{$IFNDEF M_CLIST} {$DEFINE M_CLIST} {$ifndef STATUSMODES} {$include statusmodes.inc} {$endif} type HGENMENU = THANDLE; const { wParam : new_status lParam : 0 Affect : Sent when the user acks to change their status, see notes Notes : Also sent due to a MS_CLIST_SETSTATUSMODE } ME_CLIST_STATUSMODECHANGE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/StatusModeChange'; { wParam : new_status lParam : 0 Affect : Force a change of status mode, see statusmodes.inc } MS_CLIST_SETSTATUSMODE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/SetStatusMode'; { wParam : 0 lParam : 0 Affect : Get the current status mode, see notes Notes : This is the status, as set by the user, not any protocol specific status all protocol modules will attempt to conform to this setting at ALL times. } MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/GetStatusMode'; function Menu_BuildContactMenu(hContact:TMCONTACT) : HMENU; stdcall; external AppDll; { Affect : Modify an existing menu item, see notes Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure } function Menu_ModifyItem(hMenu:HGENMENU; const name:PWideChar; icon:THANDLE=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; flags:int=-1) : int; stdcall; external AppDll; { Notes : changes menu item's visibility } procedure Menu_ShowItem(hMenu:HGENMENU; bShow:BYTE); stdcall; external AppDll; { wParam : TMCONTACT lParam : 0 Affect : the context menu for a contact is about to be built, see notes Notes : modules should use this to change menu items that are specific to the contact that has them Version: v0.1.0.1+ } const ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildContactMenu'; type PCLISTDOUBLECLICKACTION = ^TCLISTDOUBLECLICKACTION; TCLISTDOUBLECLICKACTION = record cbSize : int; pszContactOwner: PAnsiChar; // name of the protocol owning the contact or NULL(0) for all flags : dword; // CMIF_NOT flags above pszService : PAnsiChar; // service to call on double click, is called with wParam=hContact, lParam=0 end; const { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to a initalised TCLISTDOUBLECLICKACTION structure Affect : Sets the service to call when a contact is double-clicked, see notes Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure Notes : in case of conflicts, the first module to have registered will get the double click, no others will, this service will return success even for duplicates - This service was dropped from development during, it is no longer supported, see ME_CLIST_DOUBLECLICKED Version:, 0.2.0+ ONLY (not 3.0a) } MS_CLIST_SETDOUBLECLICKACTION:PAnsiChar = 'CList/SetDoubleClickAction'; { wParam : TMCONTACT lParam : Affect : Register with this event to be notified of a double click on the CList against a TMCONTACT, you will not be notified if there is a pending CList event that the double click clears, (i.e. flashing icon is presented to be clicked) Version: } ME_CLIST_DOUBLECLICKED:PAnsiChar = 'CList/DoubleClicked'; type PCLISTEVENT = ^TCLISTEVENT; TCLISTEVENT = record hContact : TMCONTACT; // handle to the contact to put the icon by flags : dword; hIcon : HICON; // icon to flash! hDBEvent : TMEVENT; // caller defined, but should be unique for hContact // or pszProtocol:PAnsiChar lParam : LPARAM; pszService: PAnsiChar; // name of service to call on activation szTooltip : TChar; // short description of the event to display as a tooltip on the systray end; const CLEF_URGENT = 1; // flashes the icon even if the user is occupied, and puts // the event at the top of the queue CLEF_ONLYAFEW = 2; // icon will not flash forever, only a few times, // e.g. online alert CLEF_UNICODE = 4; // set pszTooltip as unicode CLEF_PROTOCOLGLOBAL = 8; // set event globally for protocol, hContact has to // be NULL, lpszProtocol the protocol ID name to be set IMAGE_GROUPOPEN = 11; IMAGE_GROUPSHUT = 12; function Clist_GetImageList : HIMAGELIST; stdcall; external AppDll; { wParam : TMCONTACT lParam : ICON_ID Affect : The icon of a contact in the contact list has changed, ICON_ID is an index to what image has changed Version: v0.1.2.1+ } const ME_CLIST_CONTACTICONCHANGED:PAnsiChar = 'CList/ContactIconChanged'; //******************************* CLUI only ********************************* CLISTMENUIDMIN = $4000; // reserved range for clist menu ids CLISTMENUIDMAX = $7FFF; MPCF_CONTACTMENU = 1; // test commands from a contact menu MPCF_MAINMENU = 