diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/lpgen/lpgen.js')
-rw-r--r-- | tools/lpgen/lpgen.js | 581 |
1 files changed, 581 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/lpgen/lpgen.js b/tools/lpgen/lpgen.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..05bcf289a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpgen/lpgen.js @@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ +//***********************************************************************************//
+//* Name: lpgen.js *//
+//* Language: JScript *//
+//* Function: Parse Miranda-NG source for generate translation templates *//
+//* Usage: Generate translation templates for Miranda-NG plugins and Core *//
+//* Usage: "cscript /nologo lpgen.js" to run generation in batches *//
+//* Usage: "cscript /nologo lpgen.js /log:"yes"" to enable console logging *//
+//* Usage: "cscript /nologo lpgen.js /path:"path_to_folder"" for one plugin *//
+//* Usage: "cscript /nologo lpgen.js /crap:"yes"" filtered srings in Crap.txt*//
+//* Usage: Double click to choose folder for one plugin template generation *//
+//* Requirements: for batch mode: create folder ..\..\langpacks\english\Plugins *//
+//* Notes: ;file path\to\file.ext is a SVN file, source of founded string. *//
+//* Notes: if double line ;file path\to\file.ext exist, everything from the *//
+//* Notes: first file was removed as duplicates. You can disable duplicates *//
+//* Notes: removal by specifying /dupes:"yes" *//
+//* Author: BasiL *//
+//Init Variables
+//Create FileSystemObject FSO
+var FSO=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
+//FileSystemObject vars
+var ForReading=1;
+var TristateUseDefault=0;
+var overwritefile=true;
+var unicode=false;
+//disabling log by default
+var log=false;
+//remove dupes by default
+var dupes=false;
+//stream - our variable for output UTF-8 files with BOM
+var stream= new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
+//stream var tune
+stream.Type = 2; // text mode
+stream.Charset = "utf-8";
+//Path variables
+//lpgen.js script path
+var scriptpath=FSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName);
+//crazy way to get path two layers upper "\tools\lpgen\"
+var trunk=FSO.GetFolder(FSO.GetParentFolderName(FSO.GetParentFolderName(scriptpath)));
+//text string for make path output into templates.
+var trunkPath=new String(trunk);
+//path to sln file
+var slnfile=trunk+"\\bin10\\mir_full.sln"
+//core path
+var core=FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"src");
+//langpack folder "\langpacks\english\" in trunk folder
+var langpack_en=FSO.BuildPath(trunk,"langpacks\\english");
+//Crap.txt will contain strings, which are removed by filtering engine as a garbage, in case if this string are not garbage :)
+var crapfile="Crap.txt"
+//Crap array
+var crap=new Array;
+// Checking command line parameters *//
+// if console param /log: specified, set var log true. To enable log, specify /log:"yes"
+if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("log")) log=true;
+// if console param /dupes:"yes" specified, disable duplicated string removal.
+if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("dupes")) dupes=true;
+//If script run by double click, open choose folder dialog to choose plugin folder to parse. If Cancel pressed, quit script.
+if (WScript.FullName.toLowerCase().charAt(WScript.FullName.length - 11)=="w") {
+ //Create Shell app object
+ objShellApp=WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application");
+ //Open browse for folder dialog
+ objFolder=objShellApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose plugin source files folder\nto generate translation template", 512, 17);
+ //process generate translate for chosen folder, else quit.
+ if (objFolder) {
+ //Call GeneratePluginTranslate for chosen folder, output result to "scriptpath"
+ GeneratePluginTranslate(objFolder.Self.Path,scriptpath);
+ //if choosing folder canceled, quit immediately
+ } else WScript.Quit();
+//when /plugin: specified, parse only this path and quit
+if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path")) {
+ //Call GeneratePluginTranslate for path specified in command line argument /path:"path/to/plugin", output result to "scriptpath"
+ GeneratePluginTranslate(WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("path"),scriptpath);
+ //Write garbage crap array into crap file, if crap exist
+ if (crap.length>0) WriteToFile(crap,plugin+"_crap.txt");
+ //We are done, quit.
