
Chat module interface for Miranda NG

Copyright (c) 2014 George Hazan

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#pragma once

#ifndef M_CHAT_INT_H__
#define M_CHAT_INT_H__ 1

#include <m_string.h>
#include <m_chat.h>


#define CHAT_MODULE "Chat"
#define CHATFONT_MODULE "ChatFonts"


#define GC_UPDATETITLE         (WM_USER+100)
#define GC_SPLITTERMOVED       (WM_USER+101)
#define GC_CLOSEWINDOW         (WM_USER+103)
#define GC_GETITEMDATA         (WM_USER+104)
#define GC_SETITEMDATA         (WM_USER+105)
#define GC_SETVISIBILITY       (WM_USER+107)
#define GC_SETWNDPROPS         (WM_USER+108)
#define GC_REDRAWLOG           (WM_USER+109)
#define GC_FIREHOOK            (WM_USER+110)
#define GC_FILTERFIX           (WM_USER+111)
#define GC_SHOWFILTERMENU      (WM_USER+113)
#define GC_SETWINDOWPOS        (WM_USER+114)
#define GC_SAVEWNDPOS          (WM_USER+115)
#define GC_REDRAWWINDOW        (WM_USER+118)
#define GC_ADDLOG              (WM_USER+120)
#define GC_ACKMESSAGE          (WM_USER+121)
#define GC_UPDATENICKLIST      (WM_USER+125)
#define GC_TABCHANGE           (WM_USER+127)
#define GC_ADDTAB              (WM_USER+128)
#define GC_SCROLLTOBOTTOM      (WM_USER+129)
#define GC_REMOVETAB           (WM_USER+130)
#define GC_FIXTABICONS         (WM_USER+132)
#define GC_DROPPEDTAB          (WM_USER+133)
#define GC_TABCLICKED          (WM_USER+134)
#define GC_SWITCHNEXTTAB       (WM_USER+135)
#define GC_SWITCHPREVTAB       (WM_USER+136)
#define GC_SWITCHTAB           (WM_USER+137)
#define GC_REDRAWLOG2          (WM_USER+140)
#define GC_REDRAWLOG3          (WM_USER+141)

#define TIMERID_FLASHWND       1

#define GCW_TABROOM            10
#define GCW_TABPRIVMSG         11

#define GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT     0x1000
#define STATE_TALK             0x0001

#define ICON_ACTION            0
#define ICON_ADDSTATUS         1
#define ICON_HIGHLIGHT         2
#define ICON_INFO              3
#define ICON_JOIN              4
#define ICON_KICK              5
#define ICON_MESSAGE           6
#define ICON_MESSAGEOUT        7
#define ICON_NICK              8
#define ICON_NOTICE            9
#define ICON_PART             10
#define ICON_QUIT             11
#define ICON_REMSTATUS        12
#define ICON_TOPIC            13

#define ICON_STATUS0          14
#define ICON_STATUS1          15
#define ICON_STATUS2          16
#define ICON_STATUS3          17
#define ICON_STATUS4          18
#define ICON_STATUS5          19



struct GCModuleInfoBase
	char*     pszModule;
	wchar_t*    ptszModDispName;
	char*     pszHeader;
	bool      bBold;
	bool      bUnderline;
	bool      bItalics;
	bool      bColor;
	bool      bBkgColor;
	bool      bChanMgr;
	bool      bAckMsg;
	bool      bSingleFormat;
	bool      bFontSize;
	int       nColorCount;
	COLORREF* crColors;
	HICON     hOnlineIcon;
	HICON     hOfflineIcon;
	HICON     hOnlineTalkIcon;
	HICON     hOfflineTalkIcon;
	int       iMaxText;

   char *lpCommand;
   COMMANDINFO *last, *next;

   LOGFONT  lf;
   COLORREF color;

struct LOGINFO
   wchar_t*  ptszText;
   wchar_t*  ptszNick;
   wchar_t*  ptszUID;
   wchar_t*  ptszStatus;
   wchar_t*  ptszUserInfo;
   BOOL    bIsMe;
   BOOL    bIsHighlighted;
   time_t  time;
   int     iType;
	DWORD   dwFlags;
   LOGINFO *next, *prev;

   wchar_t*  pszGroup;
   HICON   hIcon;
   WORD    Status;
   STATUSINFO *next;

   wchar_t* pszNick;
   wchar_t* pszUID;
   WORD   Status;
   int    iStatusEx;
   WORD   ContactStatus;
   USERINFO *next;

struct GCSessionInfoBase
   HWND        hWnd;

