///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* // // Copyright (C) 2012-22 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) // Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, // all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people // listed in contributors.txt. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #ifndef M_DATABASE_H__ #define M_DATABASE_H__ 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERALLY USEFUL STUFF #if !defined(M_SYSTEM_H__) #include "m_system.h" #endif #if !defined(M_UTILS_H__) #include "m_utils.h" #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4201 4204) #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // database functions // Switches safety settings on or off // newSetting is TRUE initially. // Miranda's database is normally protected against corruption by agressively // flushing data to the disk on writes. If you're doing a lot of writes (eg in // an import plugin) it can sometimes be desirable to switch this feature off to // speed up the process. If you do switch it off, you must remember that crashes // are far more likely to be catastrophic, so switch it back on at the earliest // possible opportunity. // Note that if you're doing a lot of setting writes, the flush is already delayed // so you need not use this service for that purpose. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(void) db_set_safety_mode(BOOL bNewMode); // Gets the number of contacts in the database, which does not count the user // Returns the number of contacts. They can be retrieved using contact/findfirst and contact/findnext EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_get_contact_count(void); // Checks if a module doesn't contain any settings (for the contact given) MIR_CORE_DLL(bool) db_is_module_empty(MCONTACT hContact, const char *module); // Copies a module to another module for the contact given (0 by default) EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_copy_module(const char *szModule, const char *szNewModule, MCONTACT hContact = 0); // Removes all settings for the specified module. // hContact is 0 for global settings or matches the concrete contact EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_delete_module(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModuleName); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // contact functions // Adds a new contact to the database. New contacts initially have no settings // whatsoever, they must all be added with db/contacts/writesetting. // Returns a handle to the newly created contact on success, or NULL otherwise. // Triggers a db/contact/added event just before it returns. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MCONTACT) db_add_contact(void); // Deletes the contact hContact from the database and all events and settings associated with it. // Returns 0 on success or nonzero if hContact was invalid // Please don't try to delete the user contact (hContact = NULL) // Triggers a db/contact/deleted event just *before* it removes anything // Because all events are deleted, lots of people may end up with invalid event // handles from this operation, which they should be prepared for. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_delete_contact(MCONTACT hContact); // Checks if a given value is a valid contact handle, note that due // to the nature of multiple threading, a valid contact can still become // invalid after a call to this service. // Returns 1 if the contact is a contact, or 0 if the contact is not valid. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_is_contact(MCONTACT hContact); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // enumerators // Enumerates the names of all modules that have stored or requested information from the database. // Returns the value returned by the last call to dbmep // This service is only really useful for debugging, in conjunction with db/contact/enumsettings // dbmep should return 0 to continue enumeration, or nonzero to stop. // // Modules names will be enumerated in no particular order // Writing to the database while module names are being enumerated will cause // unpredictable results in the enumeration, but the write will work. // szModuleName is only guaranteed to be valid for the duration of the callback. // If you want to keep it for longer you must allocation your own storage. typedef int(*DBMODULEENUMPROC)(const char *szModuleName, void *param); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_enum_modules(DBMODULEENUMPROC dbmep, void *param = nullptr); // Lists all resident settings EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_enum_residents(DBMODULEENUMPROC pFunc, void *param = nullptr); // Lists all the settings a specific modules has stored in the database for a specific contact. // Returns the return value of the last call to pfnEnumProc, or -1 if there are // no settings for that module/contact pair // Writing to or deleting from the database while enumerating will have // unpredictable results for the enumeration, but the write will succeed. // Use db/modules/enum to get a complete list of module names // szSetting is only guaranteed to be valid for the duration of the callback. If // you want to keep it for longer you must allocation your own storage. typedef int (*DBSETTINGENUMPROC)(const char *szSetting, void *param); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_enum_settings(MCONTACT hContact, DBSETTINGENUMPROC pfnEnumProc, const char *szModule, void *param = nullptr); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DBVARIANT: used