(* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *) {$IFNDEF M_DATABASE} {$DEFINE M_DATABASE} const DBVT_DELETED = 0; // setting got deleted, no values are valid DBVT_BYTE = 1; // bVal, cVal are valid DBVT_WORD = 2; // wVal, sVal are valid DBVT_DWORD = 4; // dVal, lVal are valid DBVT_ASCIIZ = 255; // pszVal is valid DBVT_BLOB = 254; // cpbVal and pbVal are valid DBVTF_VARIABLELENGTH = $80; // ? type HCONTACT = Integer; HDBEVENT = Integer; PDBVARIANT = ^TDBVARIANT; TDBVARIANT = record type_: Byte; case LongInt of 0: (bVal: Byte); 1: (cVal: Char); 2: (wVal: Word); 3: (sVal: SmallInt); 4: (dVal: LongInt); 5: (lVal: Integer); 6: ( pszVal: PChar; cchVal: Word; ); 7: ( cpbVal: Word; pbVal: PByte; ); end; const { wParam : size of the buffer to be filled lParam : pointer to the buffer to be filled affect : Get's the name of the current profile being used by the database module -- this is the same as the filename of the profile without the .ext return : 0 on success, non zero on failure } MS_DB_GETPROFILENAME = 'DB/GetProfileName'; { wParam : size of buffer pointed to by lParam lParam : pointer to a buffer to be filled affect : Fill a buffer with the current profile path being used, this does not include the trailing backslash. return : 0 on success, non zero on failure version: 0.3a only } MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH = 'DB/GetProfilePath'; type PDBCONTACTGETSETTING = ^TDBCONTACTGETSETTING; TDBCONTACTGETSETTING = record { name of the module that wrote the setting to get } szModule: PChar; { the name of the setting to get } szSetting: PChar; { pointer to DBVARIANT to receive the value -- must be allocated for GETSETTINGSTATIC calls thou } pValue: PDBVARIANT; end; PDBCONTACTWRITESETTING = ^TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING; TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING = record { module sig to write this setting under } szModule: PChar; { setting name to write } szSetting: PChar; { variant containing value to set } value: TDBVARIANT; end; const { wParam : Handle of a contact to get the setting for (see notes) lParam : pointer to a TDBCONTACTGETSETTING structure to be filled with setting this structure also has to be initalised (see notes) affect : Queries the database module for a setting from a contact. returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure (contact not found, setting doesn't exist) notes : TDBCONTACTGETSETTING must be filled with the module name that created /wrote the setting you want to get (e.g. your module name) and the actual setting to read with TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.szModule and TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.szSetting -- TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.pValue is a pointer to a TDBVARIANT with the returned setting, this maybe nil and MUST be freed after you're done with it with FreeVariant() There are helper functions for reading/writing/deleting common types to and from the database -- see DBGetContactSetting<type> the contact handle (hContact) can be returned by FindContact/AddContact } MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING = 'DB/Contact/GetSetting'; { wParam : Handle for a contact to query a setting for lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTGETSETTING structure affects: This service is almost the same as the one above, but it does not return a dynamic copy (with malloc()) -- the caller must do this for datatypes which require it, e.g. a string. This means the TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.pValue *has* to exist and be allocated by the caller (doesn't have to be allocated from the heap) the DBVARIANT structure has to be initalised with the type wanted and enough buffer space around to return the info, do not expect this service to be as fast as the one above. returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure. } MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTINGSTATIC = 'DB/Contact/GetSettingStatic'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to a TDBVARIANT structure affect : Free's the passed DBVARIANT's dynamic memory (if any) see notes returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure notes : use the helper function FreeVariant() } MS_DB_CONTACT_FREEVARIANT = 'DB/Contact/FreeVariant'; { wParam : Handle to contact to write setting for lParam : Pointer to TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING which must be initalised affects: writes a setting under a contact -- TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING structure must contain the module name writing -- the setting name, and the value to write (which is NOT a pointer) .szModule, .szSetting, .Value, see notes returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure notes : this service triggers 'DB/Contact/SettingChanged' before it returns as always, there is a helper function to use this service. } MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING = 'DB/Contact/WriteSetting'; { wParam : hContact under which the setting should be deleted lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTGETSETTING structure affects: Deletes the given setting for a contact, the TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.pValue field is ignored -- only .szModule and .szSetting are needed, see notes returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure notes : triggers 'DB/Contact/SettingChanged' BEFORE it deletes the given setting, when the service returns the TDBVARIANT structure .type_ is set to 0 and no fields are valid, there is a helper function for this service, see below. } MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING = 'DB/Contact/DeleteSetting'; { wParam : Handle of a contact to enum settings for lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS structure, must be initalised affect : Enumerates all settings for a given contact under a module, TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS must be filled with the function pointer to call the TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS.lParam value to pass to it each time, as well as the .szModule under which the contact is valid returns: returns the value of the last call to the enum function, or -1 if no settings could be enumerated notes : the szSetting argument passed to the enumeration function is only valid for the duration of that enumeration call, it must be allocated dynamically if it is required after that call frame has returned. Also, deleting settings as they are enumerated has unpredictable results! but writing a new value for a setting is okay. it is unclear how you stop the enumeration once it is started, maybe possible to return -1 to stop it. vesion : only valid for } type TDBSETTINGENUMPROC = function(const szSetting: PChar; lParam: LPARAM): int; cdecl; PDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS = ^TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS; TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS = record { function pointer to call to start the enum via MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS } pfnEnumProc: TDBSETTINGENUMPROC; { passed to the above function } lParam: LPARAM; { name of the module to get settings for } szModule: PChar; { not used by us } ofsSettings: DWORD; end; const MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS = 'DB/Contact/EnumSettings'; { wParam : 0 lParam : 0 affect : none returns: Returns the number of contacts in the database for the loaded profile not including the profile user, see notes. notes : the contacts in the database can be read with FindFirst/FindNext } MS_DB_CONTACT_GETCOUNT = 'DB/Contact/GetCount'; { wParam : 0 lParam : 0 returns: Returns a handle to the first contact in the database, this handle does not need to be closed, if there are no users NULL(0) is returned. } MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST = 'DB/Contact/FindFirst'; { wParam : Contact handle lParam : 0 returns: Returns a handle to the next contact after the given contact in wParam, this handle does not neeed to be closed -- may return NULL(0) if the given contact in wParam was the last in the database, or the given contact was invalid } MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT = 'DB/Contact/FindNext'; { wParam : Handle of a contact to delete lParam : 0 affect : the user by the given handle is deleted from the database, see notes returns: Returns 0 on success or nonzero if the handle was invalid notes : this triggers DB/Contact/Deleted BEFORE it actually deletes the contact all events are also deleted -- other modules may end up with invalid handles because of this, which they should be prepared for. } MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE = 'DB/Contact/Delete'; { wParam : 0 lParam : 0 affects: creates a new contact in the database, they have no settings, settings must be added with MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING or database helper functions for writing, see notes returns: A handle to a new contact or NULL(0) on failure. notes : triggers the ME_DB_CONTACT_ADDED event just before the service returns } MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD = 'DB/Contact/Add'; { wParam : (HANDLE) hContact lParam : 0 affects: Checks the given handle within the database for valid information, for a proper internal header. returns: Returns 1 if the contact handle is valid, 0 if it is not notes : Due to the nature of multiple threading a contact handle can be deleted soon after this service has returned a handle as valid, however it will never point to another contact. } MS_DB_CONTACT_IS = 'DB/Contact/Is'; { wParam : contact handle for events count is needed lParam : 0 service: Gets the number of events in the chain belonging to a contact in the databasee. returns: the numbef of events owned by hContact or -1 if hContact is invalid, they can be found with the event/find* servicees } MS_DB_EVENT_GETCOUNT = 'DB/Event/GetCount'; { wParam : contact handle to add an event for lParam : Pointer to TDBEVENTINFO initialised with data affect : Add's an event to the contact's event list, the TDBEVENTINFO structure should be filled with the event of message -- see notes returns: a handle to a DB event (HDBEVENT), or NULL on error notes : Triggers DB/Event/Added event just before it returns, Events are sorted chronologically as they are entered, so you cannot guarantee that the new hEvent is the last event in the chain, however if a new event is added that has a timestamp less than 90 seconds *before* the event that should be after it, it will be added afterwards, to allow for protocols that only store times to the nearest minute, and slight delays in transports. There are a few predefined eventTypes below for easier compatibility, but modules are free to define their own, beginning at 2000 DBEVENTINFO.timestamp is in GMT, as returned by time() } DBEF_FIRST = 1; // internally only, do not use DBEF_SENT = 2; // if set, the event was sent by the user, otherwise it was received DBEF_READ = 4; // event has been read by the user -- only needed for history EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE = 0; EVENTTYPE_URL = 1; EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS = 2; // v0.1.2.2+ EVENTTYPE_ADDED = 1000; // v0.1.1.0+: these used to be module- EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST = 1001; // specific codes, hence the module- EVENTTYPE_FILE = 1002; // specific