#ifndef M_GENMENU_H__ #define M_GENMENU_H__ #ifndef M_CORE_H__ #include <m_core.h> #endif #ifndef M_NEWPLUGINAPI_H__ #include <newpluginapi.h> #endif #if defined MIR_APP_EXPORTS typedef struct TMO_IntMenuItem* HGENMENU; #else DECLARE_HANDLE(HGENMENU); #endif // predefined menu objects #define MO_MAIN (-1) #define MO_CONTACT (-2) #define MO_PROTO (-3) #define MO_STATUS (-4) #define CMIF_GRAYED 0x0001 #define CMIF_CHECKED 0x0002 #define CMIF_HIDDEN 0x0004 // only works on contact menus #define CMIF_NOTOFFLINE 0x0008 // item won't appear for contacts that are offline #define CMIF_NOTONLINE 0x0010 // " online #define CMIF_NOTONLIST 0x0020 // item won't appear on standard contacts #define CMIF_NOTOFFLIST 0x0040 // item won't appear on contacts that have the 'NotOnList' setting #define CMIF_UNMOVABLE 0x0080 // item's position cannot be changed #define CMIF_SYSTEM 0x0100 // item's presence & position cannot be changed #define CMIF_UNICODE 0x0200 // will use wchar_t* instead of char* #if defined(_UNICODE) #define CMIF_TCHAR CMIF_UNICODE #else #define CMIF_TCHAR 0 #endif #define CMIF_KEEPUNTRANSLATED 0x0400 // don't translate a menu item #define CMIF_DEFAULT 0x1000 // this menu item is the default one struct TMO_MenuItem { int position; const char *pszService; HGENMENU root; MAllStrings name; int flags; // set of CMIF_* constants union { HICON hIcon; HANDLE hIcolibItem; }; int hLangpack; MUUID uid; }; #if _MSC_VER <= 1600 #define SET_UID(M,A,B,C,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8) { MUUID tmp = { A, B, C, {D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8}}; M.uid = tmp; } #define UNSET_UID(M) { MUUID tmp = MIID_LAST; M.uid = tmp; } #else #define SET_UID(M,A,B,C,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8) { M.uid = { A, B, C, {D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8}}; } #define UNSET_UID(M) { M.uid = MIID_LAST; } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus struct CMenuItem : public TMO_MenuItem { CMenuItem() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CMenuItem)); this->hLangpack = ::hLangpack; } }; #endif /* This structure passed to CheckService. */ struct TCheckProcParam { void *MenuItemOwnerData; HGENMENU MenuItemHandle; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; }; struct ProcessCommandParam { HMENU menu; int ident; LPARAM lParam; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Builds a menu from menu object's description // Returns hMenu on success or NULL on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HMENU) Menu_Build(HMENU parent, int hMenuObject, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Passes custom lParam to the ExecMenuService for the specified menu item // Returns TRUE if command was processed, FALSE otherwise EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Menu_ProcessCommand(HGENMENU hMenuItem, LPARAM lParam); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // if menu not known call this // LOWORD(wparam) menuident (from WM_COMMAND message) // It automatically finds right menuobject and menuitem and calls Menu_ProcessCommand // returns TRUE if command was processed, FALSE otherwise EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Menu_ProcessCommandById(int command, LPARAM lParam); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adds a menu item to genmenu // Returns HGENMENU on success, or NULL on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HGENMENU) Menu_AddItem(int hMenuObject, TMO_MenuItem *pItem, void *pUserData); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Adds new submenu // Returns HGENMENU on success, or NULL on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HGENMENU) Menu_CreateRoot(int hMenuObject, LPCWSTR ptszName, int position, HANDLE hIcoLib = NULL, int hLang = hLangpack); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process a WM_DRAWITEM message for user context menus v0.1.1.0+ // wParam, lParam, return value as for WM_MEASUREITEM // See comments for clist/menumeasureitem EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Menu_DrawItem(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *dis); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // enables or disables a menu item EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void) Menu_EnableItem(HGENMENU hMenuItem, bool bEnable); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves a default menu item for the menu passed // Returns a menu handle on success or NULL on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HGENMENU) Menu_GetDefaultItem(HGENMENU hMenu); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves user info from a menu item // Returns ownerdata on success, NULL on failure // Useful to get and free ownerdata before delete menu item. EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void*) Menu_GetItemData(HGENMENU hMenuItem); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieves menu item structure by handle. // Returns 0 and filled TMO_MenuItem