by db/contact/getsetting and db/contact/writesetting #define DBVT_DELETED 0 // this setting just got deleted, no other values are valid #define DBVT_BYTE 1 // bVal and cVal are valid #define DBVT_WORD 2 // wVal and sVal are valid #define DBVT_DWORD 4 // dVal and lVal are valid #define DBVT_ASCIIZ 255 // pszVal is valid #define DBVT_BLOB 254 // cpbVal and pbVal are valid #define DBVT_UTF8 253 // pszVal is valid #define DBVT_WCHAR 252 // pwszVal is valid #define DBVT_ENCRYPTED 250 // blob of encrypted bytesw #define DBVTF_VARIABLELENGTH 0x80 struct DBVARIANT { uint8_t type; union { uint8_t bVal; char cVal; uint16_t wVal; short sVal; uint32_t dVal; long lVal; struct { union { char *pszVal; wchar_t *pwszVal; }; uint16_t cchVal; //only used for db/contact/getsettingstatic }; struct { uint16_t cpbVal; uint8_t *pbVal; }; }; }; #define DBEF_TEMPORARY 0x0001 // disable notifications about temporary database events #define DBEF_SENT 0x0002 // this event was sent by the user. If not set this event was received. #define DBEF_READ 0x0004 // event has been read by the user. It does not need to be processed any more except for history. #define DBEF_RTL 0x0008 // event contains the right-to-left aligned text #define DBEF_UTF 0x0010 // event contains a text in utf-8 #define DBEF_ENCRYPTED 0x0020 // event is encrypted (never reported outside a driver) #define DBEF_HAS_ID 0x0040 // event has unique server id struct DBEVENTINFO { const char *szModule; // pointer to name of the module that 'owns' this event uint32_t timestamp; // seconds since 00:00, 01/01/1970. Gives us times until 2106 // unless you use the standard C library which is // signed and can only do until 2038. In GMT. uint32_t flags; // combination of DBEF_* flags uint16_t eventType; // module-defined event type field int cbBlob; // size of pBlob in bytes uint8_t *pBlob; // pointer to buffer containing module-defined event data const char *szId; // server id bool __forceinline markedRead() const { return (flags & (DBEF_SENT | DBEF_READ)) != 0; } wchar_t* getString(const char *str) const { return (flags & DBEF_UTF) ? mir_utf8decodeW(str) : mir_a2u(str); } bool __forceinline operator==(const DBEVENTINFO &e) { return (timestamp == e.timestamp && eventType == e.eventType && cbBlob == e.cbBlob && (flags & DBEF_SENT) == (e.flags & DBEF_SENT)); } }; EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_free(DBVARIANT *dbv); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database contacts // Gets the handle of the first contact in the database. This handle can be used // with loads of functions. It does not need to be closed. // You can specify szProto to find only its contacts // Returns a handle to the first contact in the db on success, or NULL if there // are no contacts in the db. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MCONTACT) db_find_first(const char *szProto = nullptr); // Gets the handle of the next contact after hContact in the database. This handle // can be used with loads of functions. It does not need to be closed. // You can specify szProto to find only its contacts // Returns a handle to the contact after hContact in the db on success or NULL if // hContact was the last contact in the db or hContact was invalid. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MCONTACT) db_find_next(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szProto = nullptr); class Contacts { const char *m_szModule; public: Contacts(const char *m = nullptr) : m_szModule(m) {} class iterator { MCONTACT hContact; const char *m_szModule; public: __inline iterator(const char *_m, MCONTACT _h) : hContact(_h), m_szModule(_m) {} __inline iterator operator++() { hContact = ::db_find_next(hContact, m_szModule); return *this; } __inline bool operator!=(const iterator &p) { return hContact != p.hContact; } __inline operator const MCONTACT*() const { return &hContact; } }; __inline iterator begin() const { return iterator(m_szModule, ::db_find_first(m_szModule)); } __inline iterator end() const { return iterator(m_szModule, 0); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database events // Adds a new event to a contact's event list // Returns a handle to the newly added event, or NULL on failure // Triggers a db/event/added event just before it returns. // Events are sorted chronologically as they are entered, so you cannot guarantee // that the new hEvent is the last event in the chain, however if a new event is // added that has a timestamp less than 90 seconds *before* the event that should // be after it, it will be added afterwards, to allow for protocols that only // store times to the nearest minute, and slight delays in transports. // There are a few predefined eventTypes below for easier compatibility, but // modules are free to define their own, beginning at 2000 // DBEVENTINFO.timestamp is in GMT, as returned by time(). There are services // db/time/x below with useful stuff for dealing with it. #define EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE 0 #define EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS 2 //v0.1.2.2+ #define EVENTTYPE_ADDED 1000 //v0.1.1.0+: these used to be module- #define EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST 1001 //specific codes, hence the module- #define EVENTTYPE_FILE 1002 //specific limit has been raised to 2000 EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_add(MCONTACT hContact, const DBEVENTINFO *dbei); // Gets the number of events in the chain belonging to a contact in the database. // Returns the number of events in the chain owned by hContact or -1 if hContact // is invalid. They can be retrieved using the db_event_first/last() services. