
Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*

Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
listed in contributors.txt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.




    CLISTCONTROL_CLASS          = 'CListControl';

    // styles

    CLS_MANUALUPDATE            = $0001; // todo
    CLS_SHOWHIDDEN              = $0002;
    CLS_HIDEOFFLINE             = $0004; // hides all offline users
    CLS_CHECKBOXES              = $0008;
    CLS_MULTICOLUMN	            = $0010; // not true multi-column, just for ignore/vis options
    CLS_HIDEEMPTYGROUPS         = $0020; // note: this flag will be spontaneously removed if the 'new subgroup' menu item is clicked, for obvious reasons
    CLS_USEGROUPS               = $0040;
    CLS_NOHIDEOFFLINE           = $0080; // overrides CLS_HIDEOFFLINE and the per-group hideoffline setting
    CLS_GREYALTERNATE           = $0100; // make every other line slightly grey
    CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES         = $0200; // put checkboxes on groups too (managed by CLC)

    CLS_EX_DISABLEDRAGDROP      = $00000001;
    CLS_EX_EDITLABELS           = $00000002;
    CLS_EX_SHOWSELALWAYS        = $00000004;
    CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT          = $00000008;
    CLS_EX_SHOWGROUPCOUNTS      = $00000010;
    CLS_EX_DIVIDERONOFF         = $00000020;
    CLS_EX_NOTRANSLUCENTSEL     = $00000080;
    CLS_EX_LINEWITHGROUPS       = $00000100;
    CLS_EX_SORTGROUPSALPHA      = $00000400;
    CLS_EX_NOSMOOTHSCROLLING    = $00000800;

    CLM_FIRST                   = $1000; // this is the same as LVM_FIRST
    CLM_LAST                    = $1100;

// messages, compare with equivalent TVM_* in the WINAPI

    CLM_ADDCONTACT              = (CLM_FIRST+0);    // wParam=hContact
    CLM_ADDGROUP                = (CLM_FIRST+1);    // wParam=hGroup
    CLM_AUTOREBUILD             = (CLM_FIRST+2);
    CLM_DELETEITEM              = (CLM_FIRST+3);    // wParam=hItem
    CLM_EDITLABEL               = (CLM_FIRST+4);    // wParam=hItem
    CLM_ENDEDITLABELNOW         = (CLM_FIRST+5);    // wParam=cancel, 0 to save
    CLM_ENSUREVISIBLE           = (CLM_FIRST+6);    // wParam=hItem, lParam=partialOk

    CLE_TOGGLE                  = -1;
    CLE_COLLAPSE                = 0;
    CLE_EXPAND                  = 1;
    CLE_INVALID                 = $FFFF;

    CLM_EXPAND                  = (CLM_FIRST+7);    // wParam=hItem, lParam=CLE_
    CLM_FINDCONTACT             = (CLM_FIRST+8);    // wParam=hContact, returns an hItem
    CLM_FINDGROUP               = (CLM_FIRST+9);    // wParam=hGroup, returns an hItem
    CLM_GETBKCOLOR              = (CLM_FIRST+10);   // returns a COLORREF
    CLM_GETCHECKMARK            = (CLM_FIRST+11);   // wParam=hItem, returns 1 or 0
    CLM_GETCOUNT                = (CLM_FIRST+12);   // returns the total number of items

    CLM_GETEDITCONTROL          = (CLM_FIRST+13);   // returns the HWND, or NULL
    CLM_GETEXPAND               = (CLM_FIRST+14);   // wParam=hItem, returns a CLE_, CLE_INVALID if not a group
    CLM_GETEXTRACOLUMNS         = (CLM_FIRST+15);   // returns number of extra columns
    CLM_GETEXTRAIMAGE           = (CLM_FIRST+16);   // wParam=hItem, lParam=MAKELPARAM(iColumn (0 based),0), returns iImage or $FF
    CLM_GETFONT                 = (CLM_FIRST+18);   // wParam=fontId, see clm_setfont. returns hFont.
    CLM_GETINDENT               = (CLM_FIRST+19);   // wParam=new group indent
    CLM_GETISEARCHSTRING        = (CLM_FIRST+20);   // lParam=(char*)pszStr, max 120 bytes, returns number of chars in string
    CLM_GETITEMTEXT             = (CLM_FIRST+21);   // wParam=hItem, lParam=(char*)pszStr, max 120 bytes
    CLM_GETSCROLLTIME           = (CLM_FIRST+22);   // returns time in ms
    CLM_GETSELECTION            = (CLM_FIRST+23);   // returns hItem

