/* Jabber Protocol Plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (c) 2002-04 Santithorn Bunchua Copyright (c) 2005-12 George Hazan Copyright (c) 2007-09 Maxim Mluhov Copyright (c) 2007-09 Victor Pavlychko Copyright (ñ) 2012-17 Miranda NG project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once #ifndef __M_GUI_H #define __M_GUI_H #include #include #include #pragma warning(disable:4355 4251 4481) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // helpers for the option's visualization template struct CMDBTraits { }; template<> struct CMDBTraits<1> { typedef BYTE DBType; enum { DBTypeId = DBVT_BYTE }; static __forceinline DBType Get(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { return db_get_b(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } static __forceinline void Set(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { db_set_b(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } }; template<> struct CMDBTraits<2> { typedef WORD DBType; enum { DBTypeId = DBVT_WORD }; static __forceinline DBType Get(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { return db_get_w(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } static __forceinline void Set(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { db_set_w(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } }; template<> struct CMDBTraits<4> { typedef DWORD DBType; enum { DBTypeId = DBVT_DWORD }; static __forceinline DBType Get(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { return db_get_dw(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } static __forceinline void Set(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { db_set_dw(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } }; template<> struct CMDBTraits<8> { typedef DWORD DBType; enum { DBTypeId = DBVT_DWORD }; static __forceinline DBType Get(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { return db_get_dw(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } static __forceinline void Set(char *szModule, char *szSetting, DBType value) { db_set_dw(0, szModule, szSetting, value); } }; class CMOptionBase { public: __forceinline const char* GetDBModuleName() const { return m_szModuleName; } __forceinline const char* GetDBSettingName() const { return m_szSetting; } protected: __forceinline CMOptionBase(PROTO_INTERFACE *proto, char *szSetting) : m_szModuleName(proto->m_szModuleName), m_szSetting(szSetting) {} __forceinline CMOptionBase(char *module, char *szSetting) : m_szModuleName(module), m_szSetting(szSetting) {} char *m_szModuleName; char *m_szSetting; private: CMOptionBase(const CMOptionBase &) {} void operator= (const CMOptionBase &) {} }; template class CMOption : public CMOptionBase { public: typedef T Type; __forceinline CMOption(PROTO_INTERFACE *proto, char *szSetting, Type defValue) : CMOptionBase(proto, szSetting), m_default(defValue) {} __forceinline CMOption(char *szModule, char *szSetting, Type defValue) : CMOptionBase(szModule, szSetting), m_default(defValue) {} __forceinline operator Type() { return (Type)CMDBTraits::Get(m_szModuleName, m_szSetting, m_default); } __forceinline Type operator= (Type value) { CMDBTraits::Set(m_szModuleName, m_szSetting, (CMDBTraits::DBType)value); return value; } private: Type m_default; CMOption(const CMOption &) : CMOptionBase(NULL, NULL, DBVT_DELETED) {} void operator= (const CMOption &) {} }; #ifdef M_SYSTEM_CPP_H__ template<> class CMOption : public CMOptionBase { public: typedef char Type; __forceinline CMOption(PROTO_INTERFACE *proto, char *szSetting, const Type *defValue = nullptr) : CMOptionBase(proto, szSetting), m_default(defValue) {} __forceinline CMOption(char *szModule, char *szSetting, const Type *defValue = nullptr) : CMOptionBase(szModule, szSetting), m_default(defValue) {} __forceinline operator Type*() { m_value = db_get_sa(0, m_szModuleName, m_szSetting); if (!m_value) m_value = mir_strdup(m_default); return m_value; } __forceinline Type* operator= (Type *value) { db_set_s(0, m_szModuleName, m_szSetting, value); return value; } private: const Type *m_default; mir_ptr m_value; CMOption(const CMOption &) : CMOptionBase((char*)nullptr, nullptr) {} void operator= (const CMOption &) {} }; template<> class CMOption : public CMOptionBase { public: typedef wchar_t Type; __forceinline CMOption(PROTO_INTERFACE *proto, char *szSetting, const Type *defValue = nullptr) : CMOptionBase(proto, szSetting), m_default(defValue) {} __forceinline CMOption(char *szModule, char *szSetting, const Type *defValue = nullptr) : CMOptionBase(szModule, szSetting), m_default(defValue) {} __forceinline operator Type*() { m_value = db_get_wsa(0, m_szModuleName, m_szSetting); if (!m_value) m_value = mir_wstrdup(m_default); return m_value; } __forceinline