/* Chat module interface for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2014-24 George Hazan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once #ifndef M_CHAT_INT_H__ #define M_CHAT_INT_H__ 1 #pragma warning(disable:4512 4275) #include <time.h> #ifndef M_CORE_H__ #include <m_core.h> #endif #include <m_string.h> #include <m_chat.h> #include <m_gui.h> #include <m_utils.h> #define OPTIONS_FONTCOUNT 20 #define STATUSICONCOUNT 6 #define CHAT_MODULE "Chat" #define CHATFONT_MODULE "ChatFonts" #define GC_FAKE_EVENT MEVENT(0xBABABEDA) #define GCW_TABROOM 10 #define GCW_TABPRIVMSG 11 #define GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT 0x1000 #define STATE_TALK 0x0001 #define ICON_ACTION 0 #define ICON_ADDSTATUS 1 #define ICON_HIGHLIGHT 2 #define ICON_INFO 3 #define ICON_JOIN 4 #define ICON_KICK 5 #define ICON_MESSAGE 6 #define ICON_MESSAGEOUT 7 #define ICON_NICK 8 #define ICON_NOTICE 9 #define ICON_PART 10 #define ICON_QUIT 11 #define ICON_REMSTATUS 12 #define ICON_TOPIC 13 #define CHATMODE_NORMAL 0 #define CHATMODE_MUTE 1 #define CHATMODE_UNMUTE 2 //structs struct SESSION_INFO; struct MODULEINFO; class CMsgDialog; struct USERINFO : public MZeroedObject, public MNonCopyable { ~USERINFO() { iSignature = 0; } wchar_t* pszUID; wchar_t* pszNick; uint32_t iSignature = GC_FAKE_EVENT; uint16_t Status; uint16_t ContactStatus; int iStatusEx; bool isValid() const { return iSignature == GC_FAKE_EVENT; } }; struct MIR_APP_EXPORT GCModuleInfoBase : public MZeroedObject, public MNonCopyable { GCModuleInfoBase(); ~GCModuleInfoBase(); char* pszModule; wchar_t* ptszModDispName; bool bBold, bItalics, bUnderline; bool bColor, bBkgColor; bool bChanMgr, bAckMsg, bDatabase, bPersistent; int iMaxText; }; struct FONTINFO { LOGFONT lf; COLORREF color; }; struct MIR_APP_EXPORT LOGINFO : public MZeroedObject, public MNonCopyable { LOGINFO(const GCEVENT*); ~LOGINFO(); int getIcon() const; int getIndex() const; void write(struct RtfChatLogStreamData *streamData, bool simpleMode, CMStringA &str, const wchar_t *line) const; ptrW ptszText; ptrW ptszNick; ptrW ptszUID; ptrW ptszStatus; ptrW ptszUserInfo; bool bIsMe; bool bIsHighlighted; bool bSimple; time_t time; MEVENT hEvent; int iType; }; struct STATUSINFO { wchar_t *pszGroup; int iIconIndex; int iStatus; STATUSINFO *next; }; struct MIR_APP_EXPORT SESSION_INFO : public MZeroedObject, public MNonCopyable { SESSION_INFO(); ~SESSION_INFO(); MCONTACT hContact; bool bInitDone; bool bHasToolTip; bool bHasNicklist; bool bHistoryInit; bool bIsDirty; char* pszModule; wchar_t* ptszID; wchar_t* ptszName; wchar_t* ptszStatusbarText; wchar_t* ptszTopic; int iType; int iStatusCount, iLastEvent; int iTrayFlags, iPopupFlags; int currentHovered; uint16_t wStatus; uint16_t wState; uint16_t wCommandsNum; void* pItemData; time_t LastTime; mir_cs csLock; CMsgDialog *pDlg; USERINFO *pMe; STATUSINFO *pStatuses; MODULEINFO *pMI; SESSION_INFO *pParent; OBJLIST<USERINFO> arUsers; OBJLIST<LOGINFO> arEvents; wchar_t pszLogFileName[MAX_PATH]; __forceinline USERINFO* getMe() const { return (pParent != nullptr) ? pParent->pMe : pMe; } __forceinline OBJLIST<USERINFO>& getUserList() { return (pParent != nullptr) ? pParent->arUsers : arUsers; } const char* getSoundName(int iEventType) const; }; struct GlobalLogSettingsBase { bool bShowTime; bool bShowTimeIfChanged; bool bLoggingEnabled; bool bHighlightEnabled; bool bLogIndentEnabled; bool bStripFormat; bool bSoundsFocus; bool bPopupInactiveOnly; bool