{$IFNDEF M_UTILS} {$DEFINE M_UTILS} const RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM = 0; // function did everything required to the x axis, do no more processing RD_ANCHORX_LEFT = 0; // move the control to keep it constant distance from the left edge of the dialog RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT = 1; // move the control to keep it constant distance from the right edge of the dialog RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH = 2; // size the control to keep it constant distance from both edges of the dialog RD_ANCHORX_CENTRE = 4; // move the control to keep it constant distance from the centre of the dialog RD_ANCHORY_CUSTOM = 0; RD_ANCHORY_TOP = 0; RD_ANCHORY_BOTTOM = 8; RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT = 16; RD_ANCHORY_CENTRE = 32; // for MS_UTILS_RESTOREWINDOWPOSITION RWPF_NOSIZE = 1; // don't use stored size info: leave dialog same size RWPF_NOMOVE = 2; // don't use stored position RWPF_NOACTIVATE = 4; // show but don't activate v0.3.3.0+ RWPF_HIDDEN = 8; // make it hidden v0.9.0.9+ // for WNDCLASS_COLOURPICKER CPM_SETCOLOUR = $1000;// lParam=new colour CPM_GETCOLOUR = $1001;// returns colour CPM_SETDEFAULTCOLOUR = $1002;// lParam=default, used as first custom colour CPM_GETDEFAULTCOLOUR = $1003;// returns colour CPN_COLOURCHANGED = 1; // sent through WM_COMMAND // Colour picker control, see CPM_* and CPN_* constants above WNDCLASS_COLOURPICKER = 'ColourPicker'; // hyperlink messages { Use this in a SendMessage to set the color of the url when control is enabled wParam=dword color lParam=not used } HLK_SETENABLECOLOUR = WM_USER+101; // added in 0.3.1 { Use this in a SendMessage to set the color of the url when control is disabled wParam=dword color lParam=not used } HLK_SETDISABLECOLOUR = WM_USER+102; // added in 0.3.1 type PUTILRESIZECONTROL = ^TUTILRESIZECONTROL; TUTILRESIZECONTROL = record cbSize : int; wId : int; // control ID rcItem : TRECT; // original control rectangle, relative to dialog // modify in-placee to specify the new position dlgOriginalSize: TSize; // size of dialog client area in template dlgNewSize : TSize; // current size of dialog client area end; TDIALOGRESIZERPROC = function(hwndDlg: THANDLE; lParam: LPARAM; urc: PUTILRESIZECONTROL): int; cdecl; PCountryListEntry = ^TCountryListEntry; TCountryListEntry = record id : int; szName : PAnsiChar; ISOcode: array [0..2] of AnsiChar; end; const OUF_NEWWINDOW = 1; OUF_UNICODE = 2; { wParam : OUF_* flag lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing Url Affect : Open a URL in the user's default web browser, see notes Returns: 0 on success, [non zero on failure] Notes : bOpenInWindow should be zero to open the URL in the browoser window the user last used, or nonzero to open in a new browser window, if there's no browser running, it will be started to show the URL Version: v0.1.0.1+ } MS_UTILS_OPENURL:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/OpenURL'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to an initalised TUTILRESIZEDIALOG structure Affect : Resize a dialog by calling a custom routine to move each control, see notes Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure Notes : Does not support DIALOGTEMPLATEEX dialogboxes, and will return failure if you try to resize one.- the dialog iteself should have been resized prior to calling this service, .pfnResizer is called once for each control in the dialog .pfnResizer should return a combination of one RD_ANCHORx_ and one RD_ANCHORy constant Version: v0.1.0.1+ } function Utils_ResizeDialog(hwndDlg:THANDLE; hInst:HINST; pTemplate:PAnsiChar; pFunc:TDIALOGRESIZERPROC; lParam:LPARAM=0) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'Utils_ResizeDialog'; { wParam : countryID lParam : 0 Affect : Get the name of a country given it's number, e.g. 44 = UK Returns: Returns a pointer to a string containing the country name on success NULL(0) on failure Version: v0.1.2.0+ } const MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYNUMBER:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryByNumber'; { Gets the name of a country given its ISO code v0.1.2.0+ wParam = (char*)ISOcode lParam = 0 Returns a pointer to the string containing the country name on success, or NULL on failure } MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYISOCODE:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryByISOCode'; { wParam : Pointer to an int to be filled with count -- !TODO! test. lParam : Pointer to an PCountryListEntry, see notes Affect : Get the full list of country IDs, see notes Returns: 0 always Notes : the list is sorted alphabetically by name, on the assumption it's quicker to search numbers that are out of outer, than strings that are out of order. a NULL(0) entry terminates - Neither wParam or lParam can be NULL(0) - lParam is filled with the first entry, it can be accessed as a pointer, to get the next entry, increment the pointer by