{ Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. } {$IFNDEF M_SKIN} {$DEFINE M_SKIN} const // event icons SKINICON_EVENT_MESSAGE = 100; SKINICON_EVENT_URL = 101; SKINICON_EVENT_FILE = 102; // msgbox icons SKINICON_INFORMATION = 150; SKINICON_WARNING = 151; SKINICON_ERROR = 152; SKINICON_FATAL = 153; // other icons SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA = 200; SKINICON_OTHER_EXIT = 201; SKINICON_OTHER_SHOWHIDE = 202; SKINICON_OTHER_GROUPOPEN = 203; SKINICON_OTHER_USERONLINE = 204; SKINICON_OTHER_GROUPSHUT = 205; SKINICON_OTHER_CONNECTING = 206; SKINICON_OTHER_ADDCONTACT = 207; SKINICON_OTHER_USERDETAILS = 208; SKINICON_OTHER_HISTORY = 209; SKINICON_OTHER_DOWNARROW = 210; SKINICON_OTHER_FINDUSER = 211; SKINICON_OTHER_OPTIONS = 212; SKINICON_OTHER_SENDEMAIL = 213; SKINICON_OTHER_DELETE = 214; SKINICON_OTHER_RENAME = 215; SKINICON_OTHER_SMS = 216; SKINICON_OTHER_SEARCHALL = 217; SKINICON_OTHER_TICK = 218; SKINICON_OTHER_NOTICK = 219; SKINICON_OTHER_HELP = 220; SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDAWEB = 221; SKINICON_OTHER_TYPING = 222; SKINICON_OTHER_SMALLDOT = 223; SKINICON_OTHER_FILLEDBLOB = 224; SKINICON_OTHER_EMPTYBLOB = 225; SKINICON_OTHER_UNICODE = 226; SKINICON_OTHER_ANSI = 227; SKINICON_OTHER_LOADED = 228; SKINICON_OTHER_NOTLOADED = 229; SKINICON_OTHER_UNDO = 230; SKINICON_OTHER_WINDOW = 231; SKINICON_OTHER_WINDOWS = 232; SKINICON_OTHER_ACCMGR = 233; SKINICON_OTHER_MAINMENU = 234; SKINICON_OTHER_STATUS = 235; SKINICON_CHAT_JOIN = 236; SKINICON_CHAT_LEAVE = 237; SKINICON_OTHER_STATUS_LOCKED = 238; SKINICON_OTHER_GROUP = 239; SKINICON_OTHER_ON = 240; SKINICON_OTHER_OFF = 241; SKINICON_OTHER_LOADEDGRAY = 242; SKINICON_OTHER_NOTLOADEDGRAY = 243; SKINICON_OTHER_VISIBLE_ALL = 244; SKINICON_OTHER_INVISIBLE_ALL = 245; SKINICON_OTHER_FRAME = 246; SKINICON_AUTH_ADD = 247; SKINICON_AUTH_REQUEST = 248; SKINICON_AUTH_GRANT = 249; SKINICON_AUTH_REVOKE = 250; function Skin_LoadIcon(iconId:int; big:byte) : HICON; stdcall; external AppDLL name 'Skin_LoadIcon'; function Skin_GetIconHandle(iconId:int) : THANDLE; stdcall; external AppDLL name 'Skin_GetIconHandle'; // status mode icons. NOTE: These are deprecated in favour of LoadSkinnedProtoIcon() const SKINICON_STATUS_OFFLINE = 0; SKINICON_STATUS_ONLINE = 1; SKINICON_STATUS_AWAY = 2; SKINICON_STATUS_NA = 3; SKINICON_STATUS_OCCUPIED = 4; SKINICON_STATUS_DND = 5; SKINICON_STATUS_FREE4CHAT = 6; SKINICON_STATUS_INVISIBLE = 7; SKINICON_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE = 8; SKINICON_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH = 9; function Skin_LoadProtoIcon(protoName:PAnsiChar; iconId:int; big:byte) : HICON; stdcall; external AppDLL name 'Skin_LoadProtoIcon'; const { Affect : Load an icon from the user's custom skin lib, or from the exe if there isn't one loaded, see notes Return : HICON for the new icon, do *not* DestroyIcon() the return value returns NULL(0) if ICON_ID is invalid, but always success for a valid ID. } MS_SKIN_LOADICON:PAnsiChar = 'Skin/Icons/Load'; {$ENDIF}