{$IFNDEF M_NETLIB} {$DEFINE M_NETLIB} {>>/ NetLib : Instead of you writing all the code for working with sockets and supporting app level protocols such as SOCKS5, it's all done for you. NetLib takes care of all that and you can even register a special abstract nexus, e.g. ICQ direct, the user can configure all this from the options dialog and you don't have to bother with any of it. NetLib wraps up any Winsock calls but you can still get the socket handle from your netlib handle and do stuff. It gives all modules an abstract way of dealing with transport -- mainly sockets and proxies, Now the but.. It's new (mmmm) thus unsupported by any older version of Miranda, and if you want to be lazy and not write any "wrapper" mini netlib then you'll have the kudos of "only works with nightly build version of Miranda" :) /<<} const // for TNETLIBUSER.flags NUF_INCOMING = $01; // bind incoming ports NUF_OUTGOING = $02; // makes outgoing plain connections NUF_HTTPGATEWAY = $04; // can use HTTP gateway for plain sockets. // ???HttpGateway* are valid, enables the HTTP // proxy option, displayed in options NUF_NOOPTIONS = $08; // don't show this as an entry for custom settings to // be defined for, TNETLIB.szDescriptiveName is ignored NUF_HTTPCONNS = $10; // some connections are made for HTTP communication, // enables the HTTP proxy option, displayed in options NUF_NOHTTPSOPTION = $20; // Disables the HTTPS proxy option in options, Use // this if all communication is HTTP NUF_UNICODE = $40; // if set ptszDescriptiveName points to Unicode, otherwise ANSI // for TNETLIBUSERSETTINGS.proxyType { SOCKS4 -- No DNS or multi addressing mode (proxy side) -- optional username can be given, no password } PROXYTYPE_SOCKS4 = 1; { SOCKS5 -- DNS names can be given as addresses to connect to, optional plain text username/password scheme (which may cause failure due to denied access) IP address maybe returned for DNS addresses -- thus server side DNS } PROXYTYPE_SOCKS5 = 2; PROXYTYPE_HTTP = 3; PROXYTYPE_HTTPS = 4; PROXYTYPE_IE = 5; // for TNETLIBOPENCONNECTION.flags { this connection will be useed for HTTP communications, if configured for an HTTP(S) proxy the connection is opened as if there was no proxy } NLOCF_HTTP = $0001; { this connection should send the sticky headers associated with NetLib user apart of any HTTP request} NLOCF_STICKYHEADERS = $0002; { this connection understands the newer structure, newer cbSize isnt enough} NLOCF_V2 = $0004; NLOCF_UDP = $0008; // this connection is UDP NLOCF_SSL = $0010; // this connection is SSL NLOCF_HTTPGATEWAY = $0020; // this connection is HTTP Gateway // for TNETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO.flags NLHPIF_USEGETSEQUENCE = $0001; // append sequence numbers to GET requests NLHPIF_USEPOSTSEQUENCE = $0002; // append sequence numbers to POST requests NLHPIF_GETPOSTSAMESEQUENCE = $0004; // GET and POST use the same sequence NLHPIF_HTTP11 = $0008; // HTTP 1.1 proxy // for TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST.flags, .requestType { used by MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS returned structure } REQUEST_RESPONSE = 0; REQUEST_GET = 1; REQUEST_POST = 2; REQUEST_CONNECT = 3; REQUEST_HEAD = 4; // new in 0.5.1 REQUEST_PUT = 5; REQUEST_DELETE = 6; NLHRF_GENERATEHOST = $00000001; // auto generate a 'host' header from .szUrl NLHRF_REMOVEHOST = $00000002; // remove any host and/or protocol portion // of szUrl before sending it NLHRF_SMARTREMOVEHOST = $00000004; // removes host and/or protocol from szUrl // unless the connection was opened through // an HTTP or HTTPS proxy. NLHRF_SMARTAUTHHEADER = $00000008; // if the connection was opened through an // HTTP or HTTPS proxy then send a // Proxy-Authorization header if required. NLHRF_HTTP11 = $00000010; // use HTTP 1.1 NLHRF_PERSISTENT = $00000020; // preserve connection on exit, open connection provided // in the nlc field of the reply it should be supplied in // nlc field of request for reuse or closed if not needed NLHRF_SSL = $00000040; // use ssl connection NLHRF_NOPROXY = $00000080; // do not use proxy server NLHRF_REDIRECT = $00000100; // handle HTTP redirect requests (response 30x), the // resulting url provided in szUrl of the response NLHRF_NODUMP = $00010000; // never dump this to the log NLHRF_NODUMPHEADERS = $00020000; // don't dump http headers (only useful for // POSTs and MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION NLHRF_DUMPPROXY = $00040000; // this transaction is a proxy communication. // For dump filtering only. NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT = $00080000; // dump posted and reply data as text. // Headers are always dumped as text. NLHRF_NODUMPSEND = $00100000; // do not dump sent message. // for TNETLIBBUFFER.flags MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP = $010000; // don't wrap outgoing packet using // TNETLIBUSER.pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend MSG_NODUMP = $020000; // don't dump this packet to the log MSG_DUMPPROXY = $040000; // this is proxy communication, for dump // filtering only MSG_DUMPASTEXT = $080000; // don't dump as hex, it's text MSG_RAW = $100000; // send as raw, bybpass HTTP proxy stuff MSG_DUMPSSL = $200000; // this is SSL traffic. For dump filtering only. // all record types structures are declared in their own block because the C // header file used forward declaration (to get typed parameters for certain // function pointers). This sort of define-type-pointer-before-type can only be // done in the same type block in D2 (don't know about later versions) FD_SETSIZE = 65; type twaitcallback = function(timeout:dword):integer; cdecl; PNETLIBOPENCONNECTION = ^TNETLIBOPENCONNECTION; TNETLIBOPENCONNECTION = record cbSize : int; szHost : PAnsiChar; // can be an IP in string form wPort : Word; flags : DWORD; // see NLOCF_* flags timeout: uint; // optional, called in the context of the thread that issued the attempt, // if it returns 0 the connection attempt is stopped, the remaining // timeout value can also be adjusted waitcallback:twaitcallback; end; const {$IFNDEF WIN64} NETLIBOPENCONNECTION_V1_SIZE = 16; {$ELSE} NETLIBOPENCONNECTION_V1_SIZE = SIZEOF(TNETLIBOPENCONNECTION); {$ENDIF} // old sizeof() is 14 bytes, but there is padding of 2 bytes type PNETLIBHTTPHEADER = ^TNETLIBHTTPHEADER; TNETLIBHTTPHEADER = record szName : PAnsiChar; szValue: PAnsiChar; end; ANETLIBHTTPHEADER = array [0..1000] of TNETLIBHTTPHEADER; PNETLIBHTTPREQUEST = ^TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST; TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST = record cbSize :int; requestType :int; // REQUEST_* constant flags :DWORD; szUrl :PAnsiChar; { doesn't contain Content-Length, it'll be added automatically } headers :^ANETLIBHTTPHEADER; // pointer to an array of em? headersCount :int; // yes they do pData :PAnsiChar; // data to be sent on POST request dataLength :int; // must be 0 for REQUEST_GET/REQUEST_CONNECT resultCode :int; szResultDescr:PAnsiChar; nlc :THANDLE; timeout :int; // Mirver 9.0+ end; const {$IFNDEF WIN64} NETLIBHTTPREQUEST_V1_SIZE = 44; {$ELSE} NETLIBHTTPREQUEST_V1_SIZE = SIZEOF(TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST); {$ENDIF} type { This function pointer is to the CRT realloc() used by Miranda -- it allows reallocation of memory passed to us (not that we could EVER share the same CRT) but to allow DLLs in general to reallocate memory } TNetlibRealloc = function(Mem: Pointer; size_t: int): Pointer; cdecl; TNetlibHTTPGatewayInitProc = function(hConn: THandle; nloc: PNETLIBOPENCONNECTION; nlhr: PNETLIBHTTPREQUEST): int; cdecl; TNetlibHTTPGatewayBeginProc = function(hConn: THandle; nloc: PNETLIBOPENCONNECTION): int; cdecl; TNetlibHTTPGatewayWrapSendProc = function(hConn: THandle; buf: PByte; len: int; flags: int; pfnNetLibSend: TMIRANDASERVICE): int; cdecl; TNetlibHTTPGatewayUnwrapRecvProc = function(nlhr: PNETLIBHTTPREQUEST; buf: PByte; len: int; outBufLen: pInt; NetlibRealloc: TNetlibRealloc): PByte; cdecl; PNETLIBUSER = ^TNETLIBUSER; TNETLIBUSER = record cbSize: int; szSettingsModule: PAnsiChar; // used for DB settings and log, 'NL' stuff szDescriptiveName: TChar; // shows a descriptive name for which different proxy settings can be defined flags: DWORD; // see NUF_* constants above szHttpGatewayHello :PAnsiChar; szHttpGatewayUserAgent:PAnsiChar; // can be NULL(0) to send no User-Agent: also used by HTTPS proxies pfnHttpGatewayInit :TNetlibHTTPGatewayInitProc; pfnHttpGatewayBegin :TNetlibHTTPGatewayBeginProc; // can be NULL(0) if no begin is required pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend :TNetlibHTTPGatewayWrapSendProc; // can be NULL(0) if no wrapping is required pfnHttpGatewayUnwrapRecv:TNetlibHTTPGatewayUnwrapRecvProc; // can be NULL(0) " " minIncomingPorts: int; // only if NUF_INCOMING, will be used for validation of user input end; PNETLIBUSERSETTINGS = ^TNETLIBUSERSETTINGS; TNETLIBUSERSETTINGS = record cbSize :int; // filled before calling useProxy :int; // 1 or 0 proxyType :int; // PROXYTYPE_* constant, see above szProxyServer :PAnsiChar; // can be NULL(0) wProxyPort :int; // in host byte order useProxyAuth :int; // 1 or 0, always 0 for SOCKS4 (doesn't have auth) szProxyAuthUser :PAnsiChar; // can be NULL(0), always used by SOCKS4 szProxyAuthPassword :PAnsiChar; // can be NULL(0) useProxyAuthNtlm :int; // 1 or 0, only used by HTTP, HTTPS dnsThroughProxy :int; // 1 or 0 specifyIncomingPorts:int; // 1 or 0 szIncomingPorts :PAnsiChar; // can be NULL(0), form '1024-1050,1060-1070,2000' specifyOutgoingPorts:int; // 0.3.3a+ szOutgoingPorts :PAnsiChar; // 0.3.3a+ enableUPnP :int; // 0.6.1+ only for NUF_INCOMING validateSSL :int; end; TNetlibNewConnectionProc = procedure(hNewConnection:THandle; dwRemoveIP:DWORD); cdecl; TNetlibNewConnectionProc_V2 = procedure(hNewConnection:THandle; dwRemoveIP:DWORD; pExtra:pointer); cdecl; PNETLIBBINDOLD = ^TNETLIBBINDOLD; TNETLIBBINDOLD = record cbSize: int; pfnNewConnection:TNetlibNewConnectionProc; // function to call when there's // a new connection, dwRemoteIP is // in host byte order -- the handle // is to the new connection dwInternalIP: DWORD; // set on return, host byte order wPort: WORD; // set on return, host byte order end; PNETLIBBIND = ^TNETLIBBIND; TNETLIBBIND = record cbSize:int; // new code should use V2 pfnNewConnection:TNETLIBNEWCONNECTIONPROC; // or pfnNewConnectionV2:NETLIBNEWCONNECTIONPROC_V2; //function to call when there's a new connection. Params are: the //new connection, IP of remote machine (host byte order) dwInternalIP:DWORD; //set on return, host byte order wPort :WORD; //set on return, host byte order pExtra :^pointer; //argument is sent to callback, added during 0.3.4+ dwExternalIP:DWORD; //set on return, host byte order wExPort :word; //set on return, host byte order end; const {$IFNDEF WIN64} NETLIBBIND_SIZEOF_V1 = 16; // sizeof(NETLIBBIND) prior to 0.3.4+ (2004/08/05) NETLIBBIND_SIZEOF_V2 = 20; // sizeof(NETLIBBIND) prior to 0.6+ (2006/07/03) {$ELSE} NETLIBBIND_SIZEOF_V1 = SizeOF(TNETLIBBIND); NETLIBBIND_SIZEOF_V2 = SizeOF(TNETLIBBIND); {$ENDIF} type PNETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO = ^TNETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO; TNETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO = record cbSize : int; flags : DWORD; // see NLHPIF_* above szHttpPostUrl : PAnsiChar; szHttpGetUrl : PAnsiChar; firstGetSequence : int; firstPostSequence: int; combinePackets : int; // MIRANDA_VER >= 0x0900 end; PNETLIBBASE64 = ^TNETLIBBASE64; TNETLIBBASE64 = record pszEncoded: PAnsiChar; cchEncoded: int; pbDecoded : PByte; cbDecoded : int; end; type PNETLIBBUFFER = ^TNETLIBBUFFER; TNETLIBBUFFER = record buf : PAnsiChar; len : int; flags: int; // see MSG_* constants above end; PNETLIBSELECT = ^TNETLIBSELECT; TNETLIBSELECT = record cbSize : int; dwTimeout : DWORD; // in milliseconds, INFINITE is acceptable hReadConns : array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of THandle; hWriteConns : array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of THandle; hExceptConns: array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of THandle; end; PNETLIBSELECTEX = ^TNETLIBSELECTEX; TNETLIBSELECTEX = record cbSize : int; dwTimeout : DWORD; // in milliseconds, INFINITE is acceptable hReadConns : array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of THandle; hWriteConns : array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of THandle; hExceptConns: array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of THandle; // Added in v0.3.3+ hReadStatus : array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of BOOL; // out, [in, expected to be FALSE] hWriteStatus : array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of BOOL; // out, [in, expected to be FALSE] hExceptStatus: array [0..FD_SETSIZE] of BOOL; // out, [in, expected to be FALSE] end; PNETLIBPACKETRECVER = ^TNETLIBPACKETRECVER; TNETLIBPACKETRECVER = record cbSize : int; dwTimeout : DWORD; // infinite is allowed -- initialise before use bytesUsed : int; // this many bytes are removed from the start of the // buffer, set to 0 on return -- initialise before use bytesAvailable: int; // equal the returnd value by service, unless the // return value is 0 (connection closed) bufferSize : int; // same as the parameter given to // MS_NETLIB_CREATEPACKETRECVER: wParam buffer : PByte; // contains the read data end; const { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to an initalised TNETLIBUSER structure Affects: Initialises the netlib for a set of connections, see notes Returns: Returns a handle for future netlib calls, NULL on failure. Notes : Netlib is loaded AFTER all plugins, thus a call to this service in Load() will fail, hook ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED and call it from there. - Netlib will save settings under .szSettings module, all settings (being?) begin with 'NL'. - Defacto settings are the same as <All connections> combobox entry option as seen in Miranda->Options->Network Version: v0.1.2.2+ Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, ERROR_DUP_NAME } MS_NETLIB_REGISTERUSER:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/RegisterUser'; { Assign a Netlib user handle a set of dynamic HTTP headers to be used with all HTTP connections that enable the HTTP-use-sticky headers flag. The headers persist until cleared with lParam=NULL. All memory should be allocated by the caller using malloc() from MS_SYSTEM_GET_MMI Once it has passed to Netlib, Netlib is the owner of it, the caller should not refer to the memory In any way after this point. wParam=(WPARAM)hNetLibUser lParam=(LPARAM)(AnsiChar*)szHeaders NOTE: The szHeaders parameter should be a NULL terminated string following the HTTP header syntax. This string will be injected verbatim, thus the user should be aware of setting strings that are not headers. This service is NOT THREAD SAFE, only a single thread is expected to set the headers and a single thread reading the pointer internally, stopping race conditions and mutual exclusion don't happen. Version 0.3.2a+ (2003/10/27) } MS_NETLIB_SETSTICKYHEADERS:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/SetStickyHeaders'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to a initalised TNETLIBUSERSETTINGS structure Affects: Gets the user configured settings for a Netlib user, see notes Returns: [non zero] on SUCCESS, NULL(0) on failure Notes : .cbSize must be filled with sizeof() before calling -- the returned null terminated strings (in the structure) are valid as long as HANDLE remains open or proxy options are changed again, do not rely on them being around forever. Version: v0.1.2.2+ Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_GETUSERSETTINGS:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/GetUserSettings'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to a initalised NETLIBUSERSETTINGS structure Affect : Changes the configurable settings for a Netlib user -- see notes Returns: [non zero] on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : This service is only really useful for people that specify NUF_NOOPTIONS when registering and want to create their own options. Settings will be stored even if the option to enable it, is it not enabled, e.g. useProxyAuth is 0, szProxyAuthPassword will still be saved Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_SETUSERSETTINGS:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/SetUserSettings'; { wParam : HANDLE / SOCKET lParam : 0 Affects: Closes a handle, see notes Returns: Returns [non zero] on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : All netlib handles should be closed once they're finished with, If a SOCKET type is passed instead of netlib handle type, it is closed Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_CLOSEHANDLE:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/CloseHandle'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to a initialised TNETLIBBIND Affects: Open a port and wait for connections on it -- see notes Returns: Returns a handle on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : this function does the equivalent of socket(), bind(), getsockname(), listen(), accept() -- internally this function creates a new thread which waits around in accept() for new connections. When one is received, TNETLIBBIND.pfnNewConnection is called, from the context of the NEW thread and then it returns to waiting for connections. - Close the returned handle to end the thread and close the port. - Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, any returned by socket(), bind(), listen() getsockname() } MS_NETLIB_BINDPORT:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/BindPort'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to an initalised TNETLIBOPENCONNECTION structure Affects: Opens a connection -- see notes Returns: Returns a Handle to a new connection on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : internally this service is the equivalent of socket(), gethostbyname(), connect() - If NLOCF_HTTP is set and HANDLE is configured for HTTP(S) proxy then this function will connect() to that proxy server ONLY, without performing any initialisation conversation. - If HANDLE is configured for an HTTP proxy and does not support HTTP gateways and you try to open a connection without NLOCF_HTTP then this service will first attempt to open an HTTPS connection, if that fails, it will try a direct connection, if *that* fails then it will return failure with the error from connect() during the connection attempt Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, any returned by socket(), gethostbyname(), connect(), MS_NETLIB_SEND, MS_NETLIB_RECV, select() - ERROR_TIMEOUT (during proxy communication) ERROR_BAD_FORMAT (very invalid proxy reply) ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (by proxy) ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL (socks proxy can't connect to identd) ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS (proxy refused identd auth) ERROR_INVALID_DATA (proxy returned invalid code) ERROR_INVALID_ID_AUTHORITY (proxy requires use of auth method that's not supported) ERROR_GEN_FAILURE (socks5/https general failure) ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED (socks5 command not supported) ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS (socks5 address type not supported) - HTTP: anything from TNETLIBUSER.pfnHttpGatewayInit, TNETLIBUSER.pfnHttpGatewayBegin, MS_NETLIB_SENDHTTPREQUEST or MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS } MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/OpenConnection'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to an initialised NETLIBHTTPPROXYINFO structure Affects: Sets the required information for an HTTP proxy connection -- see notes Returns: [non zero] on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : This service is designed to be called from within TNETLIBUSER.pfnHttpGatewayInit (see notes in C header under MS_NETLIB_REGISTERUSER) Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_SETHTTPPROXYINFO:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/SetHttpProxyInfo'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : 0 Affects: Get's the SOCKET associated with a handle -- see notes Returns: the SOCKET on success, INVALID_SOCKET on failure Notes : The Netlib handle passed to this service should only be passed if they were returned with MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION or MS_NETLIB_BINDPORT - Be careful how you use this socket because you might be connected via an HTTP proxy, in which case calling send/recv() will break things - Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_GETSOCKET:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/GetSocket'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string Affects: URL-encodes a string for x-www-form-urlencoded (and other uses) -- see notes Returns: A pointer to a null terminated string, NULL(0) on failure Notes : The returned string must be freed after it's no longer needed, to do this Miranda's process heap must be used (under the WINAPI), e.g. HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, the_returned_string) Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY } MS_NETLIB_URLENCODE:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/UrlEncode'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to a TNETLIBBASE64 initialised structure Affects: Decodes a Base64 null terminated string, see notes Returns: [non zero] on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : TNETLIBBASE64.pszEncoded and cchEncoded must contain a pointer to a buffer to use as input, and it's length, the length should not include space taken for null termination -- - Output is placed in ..pbDecoded and ..cbDecoded for buffer and length of buffer -- the maxiumum output for a given input can be worked out with Netlib_GetBase64DecodedBufferSize() function see below. - For more information on Base64 see rfc-1421. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW } MS_NETLIB_BASE64DECODE:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Base64Decode'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to an initialised TNETLIBBASE64 structure Affect : Base64 encode a string, see notes Returns: [non zero] on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : TNETLIBBASE64.pbDecode and TNETLIBBASE64.cbDecoded contain the input buffer and it's length -- TNETLIBBASE64.pszEncoded and TNETLIBBASE64.cchEncoded contain the buffer in which to put the output and it's length. - The maximum output size for a given input can be worked out with the function Netlib_GetBase64EncodedBufferSize() below .pszEncoded is null terminated, on return TNETLIBBASE64.cchEncoded is set to the actual length excluding 0. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW } MS_NETLIB_BASE64ENCODE:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Base64Encode'; { Converts string representation of IP and port into numerical SOCKADDR_INET IPv4 could supplied in formats address:port or address IPv6 could supplied in formats [address]:port or [address] wParam=(WPARAM)(char*) string to convert lParam=(LPARAM)(SOCKADDR_INET*) numeric IP address structure Returns 0 on success } MS_NETLIB_STARINGTOADDRESS:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/StringToAddress'; { Converts numerical representation of IP in SOCKADDR_INET into string representation with IP and port IPv4 will be supplied in formats address:port or address IPv6 will be supplied in formats [address]:port or [address] wParam=(WPARAM)(int) 0 - lParam - (SOCKADDR_INET*); 1 - lParam - (unsigned) in host byte order lParam=(LPARAM)(SOCKADDR_INET*) or (unsigned) numeric IP address structure Returns pointer to the string or NULL if not successful } MS_NETLIB_ADDRESSTOSTRING:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/AddressToString'; type TNETLIBCONNINFO = record cbSize:int; szIpPort:array [0..63] of AnsiChar; dwIpv4:uint; wPort:word; end; const { Get connection Information IPv4 will be supplied in formats address:port or address IPv6 will be supplied in formats [address]:port or [address] wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hConnection lParam=(LPARAM)(NETLIBCONNINFO*) pointer to the connection information structure to fill Returns 0 if successful } MS_NETLIB_GETCONNECTIONINFO:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/GetConnectionInfo'; type TNETLIBIPLIST = record cbNum:uint; szIp:array[0..0,0..63] of AnsiChar; end; const { Get connection Information wParam=(WPARAM)IP filter 1 - return global only IPv6 address, 0 all IPs Returns (INT_PTR)(NETLIBIPLIST*) numeric IP address address array the last element of the array is all 0s, 0 if not successful } MS_NETLIB_GETMYIP:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/GetMyIP'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to a initialised TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST structure Affect : Send an HTTP request over a connection, see notes Returns: The number of bytes on success, SOCKET_ERROR on failure Notes : HANDLE must of been returned by MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION,, If you use NLHRF_SMARTAUTHHEADER and NTLM auth is in use then full NTLM auth transcation occurs, comprising sending the domain, getting the challenge, sending the response. NETLIBHTTPREQUEST.resultCode and NETLIBHTTPREQUEST.szResultDescr are ignored by this service. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, MS_NETLIB_SEND (return codes) } MS_NETLIB_SENDHTTPREQUEST:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/SendHttpRequest'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : 0 Affect : Receive HTTP headers, see notes Returns: A pointer to a TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST structure on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : The returned pointer must be freed after it's done with use MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT. - HANDLE must be returned by MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION - Return^.pData=NIL and Return^.dataLength=0 always - The returned data should be retrieved using MS_NETLIB_RECV once the headers have been parsed. If headers haven't finished within 60 seconds the function returns NULL(0) and ERROR_TIMEOUT Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, any MS_NETLIB_RECV or select() ERROR_HANDLE_EOF (connection closed bfore headers complete) ERROR_TIMEOUT (headers still not complete after 60 seconds) ERROR_BAD_FORMAT (invalid character or line ending in headers, or first line is blank) ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW (each header line must be less than 4096 chars long) ERROR_INVALID_DATA (first header line is malformed ("http/[01].[0-9] [0-9]+ .*", or no colon in subsequent line) } MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/RecvHttpHeaders'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer returned by MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS to free Affect : Free the memory used by a TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST structure, see notes Returns: [non zero] on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : This service should only be used with memory pointers returned by either MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS or MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION!. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/FreeHttpRequestStruct'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to a TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST structure Affect : Carry out an entire HTTP transaction, see notes Returns: another pointer to a TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST structure or NULL(0) on failure Notes : The returned pointer must be freed at some point with MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, - TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST.szUrl should have a full HTTP URL, if it does not start with http://, that will be assumed, but do not take this assumption to stay assumed (heh..) in the future - this service equivalent of open(), sendhttp(), getheaders() netlib_recv(), netlib_closehandle() - TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST.headers will be added to with the following headers if they're not already present : "Host" (even if it is requested in .flags) "User-Agent" (in form : 'Miranda/d.d.d.d <(status of release)>') "Content-Length" (for POSTs only, set to TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST.dataLength) If you don't want to send any of these headers -- set TNETLIBHTTPREQUEST.headers to NULL(0) - In the returned pointer, pData[dataLen] is always 0 for 'safety' also : headers, headersCount, pData, dataLength, resultCode and szResultDescr are all valid - Also take care not to assume that a returned pointer means that at the HTTP level it all worked out -- refer to the resultCode for 2xx before doing anything else - Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY Errors returned by the aforementioned internally used functions } MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/HttpTransaction'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to an initialised TNETLIBBUFFER structure Affect : Send data over an open connection see notes Returns: The number of bytes sent on success, SOCKET_ERROR on failure Notes : see Netlib_Send() helper function Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, anything from socket(), connect() send(), TNETLIBUSER.pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend(), (HTTP proxy): ERROR_GEN_FAILURE (http result code wasn't 2xx) MS_NETLIB_SENDHTTPREQUEST, MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS } MS_NETLIB_SEND:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Send'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to an initialised TNETLIBBUFFER structure Affect : Receive data over a connection, see notes Returns: The number of bytes read on success, SOCKET_ERROR on failure Notes : This service uses some of the same flags as MS_NETLIB_SEND : MSG_PEEK, MSG_NODUMP, MSG_DUMPPROXY, MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP, MSG_DUMPASTEXT, MSG_RAW - On using MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP: Because packets through an HTTP proxy are batched and cached and stuff, using this flag is not a guarantee that it will be obeyed, and if it is it may even be propogated to future calls even if you don't specify it then. Because of this, the flag should be considered an all-or-nothing thing: either use it for the entire duration of a connection, or not at all. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, anything from recv() (HTTP proxy): ERROR_GEN_FAILURE (http result code wasn't 2xx) ERROR_INVALID_DATA (no Content-Length header in reply) ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY (Content-Length very large) ERROR_HANDLE_EOF (connection closed before Content-Length bytes recved) anything from select(), MS_NETLIB_RECVHTTPHEADERS, nlu.pfnHttpGatewayUnwrapRecv, socket(), connect(), MS_NETLIB_SENDHTTPREQUEST } MS_NETLIB_RECV:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Recv'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to an initialised TNETLIBSELECT structure Affect : Determine the status of one or more connections, see notes Returns: The numbe of ready connections, SOCKET_ERROR on failure Notes : All handles passed to this service must have been returned either by MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION or MS_NETLIB_BINDPORT, the last handle in each list must be followed by either NULL or INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, ERROR_INVALID_DATA, anything from select() } MS_NETLIB_SELECT :PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Select'; MS_NETLIB_SELECTEX:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/SelectEx'; // added in v0.3.3 { Shutdown connection wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hConnection lParam=(LPARAM)0 Returns 0 } MS_NETLIB_SHUTDOWN:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Shutdown'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : maxPacketSize Affect : Create a packet receiver, see notes Returns: A handle on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : The packet receiver implements the common situation where you have a variable length of packets coming thru over a connection and you want them split up in order to handle them. - The major limiation is, that the buffer is created in memory, so you can't have arbitrarily large packets Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY } MS_NETLIB_CREATEPACKETRECVER:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/CreatePacketRecver'; { wParam : Handle