{ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger ________________________________________ Copyright c 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede Copyright c 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes Copyright c 2002-2004 Martin �berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater Copyright c 2004-2009 Joe Kucera This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File name : $URL: https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/miranda/trunk/miranda/include/m_icq.h $ // Revision : $Revision: 9376 $ // Last change on : $Date: 2009-04-09 23:55:33 +0400 (��', 09 �����? 2009) $ // Last change by : $Author: jokusoftware $ DESCRIPTION: Describe me here please... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: In v0.3 the part before "/Servicename" is dynamic. It will be the name of the protocol. Example: If the plugin was loaded from ICQ.dll, the service name is "ICQ/Servicename", and if the dll was Icq2.dll, the service name will be "Icq2/Servicename". This behaviour is temporary until proper multiaccounts are implemented. } {$IFNDEF M_ICQ} {$DEFINE M_ICQ} // extended search result structure, used for all searches type PICQSEARCHRESULT = ^TICQSEARCHRESULT; TICQSEARCHRESULT = record hdr : TPROTOSEARCHRESULT; uin : dword; auth: byte; { // not presents in new version uid :PAnsiChar; nick :PAnsiChar; // utf-8 firstName :PAnsiChar; lastName :PAnsiChar; } gender :byte; age :byte; country :dword; maritalStatus:byte; end; (* { start a search of all ICQ users by e-mail wParam=0 lParam=(LPARAM)(const AnsiChar* )email returns a handle to the search on success, NULL on failure Results are returned using the same scheme documented in PSS_BASICSEARCH **DEPRECATED** in favour of PS_SEARCHBYEMAIL } const MS_ICQ_SEARCHBYEMAIL = '/SearchByEmail'; { start a search of all ICQ users by details wParam=0 lParam=(LPARAM)(ICQDETAILSSEARCH* )&ids returns a handle to the search on success, NULL on failure Results are returned using the same scheme documented in PSS_BASICSEARCH **DEPRECATED** in favour of PS_SEARCHBYNAME } type PICQDETAILSSEARCH = ^TICQDETAILSSEARCH; TICQDETAILSSEARCH = record nick : PAnsiChar; firstName : PAnsiChar; lastName : PAnsiChar; end; const MS_ICQ_SEARCHBYDETAILS = '/SearchByDetails'; *) { Request authorization wParam=(WPARAM)hContact } const MS_REQ_AUTH = '/ReqAuth'; { Grant authorization wParam=(WPARAM)hContact; } MS_GRANT_AUTH = '/GrantAuth'; { Revoke authorization wParam=(WPARAM)hContact } MS_REVOKE_AUTH = '/RevokeAuth'; { Open ICQ profile wParam=(WPARAM)hContact } MS_OPEN_PROFILE = '/OpenProfile'; { Add contact to server-list wParam=(WPARAM)hContact } MS_ICQ_ADDSERVCONTACT = '/AddServerContact'; { Display XStatus detail (internal use only) wParam=(WPARAM)hContact; } MS_XSTATUS_SHOWDETAILS = '/ShowXStatusDetails'; {Send an SMS via the ICQ network wParam=(WPARAM)(const AnsiChar*)szPhoneNumber lParam=(LPARAM)(const AnsiChar*)szMessage Returns a HANDLE to the send on success, or NULL on failure szPhoneNumber should be the full number with international code and preceeded by a + When the server acks the send, an ack will be broadcast: type=ICQACKTYPE_SMS, result=ACKRESULT_SENTREQUEST, lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)szInfo At this point the message is queued to be delivered. szInfo contains the raw XML data of the ack. Here's what I got when I tried: "<sms_response><source>airbornww.com</source><deliverable>Yes</deliverable><network>BT Cellnet, United Kingdom</network><message_id>[my uin]-1-1955988055-[destination phone#, without +]</message_id><messages_left>0</messages_left></sms_response>\r\n" Now the hProcess has been deleted. The only way to track which receipt corresponds with which response is to parse the <message_id> field. At a (possibly much) later time the SMS will have been delivered. An ack will be broadcast: type=ICQACKTYPE_SMS, result=ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, hProcess=NULL, lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)szInfo Note that the result will always be success even if the send failed, just to save needing to have an attempt at an XML parser in the ICQ module. Here's the szInfo for a success: "<sms_delivery_receipt><message_id>[my