+ WScript.Quit();
+// Main part *//
+//Generate =CORE=.txt
+//Generate plugins\protocols, listed in mir_full.sln
+//Init array with files path
+project_files=new Array;
+//open mir_full.sln
+sln_stream=FSO.GetFile(slnfile).OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault);
+//Reading line-by-line
+ while (!sln_stream.AtEndOfStream) {
+ //Init regexp array for our sln parse logic
+ sln_project_regexp=new Array();
+ //read one line into slnline
+ slnline=sln_stream.ReadLine();
+ //find a project defenition in sln file by RegExp
+ sln_project_regexp=slnline.match(/(?:Project\(\"\{[\w\d-]+\}\"\)\x20+\=\x20+\"(.+?)\",\x20*?\"\.\.)(\\(:?plugins|protocols).*vcxproj)(?=",)/i);
+ // if exist sln_project_regexp, add to array, adding leading path to "trunk"
+ if (sln_project_regexp) {
+ //RegExp for unneeded modules, such as crypting library, mimcmd.exe, zlib.dll etc.
+ var unneeded_modules=/(Zlib|RC4|EkHtml|Libgcrypt|Libotr|Cryptlib|MimCmd|Dbx_tree_ARC4|Dbx_tree_Cast128|Dbx_tree_HC256|pu_stub|libcurl)/i;
+ // Now check for unneeded modules NOT passed (module name are in sln_project_regexp[1]
+ if (!unneeded_modules.test(sln_project_regexp[1]))
+ //no, this is not unneeded module, put path to array. Trunk path + path to file in sln_project_regexp[2]
+ project_files.push(trunk+sln_project_regexp[2]);
+ };
+ };
+//closing file
+//ok, now we have all project files in array, let's add Pascal files to this array directly.
+// remove following lines commets to add Pascal plugins processing.
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\Actman\\actman.dpr");
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\HistoryPlusPlus\\historypp.dpr");
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\ImportTXT\\importtxt.dpr");
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\QuickSearch\\quicksearch.dpr");
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\ShlExt\\shlext.dpr");
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\Watrack\\watrack.dpr");
+// project_files.push(trunk+"\\plugins\\mRadio\\mradio.dpr");
+//create Enumerator with project files from sln and dpr files, sorted alphabetically
+files=new Enumerator(project_files.sort());
+while (!files.atEnd()) {
+ //get file name
+ file=FSO.GetFile(files.item());
+ //get parent folder name
+ plugfolder=FSO.GetParentFolderName(file);
+ //call function for plugin folder, output to plugins folder.
+ GeneratePluginTranslate(plugfolder,langpack_en+"\\Plugins",file);
+ //next project file
+ files.moveNext();
+//Write Crap to file.
+if (WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("crap")) WriteToFile(crap,crapfile);
+if (log) WScript.Echo("Finish getting strings from source files.");
+// Functions *//
+//Generate =CORE=.txt
+function GenerateCore() {
+ //init arrays
+ corestrings=new Array();
+ core_src=new Array();
+ core_rc=new Array();
+ //if log parameter specified, output a log.
+ if (log) WScript.Echo("Processing CORE...");
+ //first string is necessary for Miranda-NG to load langpack
+ //corestrings.push("Miranda Language Pack Version 1"); // TODO: this need to be placed into =HEAD=.txt file or similar
+ //define core filename. File will be overwritten!
+ corefile=FSO.BuildPath(langpack_en,"=CORE=.txt");
+ //find all *.rc files and list files in array
+ FindFiles(core,"\\.rc$",core_rc);
+ //find all source files and list files in array
+ FindFiles(core,"\\.h$|\\.cpp$|\\.c$",core_src);
+ //Parse files "core_rc", put result into "corestrings" using "ParseRCFile" function
+ ParseFiles(core_rc,corestrings,ParseRCFile);
+ //Parse files "core_src", put result into "corestrings" using "ParseSourceFile" function
+ ParseFiles(core_src,corestrings,ParseSourceFile);
+ //Now we have all strings in "corestrings", next we remove duplicate strings from array and put results into "nodupes"
+ nodupes=eliminateDuplicates(corestrings);
+ //if dupes requred, make nodupes with dupes :)
+ if (dupes) nodupes=corestrings;
+ //logging results
+ if (log) WScript.Echo("Writing "+nodupes.length+" strings for CORE");
+ //finally, write "nodupes" array to file
+ WriteToUnicodeFile(nodupes,corefile);
+//Make a translation template for plugin in "pluginpath", put generated file into "langpackfilepath"
+function GeneratePluginTranslate (pluginpath,langpackfilepath,vcxprojfile) {
+ //init arrays with files to parse
+ resourcefiles=new Array();
+ sourcefiles=new Array();
+ versionfile=new Array();
+ //init array with muuid+"head"
+ head=new Array();
+ //init array with strings from parsed files
+ foundstrings=new Array();
+ //find a name of our plugin
+ //if vcxprojfile param given, use it
+ if (vcxprojfile) {
+ //get plugin name from vcxprojfile
+ plugin=GetPluginName(vcxprojfile);
+ } else {
+ //if vcxprojfile ommited, try to find plugin name from folder files.