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_event_count(MCONTACT hContact); // Removes a single event from the database // hDbEvent should have been returned by db_event_add/first/last/next/prev() // Returns 0 on success, or nonzero if hDbEvent was invalid // Triggers a db/event/deleted event just *before* the event is deleted EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_event_delete(MEVENT hDbEvent); // Edits an event in the database // Returns 0 on success, or nonzero on error EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_event_edit(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent, const DBEVENTINFO *dbei); // Retrieves a handle to the first event in the chain for hContact // Returns the handle, or NULL if hContact is invalid or has no events // Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_first(MCONTACT hContact); // Retrieves a handle to the first unread event in the chain for hContact // Returns the handle, or NULL if hContact is invalid or all its events have been read // // Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically, but this does not // necessarily mean that all events after the first unread are unread too. They // should be checked individually with db_event_next() and db_event_get() // This service is designed for startup, reloading all the events that remained // unread from last time EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_firstUnread(MCONTACT hContact); // Retrieves all the information stored in hDbEvent // hDbEvent should have been returned by db_event_add/first/last/next/prev() // Returns 0 on success or nonzero if hDbEvent is invalid // Don't forget to set dbe.cbSize, dbe.pBlob and dbe.cbBlob before calling this function // The correct value dbe.cbBlob can be got using db_event_getBlobSize // If successful, all the fields of dbe are filled. dbe.cbBlob is set to the // actual number of bytes retrieved and put in dbe.pBlob // If dbe.cbBlob is too small, dbe.pBlob is filled up to the size of dbe.cbBlob // and then dbe.cbBlob is set to the required size of data to go in dbe.pBlob // On return, dbe.szModule is a pointer to the database module's own internal list // of modules. Look but don't touch. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_event_get(MEVENT hDbEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbei); // Retrieves the space in bytes required to store the blob in hDbEvent // hDbEvent should have been returned by db_event_add/first/last/next/prev() // Returns the space required in bytes, or -1 if hDbEvent is invalid EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_event_getBlobSize(MEVENT hDbEvent); // Retrieves a handle to the contact that owns hDbEvent. // hDbEvent should have been returned by db_event_add/first/last/next/prev() // NULL is a valid return value, meaning, as usual, the user. // Returns INVALID_CONTACT_ID if hDbEvent is invalid, or the handle to the contact on success EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MCONTACT) db_event_getContact(MEVENT hDbEvent); // Retrieves a handle to the last event in the chain for hContact // Returns the handle, or NULL if hContact is invalid or has no events // Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_last(MCONTACT hContact); // Changes the flags for an event to mark it as read. // hDbEvent should have been returned by db_event_add/first/last/next/prev() // Returns the entire flag uint32_t for the event after the change, or -1 if hDbEvent is invalid. // This is the one database write operation that does not trigger an event. // Modules should not save flags states for any length of time. EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_event_markRead(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent); // Retrieves a handle to the next event in a chain after hDbEvent // Returns the handle, or NULL if hDbEvent is invalid or is the last event // Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_next(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent); // Retrieves a handle to the previous event in a chain before hDbEvent // Returns the handle, or NULL if hDbEvent is invalid or is the first event // Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_prev(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hDbEvent); // Retrieves a handle to the event identified by its module and unique identifier EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(MEVENT) db_event_getById(const char *szModule, const char *szId); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database settings EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_get(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_get_b(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue = 0); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_get_w(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, int errorValue = 0); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(uint32_t) db_get_dw(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint32_t errorValue = 0); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(char*) db_get_sa(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const char *szValue = nullptr); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(char*) db_get_utfa(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const char *szValue = nullptr); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(wchar_t*) db_get_wsa(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const wchar_t *szValue = nullptr); MIR_CORE_DLL(CMStringA) db_get_sm(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const char *szValue = nullptr); MIR_CORE_DLL(CMStringW) db_get_wsm(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const wchar_t *szValue = nullptr); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_get_static(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, char *pDest, int cbDest); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_get_static_utf(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, char *pDest, int cbDest); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(int) db_get_wstatic(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, wchar_t *pDest, int cbDest); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_b(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint8_t val); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_w(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint16_t val); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_dw(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint32_t val); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_s(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const char *val); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_ws(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const wchar_t *val); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_utf(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, const char *val); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_set_blob(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, void *val, unsigned len); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_unset(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(BOOL) db_set_resident(const char *szModule, const char *szService, BOOL bEnable = true); EXTERN_C MIR_CORE_DLL(INT_PTR) db_get_s(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv, const int nType = DBVT_ASCIIZ); #define db_get_ws(a,b,c,d) db_get_s(a,b,c,d,DBVT_WCHAR) #define db_get_utf(a,b,c,d) db_get_s(a,b,c,d,DBVT_UTF8) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Profile services // Gets the name of the profile currently being used by the database module. // This is the same as the filename of the database // Returns 0 on success or nonzero otherwise EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetNameA(size_t cbLen, char *pszDest); EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetNameW(size_t cbLen, wchar_t *pwszDest); // Get the path of the base folder where Miranda will store all individual profiles // The returned path does NOT include a trailing backslash. // Essentially this is what has been set in mirandaboot.ini as ProfileDir. // For more options to retrieve profile paths check MS_UTILS_REPLACEVARS // Returns 0 on success or nonzero otherwise EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetPathA(size_t cbLen, char *pszDest); EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetPathW(size_t cbLen, wchar_t *pwszDest); // Sets the default profile name programmatically // Analog of Database/DefaultProfile in mirandaboot.ini EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void) Profile_SetDefault(const wchar_t *pwszPath); // Checks if a profile is opened EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(bool) Profile_CheckOpened(const wchar_t *pwszProfileName); // Read an option from mirandaboot.ini EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Profile_GetSettingInt(const wchar_t *pwszSetting, int iDefault = 0); EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(bool) Profile_GetSetting(const wchar_t *pwszSetting, wchar_t *pwszBuf, size_t cbLen, const wchar_t *pwszDefault = nullptr); template <size_t _Size> bool Profile_GetSetting(const wchar_t *pwszSetting, wchar_t(&pwszBuf)[_Size], const wchar_t *pwszDefault = nullptr) { return Profile_GetSetting(pwszSetting, pwszBuf, _Size, pwszDefault); } // Checks the specified profile like dbtool did. // Implemented in the dbchecker plugins, thus it might not exist // wParam = (WPARAM)(wchar_t*)ptszProfileName // lParam = (BOOL)bConversionMode #define MS_DB_CHECKPROFILE "DB/CheckProfile" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Contact services struct DBCONTACTGETSETTING { const char *szModule; // pointer to name of the module that wrote the setting to get const char *szSetting; // pointer to name of the setting to get DBVARIANT *pValue; // pointer to variant to receive the value }; struct DBCONTACTWRITESETTING { const char *szModule; // pointer to name of the module that wrote the setting to get const char *szSetting; // pointer to name of the setting to get DBVARIANT value; // variant containing the value to set }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event services // Registers the specified database event type, with module, id & description. // When someone needs to retrieve an event's text, a service named Module/GetEventText<id> // will be called. For example, for module named 'foo' and event id 2000 a service // foo/GetEventText2000 should be defined to process this request. That handler should // decode a blob and return the event text in the required format, its prototype is identical // to a call of DbEvent_GetText (see below) // // Returns -1 on error (e.g., event type already registred), 0 on success struct DBEVENTTYPEDESCR { LPSTR module; // event module name uint32_t flags; // flags, combination of the DETF_* int eventType; // event id, unique for this module LPSTR descr; // event type description (i.e. "File Transfer") LPSTR textService; // service name for MS_DB_EVENT_GETTEXT (0.8+, default