{ =============================================================================== PopUp plugin Plugin Name: PopUp Plugin authors: Luca Santarelli aka hrk (hrk@users.sourceforge.net) Victor Pavlychko (nullbie@gmail.com) =============================================================================== The purpose of this plugin is to give developers a common "platform/interface" to show PopUps. It is born from the source code of NewStatusNotify, another plugin I've made. Remember that users *must* have this plugin enabled, or they won't get any popup. Write this in the requirements, do whatever you wish ;-)... but tell them! =============================================================================== } {$IFNDEF M_POPUP} {$DEFINE M_POPUP} { NOTE! Since Popup there is a main meun group called "PopUps" where I have put a "Enable/Disable" item. You can add your own "enable/disable" items by adding these lines before you call MS_CLIST_ADDMAINMENUITEM: mi.pszPopUpName = Translate("PopUps"); mi.position = 0; //You don't need it and it's better if you put it to zero. } const POPUP_VERSION = $02010003; const MAX_CONTACTNAME = 2048; MAX_SECONDLINE = 2048; MAX_ACTIONTITLE = 64; // POPUP_USE_SKINNED_BG = $FFFFFFFF; // Popup Action flags PAF_ENABLED = $01; // Actions is enabled. You may store one global // action set and toggle some items depending on // popup you are requesting type PPOPUPACTION = ^TPOPUPACTION; TPOPUPACTION = record cbSize :int; // sizeof(POPUPACTION) lchIcon :HICON; // Action Icon // Action title text. Please use module name as prefix // (e.g. "Popup Plus/Dismiss Popup") and don't translate lpzTitle:array [0..MAX_ACTIONTITLE-1] of AnsiChar; flags :DWORD; // set of PAF_* flags wParam :WPARAM; // wParam for UM_POPUPACTION message lParam :LPARAM; // lParam for UM_POPUPACTION message end; type PPOPUPDATA = ^TPOPUPDATA; TPOPUPDATA = record lchContact : THANDLE; lchIcon : HICON; lpszContactName : array [0..MAX_CONTACTNAME-1] of AnsiChar; lpszText : array [0..MAX_SECONDLINE -1] of AnsiChar; colorBack : COLORREF; colorText : COLORREF; PluginWindowProc: pointer; PluginData : Pointer; iSeconds : int; // Custom delay time in seconds. // -1 means "forever", 0 means = 'default time". { Data prior $02010003 version lpzClass : PAnsiChar; // PopUp class. Used with skinning. See PopUp/AddClass for details skinBack : COLORREF; // Background color for colorizable skins cZero: array [0..15-SizeOf(PAnsiChar)-SizeOf(COLORREF)] of byte; } // you *MUST* pass APT_NEWDATA flag for services to take care of this data hReserved : THANDLE; // Reserved. Must be NULL actionCount : int; // Amount of passed actions lpActions : PPOPUPACTION; // Popup Actions icbSize : int; // struct size for future end; type PPOPUPDATAW = ^TPOPUPDATAW; TPOPUPDATAW = record lchContact : THANDLE; lchIcon : HICON; lpwzContactName : array [0..MAX_CONTACTNAME-1] of WideChar; lpwzText : array [0..MAX_SECONDLINE -1] of WideChar; colorBack : COLORREF; colorText : COLORREF; PluginWindowProc: Pointer; // must be a window procedure using stdcall PluginData : Pointer; iSeconds : int; // Custom delay time in seconds. // -1 means = 'forever", 0 means = 'default time". { Data prior $02010003 version cZero: array [0..15] of AnsiChar; //16 unused bytes which may come useful in the future. } // you *MUST* pass APT_NEWDATA flag for services to take care of this data hReserved : THANDLE; // Reserved. Must be NULL actionCount : int; // Amount of passed actions lpActions : PPOPUPACTION; // Popup Actions icbSize : int; // struct size for future end; { When you call MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUP, my plugin will check if the given POPUPDATA structure is filled with acceptable values. If not, the data will be rejected and no popup will be shown. - lpzText should be given, because it's really bad if a user chooses to have the second line displayed and it's empty :-) Just write it and let the user choose if it will be displayed