const Type* operator= (const Type *value) { db_set_ws(0, m_szModuleName, m_szSetting, value); return value; } private: const Type *m_default; mir_ptr m_value; CMOption(const CMOption &) : CMOptionBase((char*)nullptr, nullptr) {} void operator= (const CMOption &) {} }; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Callbacks struct CCallbackImp { struct CDummy { int foo; }; public: __inline CCallbackImp(): m_object(NULL), m_func(NULL) {} __inline CCallbackImp(const CCallbackImp &other): m_object(other.m_object), m_func(other.m_func) {} __inline CCallbackImp &operator=(const CCallbackImp &other) { m_object = other.m_object; m_func = other.m_func; return *this; } __inline bool operator==(const CCallbackImp &other) const { return (m_object == other.m_object) && (m_func == other.m_func); } __inline bool operator!=(const CCallbackImp &other) const { return (m_object != other.m_object) || (m_func != other.m_func); } __inline operator bool() const { return m_object && m_func; } __inline bool CheckObject(void *object) const { return (object == m_object) ? true : false; } protected: template __inline CCallbackImp(TClass *object, void (TClass::*func)(TArgument *argument)): m_object((CDummy*)object), m_func((TFnCallback)func) {} __inline void Invoke(void *argument) const { if (m_func && m_object) (m_object->*m_func)(argument); } private: typedef void (CDummy::*TFnCallback)(void *argument); CDummy* m_object; TFnCallback m_func; }; template struct CCallback: public CCallbackImp { typedef CCallbackImp CSuper; public: __inline CCallback() {} template __inline CCallback(TClass *object, void (TClass::*func)(TArgument *argument)): CCallbackImp(object, func) {} __inline CCallback& operator=(const CCallbackImp& x) { CSuper::operator =(x); return *this; } __inline void operator()(TArgument *argument) const { Invoke((void*)argument); } }; template __inline CCallback Callback(TClass *object, void (TClass::*func)(TArgument *argument)) { return CCallback(object, func); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDbLink class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CDataLink { protected: BYTE m_type; public: __inline CDataLink(BYTE type) : m_type(type) {} virtual ~CDataLink() {} __inline BYTE GetDataType() { return m_type; } virtual DWORD LoadInt() = 0; virtual void SaveInt(DWORD value) = 0; virtual wchar_t* LoadText() = 0; virtual void SaveText(wchar_t *value) = 0; }; class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CDbLink : public CDataLink { char *m_szModule; char *m_szSetting; bool m_bSigned; DWORD m_iDefault; wchar_t *m_szDefault; DBVARIANT dbv; public: CDbLink(const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, BYTE type, DWORD iValue); CDbLink(const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, BYTE type, wchar_t *szValue); ~CDbLink(); DWORD LoadInt(); void SaveInt(DWORD value); wchar_t* LoadText(); void SaveText(wchar_t *value); }; template class CMOptionLink : public CDataLink { private: CMOption *m_option; public: __forceinline CMOptionLink(CMOption &option) : CDataLink(CMDBTraits::DBTypeId), m_option(&option) {} __forceinline DWORD LoadInt() { return (DWORD)(T)*m_option; } __forceinline void SaveInt(DWORD value) { *m_option = (T)value; } __forceinline wchar_t* LoadText() { return NULL; } __forceinline void SaveText(wchar_t*) {} }; template<> class CMOptionLink : public CDataLink { private: typedef wchar_t *T; CMOption *m_option; public: __forceinline CMOptionLink(CMOption &option) : CDataLink(DBVT_WCHAR), m_option(&option) {} __forceinline DWORD LoadInt() { return 0; } __forceinline void SaveInt(DWORD) { } __forceinline wchar_t* LoadText() { return *m_option; } __forceinline void SaveText(wchar_t *value) { *m_option = value; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgBase - base dialog class class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CDlgBase { friend class CTimer; friend class CCtrlBase; friend class CCtrlData; public: CDlgBase(HINSTANCE hInst, int idDialog); virtual ~CDlgBase(); // general utilities void Create(); void Show(int nCmdShow = SW_SHOW); int DoModal(); void EndModal(INT_PTR nResult); void SetCaption(const wchar_t *ptszCaption); void NotifyChange(void); // sends a notification to a parent window __forceinline HINSTANCE GetInst() const { return m_hInst; } __forceinline HWND GetHwnd() const { return m_hwnd; } __forceinline bool IsInitialized() const { return m_initialized; } __forceinline void SetParent(HWND hwnd) { m_hwndParent = hwnd; } __forceinline void Close() { SendMessage(m_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } __forceinline void Fail() { m_lresult = false; } __forceinline CCtrlBase* operator[](int iControlId) { return FindControl(iControlId); } static