Module+'/GetEventText'+EvtID) LPSTR iconService; // service name for MS_DB_EVENT_GETICON (0.8+, default Module+'/GetEventIcon'+EvtID) HANDLE eventIcon; // icolib handle to eventicon (0.8+, default 'eventicon_'+Module+EvtID) }; // constants for default event behaviour #define DETF_HISTORY 1 // show event in history #define DETF_MSGWINDOW 2 // show event in message window #define DETF_NONOTIFY 4 // block event notify (e.g. Popups) EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) DbEvent_RegisterType(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR*); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves the previously registered database event type, by module & id. // Returns DBEVENTTYPEDESCR* or NULL, if an event isn't found. EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(DBEVENTTYPEDESCR*) DbEvent_GetType(const char *szModule, int eventType); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // macro to extract MCONTACT from the auth blob __forceinline MCONTACT DbGetAuthEventContact(DBEVENTINFO *dbei) { return (MCONTACT)(*(uint32_t*)&dbei->pBlob[sizeof(uint32_t)]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves the event's text // * dbei should be the valid database event read via db_event_get() // * codepage is any valid codepage, CP_ACP by default. // // Function returns a pointer to a string in the required format. // This string should be freed by a call of mir_free EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(char*) DbEvent_GetTextA(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int codepage); EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(wchar_t*) DbEvent_GetTextW(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int codepage); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves the event's icon // * use LR_SHARED in flags for shared HICON // dbei should be a valid database event read via db_event_get() // // Function returns HICON (use DestroyIcon to release resources if not LR_SHARED) // // A plugin can register the standard event icon in IcoLib named // 'eventicon_'+Module+EvtID, like eventicon_ICQ2001. Otherwise, to declare an icon // with the non-standard name, you can declare the special service, Module/GetEventIcon<id>, // which will retrieve the custom icon handle (HICON). This service function has the // same parameters MS_DB_EVENT_GETICON does. EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HICON) DbEvent_GetIcon(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, int flags); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Converts the event's string to wchar_t* depending on the event's format // returns wchar_t* - the converted string // Caller must free the result using mir_free EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(wchar_t*) DbEvent_GetString(DBEVENTINFO *dbei, const char *str); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database events ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Event/Added event // Called when a new event has been added to the event chain for a contact // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hDbEvent // hDbEvent is a valid handle to the event. hContact is a valid handle to the // contact to which hDbEvent refers. // Since events are sorted chronologically, you cannot guarantee that hDbEvent is // at any particular position in the chain. #define ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED "DB/Event/Added" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Event/Edited event // Called when the existing event was changed // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hDbEvent // hDbEvent is a valid handle to the event. hContact is a valid handle to the // contact to which hDbEvent refers. #define ME_DB_EVENT_EDITED "DB/Event/Edited" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Event/FilterAdd (NOTE: Added during 0.3.3+ development!) // Called **before** a new event is made of a DBEVENTINFO structure, this // hook is not SAFE unless you know what you're doing with it, the arguments // are passed as-is (with errors, pointer problems, if any) from any arguments // passed to db_event_add. // The point of this hook is to stop any unwanted database events, to stop // an event being added, return 1, to allow the event to pass through return 0. // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)&DBEVENTINFO // // Any changed made to the said DBEVENTINFO are also passed along to the database, // therefore it is possible to shape the data, however DO NOT DO THIS. #define ME_DB_EVENT_FILTER_ADD "DB/Event/FilterAdd" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Event/Marked/Read event // Called when an event is marked read // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hDbEvent // hDbEvent is a valid handle to the event. // hContact is a valid handle to the contact to which hDbEvent refers, and will remain valid. #define ME_DB_EVENT_MARKED_READ "DB/Event/Marked/Read" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Event/Deleted event // Called when an event is about to be deleted from the event chain for a contact // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(HANDLE)hDbEvent // hDbEvent is a valid handle to the event which is about to be deleted, but it // won't be once your hook has returned. // hContact is a valid handle to the contact to which hDbEvent refers, and will // remain valid. // Returning nonzero from your hook will not stop the deletion, but it will, as // usual, stop other hooks from being called. #define ME_DB_EVENT_DELETED "DB/Event/Deleted" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Contact/Added