or not. - PluginWindowProc is a WNDPROC address you have to give me. Why? What? Where? Calm down 8) My plugin will take care of the creation of the popup, of the destruction of the popup, of the come into view and the hiding of the popup. Transparency, animations... all this stuff. My plugin will not (as example) open the MessageWindow when you left click on a popup. Why? Because I don't know if your popup desires to open the MessageWindow :)))) This means that you need to make a WNDPROC which takes care of the WM_messages you need. For example, WM_COMMAND or WM_CONTEXTMENU or WM_LMOUSEUP or whatever. At the end of your WNDPROC remember to "return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);" When you process a message that needs a return value (an example could be WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, but you don't need to catch it 'cause it's my plugin's job), simply return the nedeed value. :) The default WNDPROC does nothing. - PluginData is a pointer to a void, which means a pointer to anything. You can make your own structure to store the data you need (example: a status information, a date, your name, whatever) and give me a pointer to that struct. You will need to destroy that structure and free the memory when the PopUp is going to be destroyed. You'll know this when you receive a UM_FREEPLUGINDATA. The name tells it all: free your own plugin data. Appendix A: Messages my plugin will handle and your WNDPROC will never see. WM_CREATE, WM_DESTROY, WM_TIMER, WM_ERASEBKGND WM_CTLCOLOR* [whatever it may be: WM_CTLCOLORDLG, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC...] WM_PAINT, WM_PRINT, WM_PRINTCLIENT } const { Creates, adds and shows a popup, given a (valid) POPUPDATA structure pointer. wParam = (WPARAM)(*POPUPDATA)PopUpDataAddress lParam = 0 Returns: > 0 on success, 0 if creation went bad, -1 if the PopUpData contained unacceptable values. NOTE: it returns -1 if the PopUpData was not valid, if there were already too many popups, if the module was disabled. Otherwise, it can return anything else... Popup Plus You may pass additional creation flags via lParam: APF_RETURN_HWND ....... function returns handle to newly created popup window (however this calls are a bit slower) APF_CUSTOM_POPUP ...... new popup is created in hidden state and doesn't obey to popup queue rules. you may control it via UM_* messages and custom window procedure APF_NO_HISTORY ........ do not log this popup in popup history (useful for previews) APF_NO_POPUP .......... do not show popup. this is useful if you want popup yo be stored in history only APF_NEWDATA ........... use new version of POPUPDATAEX/POPUPDATAW structs } APF_RETURN_HWND = 1; APF_CUSTOM_POPUP = 2; APF_NO_HISTORY = 4; APF_NO_POPUP = 8; APF_NEWDATA = $10; MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPW :PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/AddPopUpW'; MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUP :PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/AddPopUpEx'; { Returns the handle to the contact associated to the specified PopUpWindow. You will probably need to know this handle inside your WNDPROC. Exampole: you want to open the MessageWindow. :-) Call MS_POPUP_GETCONTACT on the hWnd you were given in the WNDPROC. wParam = (WPARAM)(HWND)hPopUpWindow lParam = 0; Returns: the HANDLE of the contact. Can return NULL, meaning it's the main contact. -1 means failure. } MS_POPUP_GETCONTACT:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/GetContact'; { wParam = hPopUpWindow lParam = PluginDataAddress; Returns: the address of the PLUGINDATA structure. Can return NULL, meaning nothing was given. -1 means failure. IMPORTANT NOTE: it doesn't seem to work if you do: CallService(..., (LPARAM)aPointerToAStruct); and then use that struct. Do this, instead: aPointerToStruct = CallService(..., (LPARAM)aPointerToAStruct); and it will work. Just look at the example