   BOOL        bFGSet;
   BOOL        bBGSet;
   BOOL        bFilterEnabled;
   BOOL        bNicklistEnabled;
   BOOL        bInitDone;
	BOOL        bTrimmed;

   char*       pszModule;
   wchar_t*      ptszID;
   wchar_t*      ptszName;
   wchar_t*      ptszStatusbarText;
   wchar_t*      ptszTopic;

   int         iType;
   int         iFG;
   int         iBG;
   int         iSplitterY;
   int         iSplitterX;
   int         iLogFilterFlags;
   int         nUsersInNicklist;
   int         iEventCount;
   int         iWidth;
   int         iHeight;
   int         iStatusCount;

   WORD        wStatus;
   WORD        wState;
   WORD        wCommandsNum;
   DWORD       dwItemData;
   DWORD       dwFlags;
	MCONTACT    hContact;
   HWND        hwndStatus;
   time_t      LastTime;

   COMMANDINFO* lpCommands;
   COMMANDINFO* lpCurrentCommand;
   LOGINFO*    pLog;
   LOGINFO*    pLogEnd;
   USERINFO*   pUsers;
   USERINFO*   pMe;
   STATUSINFO* pStatuses;

	wchar_t       pszLogFileName[MAX_PATH];

struct GCLogStreamDataBase
   char*         buffer;
   int           bufferOffset, bufferLen;
   HWND          hwnd;
   LOGINFO*      lin;
   BOOL          bStripFormat;
   BOOL          bRedraw;

struct GlobalLogSettingsBase
	bool     bShowTime;
	bool     bShowTimeIfChanged;
	bool     bLoggingEnabled;
	bool     bFlashWindow, bFlashWindowHighlight;
	bool     bHighlightEnabled;
	bool     bLogIndentEnabled;
	bool     bStripFormat;
	bool     bSoundsFocus;
	bool     bPopupInactiveOnly;
	bool     bTrayIconInactiveOnly;
	bool     bAddColonToAutoComplete;
	bool     bLogLimitNames;
	bool     bTimeStampEventColour;
	bool		bShowContactStatus;
	bool		bContactStatusFirst;
	DWORD    dwIconFlags;
	DWORD    dwTrayIconFlags;
	DWORD    dwPopupFlags;
	int      LogIconSize;
	int      LogTextIndent;
	int      LoggingLimit;
	int      iEventLimit;
	int      iPopupStyle;
	int      iPopupTimeout;
	int      iSplitterX;
	int      iSplitterY;
	int      iWidth;
	int      iHeight;
	wchar_t*   pszTimeStamp;
	wchar_t*   pszTimeStampLog;
	wchar_t*   pszIncomingNick;
	wchar_t*   pszOutgoingNick;
	wchar_t*   pszHighlightWords;
	wchar_t*   pszLogDir;
	HFONT    UserListFont;
	HFONT    UserListHeadingsFont;
	HFONT    NameFont;
	COLORREF crLogBackground;
	COLORREF crUserListColor;
	COLORREF crUserListBGColor;
	COLORREF crUserListSelectedBGColor;
	COLORREF crUserListHeadingsColor;
	COLORREF crPUTextColour;
	COLORREF crPUBkgColour;


#define FONTMODE_USE   1
#define FONTMODE_SKIP  2

	GlobalLogSettingsBase *pSettings;
	int cbModuleInfo, cbSession;
	wchar_t *szFontGroup;
	int iFontMode;

