{ Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft Windows Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. } {$IFNDEF M_MESSAGE} {$DEFINE M_MESSAGE} const {brings up the send message dialog for a contact wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hContact lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)szText returns 0 on success or nonzero on failure returns immediately, just after the dialog is shown szText is the text to put in the edit box of the window (but not send) szText=NULL will not use any text szText!=NULL is only supported on v0.1.2.0+ NB: Current versions of the convers plugin use the name "SRMsg/LaunchMessageWindow" instead. For compatibility you should call both names and the correct one will work. } MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE :PAnsiChar = 'SRMsg/SendCommand'; MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGEW:PAnsiChar = 'SRMsg/SendCommandW'; ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowEvent'; MS_MSG_CONVERS:PAnsiChar = 'SRMsg/LaunchMessageWindow'; {wparam=0 } {lparam=(WPARAM)(MessageWindowEventData*)hWindowEvent; } {Event types } MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPENING = 1; // window is about to be opened MSG_WINDOW_EVT_OPEN = 2; // window has been opened MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSING = 3; // window is about to be closed MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CLOSE = 4; // window has been closed MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CUSTOM = 5; // custom event for message plugins to use // (custom uFlags may be used) MSG_WINDOW_UFLAG_MSG_FROM = $00000001; MSG_WINDOW_UFLAG_MSG_TO = $00000002; MSG_WINDOW_UFLAG_MSG_BOTH = $00000004; const { wparam=0 lparam=0 Returns a dword with the current message api version Current version is 0,0,0,4 } MS_MSG_GETWINDOWAPI:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowAPI'; { wparam=(AnsiChar*)szBuf lparam=(int)cbSize size of buffer Sets the window class name in wParam (ex. "SRMM" for srmm.dll) } MS_MSG_GETWINDOWCLASS:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowClass'; type PMessageWindowInputData = ^TMessageWindowInputData; TMessageWindowInputData = record hContact: TMCONTACT; uFlags : int; // see uflags above end; const MSG_WINDOW_STATE_EXISTS = $00000001; // Window exists should always be true // if hwndWindow exists MSG_WINDOW_STATE_VISIBLE = $00000002; MSG_WINDOW_STATE_FOCUS = $00000004; MSG_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIC = $00000008; type PMessageWindowOutputData = ^TMessageWindowOutputData; TMessageWindowOutputData = record hContact : TMCONTACT; uFlags : int; // should be same as input data unless 0, then it // will be the actual type hwndWindow: HWND; // top level window for the contact or NULL if no window exists uState : int; // see window states local : pointer; // used to store pointer to custom data end; PMessageWindowData = PMessageWindowOutputData; TMessageWindowData = TMessageWindowOutputData; const { wparam=(MessageWindowInputData*) lparam=(MessageWindowOutputData*) returns 0 on success and returns non-zero (1) on error or if no window data exists for that hcontact } MS_MSG_GETWINDOWDATA:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/GetWindowData'; type PStatusTextData = ^TStatusTextData; TStatusTextData = record hIcon :HICON; tszText:array [0..99] of WideChar; end; { wparam=(TMCONTACT)hContact lparam=PStatusTextData or NIL to clear statusbar Sets a statusbar line text for the appropriate contact } const MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/SetStatusText'; type pMessageWindowEvent = ^tMessageWindowEvent; tMessageWindowEvent = record seq :int; // number returned by PSS_MESSAGE hContact :TMCONTACT; dbei :PDBEVENTINFO; // database event written on the basis of message sent end; const { wparam=0(unused) lparam=(pMessageWindowEvent) event written fired before SRMM writes an entered message into the database } ME_MSG_PRECREATEEVENT:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/PreCreateEvent'; { wParam = 0 lParam = (MessageWindowPopupData *)&MessageWindowPopupData; Fired to allow plugins to add itens to the msg window popup menu Always fired twice: once with MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SHOWING and once with MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SELECTED. This is done to allow cleaning of resources. } ME_MSG_WINDOWPOPUP:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/WindowPopupRequested'; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SHOWING = 1; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SELECTED = 2; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_INPUT = 1; MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_LOG = 2; type tMessageWindowPopupData = record uType :uint; // see popup types above uFlags :uint; // used to indicate in which window the popup was requested hContact :TMCONTACT; hwnd :HWND; // window where the popup was requested hMenu :HMENU; // The handle to the menu pt :TPOINT; // The point, in screen coords selection:int; // The menu control id or 0 if no one was selected end; // status icons const MBF_DISABLED = 1; MBF_HIDDEN = 2; MBF_UNICODE = 4; type pStatusIconData = ^tStatusIconData; tStatusIconData = record szModule :PAnsiChar; // used in combo with the dwId below to create a unique identifier dwId :dword; // uniquely defines a button inside a module hIcon, hIconDisabled:HICON; // hIconDisabled is optional - if null, will use hIcon in the disabled state flags :int; // one of MBF_* above szTooltip :TChar; // controlled by MBF_UNICODE end; const MBCF_RIGHTBUTTON = 1; // if this flag is specified, the click was a right button - // otherwize it was a left click type pStatusIconClickData = ^tStatusIconClickData; tStatusIconClickData = record clickLocation:TPOINT; // click location, in screen coordinates szModule :PAnsiChar; dwId :dword; flags :int; // one of MBCF_* above end; const { wParam = (HANDLE)hContact; lParam = (StatusIconClickData *)&StatusIconClickData; catch to show a popup menu, etc. } ME_MSG_ICONPRESSED:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/IconPressed'; { wParam = (HANDLE)hContact; lParam = (StatusIconkData*)pIcon catch to be notified about the icon list's change. } ME_MSG_ICONSCHANGED:PAnsiChar = 'MessageAPI/IconsChanged'; {$ENDIF}