limit has been raised to 2000 type PDBEVENTINFO = ^TDBEVENTINFO; TDBEVENTINFO = record { size of the structure } cbSize: int; { module that 'owns' this event and controls the data format } szModule: PChar; { timestamp in UNIX time } timestamp: DWORD; { the DBEF_* flags above } flags: DWORD; { event type, such as message, can be module defined } eventType: WORD; { size in bytes of pBlob^ } cbBlob: DWORD; { pointer to buffer containing the module defined event data } pBlob: PByte; end; const MS_DB_EVENT_ADD = 'DB/Event/Add'; { wParam : Handle to the contact lParam : HDBEVENT handle to delete affects: Removes a single event from the database for the given contact returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure notes : Triggers DB/Event/Deleted just before the event *is* deleted } MS_DB_EVENT_DELETE = 'DB/Event/Delete'; { wParam : Handle to DB event lParam : 0 returns: Returns the space in bytes requried to store the blob in HDBEVENT given by HDBEVENT(wParam) -- or -1 on error } MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE = 'DB/Event/GetBlobSize'; { wParam : Handle to a DB event lParam : Pointer to a TDBEVENTINFO structure which must be initialised affects: Returns all the information about an DB event handle to a TDBEVENTINFO structure which must be initalised, DBEI.cbSize, DBEI.pBlob and DBEI.cbSize before calling this service, the size can be assertained with GetBlobSize() service, see notes returns: Returns 0 on success, non zero on failure notes : The correct value dbe.cbBlob can be got using db/event/getblobsize If successful, all the fields of dbe are filled. dbe.cbBlob is set to the actual number of bytes retrieved and put in dbe.pBlob If dbe.cbBlob is too small, dbe.pBlob is filled up to the size of dbe.cbBlob and then dbe.cbBlob is set to the required size of data to go in dbe.pBlob On return, dbe.szModule is a pointer to the database module's own internal list of modules. Look but don't touch. } MS_DB_EVENT_GET = 'DB/Event/Get'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : HDBEVENT affect : Changes the flag for an event to mark it as read Returns: Returns the entire flag DWORD for the event after the change, or -1 if HDBEVENT is invalid, see notes notes : This iss one of the database write operations that does not trigger an event, modules should not save flagss states for any length of time. } MS_DB_EVENT_MARKREAD = 'DB/Event/MarkRead'; { wParam : HDBEVENT lParam : 0 Affect : Returns a handle to a contact that owns the HDBEVENT, see notes Returns: Returns a handle if successful or HDBEEVENT(-1) on failure notes : This service is very slow, only use wheen you have no other choice at all. } MS_DB_EVENT_GETCONTACT = 'DB/Event/GetContact'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : 0 Affect : Retrieves a handlee to the first event in the chain for a HCONTACT returns: Returns a handle, or NULL(0) if HCONTACT is invalid or has no events, events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically } MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST = 'DB/Event/FindFirst'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : 0 Affect : Retrieves a handle to the first unreead event in a chain for a HCONTACT see notes Returns: Returns a HDBEVENT handle or NULL(0) if the HCONTACT is invalid or all it's events have beeen read. Notes : Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically, but this does not necessarily mean that all events after the first unread are unread too. They should be checked individually with event/findnext and event/get This service is designed for startup, reloading all the events that remained unread from last time } MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRSTUNREAD = 'DB/Event/FindFirstUnread'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : 0; Affects: Retrieves a handle to the lasts event in the chain for a HCONTACT Returns: Returns a handle or NULL(0) if HCONTACT is invalid or has no events } MS_DB_EVENT_FINDLAST = 'DB/Event/FindLast'; { wParam : HDBEVENT lParam : 0 Affects: Retrieves a handle to the next event in a chain after HDBEVENT Returns: A handle to the next DB event or NULL(0) if HDBEVENT is invalid or the last event in the chain. } MS_DB_EVENT_FINDNEXT = 'DB/Event/FindNext'; { wParam : HDBEVENT lParam : 0 Affects: Retrieves a handle to the previous event in a chain before HDBEVENT Returns: A handle to the previous HDBEVENT or NULL(0) if HDBEVENT is invalid or is the first event in the chain } MS_DB_EVENT_FINDPREV = 'DB/Event/FindPrev'; { wParam : size in bytes of string buffer (including null term) lParam : pointer to string buffer Affect : Scrambles the string buffer in place using a strange encryption algorithm, see notes Returns: Always returns 0 notes : this service may be changed at a later date such that it increasess the length of the string } MS_DB_CRYPT_ENCODESTRING = 'DB/Crypt/EncodeString'; { wParam : size in bytes of string buffer, including null term lParam : pointer to string buffer Affect : Descrambles pszString in-place using the strange encryption algorithm, see notes. Return : Always returns 0 notes : Reverses the operation done by MS_DB_CRYPT_ENCODINGSTRING } MS_DB_CRYPT_DECODESTRING = 'DB/Crypt/DecodeString'; { wParam : timestamp (DWORD) lParam : 0 Affect : Converts a GMT timestap into local time Returns: Returns the converted value, see notes Notes : Timestamps have a zereo at midnight 1/1/1970 GMT, this service converts such a value to be based at midnight 1/1/1970 local time. This service does not use a simple conversion based on the current offset between GMT and local. Rather, it figures out whether daylight savings time would have been in place at the time of the stamp and gives the local time as it would have