event // Called when a new contact has been added to the database // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = 0 // hContact is a valid handle to the new contact. // Contacts are initially created without any settings, so if you hook this event // you will almost certainly also want to hook db/contact/settingchanged as well. #define ME_DB_CONTACT_ADDED "DB/Contact/Added" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Contact/Deleted event // Called when an contact is about to be deleted // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = 0 // hContact is a valid handle to the contact which is about to be deleted, but it // won't be once your hook has returned. // Returning nonzero from your hook will not stop the deletion, but it will, as // usual, stop other hooks from being called. // Deleting a contact invalidates all events in its chain. #define ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED "DB/Contact/Deleted" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DB/Contact/SettingChanged event // Called when a contact has had one of its settings changed // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(DBCONTACTWRITESETTING*)&dbcws // hContact is a valid handle to the contact that has changed. // This event will be triggered many times rapidly when a whole bunch of values are set. // Modules which hook this should be aware of this fact and quickly return if they // are not interested in the value that has been changed. // Careful not to get into infinite loops with this event. // The structure dbcws is the same one as is passed to the original service, so // don't change any of the members. #define ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED "DB/Contact/SettingChanged" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Settings helper functions #ifndef DB_NOHELPERFUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// inlined range tolerate versions */ __inline uint8_t DBGetContactSettingRangedByte(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint8_t errorValue, uint8_t minValue, uint8_t maxValue) { uint8_t bVal = db_get_b(hContact, szModule, szSetting, errorValue); return (bVal < minValue || bVal > maxValue) ? errorValue : bVal; } __inline uint16_t DBGetContactSettingRangedWord(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint16_t errorValue, uint16_t minValue, uint16_t maxValue) { uint16_t wVal = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, szSetting, errorValue); return (wVal < minValue || wVal > maxValue) ? errorValue : wVal; } __inline uint32_t DBGetContactSettingRangedDword(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, uint32_t errorValue, uint32_t minValue, uint32_t maxValue) { uint32_t dwVal = db_get_dw(hContact, szModule, szSetting, errorValue); return (dwVal < minValue || dwVal > maxValue) ? errorValue : dwVal; } #endif namespace DB { MIR_APP_DLL(bool) IsDuplicateEvent(MCONTACT hContact, DBEVENTINFO &dbei); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper to free event contents automatically struct EventInfo : public DBEVENTINFO { __forceinline explicit EventInfo() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } __forceinline ~EventInfo() { mir_free(pBlob); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper to process the auth req body // blob is: 0(uint32_t), hContact(uint32_t), nick(UTF8), firstName(UTF8), lastName(UTF8), email(UTF8), reason(UTF8) #pragma warning(disable : 4251) class MIR_APP_EXPORT AUTH_BLOB { MCONTACT m_hContact; uint32_t m_dwUin; ptrA m_szNick, m_szFirstName, m_szLastName, m_szEmail, m_szReason; uint32_t m_size; uint8_t* makeBlob(); public: explicit AUTH_BLOB(MCONTACT hContact, const char *nick, const char *fname, const char *lname, const char *id, const char *reason); explicit AUTH_BLOB(uint8_t *blob); ~AUTH_BLOB(); __forceinline operator char*() { return (char*)makeBlob(); } __forceinline operator uint8_t*() { return makeBlob(); } __forceinline uint32_t size() const { return m_size; } __forceinline MCONTACT get_contact() const { return m_hContact; } __forceinline const char* get_nick() const { return m_szNick; } __forceinline const char* get_firstName() const { return m_szFirstName; } __forceinline const char* get_lastName() const { return m_szLastName; } __forceinline const char* get_email() const { return m_szEmail; } __forceinline const char* get_reason() const { return m_szReason; } __forceinline uint32_t get_uin() const { return m_dwUin; } __forceinline void set_uin(uint32_t dwValue) { m_dwUin = dwValue; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event cursors class MIR_CORE_EXPORT EventCursor : public MZeroedObject { friend class EventIterator; protected: MCONTACT hContact; public: EventCursor(MCONTACT _1) : hContact(_1) { } virtual ~EventCursor(); virtual MEVENT FetchNext() = 0; __forceinline MEVENT begin() { return FetchNext(); } __forceinline MEVENT end() { return 0; } }; class MIR_CORE_EXPORT ECPTR : public MNonCopyable { EventCursor *m_cursor; MEVENT m_prevFetched, m_currEvent; public: ECPTR(EventCursor *_1); ~ECPTR(); void DeleteEvent(); MEVENT FetchNext(); }; class EventIterator { EventCursor *cursor; MEVENT hCurr = 0; public: EventIterator(EventCursor *_1) : cursor(_1) {} EventIterator operator++() { hCurr = cursor->FetchNext(); return *this; } bool operator!=(const EventIterator &p) { return hCurr != p.hCurr; } operator MEVENT() const { return hCurr; } }; MIR_CORE_DLL(EventCursor*) Events(MCONTACT, MEVENT iStartEvent = 0); MIR_CORE_DLL(EventCursor*) EventsRev(MCONTACT, MEVENT iStartEvent = 0); }; #endif // M_DATABASE_H__