sizeof(Pointer) NOT sizeof(TCountryList), only increment the pointer as many times as given by iCount. - this data can NOT be copied if an array of TCountryListEntry's is passed so don't try it. Version: v0.1.2.0+ } MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryList'; //******************************* Window lists ******************************* { Affect : Allocate a window list Returns: A handle to the new window list } function WindowList_Create() : Thandle; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Create'; procedure WindowList_Destroy(hList:Thandle); stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Destroy'; { Affect : Add a window to a given window list handle Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure } function WindowList_Add(hList:Thandle; hwnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Add'; { Affect : Remove a window from the specified window list Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure } function WindowList_Remove(hList:Thandle; hwnd:HWND) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Remove'; { Affect : Find a window handle given the hContact Returns: The found window handle or NULL(0) on failure } function WindowList_Find(hList:Thandle; hContact:TMCONTACT) : HWND; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Find'; { Affect : sends a message to all windows in a list using SendMessage Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure } function WindowList_Broadcast(hList:Thandle; message:UINT; wParam:TWPARAM; lParam:TLPARAM) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_Broadcast'; { Affect : Sends a message to all windows in a list using PostMessage Returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure, this service does not fail, even if PostMessage() fails for whatever reason } function WindowList_BroadcastAsync(hList:Thandle; message:UINT; wParam:TWPARAM; lParam:TLPARAM) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'WindowList_BroadcastAsync'; { There aren't any services here, there's no need for them, the control class will obey the SS_LEFT (0), SS_CENTER (1), SS_RIGHT(2) styles the control will send STN_CLICKED via WM_COMMAND when the link itself is clicked - These are defined by STATIC controls and STN_CLICKED is sent to standard STATIC classes when they're clicked -- look at WINAPI docs for more info } const WNDCLASS_HYPERLINK = 'Hyperlink'; { Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure } function Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT; const szModule,szNamePrefix:PAnsiChar) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'Utils_SaveWindowPosition'; { Affect : Restores the position of a window from the database, see notes Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure Notes : If no position info was found, the service will return 1. The NoSize version won't use stored information size, the window is left the same size - See Utils_RestoreWindowPosition() Helper function, this function is a bit different from the C function (which can be inlined too! dammit) that there's only one function and not three (which just passed different flags) } function Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hwnd:HWND; hContact:TMCONTACT; const szModule,szNamePrefix:PAnsiChar; flags:int) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'Utils_RestoreWindowPosition'; { Affect : Moves a RECT inside screen if it is outside.It works with multiple monitors (v0.9.0.4+) Returns: <0 on error, 0 if not changed the rect, 1 if changed the rect } function Utils_AssertInsideScreen(var rc:TRECT) : int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'Utils_AssertInsideScreen'; { wParam : 0 lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing filename Affect : Loads a bitmap (or other graphic type, see Notes Returns: HBITMAP on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : This function also supports JPEG, GIF (and maybe PNG too) For speed, if the file extention is .bmp or .rle it will use LoadImage() and not load OLE for the extra image support - Remember to delete the returned handle with DeleteObject (see GDI documentation for WINAPI) } const MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAP :PAnsiChar = 'Utils/LoadBitmap'; MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAPW:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/LoadBitmapW'; { Affect : Saves a path to a relative path (from the miranda directory) Only saves as a relative path if the file is in the miranda directory (or sub directory) Notes : pszPath is the path to convert and pszNewPath is the buffer that the new path is copied too. pszNewPath MUST be of the size MAX_PATH. Returns: numbers of chars copied. } function PathToRelative(const pSrc:PAnsiChar; pOut:PAnsiChar; base:PAnsiChar=nil):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'PathToRelative'; function PathToRelativeW(const