CDlgBase* Find(HWND hwnd); protected: HWND m_hwnd; // must be the first data item HINSTANCE m_hInst; HWND m_hwndParent; int m_idDialog; bool m_isModal; bool m_initialized; bool m_forceResizable; bool m_bExiting; // window received WM_CLOSE and gonna die soon LRESULT m_lresult; enum { CLOSE_ON_OK = 0x1, CLOSE_ON_CANCEL = 0x2 }; BYTE m_autoClose; // automatically close dialog on IDOK/CANCEL commands. default: CLOSE_ON_OK|CLOSE_ON_CANCEL // override this handlers to provide custom functionality // general messages virtual void OnInitDialog() { } virtual void OnClose() { } virtual void OnDestroy() { } virtual void OnTimer(CTimer*) {} // miranda-related stuff virtual int Resizer(UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc); virtual void OnApply() {} virtual void OnReset() {} virtual void OnChange(CCtrlBase*) {} // main dialog procedure virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // register controls void AddControl(CCtrlBase *ctrl); void AddTimer(CTimer *timer); // win32 stuff void ThemeDialogBackground(BOOL tabbed); private: LIST m_timers; LIST m_controls; void NotifyControls(void (CCtrlBase::*fn)()); CCtrlBase* FindControl(int idCtrl); CCtrlBase* FindControl(HWND hwnd); CTimer* FindTimer(int idEvent); static INT_PTR CALLBACK GlobalDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int GlobalDlgResizer(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam, UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CTimer class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CTimer { friend class CDlgBase; public: CTimer(CDlgBase* wnd, int idEvent); __forceinline int GetEventId() const { return m_idEvent; } virtual BOOL OnTimer(); void Start(int elapse); void Stop(); CCallback OnEvent; protected: int m_idEvent; CDlgBase* m_wnd; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlBase class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlBase { friend class CDlgBase; __forceinline CCtrlBase(const CCtrlBase&) {} __forceinline CCtrlBase& operator=(const CCtrlBase&) { return *this; } __forceinline CCtrlBase(HWND hwnd) : m_hwnd(hwnd) {} public: CCtrlBase(CDlgBase *wnd, int idCtrl); virtual ~CCtrlBase() { } __forceinline HWND GetHwnd() const { return m_hwnd; } __forceinline int GetCtrlId() const { return m_idCtrl; } __forceinline CDlgBase *GetParent() const { return m_parentWnd; } __forceinline bool IsChanged() const { return m_bChanged; } __forceinline void SetSilent() { m_bSilent = true; } __forceinline void UseSystemColors() { m_bUseSystemColors = true; } void Show(bool bShow = true); __forceinline void Hide() { Show(false); } void Enable(bool bIsEnable = true); __forceinline void Disable() { Enable(false); } bool Enabled(void) const; void NotifyChange(); LRESULT SendMsg(UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) const; void SetText(const wchar_t *text); void SetTextA(const char *text); void SetInt(int value); wchar_t *GetText(); char *GetTextA(); wchar_t *GetText(wchar_t *buf, int size); char *GetTextA(char *buf, int size); int GetInt(); virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD /*idCode*/) { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnNotify(int /*idCtrl*/, NMHDR* /*pnmh*/) { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnMeasureItem(MEASUREITEMSTRUCT*) { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnDrawItem(DRAWITEMSTRUCT*) { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnDeleteItem(DELETEITEMSTRUCT*) { return FALSE; } virtual void OnInit(); virtual void OnDestroy(); virtual void OnApply(); virtual void OnReset(); protected: HWND m_hwnd; // must be the first data item int m_idCtrl; CDlgBase* m_parentWnd; bool m_bChanged, m_bSilent, m_bUseSystemColors; public: CCallback OnChange; CCallback OnBuildMenu; protected: virtual LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void Subclass(); void Unsubclass(); private: static LRESULT CALLBACK GlobalSubclassWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlButton class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlButton : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlButton(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND hwndCtrl, WORD idCtrl, WORD idCode) override; CCallback OnClick; bool IsPushed() const; void Push(bool bPushed); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlMButton class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlMButton : public CCtrlButton { typedef CCtrlButton CSuper; public: CCtrlMButton(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId, HICON hIcon, const char* tooltip); CCtrlMButton(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId, int iCoreIcon, const char* tooltip); ~CCtrlMButton(); void MakeFlat(); void MakePush(); virtual void OnInit() override; protected: HICON m_hIcon; const char* m_toolTip; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSplitter class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CSplitter : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CSplitter(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); __forceinline int GetPos() const { return m_iPosition; } protected: virtual LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override; virtual void OnInit() override; int m_iPosition, m_iCount; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlHyperlink class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlHyperlink : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlHyperlink(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId, const char* url); virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND hwndCtrl, WORD idCtrl, WORD idCode) override; protected: const char* m_url; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProgress class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CProgress : public CCtrlBase { public: CProgress(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); void SetRange(WORD max, WORD min = 0); void SetPosition(WORD value); void SetStep(WORD value); WORD Move(WORD delta = 0); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlClc #if !defined(MGROUP) typedef int MGROUP; #endif class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlClc : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlClc(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); void AddContact(MCONTACT hContact); void AddGroup(HANDLE hGroup); void AutoRebuild(); void DeleteItem(HANDLE hItem); void EditLabel(HANDLE hItem); void EndEditLabel(bool save); void EnsureVisible(HANDLE hItem, bool partialOk); void Expand(HANDLE hItem, DWORD flags); HANDLE FindContact(MCONTACT hContact); HANDLE FindGroup(MGROUP hGroup); COLORREF GetBkColor(); bool GetCheck(HANDLE hItem); int GetCount(); HWND GetEditControl(); DWORD GetExpand(HANDLE hItem); int GetExtraColumns(); BYTE GetExtraImage(HANDLE hItem, int iColumn); HIMAGELIST GetExtraImageList(); HFONT GetFont(int iFontId); HANDLE GetSelection(); HANDLE HitTest(int x, int y, DWORD *hitTest); void SelectItem(HANDLE hItem); void SetBkBitmap(DWORD mode, HBITMAP hBitmap); void SetBkColor(COLORREF clBack); void SetCheck(HANDLE hItem, bool check); void SetExtraColumns(int iColumns); void SetExtraImage(HANDLE hItem, int iColumn, int iImage); void SetExtraImageList(HIMAGELIST hImgList); void SetFont(int iFontId, HANDLE hFont, bool bRedraw); void SetIndent(int iIndent); void SetItemText(HANDLE hItem, char *szText); void SetHideEmptyGroups(bool state); void SetGreyoutFlags(DWORD flags); bool GetHideOfflineRoot(); void SetHideOfflineRoot(bool state); void SetUseGroups(bool state); void SetOfflineModes(DWORD modes); DWORD GetExStyle(); void SetExStyle(DWORD exStyle); int GetLefrMargin(); void SetLeftMargin(int iMargin); HANDLE AddInfoItem(CLCINFOITEM *cii); int GetItemType(HANDLE hItem); HANDLE GetNextItem(HANDLE hItem, DWORD flags); COLORREF GetTextColor(int iFontId); void SetTextColor(int iFontId, COLORREF clText); struct TEventInfo { CCtrlClc *ctrl; NMCLISTCONTROL *info; }; CCallback OnExpanded; CCallback OnListRebuilt; CCallback OnItemChecked; CCallback OnDragging; CCallback OnDropped; CCallback OnListSizeChange; CCallback OnOptionsChanged; CCallback OnDragStop; CCallback OnNewContact; CCallback OnContactMoved; CCallback OnCheckChanged; CCallback OnClick; protected: virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh) override; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlData - data access controls base class class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlData : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlData(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); virtual ~CCtrlData(); void CreateDbLink(const char* szModuleName, const char* szSetting, BYTE type, DWORD iValue); void CreateDbLink(const char* szModuleName, const char* szSetting, wchar_t* szValue); void CreateDbLink(CDataLink *link) { m_dbLink = link; } virtual void OnInit() override; protected: CDataLink *m_dbLink; __inline BYTE GetDataType() { return m_dbLink ? m_dbLink->GetDataType() : DBVT_DELETED; } __inline DWORD LoadInt() { return m_dbLink ? m_dbLink->LoadInt() : 0; } __inline void SaveInt(DWORD value) { if (m_dbLink) m_dbLink->SaveInt(value); } __inline const wchar_t *LoadText() { return m_dbLink ? m_dbLink->LoadText() : L""; } __inline void SaveText(wchar_t *value) { if (m_dbLink) m_dbLink->SaveText(value); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlCheck class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlCheck : public CCtrlData { typedef CCtrlData CSuper; public: CCtrlCheck(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD /*idCode*/) override; virtual void OnApply() override; virtual void OnReset() override; int GetState(); void SetState(int state); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlEdit class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlEdit : public CCtrlData { typedef CCtrlData CSuper; public: CCtrlEdit(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD idCode) override; virtual void OnApply() override; virtual void OnReset() override; void SetMaxLength(unsigned int len); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlRichEdit class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlRichEdit : public CCtrlEdit { typedef CCtrlEdit CSuper; public: CCtrlRichEdit(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); int GetRichTextLength() const; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlSpin class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlSpin : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlData CSuper; virtual BOOL OnNotify(int, NMHDR*) override; public: CCtrlSpin(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); WORD GetPosition(); void SetPosition(WORD pos); void SetRange(WORD max, WORD min = 0); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlListBox class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlListBox : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlListBox(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); int AddString(wchar_t *text, LPARAM data=0); void DeleteString(int index); int FindString(wchar_t *str, int index = -1, bool exact = false); int GetCount(); int GetCurSel(); LPARAM GetItemData(int index); int GetItemRect(int index, RECT *pResult); wchar_t* GetItemText(int index); wchar_t* GetItemText(int index, wchar_t *buf, int size); bool GetSel(int index); int GetSelCount(); int* GetSelItems(int *items, int count); int* GetSelItems(); int InsertString(wchar_t *text, int pos, LPARAM data=0); void ResetContent(); int SelectString(wchar_t *str); int SetCurSel(int index); void SetItemData(int index, LPARAM data); void SetItemHeight(int index, int iHeight); void SetSel(int index, bool sel = true); // Events CCallback OnDblClick; CCallback OnSelCancel; CCallback OnSelChange; protected: BOOL OnCommand(HWND hwndCtrl, WORD idCtrl, WORD idCode) override; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlCombo class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlCombo : public CCtrlData { typedef CCtrlData CSuper; public: CCtrlCombo(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD idCode) override; virtual void OnInit() override; virtual void OnApply() override; virtual void OnReset() override; // Control interface int AddString(const wchar_t *text, LPARAM data = 0); int AddStringA(const char *text, LPARAM data = 0); void DeleteString(int index); int FindString(const wchar_t *str, int index = -1, bool exact = false); int FindStringA(const char *str, int index = -1, bool exact = false); int GetCount(); int GetCurSel(); bool GetDroppedState(); LPARAM GetItemData(int index); wchar_t* GetItemText(int index); wchar_t* GetItemText(int index, wchar_t *buf, int size); int InsertString(wchar_t *text, int pos, LPARAM data=0); void ResetContent(); int SelectString(wchar_t *str); int SetCurSel(int index); void SetItemData(int index, LPARAM data); void ShowDropdown(bool show = true); // Events CCallback OnCloseup; CCallback OnDropdown; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlListView class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlListView : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlListView(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); // Classic LV interface DWORD ApproximateViewRect(int cx, int cy, int iCount); void Arrange(UINT code); void CancelEditLabel(); HIMAGELIST CreateDragImage(int iItem, LPPOINT lpptUpLeft); void DeleteAllItems(); void DeleteColumn(int iCol); void DeleteItem(int iItem); HWND EditLabel(int iItem); int EnableGroupView(BOOL fEnable); BOOL EnsureVisible(int i, BOOL fPartialOK); int FindItem(int iStart, const LVFINDINFO *plvfi); COLORREF GetBkColor(); void GetBkImage(LPLVBKIMAGE plvbki); UINT GetCallbackMask(); BOOL GetCheckState(UINT iIndex); void GetColumn(int iCol, LPLVCOLUMN pcol); void GetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, int *lpiArray); int GetColumnWidth(int iCol); int GetCountPerPage(); HWND GetEditControl(); DWORD GetExtendedListViewStyle(); INT GetFocusedGroup(); int GetGroupCount(); void GetGroupInfo(int iGroupId, PLVGROUP pgrp); void GetGroupInfoByIndex(int iIndex, PLVGROUP pgrp); void GetGroupMetrics(LVGROUPMETRICS *pGroupMetrics); UINT GetGroupState(UINT dwGroupId, UINT dwMask); HWND GetHeader(); HCURSOR GetHotCursor(); INT