/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef M_CLISTINT_H__ #define M_CLISTINT_H__ 1 #include <CommCtrl.h> #include "m_genmenu.h" #include "m_protocols.h" #include "m_clc.h" #define HCONTACT_ISGROUP 0x80000000 #define HCONTACT_ISINFO 0xFFFF0000 #define IsHContactGroup(h) (((DWORD)(h)^HCONTACT_ISGROUP)<(HCONTACT_ISGROUP^HCONTACT_ISINFO)) #define IsHContactInfo(h) (((DWORD)(h)&HCONTACT_ISINFO) == HCONTACT_ISINFO) #define IsHContactContact(h) (((DWORD)(h)&HCONTACT_ISGROUP) == 0) #ifndef EXTRA_ICON_COUNT #define EXTRA_ICON_COUNT 10 #endif #define MAX_TIP_SIZE 2048 #define INTM_NAMECHANGED (WM_USER+10) #define INTM_ICONCHANGED (WM_USER+11) #define INTM_GROUPCHANGED (WM_USER+12) #define INTM_GROUPSCHANGED (WM_USER+13) #define INTM_CONTACTADDED (WM_USER+14) #define INTM_CONTACTDELETED (WM_USER+15) #define INTM_HIDDENCHANGED (WM_USER+16) #define INTM_INVALIDATE (WM_USER+17) #define INTM_APPARENTMODECHANGED (WM_USER+18) #define INTM_SETINFOTIPHOVERTIME (WM_USER+19) #define INTM_NOTONLISTCHANGED (WM_USER+20) #define INTM_RELOADOPTIONS (WM_USER+21) #define INTM_NAMEORDERCHANGED (WM_USER+22) #define INTM_IDLECHANGED (WM_USER+23) #define INTM_SCROLLBARCHANGED (WM_USER+24) #define INTM_PROTOCHANGED (WM_USER+25) #define TIMERID_RENAME 10 #define TIMERID_DRAGAUTOSCROLL 11 #define TIMERID_INFOTIP 13 #define TIMERID_REBUILDAFTER 14 #define TIMERID_DELAYEDRESORTCLC 15 #define TIMERID_TRAYHOVER 16 #define TIMERID_TRAYHOVER_2 17 #define GROUP_ALLOCATE_STEP 8 struct ContactList { struct ClcContact** items; int count, limit, increment; void* sortFunc; }; struct EventList { struct CListEvent** items; int count, limit, increment; void* sortFunc; }; struct ClcGroup { ContactList cl; int expanded, hideOffline, groupId; ClcGroup *parent; int scanIndex; int totalMembers; }; struct ClcFontInfo { HFONT hFont; int fontHeight, changed; COLORREF colour; }; struct ClcContactBase { BYTE type; BYTE flags; union { struct { int iImage; MCONTACT hContact; }; struct { WORD groupId; ClcGroup *group; }; }; WORD iExtraImage[EXTRA_ICON_COUNT]; TCHAR szText[120-EXTRA_ICON_COUNT]; char *proto; // MS_PROTO_GETBASEPROTO }; struct ClcDataBase { ClcGroup list; int rowHeight; int yScroll; int selection; ClcFontInfo fontInfo[FONTID_MAX + 1]; int scrollTime; HIMAGELIST himlHighlight; int groupIndent; TCHAR szQuickSearch[128]; int iconXSpace; HWND hwndRenameEdit; COLORREF bkColour, selBkColour, selTextColour, hotTextColour, quickSearchColour; int iDragItem, iInsertionMark; int dragStage; POINT ptDragStart; int dragAutoScrolling; int dragAutoScrollHeight; int leftMargin; int insertionMarkHitHeight; HBITMAP hBmpBackground; int backgroundBmpUse, bkChanged; int iHotTrack; int gammaCorrection; DWORD greyoutFlags; //see m_clc.h DWORD offlineModes; DWORD exStyle; POINT ptInfoTip; int infoTipTimeout; HANDLE hInfoTipItem; HIMAGELIST himlExtraColumns; int extraColumnsCount; int extraColumnSpacing; int checkboxSize; int showSelAlways; int showIdle; int noVScrollbar; int useWindowsColours; int needsResort; int filterSearch; }; struct ClcContact; struct ClcData; struct CListEvent; struct ClcCacheEntry; struct trayIconInfo_t { int id; char* szProto; HICON hBaseIcon; int isBase; TCHAR* ptszToolTip; }; typedef struct _menuProto { char *szProto; //This is DLL-based unique name HGENMENU pMenu; HICON hIcon; } MenuProto; /* constants */ #define DRAGSTAGE_NOTMOVED 0 #define DRAGSTAGE_ACTIVE 1 #define DRAGSTAGEM_STAGE 0x00FF #define DRAGSTAGEF_MAYBERENAME 0x8000 #define DRAGSTAGEF_OUTSIDE 0x4000 #define CONTACTF_ONLINE 1 #define CONTACTF_INVISTO 2 #define CONTACTF_VISTO 4 #define CONTACTF_NOTONLIST 8 #define CONTACTF_CHECKED 16 #define CONTACTF_IDLE 32 #define DROPTARGET_OUTSIDE 0 #define DROPTARGET_ONSELF 1 #define DROPTARGET_ONNOTHING 2 #define DROPTARGET_ONGROUP 3 #define DROPTARGET_ONCONTACT 4 #define DROPTARGET_INSERTION 5 #define CLCDEFAULT_ROWHEIGHT 16 #define CLCDEFAULT_EXSTYLE (CLS_EX_EDITLABELS|CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT|CLS_EX_SHOWGROUPCOUNTS|CLS_EX_HIDECOUNTSWHENEMPTY|CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT|CLS_EX_NOTRANSLUCENTSEL) //plus CLS_EX_NOSMOOTHSCROLL is got from the system #define CLCDEFAULT_SCROLLTIME 150 #define