{$IFNDEF M_CLIST} {$DEFINE M_CLIST} {$ifndef STATUSMODES} {$include statusmodes.inc} {$endif} type HGENMENU = THANDLE; function Clist_SetStatusMode(status:int) : int; stdcall; external AppDll; function Menu_BuildContactMenu(hContact:TMCONTACT) : HMENU; stdcall; external AppDll; { Affect : Modify an existing menu item, see notes Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure } function Menu_ModifyItem(hMenu:HGENMENU; const name:PWideChar; icon:THANDLE=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; flags:int=-1) : int; stdcall; external AppDll; { Notes : changes menu item's visibility } procedure Menu_ShowItem(hMenu:HGENMENU; bShow:BYTE); stdcall; external AppDll; { wParam : TMCONTACT lParam : 0 Affect : the context menu for a contact is about to be built, see notes Notes : modules should use this to change menu items that are specific to the contact that has them Version: v0.1.0.1+ } const ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildContactMenu'; const { wParam : TMCONTACT lParam : <none> Affect : Register with this event to be notified of a double click on the CList against a TMCONTACT, you will not be notified if there is a pending CList event that the double click clears, (i.e. flashing icon is presented to be clicked) Version: } ME_CLIST_DOUBLECLICKED:PAnsiChar = 'CList/DoubleClicked'; function Clist_GetImageList : HIMAGELIST; stdcall; external AppDll; { wParam : TMCONTACT lParam : ICON_ID Affect : The icon of a contact in the contact list has changed, ICON_ID is an index to what image has changed Version: v0.1.2.1+ } const ME_CLIST_CONTACTICONCHANGED:PAnsiChar = 'CList/ContactIconChanged'; //******************************* CLUI only ********************************* CLISTMENUIDMIN = $4000; // reserved range for clist menu ids CLISTMENUIDMAX = $7FFF; MPCF_CONTACTMENU = 1; // test commands from a contact menu MPCF_MAINMENU = 2; // test commands from the main menu { Affect : Process a menu selection from a menu, see notes Returns: True if it processed the command, False otherwise notes : hContact is the currently selected contact, it is not used if this is a main menu command, if this is NULL then the command is a contact menu one, the command is ignored } function Clist_MenuProcessCommand(menuid,flags:int; hContact:TMCONTACT) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; { Affect : Process a menu hotkey, see notes Returns: True if it processed the command, False otherwise Notes : this should be called in WM_KEYDOWN } function Clist_MenuProcessHotkey(virtKey:uint) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; { returns the icon's index of specified contact in the internal image list or -1 } function Clist_GetContactIcon(hContact:TMCONTACT) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; { returns a static display name for a contact } function Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact:TMCONTACT; mode:int):PWideChar; stdcall; external AppDll; { wParam : 0 lParam : 0 Affect : Toggles the show/hide status of the contact list Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure Version: v0.1.1.0+ } const MS_CLIST_SHOWHIDE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/ShowHide'; { sent when the group get modified (created, renamed or deleted) or contact is moving from group to group wParam=hContact - NULL if operation on group lParam=pointer to CLISTGROUPCHANGE } type CLISTGROUPCHANGE = record pszOldName:TChar; //old group name pszNewName:TChar; //new group name end; const ME_CLIST_GROUPCHANGE:PAnsiChar = 'CList/GroupChange'; GROUPF_EXPANDED = $04; GROUPF_HIDEOFFLINE = $08; function Clist_GroupCreate(hParentGroup:integer; groupName:PWideChar) : integer; stdcall; external AppDll; procedure Clist_ContactDoubleClicked(hContact:TMCONTACT); stdcall; external AppDll; {$ENDIF}