;This file contains the information required to get Miranda up and running,
;i.e. everything before a database is loaded

;Settings relating to the location and loading of the database

;The directory to search for database files. If it's a relative path then
;it's relative to the directory containing miranda32.exe. 
;If no directory specified Profles subdirectory in miranda executable 
;directory is assumed. You can use environment variables.
;To comply with Windows security guidelines, it is recommended to keep 
;your profile in %APPDATA%\Miranda IM

;Selects the test to use to decide whether to show the profile manager on
;"never": Only show it if the profile to use can't be guessed by any means
;"yes":   Always show it
;"smart": (default) Show it if the command line doesn't contain a db name
;         that exists or there is more or less than 1 db in the ProfileDir.

;Name of the profile to use if there's a choice. If Miranda is run with a
;command line parameter then that is used instead of this setting.
;Default is empty
;If ShowProfileMgr=never then this profile is run without question
;Otherwise the profile manager is run as usual but initially this profile
;is selected
;0.4.1+ (2005/05/16) Only: This string can contain environment variables, e.g. %USERNAME%

;"yes": If DefaultProfile or the command line parameter gives a profile
;name that doesn't exist then that profile is created.
;"no": (default) The profile manager is shown in this case

;AutoExec is a system for batch addition of multiple settings to the
;database. See http://code.google.com/p/miranda/source/browse/branches/stable/miranda/docs/autoexec_sample.ini
;for documentation

;"yes": Install .ini files automatically
;"no": Disable the autoexec system entirely
;"prompt": (default) Prompt the user before each installation
;This setting doesn't affect the decision of whether to display further prompts

;A global expression containing the files to watch for database settings
;This will be checked just after database load and continuously all the
;time Miranda is running
;If this contains a relative path, it's relative to the directory containing
;Default: autoexec_*.ini

;A space-separated list of database module names known to be safe to alter
;Default: CLC Icons CLUI CList SkinSounds
Safe=CLC Icons CLUI CList SkinSounds

;A space-separated list of database module names that could be alter to
;malicious purposes (eg by faking a login server to steal passwords)
;Default: ICQ MSN

;System admins may find it desirable to install settings without prompting
;the user. In that case all prompts and security will be overridden if
;the name of the ini matches the name given here.
;If this is used, make sure it's suitably random and hence not likely
;to be downloaded.
;Default is empty (no override possible)

;Defines ini file that will be executed every time new profile is created.
;Default is empty (no override possible)

;"all": Warn the user before each setting change is made
;"notsafe": (default) Warn before each change to a setting in a group
;           that isn't listed in the 'Safe' setting
;"onlyunsafe": Warn before each change to a setting in a group that is
;           listed in the 'Unsafe' setting
;"none": Never warn the user

;What to do with the ini file once it's imported
;"delete": Delete the file from the disk
;"recycle": (default) Move the file to the recycle bin (same as delete
;           if you've disabled Windows' recycle bin)
;"rename": Add the string in RenamePrefix to the beginning of the filename
;"leave": Leave the file as-is. Note that this could cause it to be
;         imported multiple times until it's moved.
;"ask": Show a dialog to ask the user

;A string to add before the filename if the 'rename' option is used for
;OnCompletion. This can include a path specifier to move the file, eg ..\
;Default: done_

; decisions about how Miranda loads plugins
; if enabled, will ask the user if they want to re-enable a disabled plugin