CLCDEFAULT_GROUPINDENT 5 #define CLCDEFAULT_BKCOLOUR GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE) #define CLCDEFAULT_USEBITMAP 0 #define CLCDEFAULT_BKBMPUSE CLB_STRETCH #define CLCDEFAULT_OFFLINEMODES MODEF_OFFLINE #define CLCDEFAULT_GREYOUTFLAGS 0 #define CLCDEFAULT_FULLGREYOUTFLAGS (MODEF_OFFLINE|PF2_INVISIBLE|GREYF_UNFOCUS) #define CLCDEFAULT_SELBLEND 1 #define CLCDEFAULT_SELBKCOLOUR GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) #define CLCDEFAULT_TEXTCOLOUR GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) #define CLCDEFAULT_SELTEXTCOLOUR GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT) #define CLCDEFAULT_HOTTEXTCOLOUR RGB(0, 0, 255) #define CLCDEFAULT_QUICKSEARCHCOLOUR RGB(255, 255, 0) #define CLCDEFAULT_LEFTMARGIN 0 #define CLCDEFAULT_RIGHTMARGIN 2 #define CLCDEFAULT_GAMMACORRECT 1 #define CLCDEFAULT_SHOWIDLE 1 #define CLCDEFAULT_USEWINDOWSCOLOURS 0 #define TRAYICON_ID_BASE 100 #define TIM_CALLBACK (WM_USER+1857) #define TIM_CREATE (WM_USER+1858) /*************************************************************************** * CLIST_INTERFACE structure definition ***************************************************************************/ typedef struct { char *szProto; DWORD dwStatus; } ClcProtoStatus; typedef struct { MCONTACT hContact; TCHAR* tszName; TCHAR* tszGroup; int bIsHidden; } ClcCacheEntryBase; typedef struct { int version; HWND hwndContactList, hwndContactTree, hwndStatus; HMENU hMenuMain; HMODULE hInst; int hClcProtoCount; ClcProtoStatus *clcProto; /* clc.h */ void (*pfnClcOptionsChanged)(void); void (*pfnClcBroadcast)(int, WPARAM, LPARAM); HMENU (*pfnBuildGroupPopupMenu)(struct ClcGroup*); LRESULT (CALLBACK *pfnContactListControlWndProc)(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* clcfiledrop.c */ void (*pfnRegisterFileDropping)(HWND hwnd); void (*pfnUnregisterFileDropping)(HWND hwnd); /* clcidents.c */ int (*pfnGetRowsPriorTo)(ClcGroup *group, ClcGroup *subgroup, int contactIndex); int (*pfnFindItem)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, DWORD dwItem, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **subgroup, int *isVisible); int (*pfnGetRowByIndex)(struct ClcData *dat, int testindex, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **subgroup); HANDLE (*pfnContactToHItem)(ClcContact *contact); HANDLE (*pfnContactToItemHandle)(ClcContact *contact, DWORD *nmFlags); /* clcitems.c */ ClcContact* (*pfnCreateClcContact)(void); struct ClcGroup* (*pfnAddGroup)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, const TCHAR *szName, DWORD flags, int groupId, int calcTotalMembers); struct ClcGroup* (*pfnRemoveItemFromGroup)(HWND hwnd, ClcGroup *group, ClcContact *contact, int updateTotalCount); void (*pfnFreeContact)(ClcContact *contact); void (*pfnFreeGroup)(ClcGroup *group); int (*pfnAddInfoItemToGroup)(ClcGroup *group, int flags, const TCHAR *pszText); int (*pfnAddItemToGroup)(ClcGroup *group, int iAboveItem); int (*pfnAddContactToGroup)(struct ClcData *dat, ClcGroup *group, MCONTACT hContact); void (*pfnAddContactToTree)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, MCONTACT hContact, int updateTotalCount, int checkHideOffline); void (*pfnDeleteItemFromTree)(HWND hwnd, MCONTACT hItem); void (*pfnRebuildEntireList)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); int (*pfnGetGroupContentsCount)(ClcGroup *group, int visibleOnly); void (*pfnSortCLC)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int useInsertionSort); void (*pfnSaveStateAndRebuildList)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); /* clcmsgs.c */ LRESULT (*pfnProcessExternalMessages)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* clcpaint.c */ void (*pfnPaintClc)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT * rcPaint); /* clcutils.c */ char* (*pfnGetGroupCountsText)(struct ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact); int (*pfnHitTest)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int testx, int testy, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **group, DWORD * flags); void (*pfnScrollTo)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int desty, int noSmooth); void (*pfnEnsureVisible)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int