structure on success, or -1 on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_GetItemInfo(HGENMENU hMenuItem, TMO_MenuItem &pInfo); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // process a WM_MEASUREITEM message for user context menus v0.1.1.0+ // wParam, lParam, return value as for WM_MEASUREITEM // This is for displaying the icons by the menu items. If you don't call this // and clist/menudrawitem whne drawing a menu returned by one of the three menu // services below then it'll work but you won't get any icons EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Menu_MeasureItem(MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *mis); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modify an existing menu item // returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_ModifyItem(HGENMENU hMenuItem, const WCHAR *ptszName, HANDLE hIcon = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, int iFlags = -1); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tries to process a keystroke // returns TRUE if a key was, FALSE otherwise // this should be called in WM_KEYDOWN EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(BOOL) Menu_ProcessHotKey(int hMenuObject, int key); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Removes a menu item from genmenu // Returns 0 on success,-1 on failure. // You must free ownerdata before this call. // If MenuItemHandle is root, all children will be removed too. EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_RemoveItem(HGENMENU hMenuItem); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // changes menu item's visibility EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void) Menu_ShowItem(HGENMENU hMenuItem, bool bShow); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // turns a menu item's check on & off EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void) Menu_SetChecked(HGENMENU hMenuItem, bool bSet); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a new menu object // szName = unique menu object identifier // szDisplayName = menu display name (auto-translated by core) // szCheckService = this service called when module build menu(MO_BUILDMENU). // Service is called with params wparam = PCheckProcParam, lparam = 0 // if service returns FALSE, item is skipped. // szExecService = this service called when user select menu item. // Service called with params wparam = ownerdata; lparam = lParam from MO_PROCESSCOMMAND // // returns = MenuObjectHandle on success, NULL on failure EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_AddObject(LPCSTR szName, LPCSTR szDisplayName, LPCSTR szCheckService, LPCSTR szExecService); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Removes the whole menu object with all submenus // returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure // Note: you must free all ownerdata structures, before you // call this function. Menu_RemoveObject DOES NOT free it. EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_RemoveObject(int hMenuObject); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // tunes the whold menu object // returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise // enable ability user to edit menuitems via options page. #define MCO_OPT_USERDEFINEDITEMS 1 // Set FreeService for menuobject. When freeing menuitem it will be called with // wParam = MenuItemHandle // lParam = mi.ownerdata #define MCO_OPT_FREE_SERVICE 2 // Set onAddService for menuobject. #define MCO_OPT_ONADD_SERVICE 3 // Set menu check service #define MCO_OPT_CHECK_SERVICE 4 EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_ConfigureObject(int hMenuObject, int iSetting, INT_PTR value); __forceinline int Menu_ConfigureObject(int hMenuObject, int iSetting, LPCSTR pszValue) { return Menu_ConfigureObject(hMenuObject, iSetting, INT_PTR(pszValue)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // tunes a menu item // returns TRUE if it processed the command, FALSE otherwise #define MCI_OPT_UNIQUENAME 1 // a unique name to menuitem(used to store it in database when enabled OPT_USERDEFINEDITEMS) #define MCI_OPT_HOTKEY 2 // DWORD value = MAKELONG(VK_*, VK_SHIFT) #define MCI_OPT_EXECPARAM 3 // INT_PTR or void*, associated with this item #define MCI_OPT_UID 4 // TMenuItem::uid as string like "2E407C55-5E89-4E83-9B79-15A803E7EE90" EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(int) Menu_ConfigureItem(HGENMENU hItem, int iOption, INT_PTR value); __forceinline int Menu_ConfigureItem(HGENMENU hMenu, int iSetting, LPCSTR pszValue) { return Menu_ConfigureItem(hMenu, iSetting, INT_PTR(pszValue)); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns HGENMENU of the root item or NULL EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(HGENMENU) Menu_GetProtocolRoot(PROTO_INTERFACE *pThis); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // kills all menu items & submenus that belong to the hLangpack given EXTERN_C MIR_APP_DLL(void) KillModuleMenus(int hLangpack); #endif // M_GENMENU_H__