From 64c29727ee3ccca5581a2103d16536f323fafe57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: George Hazan Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 12:46:23 +0300 Subject: fixes #2784 (StartupSilence: remove "Main menu item" option) --- plugins/StartupSilence/res/StartupSilence.rc | 49 +++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) (limited to 'plugins/StartupSilence/res') diff --git a/plugins/StartupSilence/res/StartupSilence.rc b/plugins/StartupSilence/res/StartupSilence.rc index 635a986bc4..98a6db1ddc 100644 --- a/plugins/StartupSilence/res/StartupSilence.rc +++ b/plugins/StartupSilence/res/StartupSilence.rc @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// NEUTRAL resources +// Neutral resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_NEU) LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL // Dialog // -IDD_SSOPT DIALOGEX 0, 0, 312, 238 +IDD_SSOPT DIALOGEX 0, 0, 312, 210 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_CHILD EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1 BEGIN - GROUPBOX "Silence at Startup",IDC_STATIC,3,0,304,133 + GROUPBOX "Silence at Startup",IDC_STATIC,3,0,304,121 LTEXT "Settings for the next Computer Name:",IDC_STATIC,11,11,182,8 EDITTEXT IDC_HST,24,22,271,12,ES_READONLY | NOT WS_BORDER | NOT WS_TABSTOP CONTROL "Enable silence at startup",IDC_DELAY,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,34,259,9 @@ -41,16 +41,17 @@ BEGIN EDITTEXT IDC_SSPOPUPTIME,47,75,34,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_NUMBER CONTROL "",IDC_SSSPIN2,"msctls_updown32",UDS_WRAP | UDS_SETBUDDYINT | UDS_ALIGNRIGHT | UDS_ARROWKEYS | UDS_NOTHOUSANDS | UDS_HOTTRACK,77,75,12,15 LTEXT "Popup time 1-30 seconds (Default 5)",IDC_STATIC,83,77,161,9 - CONTROL "Main Menu Item (plugin reload or Miranda restart required)",IDC_MENU,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,92,259,9 - CONTROL "TopToolBar button (Miranda restart required)",IDC_TTB,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,105,259,9 - PUSHBUTTON "Reset to default\r\n(for this computer)",IDC_RESETDEFAULT,207,215,100,20,BS_CENTER | BS_VCENTER | BS_MULTILINE | NOT WS_TABSTOP - CTEXT "You need to configure it once for each computer, where you run your Miranda NG.",IDC_STATIC,7,195,295,20 - LTEXT "No Apply button required.",IDC_STATIC,11,220,184,8 - GROUPBOX "After startup set:",IDC_STATIC,3,136,303,57 - CONTROL "Filtered popups only (leave uncheck for no popups)",IDC_DEFPOPUP,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,22,167,274,9 - CONTROL "Enable sounds",IDC_DEFSOUNDS,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,181,287,9 - CONTROL "Allow to set sounds and filtered popups only after startup (uncheck for all popups and sounds)",IDC_RESTORE,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_TOP | BS_MULTILINE | WS_TABSTOP,11,147,290,19 - CONTROL "Allow mRadio or Weather popups, etc.",IDC_NONSTATUSES,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,118,259,9 + CONTROL "TopToolBar button (Miranda restart required)",IDC_TTB, + "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,92,259,9 + PUSHBUTTON "Reset to default",IDC_RESETDEFAULT,207,184,100,20,BS_CENTER | BS_VCENTER | BS_MULTILINE | NOT WS_TABSTOP + GROUPBOX "After startup set:",IDC_STATIC,3,123,303,57 + CONTROL "Filtered popups only (leave uncheck for no popups)",IDC_DEFPOPUP, + "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,22,154,274,9 + CONTROL "Enable sounds",IDC_DEFSOUNDS,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,168,287,9 + CONTROL "Allow to set sounds and filtered popups only after startup (uncheck for all popups and sounds)",IDC_RESTORE, + "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_TOP | BS_MULTILINE | WS_TABSTOP,11,134,290,19 + CONTROL "Allow mRadio or Weather popups, etc.",IDC_NONSTATUSES, + "Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,105,259,9 END @@ -88,11 +89,18 @@ END // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_SSICON ICON "startupsilence.ico" + IDI_SSENABLE ICON "enable.ico" + IDI_SSDISABLE ICON "disable.ico" + IDI_SSENABLETTB ICON "enablettb.ico" + IDI_SSDISABLETTB ICON "disablettb.ico" + IDI_SSFILTEREDON ICON "filteredon.ico" + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO @@ -103,12 +111,23 @@ GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO BEGIN IDD_SSOPT, DIALOG BEGIN - BOTTOMMARGIN, 235 + BOTTOMMARGIN, 204 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED -#endif // NEUTRAL resources + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// AFX_DIALOG_LAYOUT +// + +IDD_SSOPT AFX_DIALOG_LAYOUT +BEGIN + 0 +END + +#endif // Neutral resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- cgit v1.2.3