iItem, int partialOk); void (*pfnRecalcScrollBar)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); void (*pfnSetGroupExpand)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, ClcGroup *group, int newState); void (*pfnDoSelectionDefaultAction)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); int (*pfnFindRowByText)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, const TCHAR *text, int prefixOk); void (*pfnEndRename)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int save); void (*pfnDeleteFromContactList)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); void (*pfnBeginRenameSelection)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); void (*pfnCalcEipPosition)(struct ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact, ClcGroup *group, POINT *result); int (*pfnGetDropTargetInformation)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, POINT pt); int (*pfnClcStatusToPf2)(int status); int (*pfnIsHiddenMode)(struct ClcData *dat, int status); void (*pfnHideInfoTip)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); void (*pfnNotifyNewContact)(HWND hwnd, MCONTACT hContact); DWORD (*pfnGetDefaultExStyle)(void); void (*pfnGetDefaultFontSetting)(int i, LOGFONT* lf, COLORREF* colour); void (*pfnGetFontSetting)(int i, LOGFONT* lf, COLORREF* colour); void (*pfnLoadClcOptions)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); void (*pfnRecalculateGroupCheckboxes)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat); void (*pfnSetGroupChildCheckboxes)(ClcGroup *group, int checked); void (*pfnInvalidateItem)(HWND hwnd, struct ClcData *dat, int iItem); int (*pfnGetRowBottomY)(struct ClcData *dat, int item); int (*pfnGetRowHeight)(struct ClcData *dat, int item); int (*pfnGetRowTopY)(struct ClcData *dat, int item); int (*pfnGetRowTotalHeight)(struct ClcData *dat); int (*pfnRowHitTest)(struct ClcData *dat, int y); /* clistevents.c */ int (*pfnEventsProcessContactDoubleClick)(MCONTACT hContact); int (*pfnEventsProcessTrayDoubleClick)(int); /* clistmod.c */ int (*pfnIconFromStatusMode)(const char *szProto, int status, MCONTACT hContact); int (*pfnShowHide)(WPARAM, LPARAM); TCHAR* (*pfnGetStatusModeDescription)(int mode, int flags); /* clistsettings.c */ ClcCacheEntry* (*pfnGetCacheEntry)(MCONTACT hContact); ClcCacheEntry* (*pfnCreateCacheItem)(MCONTACT hContact); void (*pfnCheckCacheItem)(ClcCacheEntry*); void (*pfnFreeCacheItem)(ClcCacheEntry*); TCHAR* (*pfnGetContactDisplayName)(MCONTACT hContact, int mode); void (*pfnInvalidateDisplayNameCacheEntry)(MCONTACT hContact); /* clisttray.c */ void (*pfnTrayIconUpdateWithImageList)(int iImage, const TCHAR *szNewTip, char *szPreferredProto); void (*pfnTrayIconUpdateBase)(const char *szChangedProto); void (*pfnTrayIconSetToBase)(char *szPreferredProto); void (*pfnTrayIconIconsChanged)(void); int (*pfnTrayIconPauseAutoHide)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR (*pfnTrayIconProcessMessage)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int (*pfnCListTrayNotify)(MIRANDASYSTRAYNOTIFY*); /* clui.c */ LRESULT (CALLBACK *pfnContactListWndProc)(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void (*pfnCluiProtocolStatusChanged)(int status, const char *szProto); void (*pfnDrawMenuItem)(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT, HICON, HICON); void (*pfnLoadCluiGlobalOpts)(void); BOOL (*pfnInvalidateRect)(HWND hwnd, CONST RECT* lpRect, BOOL bErase); void (*pfnOnCreateClc)(void); /* contact.c */ void (*pfnChangeContactIcon)(MCONTACT hContact, int iIcon, int add); void (*pfnLoadContactTree)(void); int (*pfnCompareContacts)(const ClcContact *contact1, const ClcContact *contact2); void (*pfnSortContacts)(void); int (*pfnSetHideOffline)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* docking.c */ int (*pfnDocking_ProcessWindowMessage)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /* group.c */ TCHAR* (*pfnGetGroupName)(int idx, DWORD* pdwFlags); int (*pfnRenameGroup)(int groupID, TCHAR* newName); /* keyboard.c */ int (*pfnHotKeysRegister)(HWND hwnd); void (*pfnHotKeysUnregister)(HWND hwnd); int (*pfnHotKeysProcess)(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int (*pfnHotkeysProcessMessage)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); /************************************************************************************* * version 2 - events processing *************************************************************************************/ EventList events; struct CListEvent* (*pfnCreateEvent)(void); void (*pfnFreeEvent)(struct CListEvent*); struct CListEvent* (*pfnAddEvent)(CLISTEVENT*); CLISTEVENT* (*pfnGetEvent)(MCONTACT hContact, int idx); int (*pfnRemoveEvent)(MCONTACT hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent); int (*pfnGetImlIconIndex)(HICON hIcon); /************************************************************************************* * version 3 additions *************************************************************************************/ int (*pfnGetWindowVisibleState)(HWND hWnd, int iStepX, int iStepY); /************************************************************************************* * version 4 additions (0.7.0.x) - genmenu *************************************************************************************/ MenuProto* menuProtos; int menuProtoCount; HANDLE hPreBuildStatusMenuEvent; int currentStatusMenuItem, currentDesiredStatusMode; BOOL bDisplayLocked, bAutoRebuild; HGENMENU (*pfnGetProtocolMenu)(const char*); int (*pfnStub2)(int); int (*pfnGetProtocolVisibility)(const char*); int (*pfnGetProtoIndexByPos)(PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR** proto, int protoCnt, int Pos); void (*pfnReloadProtoMenus)(void); /************************************************************************************* * version 5 additions (0.7.0.x) - tray icons *************************************************************************************/ struct trayIconInfo_t* trayIcon; int trayIconCount; int shellVersion; UINT_PTR cycleTimerId; int cycleStep; TCHAR* szTip; BOOL bTrayMenuOnScreen; HICON (*pfnGetIconFromStatusMode)(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szProto, int status); void (*pfnInitTray)(void); int (*pfnTrayIconAdd)(HWND hwnd, const char *szProto, const char *szIconProto, int status); int (*pfnTrayIconDestroy)(HWND hwnd); int (*pfnTrayIconInit)(HWND hwnd); TCHAR* (*pfnTrayIconMakeTooltip)(const TCHAR *szPrefix, const char *szProto); void (*pfnTrayIconRemove)(HWND hwnd, const char *szProto); int (*pfnTrayIconSetBaseInfo)(HICON hIcon, const char *szPreferredProto); void (*pfnTrayIconTaskbarCreated)(HWND hwnd); int (*pfnTrayIconUpdate)(HICON hNewIcon, const TCHAR *szNewTip, const char *szPreferredProto, int isBase); void (*pfnUninitTray)(void); void (*pfnLockTray)(void); void (*pfnUnlockTray)(void); VOID (CALLBACK *pfnTrayCycleTimerProc)(HWND hwnd, UINT message, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime); /************************************************************************************* * version 6 additions (0.8.0.x) - accounts *************************************************************************************/ int (*pfnGetAccountIndexByPos)(int pos); int (*pfnConvertMenu)(CLISTMENUITEM*, TMO_MenuItem*); /************************************************************************************* * version 7 additions (0.11.0.x) - extra images *************************************************************************************/ void (*pfnReloadExtraIcons)(void); void (*pfnSetAllExtraIcons)(MCONTACT hContact); /************************************************************************************* * Miranda NG additions *************************************************************************************/ int (*pfnGetContactIcon)(MCONTACT hContact); int (*pfnTrayCalcChanged)(const char *szChangedProto, int averageMode, int iProtoCount); int (*pfnGetAverageMode)(int *pNetProtoCount); void (*pfnInitAutoRebuild)(HWND hwnd); } CLIST_INTERFACE; extern CLIST_INTERFACE cli, *pcli; // Miranda // retrieves the pointer to a CLIST_INTERFACE structure // NOTE: valid only for the clist clone building, not for the regular use #define MS_CLIST_RETRIEVE_INTERFACE "CList/RetrieveInterface" __forceinline void mir_getCLI() { pcli = (CLIST_INTERFACE*)CallService(MS_CLIST_RETRIEVE_INTERFACE, 0, 0); } #endif // M_CLISTINT_H__