uin]-1--1461632229-[dest phone#, without +]</message_id><destination>[dest phone#, without +]</destination><delivered>Yes</delivered><text>[first 20 bytes of message]</text><submition_time>Tue, 30 Oct 2001 22:35:16 GMT</submition_time><delivery_time>Tue, 30 Oct 2001 22:34:00 GMT</delivery_time></sms_delivery_receipt>" And here's a failure: "<sms_delivery_receipt><message_id>[my uin]-1-1955988055-[destination phone#, without leading +]</message_id><destination>[destination phone#, without leading +]</destination><delivered>No</delivered><submition_time>Tue, 23 Oct 2001 23:17:02 GMT</submition_time><error_code>999999</error_code><error><id>15</id><params><param>0</param><param>Multiple message submittion failed</param></params></error></sms_delivery_receipt>" SMSes received from phones come through this same ack, again to avoid having an XML parser in the protocol module. Here's one I got: "<sms_message><source>MTN</source><destination_UIN>[UIN of recipient, ie this account]</destination_UIN><sender>[sending phone number, without +]</sender><senders_network>[contains one space, because I sent from ICQ]</senders_network><text>[body of the message]</text><time>Fri, 16 Nov 2001 03:12:33 GMT</time></sms_message>" } ICQACKTYPE_SMS = 1001; ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS = 2001; {database event type } MS_ICQ_SENDSMS = '/SendSMS'; { e-mail express db event added to NULL contact blob format is: ASCIIZ text, usually of the form "Subject: %s\r\n%s" ASCIIZ from name ASCIIZ from e-mail } ICQEVENTTYPE_EMAILEXPRESS = 2002; // database event type { www pager db event added to NULL contact blob format is: ASCIIZ text, usually "Sender IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\r\n%s" ASCIIZ from name ASCIIZ from e-mail } ICQEVENTTYPE_WEBPAGER = 2003; // database event type { missed message notification db event added to contact's history blob format is: word error code } ICQEVENTTYPE_MISSEDMESSAGE = 2004; //database event type { for server-side lists, used internally only hProcess=dwSequence lParam=server's error code, 0 for success } ICQACKTYPE_SERVERCLIST = 1003; { for rate warning distribution (mainly upload dlg) hProcess=Rate class ID lParam=server's status code } ICQACKTYPE_RATEWARNING = 1004; { received Xtraz Notify response hProcess=dwSequence lParam=contents of RES node } ICQACKTYPE_XTRAZNOTIFY_RESPONSE = 1005; { received Custom Status details response hProcess=dwSequence lParam=0 } ICQACKTYPE_XSTATUS_RESPONSE = 1006; //Update user details on server //Permited operation types: CIXT_BASIC = $0001; CIXT_MORE = $0002; CIXT_WORK = $0004; CIXT_CONTACT = $0008; CIXT_LOCATION = $0010; CIXT_BACKGROUND = $0020; CIXT_EDUCATION = $0040; CIXT_EXTRA = $0080; CIXT_FULL = $00FF; //wParam=operationType PS_CHANGEINFOEX = '/ChangeInfoEx'; { miranda/icqoscar/statusmsgreq event called when our status message is requested wParam=(byte)msgType lParam=(dword)uin msgType is one of the ICQ_MSGTYPE_GET###MSG constants in icq_constants.h uin is the UIN of the contact requesting our status message } ME_ICQ_STATUSMSGREQ = '/StatusMsgReq'; { get size limit for avatar image wParam=(int *)max width of avatar - will be set lParam=(int *)max height of avatar - will be set return=0 for sucess } PS_ICQ_GETMYAVATARMAXSIZE = '/GetMyAvatarMaxSize'; { check if image format supported for avatars wParam = 0 lParam = PA_FORMAT_* // avatar format return = 1 (supported) or 0 (not supported) } PS_ICQ_ISAVATARFORMATSUPPORTED = '/IsAvatarFormatSupported'; { Request Custom status details (messages) for specified contact wParam = hContact // request custom status details for this contact lParam = 0 return = (int)dwSequence // if successful it is sequence for ICQACKTYPE_XSTATUS_RESPONSE 0 failed to request (e.g. auto-request enabled) -1 delayed (rate control) - sequence unknown } PS_ICQ_REQUESTCUSTOMSTATUS = '/RequestXStatusDetails'; { Called when contact changes custom status and extra icon is set to clist_mw wParam = hContact // contact changing status lParam = hIcon // HANDLE to clist extra icon set as custom status } ME_ICQ_CUSTOMSTATUS_EXTRAICON_CHANGED = '/XStatusExtraIconChanged'; { Called when a contact changes its custom status wParam = hContact lParam = 0 } ME_ICQ_CUSTOMSTATUS_CHANGED = '/XStatusChanged'; {$ENDIF}