been at the time and date the stamp contains. } MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL = 'DB/Time/TimestampToLocal'; { wParam : timestamp (DWORD) lParam : pointer to initalised DBTIMETOSTRING structure Affect : Converts a GMT timestamp to a customisable local time string see notes Returns: Always returns 0 notes : The string is formatted according to thhe current user's locale language and preference -- .szFormat can have the following special chars : t time without seconds, e.g. hh:mm s time with seconds, e.g. hh:mm:ss m time without minutes e.g. hh d short date, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy D long date, e.g. d mmmm yyyy all other characters are copied as is. } type PDBTIMETOSTRING = ^TDBTIMETOSTRING; TDBTIMETOSTRING = record { format string, see above } szFormat: PChar; { pointer to dest buffer to store the result } szDest: PChar; { size of the buffer } cbDest: int; end; const MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRING = 'DB/Time/TimestampToString'; { wParam : newSetting (BOOLEAN) lParam : 0 Affect : Miranda's database is normally protected against corruption by aggressively flushing data to the disk on writes, if you're doing alot of writes e.g. an import plugin, it can sometimes be desirable to switch this feature off to speed up the process, if you do switch it off, you must remember that crashes are far more likely to be catastrophic, so switch it back on at the earliest possible opportunity. if you're doing a lot of setting writes, the flush is already delayed so you need not use this service for that purpose, see notes. Returns: Always returns 0 (successful) notes : This is set to true initally } MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE = 'DB/SetSafetyMode'; { wParam : (caller defined data) will be passed to lParam of the call back lParam : function pointer to TDBMODULEENUMPROC Affects: Enumerates the names of all modules that have stored or requested information from the database, the modules are returned in no real order -- Writing to the database while module names are being enumerated will cause unpredictable results in the enumeration, but the write will work. the enumeration will stop if the callback returns a non zero value. Returns: the last return value from the enumeration call back. Notes : This service is only useful for debugging or EnumSettings version: The service registered to enumerate all modules that have touched the database module uses wParam as the lParam cookie value and the lParam value given here is the function pointer -- this is not safe to use before v0.1.2.1 because I don't know if this was done in v0.1.2.1- prior to v0.1.2.1 you can not pass a value to the enumeration because of a bug -- which is fixed, but hey :) -- [sam] } type TDBMODULEENUMPROC = function(const szModule: PChar; ofsModuleName: DWORD; lParam: LPARAM): int; cdecl; const MS_DB_MODULES_ENUM = 'DB/Modules/Enum'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : HDBCONTACT Affect : Called when a new event has been added to the event chain for a contact, HCONTACT contains the contact who added the event, HDBCONTACT a handle to what was added. see notes notes : since events are sorted chronologically, you can not guarantee that HDBEVEnT is in any particular position in the chain. } ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED = 'DB/Event/Added'; { wParam : HANDLE (hContact) lParam : @DBEVENTINFO Affects: Hook is fired before any DBEVENTS are created within the database for a contact (or a user, if hContact is NULL(0)) - It allows a module to query/change DBEVENTINFO before it is created, see notes. Returns: Hook should return 1 to stop event being added (will stop other hooks seeing the event too) Or 0 to continue processing (passing the data on as well) Notes : This hook is fired for all event types, and the BLOBS that the eventypes mark Maybe changed, therefore be careful about using BLOB formats. Because the memory pointing within the DBEVENTINFO CAN NOT BE OWNED or free()'d it is recommended that the hook only be used to stop events. Version: 0.3.3a+ (2003/12/03) } ME_DB_EVENT_FILTER_ADD = 'DB/Event/FilterAdd'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : HDBEVENT Affect : Called when an event is about to be deleted from the event chain for a contact, see notes notes : Returning non zero from your hook will NOT stop the deletion, but it will as usual stop other hooks being called } ME_DB_EVENT_DELETED = 'DB/Event/Deleted'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : 0 Affect : Called when a new contact has been added to the database, HCONTACT contains a handle to the new contact. } ME_DB_CONTACT_ADDED = 'DB/Contact/Added'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : 0 Affect : Called when a contact is about to be deleted Returns: Returning nonzero from your hook will not stop the deletion but it will stop the other hooks from being called } ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED = 'DB/Contact/Deleted'; { wParam : HCONTACT lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING Affect : Calleed when a contact has one of it's settings changed hContact is a valid handle to the contact that has changed, see notes. notes : this event will be triggered many times rapidly when alot of values are set. Modules that hook this should be aware of this fact and quickly return if they are not interested in the value that has changed. Careful not to get into infinite loops with this event, The TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING pointer is the same one as the original service all, so don't change any of it's fields } ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED = 'DB/Contact/SettingChanged'; {$ENDIF}