2; // test commands from the main menu { Affect : Process a menu selection from a menu, see notes Returns: True if it processed the command, False otherwise notes : hContact is the currently selected contact, it is not used if this is a main menu command, if this is NULL then the command is a contact menu one, the command is ignored } function Clist_MenuProcessCommand(menuid,flags:int; hContact:TMCONTACT) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; { Affect : Process a menu hotkey, see notes Returns: True if it processed the command, False otherwise Notes : this should be called in WM_KEYDOWN } function Clist_MenuProcessHotkey(virtKey:uint) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; { wParam : 0 lParam : 0 Affect : Toggles the show/hide status of the contact list Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure Version: v0.1.1.0+ } const MS_CLIST_SHOWHIDE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/ShowHide'; { sent when the group get modified (created, renamed or deleted) or contact is moving from group to group wParam=hContact - NULL if operation on group lParam=pointer to CLISTGROUPCHANGE } type CLISTGROUPCHANGE = record cbSize :int; //size in bytes of this structure pszOldName:TChar; //old group name pszNewName:TChar; //new group name end; const ME_CLIST_GROUPCHANGE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/GroupChange'; GROUPF_EXPANDED = $04; GROUPF_HIDEOFFLINE = $08; function Clist_GroupCreate(hParentGroup:integer; groupName:PWideChar) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; procedure Clist_ContactDoubleClicked(hContact:TMCONTACT); stdcall; external AppDll; const { wParam=0 (not used) lParam=(LPARAM) &MIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY Affects: Show a message in a ballon tip against a protocol icon (if installed) Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure Notes : This service will not be created on systems that haven't got the Windows support for ballontips, also note that it's upto Windows if it shows your message and it keeps check of delays (don't be stupid about showing messages) Version: 0.3.1a } NIIF_INFO = $00000001; NIIF_WARNING = $00000002; NIIF_ERROR = $00000003; NIIF_ICON_MASK = $0000000F; NIIF_NOSOUND = $00000010; NIIF_INTERN_UNICODE = $00000100; type PMIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY = ^TMIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY; TMIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY = record cbSize :int; // sizeof(MIRANDASYSTRAY) szProto :PAnsiChar; // protocol to show under (may have no effect) szInfoTitle:TChar; // only 64chars of it will be used, TCHAR if NIIF_INTERN_UNICODE is specified szInfo :TChar; // only 256chars of it will be used, TCHAR if NIIF_INTERN_UNICODE is specified dwInfoFlags:dword; // see NIIF_* stuff uTimeout :uint; // how long to show the tip for end; const MS_CLIST_SYSTRAY_NOTIFY:PAnsiChar = 'Miranda/Systray/Notify'; const SETTING_TOOLWINDOW_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_SHOWMAINMENU_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_SHOWCAPTION_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_CLIENTDRAG_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_ONTOP_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_MIN2TRAY_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_TRAY1CLICK_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_HIDEOFFLINE_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_HIDEEMPTYGROUPS_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_USEGROUPS_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_SORTBYSTATUS_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_SORTBYPROTO_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_TRANSPARENT_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_ALPHA_DEFAULT = 200; SETTING_AUTOALPHA_DEFAULT = 150; SETTING_CONFIRMDELETE_DEFAULT = 1; SETTING_AUTOHIDE_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_HIDETIME_DEFAULT = 30; SETTING_CYCLETIME_DEFAULT = 4; SETTING_ALWAYSSTATUS_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_ALWAYSMULTI_DEFAULT = 0; SETTING_TRAYICON_SINGLE = 0; SETTING_TRAYICON_CYCLE = 1; SETTING_TRAYICON_MULTI = 2; SETTING_TRAYICON_DEFAULT = SETTING_TRAYICON_SINGLE; SETTING_STATE_HIDDEN = 0; SETTING_STATE_MINIMIZED = 1; SETTING_STATE_NORMAL = 2; SETTING_BRINGTOFRONT_DEFAULT = 0; {$ENDIF}