I've written above (PopUpDlgProc). } MS_POPUP_GETPLUGINDATA:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/GetPluginData'; { wParam = 0 lParam = 0 Returns: 0 if the user has chosen not to have the second line, 1 if he choose to have the second line. } MS_POPUP_ISSECONDLINESHOWN:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/IsSecondLineShown'; { Requests an action or an answer from PopUp module. wParam = (WPARAM)wpQuery returns 0 on success, -1 on error, 1 on stupid calls ;-) } PUQS_ENABLEPOPUPS = 1; // returns 0 if state was changed, 1 if state wasn't changed PUQS_DISABLEPOPUPS = 2; // " " PUQS_GETSTATUS = 3; // Returns 1 if popups are enabled, 0 if popups are disabled. MS_POPUP_QUERY:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/Query'; { UM_FREEPLUGINDATA wParam = lParam = 0. Process this message if you have allocated your own memory. (i.e.: POPUPDATA.PluginData != NULL) } UM_FREEPLUGINDATA = (WM_USER + $200); { UM_DESTROYPOPUP wParam = lParam = 0. Send this message when you want to destroy the popup, or use the function below. } UM_DESTROYPOPUP = (WM_USER + $201); { UM_INITPOPUP wParam = (WPARAM)(HWND)hPopUpWindow (but this is useless, since I'll directly send it to your hPopUpWindow lParam = 0. This message is sent to the PopUp when its creation has been finished, so POPUPDATA (and thus your PluginData) is reachable. Catch it if you needed to catch WM_CREATE or WM_INITDIALOG, which you'll never ever get in your entire popup-life. Return value: if you process this message, return 0. If you don't process it, return 0. Do whatever you like ;-) } UM_INITPOPUP = (WM_USER + $202); { wParam = hPopUpWindow lParam = lpzNewText returns: > 0 for success, -1 for failure, 0 if the failure is due to second line not being shown. (but you could call PUIsSecondLineShown() before changing the text...) Changes the text displayed in the second line of the popup. } MS_POPUP_CHANGETEXTW:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/ChangetextW'; { wParam = (WPARAM)(HWND)hPopUpWindow lParam = (LPARAM)(POPUPDATAEX*)newData Changes the entire popup } MS_POPUP_CHANGEW:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/ChangeW'; { UM_CHANGEPOPUP This message is triggered by Change/ChangeText services. You also may post it directly :) wParam = Modification type lParam = value of type defined by wParam } CPT_TEXT = 1; // lParam = (AnsiChar *)text CPT_TEXTW = 2; // lParam = (WCHAR *)text CPT_TITLE = 3; // lParam = (AnsiChar *)title CPT_TITLEW = 4; // lParam = (WCHAR *)title CPT_DATAW = 7; // lParam = (POPUPDATAW *)data CPT_DATA2 = 8; // lParam = (POPUPDATA2 *)data UM_CHANGEPOPUP = WM_USER + $0203; { UM_POPUPACTION Popup Action notification wParam and lParam are specified bu plugin. wParam = 0 is used buy popup plus internally! } UM_POPUPACTION = WM_USER + $0204; { UM_POPUPMODIFYACTIONICON Modify Popup Action Icon wParam = (WPARAM)(LPPOPUPACTIONID)&actionId lParam = (LPARAM)(HICON)hIcon } type PPOPUPACTIONID = ^TPOPUPACTIONID; TPOPUPACTIONID = record wParam:WPARAM; lParam:LPARAM; end; const UM_POPUPMODIFYACTIONICON = WM_USER + $0205; const SM_WARNING = $01; //Triangle icon. SM_NOTIFY = $02; //Exclamation mark icon. SM_ERROR = $03; //Cross icon. { This is mainly for developers. Shows a warning message in a PopUp. It's useful if you need a = 'MessageBox" like function, but you don't want a modal window (which will interfere with a DialogProcedure. MessageBox steals focus and control, this one not. wParam = lpzMessage lParam = SM_* flag Returns: 0 if the popup was shown, -1 in case of failure. } MS_POPUP_SHOWMESSAGE :PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/ShowMessage'; MS_POPUP_SHOWMESSAGEW:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/ShowMessageW'; { PopUp/RegisterActions Registers your action in popup action list wParam = (WPARAM)(LPPOPUPACTION)actions lParam = (LPARAM)actionCount Returns: 0 if the popup was shown, -1 in case of