bTrayIconInactiveOnly; bool bLogLimitNames; bool bTimeStampEventColour; bool bShowContactStatus; bool bContactStatusFirst; uint32_t dwIconFlags; int LogIconSize; int LogTextIndent; int LoggingLimit; int iEventLimit; int iPopupStyle; int iPopupTimeout; int iWidth; int iHeight; wchar_t *pszTimeStamp; wchar_t *pszTimeStampLog; wchar_t *pszIncomingNick; wchar_t *pszOutgoingNick; wchar_t *pszHighlightWords; wchar_t *pszLogDir; HFONT UserListFont; HFONT UserListHeadingsFont; HFONT NameFont; COLORREF crLogBackground; COLORREF crUserListColor; COLORREF crUserListBGColor; COLORREF crUserListSelectedBGColor; COLORREF crUserListHeadingsColor; COLORREF crPUTextColour; COLORREF crPUBkgColour; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef SRMM_OWN_STRUCTURES struct MODULEINFO : public GCModuleInfoBase {}; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FONTMODE_USE 1 #define FONTMODE_SKIP 2 #define FONTMODE_ALTER 3 struct CHAT_MANAGER_INITDATA { GlobalLogSettingsBase *pSettings; int cbModuleInfo; wchar_t *szFontGroup; int iFontMode; HPLUGIN pPlugin; }; typedef BOOL (*pfnDoTrayIcon)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce); typedef BOOL (*pfnDoPopup)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce); struct CHAT_MANAGER { CHAT_MANAGER(); SESSION_INFO* (*SM_CreateSession)(void); HICON (*SM_GetStatusIcon)(SESSION_INFO *si, USERINFO * ui); int (*SM_GetCount)(const char *pszModule); SESSION_INFO* (*SM_FindSessionByIndex)(const char *pszModule, int iItem); void (*SM_InvalidateLogDirectories)(void); MODULEINFO* (*MM_CreateModule)(void); void (*MM_IconsChanged)(void); BOOL (*MM_RemoveAll)(void); STATUSINFO* (*TM_FindStatus)(STATUSINFO *pStatusList, const wchar_t *pszStatus); wchar_t* (*TM_WordToString)(STATUSINFO *pStatusList, uint16_t Status); BOOL (*TM_RemoveAll)(STATUSINFO** pStatusList); int (*UM_CompareItem)(const USERINFO *u1, const USERINFO *u2); USERINFO* (*UM_AddUser)(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *pszUID, const wchar_t *pszNick, uint16_t wStatus); USERINFO* (*UM_FindUser)(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *pszUID); USERINFO* (*UM_GiveStatus)(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *pszUID, uint16_t status); BOOL (*UM_RemoveAll)(SESSION_INFO *si); USERINFO* (*UM_SetContactStatus)(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *pszUID, uint16_t status); USERINFO* (*UM_TakeStatus)(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *pszUID, uint16_t status); wchar_t* (*UM_FindUserAutoComplete)(SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t* pszOriginal, const wchar_t* pszCurrent); BOOL (*SetOffline)(MCONTACT hContact, BOOL bHide); BOOL (*SetAllOffline)(BOOL bHide, const char *pszModule); void (*LoadMsgDlgFont)(int i, LOGFONT *lf, COLORREF *color); wchar_t* (*MakeTimeStamp)(wchar_t *pszStamp, time_t time); BOOL (*DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce, BOOL bHighlight, int bManyFix); BOOL (*DoTrayIcon)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce); BOOL (*DoPopup)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce); int (*ShowPopup)(MCONTACT hContact, SESSION_INFO *si, HICON hIcon, char* pszProtoName, wchar_t* pszRoomName, COLORREF crBkg, const wchar_t* fmt, ...); wchar_t* (*GetChatLogsFilename)(SESSION_INFO *si, time_t tTime); char* (*Log_SetStyle)(int style); bool (*IsHighlighted)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *pszText); wchar_t* (*RemoveFormatting)(const wchar_t *pszText); void (*ReloadSettings)(void); int (*DoRtfToTags)(CMStringW &pszText, int iNumColors, COLORREF *pColors); void (*CreateNick)(const SESSION_INFO *si, const LOGINFO *lin, CMStringW &dest); int logPixelSY, logPixelSX; HICON hStatusIcons[STATUSICONCOUNT]; HBRUSH hListBkgBrush, hListSelectedBkgBrush; HANDLE hevWinPopup, hevPreCreate; FONTINFO aFonts[OPTIONS_FONTCOUNT]; LIST<SESSION_INFO> &arSessions; char **pLogIconBmpBits; CMOption<bool> bRightClickFilter; // public API MIR_APP_DLL(HICON) getIcon(int iEventType) const; // user-defined custom callbacks bool (*DbEventIsShown)(const DB::EventInfo &dbei); void (*OnCreateModule)(MODULEINFO*); void (*OnDestroyModule)(MODULEINFO*); void (*OnCreateSession)(SESSION_INFO*, MODULEINFO*); void (*OnOfflineSession)(SESSION_INFO*); void (*OnReplaceSession)(SESSION_INFO*); void (*ShowRoom)(SESSION_INFO*); void (*OnEventBroadcast)(SESSION_INFO *si, GCEVENT *gce); void (*OnSetTopic)(SESSION_INFO*); void (*OnAddUser)(SESSION_INFO*, USERINFO*); void (*OnNewUser)(SESSION_INFO*, USERINFO*); void (*OnRemoveUser)(SESSION_INFO*, USERINFO*); void (*OnChangeNick)(SESSION_INFO*); void (*OnAddStatus)(SESSION_INFO*, STATUSINFO*); void (*OnSetStatus)(SESSION_INFO*, int); void (*OnLoadSettings)(void); void (*OnFlashWindow)(SESSION_INFO*, int bInactive); void (*OnFlashHighlight)(SESSION_INFO*, int bInactive); }; extern MIR_APP_EXPORT CHAT_MANAGER g_chatApi; MIR_APP_DLL(CHAT_MANAGER*) Chat_CustomizeApi(const CHAT_MANAGER_INITDATA *pData); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // updates options for all windows MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_UpdateOptions(); // runs ME_GC_EVENT with the parameters passed MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Chat_DoEventHook(SESSION_INFO *si, int iType, const USERINFO *pUser, const wchar_t* pszText, INT_PTR dwItem); // wipes chat's history MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_EmptyHistory(SESSION_INFO *si); // creates custom popup menu for a group chat MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_CreateMenu(HMENU hMenu, SESSION_INFO *si, const wchar_t *pszUID); // calculates width or height of a string MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_GetTextPixelSize(const wchar_t *pszText, HFONT hFont, bool bWidth); // creates a default description of a group chat event // returns true if lin->ptszText is already utilized, you need to add it manually then otherwise MIR_APP_DLL(bool) Chat_GetDefaultEventDescr(const SESSION_INFO *si, const LOGINFO *lin, CMStringW &res); // sets mute mode for a group chat MIR_APP_DLL(int) Chat_IsMuted(MCONTACT hContact); MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_Mute(MCONTACT hContact, int mode); // resets filters for all session MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_ReconfigureFilters(); // sets filters for a session MIR_APP_DLL(void) Chat_SetFilters(SESSION_INFO *si); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // common settings namespace Chat { extern MIR_APP_EXPORT CMOption<bool> bShowNicklist, bFilterEnabled, bTopicOnClist, bPopupOnJoin, bDoubleClick4Privat, bShowContactStatus, bContactStatusFirst, bShowTime, bShowTimeIfChanged, bTimeStampEventColour, bFlashWindow, bFlashWindowHighlight, bDoubleClick4Privat, bLogIndentEnabled, bLogLimitNames, bStripFormat, bEnableCustomLogs; extern MIR_APP_EXPORT CMOption<uint32_t> iPopupFlags, iSoundFlags, iFilterFlags, iDiskLogFlags, iTrayIconFlags; }; #endif // M_CHAT_INT_H__