+ plugin=GetPluginName(pluginpath);
+ };
+ //if we didn't find plugin name, return.
+ if (!plugin) return;
+ //if log parameter specified, output a log.
+ if (log) WScript.Echo("Processing... "+plugin);
+ //define langpack filename. File will be overwritten!
+ langpack=langpackfilepath+"\\"+plugin+".txt";
+ //get MUUID of plugin and put into array as a first string.
+ GetMUUID(pluginpath,head);
+ //Parse version.h file, put results into array "head"
+ ParseVersion_h(pluginpath,head);
+ //find all *.rc files and list files in array
+ FindFiles(pluginpath,"\\.rc$",resourcefiles);
+ //find all source files and list files in array
+ FindFiles(pluginpath,"\\.h$|\\.cpp$|\\.c$|\\.pas$|\\.dpr$|\\.inc$",sourcefiles);
+ //Check for "Status plugins". They have few common resource files to translate, which located one layer upper, than plugin folder.
+ CheckStatusPlugins(plugin);
+ //Parse files "resourcefiles", put result into "foundstrings" using "ParseRCFile" function
+ ParseFiles(resourcefiles,foundstrings,ParseRCFile);
+ //Parse files "sourcefiles", put result into "foundstrings" using "ParseSourceFile" function
+ ParseFiles(sourcefiles,foundstrings,ParseSourceFile);
+ //Parsing all sources done and head are ready (if version.h exist and plugin are not Pascal). If we still have head with 7 strings:
+ //(version.h parsed OK, gives us 6 stings + 1 first string always exist in head - MUUID)
+ //OR head have only one string (version.h wasn't found and head have only MUUID)
+ //AND didn't find anything in *.RC and source files, so:
+ //we didn't find any string and generating file is useless, return from function and out log
+ if ((head.length==7 || head.length==1) && foundstrings.length==0) {
+ if (log) WScript.Echo("!!!Nothing to translate in "+plugin+"!!!");
+ return;
+ };
+ //Suppose that we parse Pascal plugin, thus head have only one string with MUUID, push a plugin name there
+ if (head.length==1 & foundstrings.length>0) {
+ head.push(";langpack template for "+plugin);
+ };
+ //We have all strings in "foundstrings", next we remove duplicate strings from array and put results into "nodupes"
+ nodupes=eliminateDuplicates(foundstrings);
+ //if dupes requred, make nodupes with dupes :)
+ if (dupes) nodupes=foundstrings;
+ //combine head and translated strings.
+ plugintemplate=head.concat(nodupes);
+ //logging results
+ if (log) WScript.Echo("Writing "+plugintemplate.length+" strings for "+plugin);
+ //finally, write "nodupes" array to file
+ WriteToUnicodeFile(plugintemplate,langpack);
+//Recourse find all files in "path" with file RegExp mask "name" and return file list into filelistarray
+function FindFiles (path,name,filelistarray) {
+ //Init vars
+ var Folder, Folders, Files, file, filename;
+ // second param "name" is our case insensive RegExp
+ var filemask=new RegExp(name,"i");
+ //Put path into var Folder
+ Folder=FSO.GetFolder(path);
+ //put subFolders into var
+ Folders=new Enumerator(Folder.SubFolders);
+ //Create Enumerator with Folder files inside
+ Files=new Enumerator(Folder.Files);
+ //Cycle through files in Folder
+ while (!Files.atEnd()) {
+ //file is a next file
+ file=Files.item();
+ //put file name into filename
+ filename=FSO.GetFileName(file);
+ //if filename is our name mask, do the job.
+ if (filemask.test(filename)) filelistarray.push(file);
+ //move to next file
+ Files.moveNext();
+ };
+ //Cycle through subfolders
+ while (!Folders.atEnd()) {
+ FindFiles(Folders.item().Path,name,filelistarray);
+ //WScript.Echo(Folders.item().Path);
+ Folders.moveNext();
+ };
+//Find a name for plugin translation template file from source
+function GetPluginName (folder_or_file) {
+ //check our parameter file or folder?
