{$IFNDEF M_GENMENU} {$DEFINE M_GENMENU} { Main features: 1) Independet from clist,may be used in any module. 2) Module defined Exec and Check services. 3) Menu with any level of popups,icons for root of popup. 4) You may use measure/draw/processcommand even if menuobject is unknown. Idea of GenMenu module consists of that, it must be independet and offers only general menu purpose services: MO_CREATENEWMENUOBJECT MO_REMOVEMENUOBJECT MO_ADDNEWMENUITEM MO_REMOVEMENUITEM ...etc And then each module that want use and offer to others menu handling must create own services.For example i rewrited mainmenu and contactmenu code in clistmenus.c.If you look at code all functions are very identical, and vary only in check/exec services. So template set of function will like this: Remove<NameMenu>Item Add<NameMenu>Item Build<NameMenu> <NameMenu>ExecService <NameMenu>CheckService ExecService and CheckService used as callbacks when GenMenu must processcommand for menu item or decide to show or not item.This make GenMenu independet of which params must passed to service when user click on menu,this decide each module. 28-04-2003 Bethoven } { Analog to CLISTMENUITEM,but invented two params root and ownerdata. root is used for creating any level popup menus,set to -1 to build at first level and root=MenuItemHandle to place items in submenu of this item.Must be used two new flags CMIF_ROOTPOPUP and CMIF_CHILDPOPUP (defined in m_clist.h) ownerdata is passed to callback services(ExecService and CheckService) when building menu or processed command. } // GENMENU_MODULE { Changes: 28-04-2003 Moved all general stuff to genmenu.c(m_genmenu.h,genmenu.h), so removed all frames stuff. Changes: 28-12-2002 Contact menu item service called with wparam=hcontact,lparam=popupPosition - plugin may add different menu items with some service. (old behavior wparam=hcontact lparam=0) 25-11-2002 Full support of runtime build of all menus. Contact MS_CLIST_ADDCONTACTMENUITEM MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDCONTACT ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU MainMenu MS_CLIST_ADDMAINMENUITEM MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDMAIN ME_CLIST_PREBUILDMAINMENU FrameMenu MS_CLIST_ADDCONTEXTFRAMEMENUITEM MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDFRAMECONTEXT ME_CLIST_PREBUILDFRAMEMENU For All menus may be used MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM All menus supported any level of popups (pszPopupName=(AnsiChar *)hMenuItem - for make child of popup) } const { SubGroup MENU builds the SubGroup menu wParam=lParam=0 returns a HMENU identifying the menu. } MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDSUBGROUP:PAnsiChar = 'CList/MenuBuildSubGroup'; { add a new item to the SubGroup menus wParam=lpGroupMenuParam, params to call when exec menuitem lParam=(LPARAM)(CLISTMENUITEM*)&mi } MS_CLIST_ADDSUBGROUPMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'CList/AddSubGroupMenuItem'; { the SubGroup menu is about to be built wParam=lParam=0 } ME_CLIST_PREBUILDSUBGROUPMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildSubGroupMenu'; // SubGroup MENU // Group MENU type PGroupMenuParam = ^TGroupMenuParam; TGroupMenuParam = record wParam:WPARAM; lParam:LPARAM; end; const { builds the Group menu wParam=lParam=0 returns a HMENU identifying the menu. } MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDGROUP:PAnsiChar = 'CList/MenuBuildGroup'; { add a new item to the Group menus wParam=lpGroupMenuParam, params to call when exec menuitem lParam=(LPARAM)(CLISTMENUITEM*)&mi } MS_CLIST_ADDGROUPMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'CList/AddGroupMenuItem'; { the Group menu is about to be built wParam=lParam=0 } ME_CLIST_PREBUILDGROUPMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildGroupMenu'; // Group MENU // TRAY MENU { builds the tray menu wParam=lParam=0 returns a HMENU identifying the menu. } MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDTRAY:PAnsiChar = 'CList/MenuBuildTray'; { add a new item to the tray menus wParam=0 lParam=(LPARAM)(CLISTMENUITEM*)&mi } MS_CLIST_ADDTRAYMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'CList/AddTrayMenuItem'; { the tray menu is about to be built wParam=lParam=0 } ME_CLIST_PREBUILDTRAYMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildTrayMenu'; // STATUS MENU { the status menu is about to be built wParam=lParam=0 } ME_CLIST_PREBUILDSTATUSMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildStatusMenu'; { add a new item to the status menu wParam=0 lParam=(LPARAM)(CLISTMENUITEM*)&mi } //!! MS_CLIST_ADDSTATUSMENUITEM = 'CList/AddStatusMenuItem'; // defined in m_clist.inc { builds the main menu wParam=lParam=0 returns a HMENU identifying the menu. } MS_CLIST_MENUBUILDMAIN:PAnsiChar = 'CList/MenuBuildMain'; { the main menu is about to be built wParam=lParam=0 } ME_CLIST_PREBUILDMAINMENU:PAnsiChar = 'CList/PreBuildMainMenu'; // GENMENU_MODULE SETTING_NOOFFLINEBOTTOM_DEFAULT = 0; type PMO_MenuItem = ^TMO_MenuItem; TMO_MenuItem = record cbSize :int; szName :TCHAR; position :int; root :HGENMENU; flags :integer; hIcon :HICON; // or hIcolibItem:THANDLE; hotKey :dword; ownerdata:^pointer; hLangpack:int; end; { This structure passed to CheckService. } type PCheckProcParam = ^TCheckProcParam; TCheckProcParam = record MenuItemOwnerData:^pointer; MenuItemHandle:HGENMENU; wParam:WPARAM; // from ListParam.wParam when building menu lParam:LPARAM; // from ListParam.lParam when building menu end; type PMenuParam = ^TMenuParam; TMenuParam = record cbSize:integer; name :PAnsiChar; { This service called when module build menu(MO_BUILDMENU). Service called with params wparam=PCheckProcParam lparam=0 if return==FALSE item is skiped. } CheckService:PAnsiChar; { This service called when user select menu item. Service called with params wparam=ownerdata lparam=lParam from MO_PROCESSCOMMAND } ExecService:PAnsiChar;//called when processmenuitem called end; //used in MO_BUILDMENU type PListParam = ^TListParam; TListParam = record rootlevel :int; MenuObjectHandle:THANDLE; wParam :WPARAM; lParam :LPARAM; end; tagListParam = TListParam; type PProcessCommandParam = ^TProcessCommandParam; TProcessCommandParam = record menu :HMENU; ident :int; lParam:LPARAM; end; const { wparam started hMenu lparam ListParam* result hMenu } MO_BUILDMENU:PAnsiChar = 'MO/BuildMenu'; { wparam=MenuItemHandle lparam userdefined returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise } MO_PROCESSCOMMAND:PAnsiChar = 'MO/ProcessCommand'; { if menu not known call this LOWORD(wparam) menuident (from WM_COMMAND message) returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise Service automatically find right menuobject and menuitem and call MO_PROCESSCOMMAND } MO_PROCESSCOMMANDBYMENUIDENT:PAnsiChar = 'MO/ProcessCommandByMenuIdent'; { wparam=0; lparam=PMenuParam; returns=MenuObjectHandle on success,-1 on failure } MO_CREATENEWMENUOBJECT:PAnsiChar = 'MO/CreateNewMenuObject'; { wparam=MenuObjectHandle lparam=0 returns 0 on success,-1 on failure Note: you must free all ownerdata structures, before you call this service.MO_REMOVEMENUOBJECT NOT free it. } MO_REMOVEMENUOBJECT:PAnsiChar = 'MO/RemoveMenuObject'; { wparam=MenuItemHandle lparam=0 returns 0 on success,-1 on failure. You must free ownerdata before this call. If MenuItemHandle is root all child will be removed too. } MO_REMOVEMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/RemoveMenuItem'; { wparam=MenuObjectHandle lparam=PMO_MenuItem return MenuItemHandle on success,-1 on failure Service supports old menu items (without CMIF_ROOTPOPUP or CMIF_CHILDPOPUP flag).For old menu items needed root will be created automatically. } MO_ADDNEWMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/AddNewMenuItem'; { wparam MenuItemHandle returns ownerdata on success,NULL on failure Useful to get and free ownerdata before delete menu item. } MO_MENUITEMGETOWNERDATA:PAnsiChar = 'MO/MenuItemGetOwnerData'; { wparam MenuItemHandle lparam PMO_MenuItem returns 0 on success,-1 on failure } MO_MODIFYMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/ModifyMenuItem'; { wparam=MenuItemHandle lparam=PMO_MenuItem returns 0 and filled PMO_MenuItem structure on success and -1 on failure } MO_GETMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/GetMenuItem'; { wparam=MenuItemHandle lparam=0 returns a menu handle on success or NULL on failure } MO_GETDEFAULTMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/GetDefaultMenuItem'; { wparam=MenuObjectHandle lparam=vKey returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise this should be called in WM_KEYDOWN } MO_PROCESSHOTKEYS:PAnsiChar = 'MO/ProcessHotKeys'; { process a WM_DRAWITEM message wparam=0 lparam=LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise } MO_DRAWMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/DrawMenuItem'; { process a WM_MEASUREITEM message wparam=0 lparam=LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise } MO_MEASUREMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/MeasureMenuItem'; { set uniq name to menuitem(used to store it in database when enabled OPT_USERDEFINEDITEMS) } OPT_MENUITEMSETUNIQNAME = 1; { Set FreeService for menuobject. When freeing menuitem it will be called with wParam=MenuItemHandle lParam=mi.ownerdata } OPT_MENUOBJECT_SET_FREE_SERVICE = 2; { Set onAddService for menuobject. } OPT_MENUOBJECT_SET_ONADD_SERVICE = 3; OPT_MENUOBJECT_SET_CHECK_SERVICE = 4; //enable ability user to edit menuitems via options page. OPT_USERDEFINEDITEMS = 1; type POptParam = ^TOptParam; TOptParam = record Handle :THANDLE; Setting:int; Value :int_ptr; end; const { wparam=0 lparam=*lpOptParam returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise } MO_SETOPTIONSMENUOBJECT:PAnsiChar = 'MO/SetOptionsMenuObject'; { wparam=0 lparam=*lpOptParam returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise } MO_SETOPTIONSMENUITEM:PAnsiChar = 'MO/SetOptionsMenuItem'; { wparam=char* szProtoName lparam=0 returns HGENMENU of the root item or NULL } MO_GETPROTOROOTMENU:PAnsiChar = 'MO/GetProtoRootMenu'; {$ENDIF}