returned by MS_NETLIB_CREATEPACKETRECVER lParam : Pointer to an initialised TNETLIBPACKETRECVER Returns: The total number of bytes available in the buffer, NULL(0) if the connection was closed or SOCKET_ERROR. - If TNETLIBPACKETRECVER.bytesUsed is set to zero and the buffer is already full up to the maxPacketSize, it is assumed that a too large packet has been received, All data in the buffer is discarded and receiving has started anew. - This will probably cause alignment problem so if you think that tis iss likely to happen, then you should deal with it yourself. - Closing the packet receiver will not close the associated connection but will discard any bytes still in the buffer, so if you intend to carry on reading from that connection, make sure you have processed the buffer first. - This service is equivalent of memmove() to remove the first bytesUsed from the buffer, select(), if dwTimeOut is not INFINITE, then MS_NETLIB_RECV Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, ERROR_TIMEOUT, anything from select(), MS_NETLIB_RECV } MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/GetMorePackets'; { wParam : HANDLE lParam : Pointer to null terminated string to uh, log. Affect : Add a message to the log (if it's running) see notes Returns: non zeror on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : Don't include \r\n or #13#10 it's not needed, - Doesn't support formatting like the given C code for Netlib_Logf, just use FmtStr() and then call this service if you want that. Errors : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER } MS_NETLIB_LOG:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/Log'; MS_NETLIB_LOGW:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/LogW'; { Sets a gateway polling timeout interval wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hConn lParam=(LPARAM)timeout Returns previous timeout value Errors: -1 } MS_NETLIB_SETPOLLINGTIMEOUT:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/SetPollingTimeout'; { Makes connection SSL wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hConn lParam=0 Returns 0 on failure 1 on success } MS_NETLIB_STARTSSL:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/StartSsl'; type NETLIBSSL = record cbSize:int; host :PAnsiChar; // Expected host name flags :int; // Reserved end; const ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Security providers (0.6+) NNR_UNICODE = 1; // Inits a required security provider. Right now only NTLM is supported // Returns HANDLE = NULL on error or non-null value on success // Known providers: Basic, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos, GSSAPI - (Kerberos SASL) MS_NETLIB_INITSECURITYPROVIDER:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/InitSecurityProvider'; type NETLIBNTLMINIT2 = record cbSize :size_t; szProviderName:TChar; szPrincipal :TChar; flags :uint; end; const MS_NETLIB_INITSECURITYPROVIDER2:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/InitSecurityProvider2'; // Destroys a security provider's handle, provided by Netlib_InitSecurityProvider. // Right now only NTLM is supported MS_NETLIB_DESTROYSECURITYPROVIDER:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/DestroySecurityProvider'; // Returns the NTLM response string. The result value should be freed using mir_free MS_NETLIB_NTLMCREATERESPONSE:PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/NtlmCreateResponse'; type NETLIBNTLMREQUEST = record szChallenge:PAnsiChar; userName :PAnsiChar; password :PAnsiChar; // complete :int; // not present in last versions end; type NETLIBNTLMREQUEST2 = record cbSize :size_t; szChallenge:PAnsiChar; szUserName :TChar; szPassword :TChar; complete :uint; flags :uint; end; const MS_NETLIB_NTLMCREATERESPONSE2 = 'Netlib/NtlmCreateResponse2'; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Netlib hooks (0.8+) // WARNING: these hooks are being called in the context of the calling thread, without switching // to the first thread, like all another events do. The hook procedure should be ready for the // multithreaded mode // // Parameters: // wParam: NETLIBNOTIFY* - points to the data being sent/received // lParam: NETLIBUSER* - points to the protocol definition type NETLIBNOTIFY = record nlb :PNETLIBBUFFER; // pointer to the request buffer result:int; // amount of bytes really sent/received end; TNETLIBNOTIFY = NETLIBNOTIFY; const ME_NETLIB_FASTRECV :PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/OnRecv'; // being called on every receive ME_NETLIB_FASTSEND :PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/OnSend'; // being called on every send ME_NETLIB_FASTDUMP :PAnsiChar = 'Netlib/OnDump'; // being called on every dump {$ENDIF}