GetHotItem(); DWORD GetHoverTime(); HIMAGELIST GetImageList(int iImageList); BOOL GetInsertMark(LVINSERTMARK *plvim); COLORREF GetInsertMarkColor(); int GetInsertMarkRect(LPRECT prc); BOOL GetISearchString(LPSTR lpsz); bool GetItem(LPLVITEM pitem); int GetItemCount(); void GetItemPosition(int i, POINT *ppt); void GetItemRect(int i, RECT *prc, int code); DWORD GetItemSpacing(BOOL fSmall); UINT GetItemState(int i, UINT mask); void GetItemText(int iItem, int iSubItem, LPTSTR pszText, int cchTextMax); int GetNextItem(int iStart, UINT flags); BOOL GetNumberOfWorkAreas(LPUINT lpuWorkAreas); BOOL GetOrigin(LPPOINT lpptOrg); COLORREF GetOutlineColor(); UINT GetSelectedColumn(); UINT GetSelectedCount(); INT GetSelectionMark(); int GetStringWidth(LPCSTR psz); BOOL GetSubItemRect(int iItem, int iSubItem, int code, LPRECT lpRect); COLORREF GetTextBkColor(); COLORREF GetTextColor(); void GetTileInfo(PLVTILEINFO plvtinfo); void GetTileViewInfo(PLVTILEVIEWINFO plvtvinfo); HWND GetToolTips(); int GetTopIndex(); BOOL GetUnicodeFormat(); DWORD GetView(); BOOL GetViewRect(RECT *prc); void GetWorkAreas(INT nWorkAreas, LPRECT lprc); BOOL HasGroup(int dwGroupId); int HitTest(LPLVHITTESTINFO pinfo); int HitTestEx(LPLVHITTESTINFO pinfo); int InsertColumn(int iCol, const LPLVCOLUMN pcol); int InsertGroup(int index, PLVGROUP pgrp); void InsertGroupSorted(PLVINSERTGROUPSORTED structInsert); int InsertItem(const LPLVITEM pitem); BOOL InsertMarkHitTest(LPPOINT point, LVINSERTMARK *plvim); BOOL IsGroupViewEnabled(); UINT IsItemVisible(UINT index); UINT MapIDToIndex(UINT id); UINT MapIndexToID(UINT index); BOOL RedrawItems(int iFirst, int iLast); void RemoveAllGroups(); int RemoveGroup(int iGroupId); BOOL Scroll(int dx, int dy); BOOL SetBkColor(COLORREF clrBk); BOOL SetBkImage(LPLVBKIMAGE plvbki); BOOL SetCallbackMask(UINT mask); void SetCheckState(UINT iIndex, BOOL fCheck); BOOL SetColumn(int iCol, LPLVCOLUMN pcol); BOOL SetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, int *lpiArray); BOOL SetColumnWidth(int iCol, int cx); void SetExtendedListViewStyle(DWORD dwExStyle); void SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(DWORD dwExMask, DWORD dwExStyle); int SetGroupInfo(int iGroupId, PLVGROUP pgrp); void SetGroupMetrics(PLVGROUPMETRICS pGroupMetrics); void SetGroupState(UINT dwGroupId, UINT dwMask, UINT dwState); HCURSOR SetHotCursor(HCURSOR hCursor); INT SetHotItem(INT iIndex); void SetHoverTime(DWORD dwHoverTime); DWORD SetIconSpacing(int cx, int cy); HIMAGELIST SetImageList(HIMAGELIST himl, int iImageList); BOOL SetInfoTip(PLVSETINFOTIP plvSetInfoTip); BOOL SetInsertMark(LVINSERTMARK *plvim); COLORREF SetInsertMarkColor(COLORREF color); BOOL SetItem(const LPLVITEM pitem); void SetItemCount(int cItems); void SetItemCountEx(int cItems, DWORD dwFlags); BOOL SetItemPosition(int i, int x, int y); void SetItemPosition32(int iItem, int x, int y); void SetItemState(int i, UINT state, UINT mask); void SetItemText(int i, int iSubItem, wchar_t *pszText); COLORREF SetOutlineColor(COLORREF color); void SetSelectedColumn(int iCol); INT SetSelectionMark(INT iIndex); BOOL SetTextBkColor(COLORREF clrText); BOOL SetTextColor(COLORREF clrText); BOOL SetTileInfo(PLVTILEINFO plvtinfo); BOOL SetTileViewInfo(PLVTILEVIEWINFO plvtvinfo); HWND SetToolTips(HWND ToolTip); BOOL SetUnicodeFormat(BOOL fUnicode); int SetView(DWORD iView); void SetWorkAreas(INT nWorkAreas, LPRECT lprc); int SortGroups(PFNLVGROUPCOMPARE pfnGroupCompare, LPVOID plv); BOOL SortItems(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort); BOOL SortItemsEx(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort); INT SubItemHitTest(LPLVHITTESTINFO pInfo); INT SubItemHitTestEx(LPLVHITTESTINFO plvhti); BOOL Update(int iItem); // Additional APIs HIMAGELIST CreateImageList(int iImageList); void AddColumn(int iSubItem, wchar_t *name, int cx); void AddGroup(int iGroupId, wchar_t *name); int AddItem(wchar_t *text, int iIcon, LPARAM lParam = 0, int iGroupId = -1); void SetItem(int iItem, int iSubItem, wchar_t *text, int iIcon = -1); LPARAM GetItemData(int iItem); // Events struct TEventInfo { CCtrlListView *treeviewctrl; union { NMHDR *nmhdr; NMLISTVIEW *nmlv; NMLVDISPINFO *nmlvdi; NMLVSCROLL *nmlvscr; NMLVGETINFOTIP *nmlvit; NMLVFINDITEM *nmlvfi; NMITEMACTIVATE *nmlvia; NMLVKEYDOWN *nmlvkey; }; }; CCallback OnBeginDrag; CCallback OnBeginLabelEdit; CCallback OnBeginRDrag; CCallback OnBeginScroll; CCallback OnColumnClick; CCallback OnDeleteAllItems; CCallback OnDeleteItem; CCallback OnDoubleClick; CCallback OnEndLabelEdit; CCallback OnEndScroll; CCallback OnGetDispInfo; CCallback OnGetInfoTip; CCallback OnHotTrack; CCallback OnIncrementalSearch; CCallback OnInsertItem; CCallback OnItemActivate; CCallback OnItemChanged; CCallback