    CLCHT_ABOVE                 = $0001;            // above client area
    CLCHT_BELOW                 = $0002;            // below client area
    CLCHT_TOLEFT                = $0004;            // left of client area
    CLCHT_TORIGHT               = $0008;            // right of client area
    CLCHT_NOWHERE               = $0010;            // in client area, not on an item
    CLCHT_ONITEMICON            = $0020;
    CLCHT_ONITEMCHECK           = $0040;
    CLCHT_ONITEMLABEL           = $0080;
    CLCHT_ONITEMINDENT          = $0100;            // to the left of an item icon
    CLCHT_ONITEMEXTRA           = $0200;            // on an extra icon, HIBYTE(HIWORD()) says which
    CLCHT_ONITEM                = $03E0;
    CLCHT_INLEFTMARGIN          = $0400;
    CLCHT_BELOWITEMS            = $0800;            // in client area but below last item

    CLM_HITTEST                 = (CLM_FIRST+25);   // lParam=MAKELPARAM(x,y) (relative to control), wParam=(PDWORD)&hitTest (see encoding of HitTest() in clc.h, can be NULL) returns hItem or NULL
    CLM_SELECTITEM              = (CLM_FIRST+26);   // wParam=hItem

    CLB_TOPLEFT                 = 0;
    CLB_STRETCHV                = 1;
    CLB_STRETCHH                = 2;	            // and tile vertically
    CLB_STRETCH                 = 3;

    CLBM_TYPE                   = $00FF;
    CLBF_TILEH                  = $1000;
    CLBF_TILEV                  = $2000;
    CLBF_PROPORTIONAL           = $4000;
    CLBF_SCROLL                 = $8000;

    CLM_SETBKBITMAP             = (CLM_FIRST+27);   // wParam=mode, lParam=hBitmap (don't delete it), NULL for none
    CLM_SETBKCOLOR              = (CLM_FIRST+28);   // wParam=a COLORREF, default is GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)
    CLM_SETCHECKMARK            = (CLM_FIRST+29);   // wParam=hItem, lParam=1 or 0
    CLM_SETEXTRACOLUMNS         = (CLM_FIRST+30);   // wParam=number of extra columns (zero to MAXEXTRACOLUMNS from clc.h, currently 16)
    CLM_SETEXTRAIMAGE           = (CLM_FIRST+31);   // wParam=hItem, lParam=MAKELPARAM(iColumn (0 based),iImage). iImage=$FF is a blank

    FONTID_CONTACTS             = 0;
    FONTID_INVIS                = 1;
    FONTID_OFFLINE              = 2;
    FONTID_NOTONLIST            = 3;
    FONTID_GROUPS               = 4;
    FONTID_GROUPCOUNTS          = 5;
    FONTID_DIVIDERS             = 6;
    FONTID_OFFINVIS             = 7;
    FONTID_MAX                  = 7;

    CLM_SETFONT                 = (CLM_FIRST+33);   // wParam=hFont, lParam=MAKELPARAM(fRedraw,fontId)
    CLM_SETINDENT               = (CLM_FIRST+34);   // wParam=new indent, default is 3 pixels
    CLM_SETITEMTEXT             = (CLM_FIRST+35);   // wParam=hItem, lParam=(char*)pszNewText
    CLM_SETSCROLLTIME           = (CLM_FIRST+36);   // wParam=time in ms, default 200

    GREYF_UNFOCUS               = $80000000;
    MODEF_OFFLINE               = $40000000;

    // and use the PF2_ #defines from m_protosvc.inc
    CLM_SETGREYOUTFLAGS         = (CLM_FIRST+39);   // wParam=new flags
    CLM_SETUSEGROUPS            = (CLM_FIRST+42);   // wParam=TRUE/FALSE
    CLM_SETOFFLINEMODES         = (CLM_FIRST+43);   // for 'hide offline', wParam=PF2_ flags and MODEF_OFFLINE
    CLM_GETEXSTYLE              = (CLM_FIRST+44);   // returns CLS_EX_ flags
    CLM_SETEXSTYLE              = (CLM_FIRST+45);   // wParam=CLS_EX_ flags
    CLM_GETLEFTMARGIN           = (CLM_FIRST+46);   // returns count of pixels
    CLM_SETLEFTMARGIN           = (CLM_FIRST+47);   // wParam=pixels
        	// the order of info items is never changed, so make sure you add them in the
        	// order you want them to remain
    CLM_ADDINFOITEM             = (CLM_FIRST+48);   // lParam=&TCLCINFOITEM, returns hItem
    CLM_GETITEMTYPE             = (CLM_FIRST+49);	// wParam=hItem, returns a CLCIT_
    CLM_GETNEXTITEM             = (CLM_FIRST+50);   // wParam=flag, lParam=hItem, returns an hItem
    CLM_GETTEXTCOLOR            = (CLM_FIRST+51);   // wParam=FONTID_, returns COLORREF
    CLM_SETTEXTCOLOR            = (CLM_FIRST+52);   // wParam=FONTID_, lParam=COLORREF