+ if (FSO.FileExists(folder_or_file)) {
+ //yes, it's a file, set plugin_project_file as a target
+ plugin_project_file=FSO.GetFile(folder_or_file);
+ } else {
+ //Given parameter is a folder, init file list array
+ plugin_project_files=new Array();
+ //find project files and put to array
+ FindFiles(folder_or_file,"\\.vcxproj$|\\.dpr$",plugin_project_files);
+ //if there is nothing found, that's mean this is not a plugin, return from function
+ if (!plugin_project_files[0]) return;
+ //hope, that project file is first file
+ plugin_project_file=plugin_project_files[0]
+ }
+ //read file into var project
+ project=ReadFile(plugin_project_file);
+ //find a <ProjectName>%langpackfilename%</ProjectName> from *.vcxproj file
+ filename=project.match(/<ProjectName>(.+)<\/ProjectName>/);
+ if (filename) {
+ //return only first item of regexp
+ return filename[1];
+ } else {
+ //There is no specified ProjectName, thus use filename without extension as our langpack name
+ return FSO.GetBaseName(plugin_project_file);
+ }
+//Get MUUID of plugin from source file.
+function GetMUUID (folder,array) {
+ //first, find necessary file list, we are looking for UNICODE_AWARE function, usually this function are in *.cpp, sometimes in *.c and *.h
+ //init fillelist array
+ muuidfilelist=new Array();
+ //search for files in "folder" by mask, put result into muuidfilelist
+ FindFiles (folder,"\\.cpp$|\\.c$|\\.h$",muuidfilelist);
+ //now we have files, let's put them to Enumerator
+ filesenum=new Enumerator(muuidfilelist);
+ //cycle through file list and lookup each file for UNICODE_AWARE
+ while (!filesenum.atEnd()) {
+ //curfile is our current file in files enumerator
+ curfile=filesenum.item();
+ //this is a regexp to search UNICODE_AWARE
+ var find=/(?:UNICODE_AWARE(?:\s*?\|\s*?STATIC_PLUGIN)?,[\s\S]*?\{)(.+?)(?=\}\s{0,2}\})/g;
+ //read file fully into var "allstrings"
+ allstrings=ReadFile(curfile);
+ //search regexp in "allstrings" and put results into var "string"
+ string=find.exec(allstrings);
+ //if current file have found UNICODE_AWARE, var "string" exists, so parse it.
+ if (string) {
+ //remove spaces, "0x" and "{", in second [1] item of array "string". RegExp "find" have subregexp (.+?), which are our MUUID in "string[1]"
+ vals=string[1].replace(/0x|\{|\x20/g,"");
+ //now split values of muuid in "vals" by "," into array "values"
+ values=vals.split(",");
+ //we get array of values, if length of this array not equal to 12 values (starting from zero, thus length is 11), that's mean we found something else, not MUUID. Log it and quit, if length is 12, so check it and generate MUUID
+ if (values.length==11) {
+ //now check, is there some values, which have omitted zero after 0x, like in alarms: " 0x4dd7762b, 0xd612, 0x4f84, { 0xaa, 0x86, 0x(no_zero_here_)6, 0x8f, 0x17, 0x85, 0x9b, 0x6d}"
+ //first value in values have to be 8 bytes, while length less than 8, add leading "0" to values[0],
+ while (values[0].length<8) {values[0]="0"+values[0]};
+ //next two values have to be 4 bytes, adding leading zeroes, while length less than 4.