OnItemChanging; CCallback OnKeyDown; CCallback OnMarqueeBegin; CCallback OnSetDispInfo; protected: virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh) override; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlTreeView #undef GetNextSibling #undef GetPrevSibling #define MTREE_CHECKBOX 0x0001 #define MTREE_DND 0x0002 #define MTREE_MULTISELECT 0x0004 class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlTreeView : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; HTREEITEM MoveItemAbove(HTREEITEM hItem, HTREEITEM hInsertAfter, HTREEITEM hParent); public: CCtrlTreeView(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); void SetFlags(uint32_t dwFlags); // MTREE_* combination // Classic TV interface HIMAGELIST CreateDragImage(HTREEITEM hItem); void DeleteAllItems(); void DeleteItem(HTREEITEM hItem); HWND EditLabel(HTREEITEM hItem); void EndEditLabelNow(BOOL cancel); void EnsureVisible(HTREEITEM hItem); void Expand(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD flag); COLORREF GetBkColor(); DWORD GetCheckState(HTREEITEM hItem); HTREEITEM GetChild(HTREEITEM hItem); int GetCount(); HTREEITEM GetDropHilight(); HWND GetEditControl(); HTREEITEM GetFirstVisible(); HIMAGELIST GetImageList(int iImage); int GetIndent(); COLORREF GetInsertMarkColor(); bool GetItem(TVITEMEX *tvi); int GetItemHeight(); void GetItemRect(HTREEITEM hItem, RECT *rcItem, BOOL fItemRect); DWORD GetItemState(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD stateMask); HTREEITEM GetLastVisible(); COLORREF GetLineColor(); HTREEITEM GetNextItem(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD flag); HTREEITEM GetNextSibling(HTREEITEM hItem); HTREEITEM GetNextVisible(HTREEITEM hItem); HTREEITEM GetParent(HTREEITEM hItem); HTREEITEM GetPrevSibling(HTREEITEM hItem); HTREEITEM GetPrevVisible(HTREEITEM hItem); HTREEITEM GetRoot(); DWORD GetScrollTime(); HTREEITEM GetSelection(); COLORREF GetTextColor(); HWND GetToolTips(); BOOL GetUnicodeFormat(); unsigned GetVisibleCount(); HTREEITEM HitTest(TVHITTESTINFO *hti); HTREEITEM InsertItem(TVINSERTSTRUCT *tvis); void Select(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD flag); void SelectDropTarget(HTREEITEM hItem); void SelectItem(HTREEITEM hItem); void SelectSetFirstVisible(HTREEITEM hItem); COLORREF SetBkColor(COLORREF clBack); void SetCheckState(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD state); void SetImageList(HIMAGELIST hIml, int iImage); void SetIndent(int iIndent); void SetInsertMark(HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL fAfter); COLORREF SetInsertMarkColor(COLORREF clMark); void SetItem(TVITEMEX *tvi); void SetItemHeight(short cyItem); void SetItemState(HTREEITEM hItem, DWORD state, DWORD stateMask); COLORREF SetLineColor(COLORREF clLine); void SetScrollTime(UINT uMaxScrollTime); COLORREF SetTextColor(COLORREF clText); HWND SetToolTips(HWND hwndToolTips); BOOL SetUnicodeFormat(BOOL fUnicode); void SortChildren(HTREEITEM hItem, BOOL fRecurse); void SortChildrenCB(TVSORTCB *cb, BOOL fRecurse); // Additional stuff void TranslateItem(HTREEITEM hItem); void TranslateTree(); HTREEITEM FindNamedItem(HTREEITEM hItem, const wchar_t *name); void GetItem(HTREEITEM hItem, TVITEMEX *tvi); void GetItem(HTREEITEM hItem, TVITEMEX *tvi, wchar_t *szText, int iTextLength); void InvertCheck(HTREEITEM hItem); bool IsSelected(HTREEITEM hItem); int GetNumSelected(); void GetSelected(LIST<_TREEITEM> &selected); void Select(HTREEITEM hItem); void Select(LIST<_TREEITEM> &selected); void SelectAll(); void SelectRange(HTREEITEM hStart, HTREEITEM hEnd); void Unselect(HTREEITEM hItem); void UnselectAll(); void DropHilite(HTREEITEM hItem); void DropUnhilite(HTREEITEM hItem); // Events struct TEventInfo { CCtrlTreeView *treeviewctrl; union { NMHDR *nmhdr; NMTREEVIEW *nmtv; NMTVKEYDOWN *nmtvkey; NMTVDISPINFO *nmtvdi; NMTVGETINFOTIP *nmtvit; }; }; CCallback OnBeginDrag; CCallback OnBeginLabelEdit; CCallback OnBeginRDrag; CCallback OnDeleteItem; CCallback OnEndLabelEdit; CCallback OnGetDispInfo; CCallback OnGetInfoTip; CCallback OnItemChanged; CCallback OnItemExpanded; CCallback OnItemExpanding; CCallback OnKeyDown; CCallback OnSelChanged; CCallback OnSelChanging; CCallback OnSetDispInfo; CCallback OnSingleExpand; protected: virtual void OnInit() override; virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh) override; virtual LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override; union { uint32_t m_dwFlags; struct { bool m_bDndEnabled : 1; bool m_bDragging : 1; bool m_bCheckBox : 1; bool m_bMultiSelect : 1; }; }; HTREEITEM m_hDragItem; // valid if m_bDragging == true }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlTreeView #define PSN_INFOCHANGED 1 #define PSN_PARAMCHANGED 2 // force-send