failure. } MS_POPUP_REGISTERACTIONS:PAnsiChar = 'PopUp/RegisterActions'; //------------- Class API ----------------// type TPOPUPCLASS = record cbSize :int; flags :int; pszName :pAnsiChar; szDescription :TChar; hIcon :HICON; colorBack :TCOLORREF; colorText :TCOLORREF; PluginWindowProc:pointer; iSeconds :int; end; POPUPCLASS = TPOPUPCLASS; const PCF_UNICODE = $0001; // wParam = 0 // lParam = (POPUPCLASS *)&pc MS_POPUP_REGISTERCLASS = 'PopUp/RegisterClass'; type TPOPUPDATACLASS = record cbSize :int; pszClassName:pAnsiChar; szTitle :TChar; szText :TChar; PluginData :pointer; hContact :THANDLE; end; POPUPDATACLASS = TPOPUPDATACLASS; const // wParam = 0 // lParam = (POPUPDATACLASS *)&pdc MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPCLASS = 'PopUp/AddPopupClass'; (* OLD { Each skinned popup (e.g. with colorBack == POPUP_USE_SKINNED_BG) should have class set. Then you can choose separate skin for each class (for example, you can create separate class for your plugin and use it for all ypu popups. User would became able to choose skin for your popups independently from others) You have to register popup class before using it. To do so call "PopUp/AddClass" with lParam = (LPARAM)(const AnsiChar * )popUpClassName. All class names are translated (via Translate()) before being added to list. You should use english names for them. There are three predefined classes and one for backward compatability. Note that you can add clases after popup wal loaded, e.g. you shoul intercept ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED event } MS_POPUP_ADDCLASS = 'PopUp/AddClass'; POPUP_CLASS_DEFAULT = 'Default'; POPUP_CLASS_WARNING = 'Warning'; POPUP_CLASS_NOTIFY = 'Notify'; POPUP_CLASS_OLDAPI = 'PopUp 1.0.1.x compatability'; // for internal purposes const NFOPT_POPUP2_BACKCOLOR = 'Popup2/BackColor'; NFOPT_POPUP2_TEXTCOLOR = 'Popup2/TextColor'; NFOPT_POPUP2_TIMEOUT = 'Popup2/Timeout'; NFOPT_POPUP2_LCLICKSVC = 'Popup2/LClickSvc'; NFOPT_POPUP2_LCLICKCOOKIE = 'Popup2/LClickCookie'; NFOPT_POPUP2_RCLICKSVC = 'Popup2/RClickSvc'; NFOPT_POPUP2_RCLICKCOOKIE = 'Popup2/RClickCookie'; NFOPT_POPUP2_STATUSMODE = 'Popup2/StatusMode'; NFOPT_POPUP2_PLUGINDATA = 'Popup2/PluginData'; NFOPT_POPUP2_WNDPROC = 'Popup2/WndProc'; NFOPT_POPUP2_BACKCOLOR_S = 'Popup2/BackColor/Save'; NFOPT_POPUP2_TEXTCOLOR_S = 'Popup2/TextColor/Save'; NFOPT_POPUP2_TIMEOUT_S = 'Popup2/Timeout/Save'; MS_POPUP2_SHOW = 'Popup2/Show'; MS_POPUP2_UPDATE = 'Popup2/Update'; MS_POPUP2_REMOVE = 'Popup2/Remove'; *) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Few notes about new popup api // ------------------------------ // When you call any ADD service, Popup Plus creates local // copy of POPUPDATA2 to store the data. Each time you call // CHANGE service this data is updated. You can use the // MS_POPUP_GETDATA2 service to retrieve Popups's copy of // this data, however you MUST NOT chahge that. // unicode or ansi mode const PU2_ANSI = 00; PU2_UNICODE = 01; PU2_CUSTOM_POPUP = 02; type PPOPUPDATA2 = ^TPOPUPDATA2; TPOPUPDATA2 = record // general cbSize:int; flags:dword; // miranda bindings lchContact:THANDLE; lchEvent :THANDLE; // style colorBack:TCOLORREF; colorText:TCOLORREF; lchIcon:HICON; hbmAvatar:HBITMAP; pzTitle:TCHAR; pzText:TCHAR; lpzSkin:PAnsiChar; // time and timeout iSeconds:int; dwTimestamp:dword; // plugin bindings PluginWindowProc:TWNDPROC; PluginData:pointer; // popup actions actionCount:int; lpActions:PPOPUPACTION; // Ansi or unicode lchNotification:THANDLE; end; const // Creates new popup // wParam = (WPARAM)(LPPOPUPDATA2)&ppd2 // lParam = (LPARAM)(combination of APF_* flags) // returns: window handle (if requested) of NULL on success, -1 on failure. MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUP2:PAnsiChar = 'Popup/AddPopup2'; // Update an popup // wParam = (WPARAM)(HWND)hwndPopup // lParam = (LPARAM)(LPPOPUPDATA2)&ppd2 // returns: zero on success, -1 on failure. MS_POPUP_CHANGEPOPUP2:PAnsiChar = 'Popup/ChangePopup2'; {$ENDIF}