+ for (i=1;i<=2;i++) {
+ while (values[i].length<4) {
+ values[i]="0"+values[i];
+ }
+ }
+ //other values have to be 2 bytes, same as above, adding zeroes
+ for (i=3;i<=10;i++) {
+ while (values[i].length<2) {
+ values[i]="0"+values[i];
+ }
+ }
+ //Push to array founded #muuid
+ var muuid="#muuid {"+values[0]+"-"+values[1]+"-"+values[2]+"-"+values[3]+values[4]+"-"+values[5]+values[6]+values[7]+values[8]+values[9]+values[10]+"}";
+ };
+ };
+ //moving to next file
+ filesenum.moveNext();
+ //if we didn't find muuid, put alarm into "muuid"
+ if (!muuid) {muuid=";#muuid for "+plugin+" not found, please specify manually!"}
+ //output result into array
+ array.push(muuid)
+ //log output
+ if (log) WScript.Echo(muuid);
+//For status plugins, namely KeepStatus, StartupStatus and AdvancedAutoAway we need add for all of them common source files to parsing array, because they exist one layer upper of pluginfolder
+function CheckStatusPlugins (plug) {
+if (plug.match(/(KeepStatus|StartupStatus|AdvancedAutoAway)/)) {
+ resourcefiles.push(trunk+"\\Plugins\\StatusPlugins\\resource.rc");
+ sourcefiles.push(trunk+"\\Plugins\\StatusPlugins\\commonstatus.cpp");
+ sourcefiles.push(trunk+"\\Plugins\\StatusPlugins\\confirmdialog.cpp");
+ }
+//read text file, removing all commented text for further processing
+function ReadFile (file) {
+ //If file zero size, return;
+ if (FSO.GetFile(file).Size==0) return;
+ //reading current file
+ file_stream=FSO.GetFile(file).OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault);
+ //read file fully into var
+ allstrings=file_stream.ReadAll();
+ //remove all comments. The text starting with \\ (but not with ":\\" it's a links like http://miranda-ng.org/ and ")//" -there is one comment right after needed string)
+ //and remove multi-line comments, started with /* and ended with */
+ text=allstrings.replace(/(?:[^\):])(\/{2}.+?(?=$))|(\s\/\*[\S\s]+?\*\/)/mg,".")
+ //close file
+ file_stream.Close();
+ return text
+//Parsing filelist into stringsarray by parsefunction (ParseSourceFile OR ParseRCFile)
+function ParseFiles (filelist,stringsarray, parsefunction) {
+ //create enumerator filesenum from filelist
+ filesenum=new Enumerator(filelist);
+ //cycle through file list
+ while (!filesenum.atEnd()) {
+ //record into current_strings current length of stringsarray
+ var current_strings=stringsarray.length;
+ //record into crap_strings current length of crap array
+ var crap_strings=crap.length;
+ //curfile is our current file in files enumerator
+ curfile=filesenum.item();
+ //read file (filtering comments) into filetext
+ var filetext=ReadFile(curfile);
+ //now apply a parsing function to current filetext, and put result into stringsarray
+ parsefunction(filetext,stringsarray);
+ //string variable to cut out a trunkPath from absolute path
+ curfilepath=new String(curfile);
+ //if after parsing file our stringsarray length greater then var "current_strings", so parsed file return some strings. Thus, we need add a comment with filename
+ if (stringsarray.length>current_strings) stringsarray.splice(current_strings,0,";file "+curfilepath.substring(trunkPath.length));
+ //do the same for crap array, add a ;file +relative path to file with crap
+ if (crap.length>crap_strings) crap.splice(crap_strings,0,";file "+curfilepath.substring(trunkPath.length));
+ //move to next file
+ filesenum.moveNext();
+ };
+//*.RC files line-by-line parser for RC_File, return result into "array"
+function ParseRCFile(FileTextVar,array) {
+ var find=/^(?!\/{1,2})\s*(CONTROL|(?:DEF)?PUSHBUTTON|[LRC]TEXT|AUTORADIOBUTTON|GROUPBOX|(?:AUTO)?CHECKBOX|CAPTION|MENUITEM|POPUP)\s*"((?:(?:""[^"]+?"")*[^"]*?)*)"\s*?(,|$|\\)/mgi;
+ //now make a job, till end of matching regexp
+ while ((string = find.exec(FileTextVar)) != null) {
+ // check for some garbage like "List1","Tab1" etc. in *.rc files, we do not need this.
+ onestring=string[2].replace(/^(((List|Tab|Tree|Spin|Custom|Slider|DateTimePicker|Radio|Check|HotKey|Progress)\d)|(whiterect)|(%.(.*%)?))$/g,"");
+ // ignore some popup menu craps
+ if (string[1]=="POPUP" && onestring.match(/^([a-zA-Z ]*(menu|context|popup))|([A-Z][a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]*)+)|(new item)$/g))
+ continue;
+ //if there is double "", replace with single one
+ onestring=onestring.replace(/\"{2}/g,"\"");
+ //check result. If it does not match [a-z] (no any letter in results, such as "..." or "->") it's a crap, break further actions.
