{ Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft Windows Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. } {$IFNDEF M_MESSAGE} {$DEFINE M_MESSAGE} const {brings up the send message dialog for a contact wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)szText returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure returns immediately, just after the dialog is shown szText is the text to put in the edit box of the window (but not send) szText=NULL will not use any text szText!=NULL is only supported on v0.1.2.0+ NB: Current versions of the convers plugin use the name "SRMsg/LaunchMessageWindow" instead. For compatibility you should call both names and the correct one will work. } MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE :PAnsiChar = 'SRMsg/SendCommand'; MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGEW:PAnsiChar = 'SRMsg/SendCommandW'; ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowEvent'; MS_MSG_CONVERS:PAnsiChar = 'SRMsg/LaunchMessageWindow'; {wparam=0 } {lparam=(WPARAM)(MessageWindowEventData*)hWindowEvent; } {Event types } MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPENING = 1; // window is about to be opened MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPEN = 2; // window has been opened MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSING = 3; // window is about to be closed MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSE = 4; // window has been closed MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CUSTOM = 5; // custom event for message plugins to use // (custom uFlags may be used) MSG_WINDOW_UFLAG_MSG_FROM = $00000001; MSG_WINDOW_UFLAG_MSG_TO = $00000002; MSG_WINDOW_UFLAG_MSG_BOTH = $00000004; type PMessageWindowEventData = ^TMessageWindowEventData; TMessageWindowEventData = record cbSize : int; hContact : THANDLE; hwndWindow: HWND; // top level window for the contact szModule : PAnsiChar; // used to get plugin type (which means you could use // local if needed) uType : uint; // see event types above uFlags : uint; // used to indicate message direction for all event // types except custom local : pointer; // used to store pointer to custom data hwndInput : HWND; // input area window for the contact (or NULL if there is none) hwndLog : HWND; // log area window for the contact (or NULL if there is none) end; const { wparam=0 lparam=0 Returns a dword with the current message api version Current version is 0,0,0,4 } MS_MSG_GETWINDOWAPI:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowAPI'; { wparam=(AnsiChar*)szBuf lparam=(int)cbSize size of buffer Sets the window class name in wParam (ex. "SRMM" for srmm.dll) } MS_MSG_GETWINDOWCLASS:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowClass'; type PMessageWindowInputData = ^TMessageWindowInputData; TMessageWindowInputData = record cbSize : int; hContact: THANDLE; uFlags : int; // see uflags above end; const MSG_WINDOW_STATE_EXISTS = $00000001; // Window exists should always be true // if hwndWindow exists MSG_WINDOW_STATE_VISIBLE = $00000002; MSG_WINDOW_STATE_FOCUS = $00000004; MSG_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIC = $00000008; type PMessageWindowOutputData = ^TMessageWindowOutputData; TMessageWindowOutputData = record cbSize : int; hContact : THANDLE; uFlags : int; // should be same as input data unless 0, then it // will be the actual type hwndWindow: HWND; // top level window for the contact or NULL if no window exists uState : int; // see window states local : pointer; // used to store pointer to custom data end; PMessageWindowData = PMessageWindowOutputData; TMessageWindowData = TMessageWindowOutputData; const { wparam=(MessageWindowInputData*) lparam=(MessageWindowOutputData*) returns 0 on success and returns non-zero (1) on error or if no window data exists for that hcontact } MS_MSG_GETWINDOWDATA:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/GetWindowData'; { wparam=0(unused) lparam=(pMessageWindowEvent) event written fired when SRMM writes an entered message into the database } ME_MSG_WRITEEVENT:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/OnWriteEvent'; { wParam = 0 lParam = (MessageWindowPopupData *)&MessageWindowPopupData; Fired to allow plugins to add itens to the msg window popup menu Always fired twice: once with MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SHOWING and once with MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SELECTED. This is done to allow cleaning of resources. } ME_MSG_WINDOWPOPUP:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowPopupRequested'; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SHOWING = 1; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SELECTED = 2; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_INPUT = 1; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_LOG = 2; type MessageWindowPopupData = record cbSize :int; uType :uint; // see popup types above uFlags :uint; // used to indicate in which window the popup was requested hContact :THANDLE; hwnd :HWND; // window where the popup was requested hMenu :HMENU; // The handle to the menu pt :TPOINT; // The point, in screen coords selection:int; // The menu control id or 0 if no one was selected end; type pMessageWindowEvent = ^MessageWindowEvent; MessageWindowEvent = record cbSize :int; seq :int; // number returned by PSS_MESSAGE hContact :THANDLE; hDbEvent :THANDLE; // database event written on the basis of message sent end; // status icons const MBF_DISABLED = 1; MBF_HIDDEN = 2; MBF_UNICODE = 4; type pStatusIconData = ^tStatusIconData; tStatusIconData = record cbSize :int; // must be equal to sizeof(StatusIconData) szModule :PAnsiChar; // used in combo with the dwId below to create a unique identifier dwId :DWORD; // uniquely defines a button inside a module hIcon, hIconDisabled:HICON; // hIconDisabled is optional - if null, will use hIcon in the disabled state flags :int; // one of MBF_* above szTooltip :TChar; // controlled by MBF_UNICODE end; const MBCF_RIGHTBUTTON = 1; // if this flag is specified, the click was a right button - // otherwize it was a left click type pStatusIconClickData = ^tStatusIconClickData; tStatusIconClickData = record cbSize :int; clickLocation:TPOINT; // click location, in screen coordinates szModule :PAnsiChar; dwId :DWORD; flags :int; // one of MBCF_* above end; const { wParam = hLangpack lParam = (StatusIconData *)&StatusIconData } MS_MSG_ADDICON:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/AddIcon'; { wParam = 0 lParam = (StatusIconData *)&StatusIconData only szModule and szId are used } MS_MSG_REMOVEICON:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/RemoveIcon'; { wParam = (HANDLE)hContact lParam = (int)zero-based index of a visible icon returns (StatusIconData*)icon description filled for the required contact don't free this memory. } MS_MSG_GETNTHICON:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/GetNthIcon'; { wParam = (HANDLE)hContact lParam = (StatusIconData *)&StatusIconData if hContact is null, icon is modified for all contacts otherwise, only the flags field is valid if either hIcon, hIconDisabled or szTooltip is null, they will not be modified } MS_MSG_MODIFYICON:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/ModifyIcon'; { wParam = (HANDLE)hContact; lParam = (StatusIconClickData *)&StatusIconClickData; catch to show a popup menu, etc. } ME_MSG_ICONPRESSED:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/IconPressed'; { wParam = (HANDLE)hContact; lParam = (StatusIconkData*)pIcon catch to be notified about the icon list's change. } ME_MSG_ICONSCHANGED:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/IconsChanged'; {$ENDIF}