
Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*

Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
listed in contributors.txt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.




    ACKTYPE_MESSAGE             = 0;
    ACKTYPE_URL                 = 1;
    ACKTYPE_FILE                = 2;
    ACKTYPE_CHAT                = 3;
    ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG             = 4;
    ACKTYPE_AUTHREQ             = 5;
    ACKTYPE_ADDED               = 6;
    ACKTYPE_GETINFO             = 7;
    ACKTYPE_SETINFO             = 8;
    ACKTYPE_LOGIN               = 9;
    ACKTYPE_SEARCH              = 10;
    ACKTYPE_NEWUSER             = 11;
    ACKTYPE_STATUS              = 12;
    ACKTYPE_CONTACTS            = 13;   //send/recv of contacts

    ACKRESULT_SUCCESS           = 0;
    ACKRESULT_FAILED            = 1;
    //'in progress' result codes:
    ACKRESULT_CONNECTING        = 100;
    ACKRESULT_CONNECTED         = 101;
    ACKRESULT_SENTREQUEST       = 103;  // waiting for reply...
    ACKRESULT_DATA              = 104;  // blob of file data sent/recved, or search result
    ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE          = 105;  // file transfer went to next file
    ACKRESULT_FILERESUME        = 106;  // a file is about to be received, see PS_FILERESUME
    ACKRESULT_DENIED            = 107;  // a file send has been denied (0.3a + only)


    PROTOTYPE_PROTOCOL          = 1000;
    PROTOTYPE_ENCRYPTION        = 2000;
    PROTOTYPE_FILTER            = 3000;
    PROTOTYPE_OTHER             = 10000;//avoid using this if at all possible


    TCCSDATA = record
        hContact: THandle;
        szProtoService: PChar;      // a PS_* constant
        wParam: WPARAM;
        lParam: LPARAM;

    TACKDATA = record
        cbSize: int;
        szModule: PChar;        // the name of the protocol module which initiated this ack
        hContact: THandle;
        type_: int;             // an ACKTYPE_* constant
        result_: int;           // an ACKRESULT_* constant
        hProcess: THandle;      // caller defined seq, I mean process code
        lParam: LPARAM;         // caller defined data

    // when type=ACKTYPE_FILE and (result=ACKRESULT_DATA or result=ACKRESULT_FILERESUME)

        cbSize: int;
        hContact: THandle;
        sending: int;               // true if sending, false if receiving
        files: PChar;               // pointer to an array of pchar's
        totalFiles: int;
        currentFileNumber: int;
        totalBytes: LongInt;
        totalProgress: LongInt;
        workingDir: PChar;
        currentFile: PChar;
        currentFileSize: LongInt;
        currentFileProgress: LongInt;
        currentFileTime: LongInt;   // UNIX time

    // for registering a protocol, enumeration

        cbSize: int;
        szName: PChar;  // unique name of module
        type_: int;     // a PROTOTYPE_* constant


        wParam : 0
        lParam : Pointer to an initalised CSSDATA structure
        Affect : Send a general request thru the protocol chain for a contact
        Return : the return value documented in the PS_* def (m_protosvc.inc)
    MS_PROTO_CALLCONTACTSERVICE         = 'Proto/CallContactService';

        wParam : 0
        lParam : Pointer to an initalised TACKDATA structure
        Affect : a general 'ack', see notes
        Notes  : Just because defs are here doesn't mean they will be sent
                 read the docs for the function you are calling to see what
                 replies you will get.
    ME_PROTO_ACK                        = 'Proto/Ack';

        wParam : pointer to an int to store number of protocols
        lParam : Pointer to an an array of PPROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR pointers
        Affect : Enumerate the currently running protocols, see notes
        Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
        Notes  : Neither wParam/lParam maybe NULL(0), the list returned by
                 this service is the protocol modules currently installed
                 and running, it is not a complete list of protocols that have
                 ever been installed.
                 A protocol module does not have to be a protocol running thru
                 the internet, it can be a vast number of things
    MS_PROTO_ENUMPROTOCOLS              = 'Proto/EnumProtocols';

        wParam : 0
        lParam : Pointer to null terminated string containing protocol name
        Affect : Determines if a protocol is running or not.
        Returns: A pointer to the PPROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR if the protocol is loaded
                 or NULL(0) if it isn't
    MS_PROTO_ISPROTOCOLLOADED           = 'Proto/IsProtocolLoaded';

        wParam : HCONTACT
        lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing a name
        Affect : Determine whether the given contact has the given protocol
                 in it's chain.
        Returns : 0 if the protocol isn't in the chain, [non zero] if it is
    MS_PROTO_ISPROTOONCONTACT           = 'Proto/IsProtoOnContact';

        wParam : HCONTACT
        lParam : 0
        Affect : Gets the network-level protocol associated with a contact
        Returns: a PChar pointing to the ASCIIZ name of the protocol or NULL(0)
                 if the contact has no protocol, There's no need to dispsose
                 the returned string.
                 This is the name of the module that actually accesses the network
                 for that contact.
    MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO        = 'Proto/GetContactBaseProto';