+ if (!onestring.match(/[a-z]/i)) var onestring="";
+ //if still something in onestring, push to array
+ if (onestring) array.push("["+onestring+"]");
+ }
+//Source files C++ (*.h,*.c,*.cpp) and *.pas,*.dpr,*.inc (Pascal) multiline parser for translations using LPGEN() LPGENT() TranslateT() Translate() _T() TranslateW()
+function ParseSourceFile (FileTextVar,array) {
+ //not store ?: functions LPGEN or LPGENT? or Translate(T or W) or _T, than any unnecessary space \s, than not stored ?: "(" followed by ' or " (stored and used as \1) than \S\s - magic with multiline capture, ending with not stored ?= \1 (we get " or ' after "("), than none or few spaces \x20 followed by )/m=multiline g=global
+ //var find= /(?:LPGENT?|Translate[TW]?|_T)(?:\s*?\(\s*?L?\s*)(['"])([\S\s]*?)(?=\1,?\x20*?(?:tmp)?\))/mg;
+ //comment previous line and uncomment following line to output templates without _T() function in source files. Too many garbage from _T()..
+ var find= /(?:LPGEN[TW]?|Translate[TW]?)(?:\s*?\(\s*?L?\s*)(['"])([\S\s]*?)(?=\1,?\x20*?(?:tmp)?\))/mg;
+ //now make a job, till end of matching regexp
+ while ((string = find.exec(FileTextVar)) != null) {
+ //first, init empty var
+ var string;
+ //replace newlines with "" in second [1] subregexp ([\S\s]*?), and Delphi newlines "'#13#10+" replace
+ onestring=string[2].replace(/'?(\#13\#10)*?\\?\r\n(\x20*?\')?/g,"");
+ //remove trailing slash from the string. This is a tree item, slesh is a crap :)
+ noslashstring=onestring.replace(/\/(?=$)/g,"");
+ //remove escape slashes before ' and "
+ stringtolangpack=noslashstring.replace(/\\(['"])/g,"$1");
+ //if our string still exist, and length more than 1 symbol (nothing to translate if only one symbol)
+ if (stringtolangpack.length>1) {
+ //brand new _T() crap filtering engine :)
+ clearstring=filter_T(stringtolangpack);
+ //finally put string into array including cover brackets []
+ if (clearstring) {array.push("["+clearstring+"]")}
+ };
+ }
+//filter _T() function results
+function filter_T(string) {
+//filter not begin with symbols :.]?;#~{!/_+$
+//var filter1=/^[^\:\]\?\;\#\~\|\{\!\/\_\+\\$].+$/g;
+//filter string starting from following words
+var filter2=/^(SOFTWARE\\|SYSTEM\\|http|ftp|UTF-|utf-|TEXT|EXE|exe|txt|css|html|dat|txt|MS\x20|CLVM|TM_|CLCB|CLSID|CLUI|HKEY_|MButton|BUTTON|WindowClass|MHeader|RichEdit|RICHEDIT|STATIC|EDIT|CList|listbox|LISTBOX|combobox|COMBOBOX|TitleB|std\w|iso-|windows-|<div|<html|<img|<span|<hr|<a\x20|<table|<td|miranda_|kernel32|user32|muc|pubsub|shlwapi|Tahoma|NBRichEdit|CreatePopup|<\/|<\w>|\w\\\w|urn\:|<\?xml|<\!|h\d|\.!\.).*$/g;
+//filter string ending with following words
+var filter3=/^.+(001|\/value|\*!\*|=)$/g;
+//filter from Kildor
+var filter4=/^((%(\d+)?\w\w?)|(d\s\w)|\[\/?(\w|url|img|size|quote|color)(=\w*)?\]?|(\\\w)|(%\w+%)|(([\w-]+\.)*\.(\w{2,4}|travel|museum|xn--\w+))|\W|\s|\d)+$/gi;
+//filter from Kildor for remove filenames and pathes.
+var filter5=/^[\w_:%.\\\/*-]+\.\w+$/g;
+//apply filters to our string
+//if match (test1) first filter and NOT match other tests, thus string are good, return this string back.
+//if (test1 && !test2 && !test3 && !test4 && !test5) {
+if (!test2 && !test3 && !test4 && !test5) {
+ return string;
+ } else {
+ //in other case, string is a garbage, put into crap array.