	void          (*SetActiveSession)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule);
	void          (*SetActiveSessionEx)(SESSION_INFO *si);
	SESSION_INFO* (*GetActiveSession)(void);
	SESSION_INFO* (*SM_AddSession)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule);
	int           (*SM_RemoveSession)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, BOOL removeContact);
	SESSION_INFO* (*SM_FindSession)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule);
	USERINFO*     (*SM_AddUser)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t *pszNick, WORD wStatus);
	BOOL          (*SM_ChangeUID)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t* pszNewUID);
	BOOL          (*SM_ChangeNick)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, GCEVENT *gce);
	BOOL          (*SM_RemoveUser)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID);
	BOOL          (*SM_SetOffline)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule);
	BOOL          (*SM_SetTabbedWindowHwnd)(SESSION_INFO *si, HWND hwnd);
	HICON         (*SM_GetStatusIcon)(SESSION_INFO *si, USERINFO * ui);
	BOOL          (*SM_SetStatus)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, int wStatus);
	BOOL          (*SM_SetStatusEx)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t* pszText, int flags);
	BOOL          (*SM_SendUserMessage)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t* pszText);
	STATUSINFO*   (*SM_AddStatus)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszStatus);
	BOOL          (*SM_AddEventToAllMatchingUID)(GCEVENT *gce);
	BOOL          (*SM_AddEvent)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, GCEVENT *gce, BOOL bIsHighlighted);
	LRESULT       (*SM_SendMessage)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	BOOL          (*SM_PostMessage)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	BOOL          (*SM_BroadcastMessage)(const char *pszModule, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL bAsync);
	BOOL          (*SM_RemoveAll)(void);
	BOOL          (*SM_GiveStatus)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t *pszStatus);
	BOOL          (*SM_SetContactStatus)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID, WORD pszStatus);
	BOOL          (*SM_TakeStatus)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t *pszStatus);
	BOOL          (*SM_MoveUser)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszUID);
	void          (*SM_AddCommand)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, const char* lpNewCommand);
	char*         (*SM_GetPrevCommand)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule);
	char*         (*SM_GetNextCommand)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule);
	int           (*SM_GetCount)(const char *pszModule);
	SESSION_INFO* (*SM_FindSessionByIndex)(const char *pszModule, int iItem);
	char*         (*SM_GetUsers)(SESSION_INFO *si);
	USERINFO*     (*SM_GetUserFromIndex)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, int index);
	void          (*SM_InvalidateLogDirectories)(void);

	MODULEINFO*   (*MM_AddModule)(const char *pszModule);
	MODULEINFO*   (*MM_FindModule)(const char *pszModule);
	void          (*MM_FixColors)();
	void          (*MM_FontsChanged)(void);
	void          (*MM_IconsChanged)(void);
	BOOL          (*MM_RemoveAll)(void);

	STATUSINFO*   (*TM_AddStatus)(STATUSINFO** ppStatusList, const wchar_t *pszStatus, int* iCount);
	STATUSINFO*   (*TM_FindStatus)(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, const wchar_t *pszStatus);
	WORD          (*TM_StringToWord)(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, const wchar_t *pszStatus);
	wchar_t*        (*TM_WordToString)(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, WORD Status);
	BOOL          (*TM_RemoveAll)(STATUSINFO** pStatusList);

	BOOL          (*UM_SetStatusEx)(USERINFO* pUserList, const wchar_t* pszText, int onlyMe);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_AddUser)(STATUSINFO* pStatusList, USERINFO** pUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t *pszNick, WORD wStatus);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_SortUser)(USERINFO** ppUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_FindUser)(USERINFO* pUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_FindUserFromIndex)(USERINFO* pUserList, int index);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_GiveStatus)(USERINFO* pUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID, WORD status);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_SetContactStatus)(USERINFO* pUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID, WORD status);
	USERINFO*     (*UM_TakeStatus)(USERINFO* pUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID, WORD status);
	wchar_t*        (*UM_FindUserAutoComplete)(USERINFO* pUserList, const wchar_t* pszOriginal, const wchar_t* pszCurrent);
	BOOL          (*UM_RemoveUser)(USERINFO** pUserList, const wchar_t *pszUID);
	BOOL          (*UM_RemoveAll)(USERINFO** ppUserList);
	int           (*UM_CompareItem)(USERINFO * u1, const wchar_t *pszNick, WORD wStatus);

	LOGINFO*      (*LM_AddEvent)(LOGINFO** ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd);
	BOOL          (*LM_TrimLog)(LOGINFO** ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd, int iCount);
	BOOL          (*LM_RemoveAll)(LOGINFO** ppLogListStart, LOGINFO** ppLogListEnd);

