/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2012-14 Miranda NG project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef M_DB_INT_H__ #define M_DB_INT_H__ 1 #ifndef M_CORE_H__ #include <m_core.h> #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // basic database interface struct DBCachedGlobalValue { char* name; DBVARIANT value; }; struct DBCachedContactValue { char* name; DBVARIANT value; DBCachedContactValue* next; }; struct DBCachedContact { HANDLE hContact; HANDLE hNext; char *szProto; DBCachedContactValue* first; DBCachedContactValue* last; }; interface MIDatabaseCache : public MZeroedObject { STDMETHOD_(DBCachedContact*,AddContactToCache)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(DBCachedContact*,GetCachedContact)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(void,FreeCachedContact)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(char*,InsertCachedSetting)(const char *szName, int) PURE; STDMETHOD_(char*,GetCachedSetting)(const char *szModuleName, const char *szSettingName, int, int) PURE; STDMETHOD_(void,SetCachedVariant)(DBVARIANT *s, DBVARIANT *d) PURE; STDMETHOD_(DBVARIANT*,GetCachedValuePtr)(HANDLE hContact, char *szSetting, int bAllocate) PURE; }; interface MIDatabase { MIDatabaseCache* m_cache; STDMETHOD_(void,SetCacheSafetyMode)(BOOL) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LONG,GetContactCount)(void) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindFirstContact)(const char *szProto = NULL) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindNextContact)(HANDLE hContact, const char *szProto = NULL) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LONG,DeleteContact)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,AddContact)(void) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,IsDbContact)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LONG,GetEventCount)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,AddEvent)(HANDLE hContact, DBEVENTINFO *dbe) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,DeleteEvent)(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent) PURE; STDMETHOD_(LONG,GetBlobSize)(HANDLE hDbEvent) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,GetEvent)(HANDLE hDbEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbe) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,MarkEventRead)(HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hDbEvent) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,GetEventContact)(HANDLE hDbEvent) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindFirstEvent)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindFirstUnreadEvent)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindLastEvent)(HANDLE hContact) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindNextEvent)(HANDLE hDbEvent) PURE; STDMETHOD_(HANDLE,FindPrevEvent)(HANDLE hDbEvent) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,EnumModuleNames)(DBMODULEENUMPROC pFunc, void *pParam) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,GetContactSetting)(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,GetContactSettingStr)(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,GetContactSettingStatic)(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,FreeVariant)(DBVARIANT *dbv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,WriteContactSetting)(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *dbcws) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,DeleteContactSetting)(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTGETSETTING *dbcgs) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,EnumContactSettings)(HANDLE hContact, DBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS* dbces) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,SetSettingResident)(BOOL bIsResident, const char *pszSettingName) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,EnumResidentSettings)(DBMODULEENUMPROC pFunc, void *pParam) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,IsSettingEncrypted)(LPCSTR szModule, LPCSTR szSetting) PURE; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // basic database checker interface #define STATUS_MESSAGE 0 #define STATUS_WARNING 1 #define STATUS_ERROR 2 #define STATUS_FATAL 3 #define STATUS_SUCCESS 4 struct DBCHeckCallback { int cbSize; DWORD spaceProcessed, spaceUsed; HANDLE hOutFile; int bCheckOnly, bBackup, bAggressive, bEraseHistory, bMarkRead, bConvertUtf; void (*pfnAddLogMessage)(int type, const TCHAR* ptszFormat, ...); }; interface