pSrc:PWideChar; pOut:PWideChar; base:PWideChar=nil):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'PathToRelativeW'; { Affect : Saves a path to a absolute path (from the miranda directory) Notes : pszPath is the path to convert and pszNewPath is the buffer that the new path is copied too. pszNewPath MUST be of the size MAX_PATH. Returns: numbers of chars copied. } function PathToAbsolute(const pSrc:PAnsiChar; pOut:PAnsiChar; base:PAnsiChar=nil):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'PathToAbsolute'; function PathToAbsoluteW(const pSrc:PWideChar; pOut:PWideChar; base:PWideChar=nil):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'PathToAbsoluteW'; { Creates a directory tree (even more than one directories levels are missing) 0.7.0+ Returns 0 on success error code otherwise } function CreateDirectoryTree(const szDir:PAnsiChar):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'CreateDirectoryTree'; function CreateDirectoryTreeW(const szDir:PWideChar):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'CreateDirectoryTreeW'; { Creates all subdirectories required to create a file with the file name given Returns 0 on success or an error code otherwise } procedure CreatePathToFile(wszFilePath:PAnsiChar); stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'CreatePathToFile'; procedure CreatePathToFileW(wszFilePath:PWideChar); stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'CreatePathToFileW'; { Checks if a file name is absolute or not returns TRUE if yes or FALSE if not } function PathIsAbsolute(const pSrc:PAnsiChar):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'PathIsAbsolute'; function PathIsAbsoluteW(const pSrc:PWideChar):int; stdcall; external CoreDLL name 'PathIsAbsoluteW'; { Generates Random number of any length wParam=size - length of the random number to generate lParam=(LPARAM)(char*)pszArray - pointer to array to fill with random number Always returns 0 } const MS_UTILS_GETRANDOM:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetRandom'; //Replace variables in text //wParam=(char*/TCHAR*/WCHAR*)string (depends on RVF_UNICODE/RVF_TCHAR flag) //lParam=(REPLACEVARSDATA *) data about variables, item with key=0 terminates the list //returns new string, use mir_free to destroy type PREPLACEVARSARRAY = ^TREPLACEVARSARRAY; TREPLACEVARSARRAY = record szKey :TCHAR; szValue:TCHAR; end; type TREPLACEVARSDATA = record cbSize :int; dwFlags :dword; hContact :TMCONTACT; variables:PREPLACEVARSARRAY; end; const RVF_UNICODE = 1; MS_UTILS_REPLACEVARS:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/ReplaceVars'; { variables known by the core: ---------------------------- folders comes without trailing slash %miranda_profile% -> same as MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH, base folder for all profiles %miranda_userdata% -> the active profile folder (home of the .dat file and all profile data) %miranda_path% -> home path of the miranda installation (installation path of miranda32/64.exe %miranda_profilename% -> Name of the profile in use. Essentially, the name of the .dat file without file name extension. Also: the folder name relative to %miranda_profile% where all profile data is stored. %miranda_logpath% -> base folder for log files. This is \Logs relative to the current profile folder. %miranda_avatarcache% -> base folder for all protocol avatars. internal use only. the following variables operate on contacts. REPLACEVARSDATA::hContact must be supplied by the caller. %nick% -> a contact nick name. %proto% -> internal protocol name for a given contact. NOT the user- defined account name. %accountname% -> user-defined account name for a given contact. %userid% -> Unique ID for a given contact (UIN, JID etc.) the following variables are system variables - unrelated to miranda profiles. %appdata% -> same as %APPDATA% environment variable. %destkop% -> location of the desktop folder in a user's profile. %mydocuments% -> location of the "My Documents" shell folder. } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // one field form const ESF_MULTILINE = 1; ESF_COMBO = 2; ESF_RICHEDIT = 3; ESF_PASSWORD = 4; type PENTER_STRING = ^TENTER_STRING; TENTER_STRING = record cbSize :int; // structure size _type :int; // one of ESF_* constants szModuleName:PAnsiChar; // module name to save window size and combobox strings szDataPrefix:PAnsiChar; // prefix for stored database variables caption :PAnsiChar; // window caption // next TChar fields is on same place // ptszInitVal:TChar; // initial value (note: the core DOES NOT free it) ptszResult :TChar; // result entered (must be freed via mir_free) recentCount :int; // number of combobox strings to store timeout :int; // timeout for the form auto-close end; const // enters one string // wParam = 0 (unused) // lParam = PENTER_STRING (form description) // returns TRUE on pressing OK or FALSE if Cancel was pressed MS_UTILS_ENTERSTRING:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/EnterString'; {$ENDIF}