	MCONTACT      (*AddRoom)(const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszRoom, const wchar_t *pszDisplayName, int iType);
	BOOL          (*SetOffline)(MCONTACT hContact, BOOL bHide);
	BOOL          (*SetAllOffline)(BOOL bHide, const char *pszModule);
	BOOL          (*AddEvent)(MCONTACT hContact, HICON hIcon, MEVENT hEvent, int type, wchar_t* fmt, ...);
	MCONTACT      (*FindRoom)(const char *pszModule, const wchar_t *pszRoom);

	char*         (*Log_CreateRTF)(LOGSTREAMDATA *streamData);
	char*         (*Log_CreateRtfHeader)(MODULEINFO *mi);
	void          (*LoadMsgDlgFont)(int i, LOGFONT *lf, COLORREF *color);
	wchar_t*        (*MakeTimeStamp)(wchar_t *pszStamp, time_t time);

	BOOL          (*DoEventHook)(const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, int iType, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t* pszText, INT_PTR dwItem);
	BOOL          (*DoEventHookAsync)(HWND hwnd, const wchar_t *pszID, const char *pszModule, int iType, const wchar_t* pszUID, const wchar_t* pszText, INT_PTR dwItem);

	BOOL          (*DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce, BOOL bHighlight, int bManyFix);
	BOOL          (*DoTrayIcon)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce);
	BOOL          (*DoPopup)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce);
	int           (*ShowPopup)(MCONTACT hContact, SESSION_INFO *si, HICON hIcon, char* pszProtoName, wchar_t* pszRoomName, COLORREF crBkg, const wchar_t* fmt, ...);
	BOOL          (*LogToFile)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce);
	wchar_t*        (*GetChatLogsFilename)(SESSION_INFO *si, time_t tTime);
	int           (*GetColorIndex)(const char *pszModule, COLORREF cr);
	char*         (*Log_SetStyle)(int style);

	BOOL          (*IsHighlighted)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *pszText);
	wchar_t*        (*RemoveFormatting)(const wchar_t *pszText);
	void          (*ReloadSettings)(void);

	void          (*ColorChooser)(SESSION_INFO *si, BOOL bFG, HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndTarget, HWND hwndChooser);
	int           (*DoRtfToTags)(CMStringW &pszText, int iNumColors, COLORREF *pColors);

	int logPixelSY, logPixelSX;
	char *szActiveWndModule;
	wchar_t *szActiveWndID;
	HICON  hIcons[30];
	HBRUSH hListBkgBrush, hListSelectedBkgBrush;
	HANDLE hBuildMenuEvent, hSendEvent;
	size_t *logIconBmpSize;
	char **pLogIconBmpBits;

	// user-defined custom callbacks
	void (*OnCreateModule)(MODULEINFO*);

	void (*OnCreateSession)(SESSION_INFO*, MODULEINFO*);
	void (*OnDblClickSession)(SESSION_INFO*);
	void (*OnOfflineSession)(SESSION_INFO*);
	void (*OnRemoveSession)(SESSION_INFO*);
	void (*OnRenameSession)(SESSION_INFO*);
	void (*OnReplaceSession)(SESSION_INFO*);

	void (*ShowRoom)(SESSION_INFO*, WPARAM wp, BOOL bSetForeground);
	void (*OnAddLog)(SESSION_INFO*, int);
	void (*OnClearLog)(SESSION_INFO*);
	void (*OnGetLogName)(SESSION_INFO*, const wchar_t*);
	void (*OnEventBroadcast)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce);
	void (*OnSetStatusBar)(SESSION_INFO*);
	void (*OnSetTopic)(SESSION_INFO*);

	void (*OnAddUser)(SESSION_INFO*, USERINFO*);
	void (*OnNewUser)(SESSION_INFO*, USERINFO*);
	void (*OnRemoveUser)(SESSION_INFO*, USERINFO*);
	void (*OnChangeNick)(SESSION_INFO*);

	void (*OnAddStatus)(SESSION_INFO*, STATUSINFO*);
	void (*OnSetStatus)(SESSION_INFO*, int);

	void (*OnLoadSettings)(void);
	void (*OnFlashWindow)(SESSION_INFO*, int bInactive);
	void (*OnFlashHighlight)(SESSION_INFO*, int bInactive);

extern CHAT_MANAGER *pci;
extern int hLangpack;

__forceinline void mir_getCI(CHAT_MANAGER_INITDATA *pData)
	pci = (CHAT_MANAGER*)CallService("GChat/GetInterface", hLangpack, (LPARAM)pData);

#endif // M_CHAT_INT_H__