MIDatabaseChecker { STDMETHOD_(BOOL,Start)(DBCHeckCallback *callback) PURE; STDMETHOD_(BOOL,CheckDb)(int phase, int firstTime) PURE; STDMETHOD_(VOID,Destroy)() PURE; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Each database plugin should register itself using this structure /* Codes for DATABASELINK functions */ // grokHeader() error codes #define EGROKPRF_NOERROR 0 #define EGROKPRF_CANTREAD 1 // can't open the profile for reading #define EGROKPRF_UNKHEADER 2 // header not supported, not a supported profile #define EGROKPRF_VERNEWER 3 // header correct, version in profile newer than reader/writer #define EGROKPRF_DAMAGED 4 // header/version fine, other internal data missing, damaged. // makeDatabase() error codes #define EMKPRF_CREATEFAILED 1 // for some reason CreateFile() didnt like something struct DATABASELINK { int cbSize; char* szShortName; // uniqie short database name TCHAR* szFullName; // in English, auto-translated by the core /* profile: pointer to a string which contains full path + name Affect: The database plugin should create the profile, the filepath will not exist at the time of this call, profile will be C:\..\<name>.dat Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure - error contains extended error information, see EMKPRF_* */ int (*makeDatabase)(const TCHAR *profile); /* profile: [in] a null terminated string to file path of selected profile error: [in/out] pointer to an int to set with error if any Affect: Ask the database plugin if it supports the given profile, if it does it will return 0, if it doesnt return 1, with the error set in error -- EGROKPRF_* can be valid error condition, most common error would be [EGROKPRF_UNKHEADER] Note: Just because 1 is returned, doesnt mean the profile is not supported, the profile might be damaged etc. Returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure */ int (*grokHeader)(const TCHAR *profile); /* Affect: Tell the database to create all services/hooks that a 3.xx legacy database might support into link, which is a PLUGINLINK structure Returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure */ MIDatabase* (*Load) (const TCHAR *profile); /* Affect: The database plugin should shutdown, unloading things from the core and freeing internal structures Returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure Note: Unload() might be called even if Load(void) was never called, wasLoaded is set to 1 if Load(void) was ever called. */ int (*Unload)(MIDatabase*); /* Returns a pointer to the database checker or NULL if a database doesn't support checking When you don't need this object aanymore, call its Destroy() method */ MIDatabaseChecker* (*CheckDB) (const TCHAR *profile, int *error); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database list's services // MS_DB_REGISTER_PLUGIN : registers a database plugin // wParam : 0 (unused) // lParam : DATABASELINK* = database link description #define MS_DB_REGISTER_PLUGIN "DB/RegisterPlugin" __forceinline void RegisterDatabasePlugin(DATABASELINK* pDescr) { CallService(MS_DB_REGISTER_PLUGIN, 0, (LPARAM)pDescr); } // MS_DB_FIND_PLUGIN : looks for a database plugin suitable to open this file // wParam : 0 (unused) // lParam : const TCHAR* = name of the database file // returns DATABASELINK* of the required plugin or NULL on error #define MS_DB_FIND_PLUGIN "DB/FindPlugin" __forceinline DATABASELINK* FindDatabasePlugin(const TCHAR* ptszFileName) { return (DATABASELINK*)CallService(MS_DB_FIND_PLUGIN, 0, (LPARAM)ptszFileName); } // MS_DB_GET_CURRENT : returns the database pointer for the current profile // wParam : 0 (unused) // lParam : 0 (unused) // returns MIDatabase* of the current profile or NULL on error #define MS_DB_GET_CURRENT "DB/GetCurrentDb" __forceinline MIDatabase* GetCurrentDatabase(void) { return (MIDatabase*)CallService(MS_DB_GET_CURRENT, 0, 0); } // MS_DB_INIT_INSTANCE : initializes a database instance // wParam : 0 (unused) // lParam : MIDatabase* = pointer to a database instance // returns 0 #define MS_DB_INIT_INSTANCE "DB/InitDbInstance" __forceinline void InitDbInstance(MIDatabase* pDatabase) { CallService(MS_DB_INIT_INSTANCE, 0, (LPARAM)pDatabase); } // MS_DB_DESTROY_INSTANCE : destroys a database instance // wParam : 0 (unused) // lParam : MIDatabase* = pointer to a database instance // returns 0 #define MS_DB_DESTROY_INSTANCE "DB/DestroyDbInstance" __forceinline void DestroyDbInstance(MIDatabase* pDatabase) { CallService(MS_DB_DESTROY_INSTANCE, 0, (LPARAM)pDatabase); } #endif // M_DB_INT_H__