+ crap.push(string);
+ return;
+ }
+//Parse Version.h file to get one translated stirng from "Description" and make a pluging template header.
+function ParseVersion_h (pluginfolder,array) {
+//cleanup var
+var VersionFile;
+//Let's try default locations of version.h file;
+//Check pluginfolder root.
+if (FSO.FileExists(FSO.BuildPath(pluginfolder,"version.h"))) VersionFile=FSO.BuildPath(pluginfolder,"version.h");
+//Check src\include subfolder of plugin root folder
+if (FSO.FileExists(FSO.BuildPath(pluginfolder,"src\\include\\version.h"))) VersionFile=FSO.BuildPath(pluginfolder,"src\\include\\version.h");
+//Check .\src subfolder
+if (FSO.FileExists(FSO.BuildPath(pluginfolder,"src\\version.h"))) VersionFile=FSO.BuildPath(pluginfolder,"src\\version.h");
+//If we still not found version.h, return
+if (!VersionFile) return;
+//read file fully into var allstrings
+//define RegExp for defines.
+var filename=/(?:#define\s+_*?FILENAME\s+")(.+)(?=")/m;
+var pluginname=/(?:#define\s+_*?PLUG(?:IN)?_?NAME\s+")(.+)(?=")/i;
+var author=/(?:#define\s+_*?(?:PLUGIN_?)?AUTHORS?\s+")(.+)(?=")/i;
+var MAJOR_VERSION=/(?:#define\s+_*?(?:MAJOR_VERSION|VER_MAJOR)\s+)(\d+)/i;
+var MINOR_VERSION=/(?:#define\s+_*?(?:MINOR_VERSION|VER_MINOR)\s+)(\d+)/i;
+var RELEASE_NUM=/(?:#define\s+_*?(?:RELEASE_NUM|VER_REVISION|VER_RELEASE)\s+)(\d+)/i;
+var BUILD_NUM=/(?:#define\s+_*?(?:BUILD_NUM|VER_BUILD)\s+)(\d+)/i;
+var VERSION_STRING=/(?:#define\s+_*?VERSION_STRING\s+")([\d\.]+)\"/i;
+var description=/(?:#define\s+_*?(?:PLUGIN_|MTEXT_)?DESC(?:RIPTION|_STRING)?\s+")(.+)(?=")/i;
+//exec RegExps
+//add a header start mark
+//push results of regexp vars into array
+if (filename) array.push("; File: "+filename[1]); else array.push("; File: "+plugin+".dll");
+if (pluginname) array.push("; Plugin: "+pluginname[1]); else array.push("; Plugin: "+plugin);
+if (VERSION_STRING) array.push("; Version: "+VERSION_STRING[1]);
+if (MAJOR_VERSION && !VERSION_STRING) array.push("; Version: "+MAJOR_VERSION[1]+"."+MINOR_VERSION[1]+"."+RELEASE_NUM[1]+"."+BUILD_NUM[1]);
+if (!MAJOR_VERSION && !VERSION_STRING) array.push("; Version: x.x.x.x");
+if (author) array.push("; Authors: "+fixHexa(author[1])); else array.push("; Authors: ");
+//add a header end mark
+if (description) array.push("["+description[1]+"]");
+//Replaces \x?? hexa codes with their char representation
+function fixHexa(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\\x([a-fA-F0-9]{2})" "/g,function() {
+ return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arguments[1],16));
+ });
+//Removes duplicates, not mine, found at http://dreaminginjavascript.wordpress.com/2008/08/22/eliminating-duplicates/
+function eliminateDuplicates(arr) {
+ var i,
+ len=arr.length,
+ out=[],
+ obj={};
+ for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ obj[arr[i]]=0;
+ }
+ for (i in obj) {
+ out.push(i);
+ }
+ return out;
+//Output array of strings into file
+function WriteToFile (array,langpack) {
+ //Create file, overwrite if exists
+ langpackfile=FSO.CreateTextFile(langpack, overwritefile , unicode)
+ //Finally, write strings from array to file
+ for (i=0;i<=array.length-1;i++) langpackfile.WriteLine(array[i]);
+ //Close file
+ langpackfile.Close();
+//Write UTF-8 file
+function WriteToUnicodeFile(array,langpack) {
+for (i=0;i<=array.length-1;i++) stream.WriteText(array[i]+"\r\n");
+stream.SaveToFile(langpack, 2);
\ No newline at end of file |