbv1);
- db_free(&dbv1);
- }
- if (ok2) {
- db_set(hContact, META_PROTO, buf1, &dbv2);
- db_free(&dbv2);
- }
-int Meta_SwapContacts(DBCachedContact *cc, int n1, int n2)
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "Protocol", n1, n2);
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "Status", n1, n2);
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "StatusString", n1, n2);
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "Login", n1, n2);
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "Nick", n1, n2);
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "CListName", n1, n2);
- SwapValues(cc->contactID, "Handle", n1, n2);
- MCONTACT tmp = cc->pSubs[n1];
- cc->pSubs[n1] = cc->pSubs[n2];
- cc->pSubs[n2] = tmp;
- return 0;
-void Meta_GetSubNick(MCONTACT hMeta, int i, CMString &tszDest)
- char idStr[50];
- mir_snprintf(idStr, SIZEOF(idStr), "Login%d", i);
- if(db_get(hMeta, META_PROTO, idStr, &dbv))
- return;
- switch (dbv.type) {
- tszDest = dbv.pszVal;
- break;
- case DBVT_BYTE:
- tszDest.Format(_T("%d"), dbv.bVal);
- break;
- case DBVT_WORD:
- tszDest.Format(_T("%d"), dbv.wVal);
- break;
- case DBVT_DWORD:
- tszDest.Format(_T("%d"), dbv.dVal);
- break;
- default:
- tszDest.Empty();
- }
- db_free(&dbv);
-void Meta_FixStatus(DBCachedContact *ccMeta)
- MCONTACT most_online = db_mc_getMostOnline(ccMeta->contactID);
- if (most_online) {
- char *szProto = GetContactProto(most_online);
- if (szProto)
- status = db_get_w(most_online, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
- }
- db_set_w(ccMeta->contactID, META_PROTO, "Status", status);
- Meta_UpdateSrmmIcon(ccMeta, status);
-void Meta_UpdateSrmmIcon(DBCachedContact *ccMeta, int iStatus)
- StatusIconData sid = { sizeof(sid) };
- sid.szModule = META_PROTO;
- sid.flags = (ccMeta->IsMeta()) ? 0 : MBF_HIDDEN;
- Srmm_ModifyIcon(ccMeta->contactID, &sid);