    CLCIIF_BELOWGROUPS          = 1;                // put it between groups and contacts, default is at top
    CLCIIF_BELOWCONTACTS        = 2;                // put it at the bottom
    CLCIIF_CHECKBOX             = $40;              // give this item a check box
    CLCIIF_GROUPFONT            = $80;              // draw the item using FONTID_GROUPS

    CLCIT_INVALID               = -1;
    CLCIT_GROUP                 = 0;
    CLCIT_CONTACT               = 1;
    CLCIT_DIVIDER               = 2;
    CLCIT_INFO                  = 3;

    CLGN_ROOT                   = 0;
    CLGN_CHILD                  = 1;
    CLGN_PARENT                 = 2;
    CLGN_NEXT                   = 3;
    CLGN_PREVIOUS               = 4;
    CLGN_NEXTCONTACT            = 5;
    CLGN_NEXTGROUP              = 7;
    CLGN_PREVIOUSGROUP          = 8;

    CLNF_ISGROUP                = 1;
    CLNF_ISINFO                 = 2;

    CLN_FIRST                   = (0-100);
    CLN_EXPANDED                = (CLN_FIRST-0);    // hItem=hGroup, action=CLE_*
    CLN_LISTREBUILT             = (CLN_FIRST-1);
    CLN_ITEMCHECKED             = (CLN_FIRST-2);    // todo	// hItem,action,flags valid
    CLN_DRAGGING                = (CLN_FIRST-3);	// hItem,pt,flags valid. only sent when cursor outside window, return nonzero if processed
    CLN_DROPPED                 = (CLN_FIRST-4);    // hItem,pt,flags valid. only sent when cursor outside window, return nonzero if processed
    CLN_LISTSIZECHANGE          = (CLN_FIRST-5);    // pt.y valid. the vertical height of the visible items in the list has changed.
    CLN_OPTIONSCHANGED          = (CLN_FIRST-6);	// nothing valid. If you set some extended options they have been overwritten and should be re-set
    CLN_DRAGSTOP                = (CLN_FIRST-7);	// hItem,flags valid. sent when cursor goes back in to the window having been outside, return nonzero if processed
    CLN_NEWCONTACT              = (CLN_FIRST-8);    // hItem,flags valid. sent when a new contact is added without a full list rebuild
    CLN_CONTACTMOVED            = (CLN_FIRST-9);    // hItem,flags valid. sent when contact is moved without a full list rebuild
    CLN_CHECKCHANGED            = (CLN_FIRST-10);   // hItem,flags valid. sent when any check mark is changed, but only for one change if there are many


    TCLCINFOITEM = record
        cbSize: int;
        pszText: PChar;
        hParentGroup: THandle;
        flags: DWORD;
        hIcon: THandle; // todo

        hdr: TNMHDR;        // depends on Windows.pas
        hItem: THandle;
        action: int;
        iColumn: int;       // -1 if not on an extra column
        flags: DWORD;
        pt: TPoint;         // depends on Windows.pas

    TCLCINFOTIP = record
        cbSize: int;
        isTreeFocused: int; // so the plugin can provide an option
        isGroup: int;       // 0 if it's contact, 1 if it's a group
        hItem: THandle;     // handle to group or contact
        ptCursor: TPoint;
        rcItem: TRect;


        wParam : 0
        lParam : Pointer to a TCLCINFOTIP structure
        Affect : An InfoTip for an item should be shown now, see notes
        Returns: [non zero] if you process this, because it makes no sense
                 for more than one module to process this.
        Notes  : It's upto the module where to put the InfoTip, Normally
                 it's a few pixels below and to the right of the cursor.
                 This event is called after the mouse ehas been stationary over
                 a contact for (by default) 200ms
    ME_CLC_SHOWINFOTIP              = 'CLC/ShowInfoTip';

        wParam : 0
        lParam : Pointer to an initialised TCLCINFOTIP
        Affect : It's time to destroy an infotip, see notes
        Notes  : Only cbSize, isGroup, hItem are set
        notes  : This is sent when the mouse moves off a contact when ME_CLC_SHOWINFOTIP
                 has previously been called.
                 If you don't want this behaviour, you should have grabbed the mouse
                 capture yourself --
    ME_CLC_HIDEINFOTIP              = 'CLC/HideInfoTip';

        wParam : new_time
        lParam : 0
        Affect : Set a new hover time before the info tip hooks are called, see notes
        Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
        Notes  : The value of this setting is applid to all current CLC windows
                 and saved to b applied to all future windows, it is persistent.
                 Time is in milliseconds, default is 750ms
    MS_CLC_SETINFOTIPHOVERTIME      = 'CLC/SetInfoTipHoverTime';

        wParam : 0
        lParam : 0
        Affect : get the hover time before the infotip hooks are called
        returns: the hover time in MS
    MS_CLC_GETINFOTIPHOVERTIME      = 'CLC/GetInfoTipHoverTime';