a PSN_INFOCHANGED to all pages #define PSM_FORCECHANGED (WM_USER+100) class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlPages : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; public: CCtrlPages(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId); void AddPage(wchar_t *ptszName, HICON hIcon, CDlgBase *pDlg); void ActivatePage(int iPage); int GetCount(void); int GetDlgIndex(CDlgBase*); CDlgBase* GetNthPage(int iPage); void RemovePage(int iPage); void SwapPages(int idx1, int idx2); __forceinline CDlgBase* GetActivePage() const { return m_pActivePage; } protected: virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh) override; virtual void OnInit() override; virtual void OnDestroy() override; virtual void OnApply() override; virtual void OnReset() override; virtual LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override; private: HIMAGELIST m_hIml; CDlgBase *m_pActivePage; struct TPageInfo; void InsertPage(TPageInfo *pPage); void ShowPage(CDlgBase *pDlg); TPageInfo* GetCurrPage(); TPageInfo* GetItemPage(int iPage); LIST m_pages; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CCtrlCustom template class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlCustom : public CCtrlBase { typedef CCtrlBase CSuper; private: void (TDlg::*m_pfnOnCommand)(HWND hwndCtrl, WORD idCtrl, WORD idCode); void (TDlg::*m_pfnOnNotify)(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh); void (TDlg::*m_pfnOnMeasureItem)(MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *param); void (TDlg::*m_pfnOnDrawItem)(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *param); void (TDlg::*m_pfnOnDeleteItem)(DELETEITEMSTRUCT *param); public: CCtrlCustom(TDlg *wnd, int idCtrl, void (TDlg::*pfnOnCommand)(HWND hwndCtrl, WORD idCtrl, WORD idCode), void (TDlg::*pfnOnNotify)(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh), void (TDlg::*pfnOnMeasureItem)(MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *param) = NULL, void (TDlg::*pfnOnDrawItem)(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *param) = NULL, void (TDlg::*pfnOnDeleteItem)(DELETEITEMSTRUCT *param) = NULL): CCtrlBase(wnd, idCtrl) { m_pfnOnCommand = pfnOnCommand; m_pfnOnNotify = pfnOnNotify; m_pfnOnMeasureItem = pfnOnMeasureItem; m_pfnOnDrawItem = pfnOnDrawItem; m_pfnOnDeleteItem = pfnOnDeleteItem; } virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND hwndCtrl, WORD idCtrl, WORD idCode) override { if (m_parentWnd && m_pfnOnCommand) { m_parentWnd->m_lresult = 0; (((TDlg *)m_parentWnd)->*m_pfnOnCommand)(hwndCtrl, idCtrl, idCode); return m_parentWnd->m_lresult; } return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh) override { if (m_parentWnd && m_pfnOnNotify) { m_parentWnd->m_lresult = 0; (((TDlg *)m_parentWnd)->*m_pfnOnNotify)(idCtrl, pnmh); return m_parentWnd->m_lresult; } return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnMeasureItem(MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *param) override { if (m_parentWnd && m_pfnOnMeasureItem) { m_parentWnd->m_lresult = 0; (((TDlg *)m_parentWnd)->*m_pfnOnMeasureItem)(param); return m_parentWnd->m_lresult; } return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnDrawItem(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *param) override { if (m_parentWnd && m_pfnOnDrawItem) { m_parentWnd->m_lresult = 0; (((TDlg *)m_parentWnd)->*m_pfnOnDrawItem)(param); return m_parentWnd->m_lresult; } return FALSE; } virtual BOOL OnDeleteItem(DELETEITEMSTRUCT *param) override { if (m_parentWnd && m_pfnOnDeleteItem) { m_parentWnd->m_lresult = 0; (((TDlg *)m_parentWnd)->*m_pfnOnDeleteItem)(param); return m_parentWnd->m_lresult; } return FALSE; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CProtoDlgBase #define WM_PROTO_REFRESH (WM_USER + 100) #define WM_PROTO_CHECK_ONLINE (WM_USER + 101) #define WM_PROTO_ACTIVATE (WM_USER + 102) #define WM_PROTO_LAST (WM_USER + 200) struct PROTO_INTERFACE; class MIR_APP_EXPORT CProtoIntDlgBase : public CDlgBase { typedef CDlgBase CSuper; public: CProtoIntDlgBase(PROTO_INTERFACE *proto, int idDialog, bool show_label = true); void CreateLink(CCtrlData& ctrl, char *szSetting, BYTE type, DWORD iValue); void CreateLink(CCtrlData& ctrl, const char *szSetting, wchar_t *szValue); template __inline void CreateLink(CCtrlData& ctrl, CMOption &option) { ctrl.CreateDbLink(new CMOptionLink(option)); } __inline PROTO_INTERFACE *GetProtoInterface() { return m_proto_interface; } void SetStatusText(const wchar_t *statusText); protected: PROTO_INTERFACE *m_proto_interface; bool m_show_label; HWND m_hwndStatus; INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual void OnProtoRefresh(WPARAM, LPARAM); virtual void OnProtoActivate(WPARAM, LPARAM); virtual void OnProtoCheckOnline(WPARAM, LPARAM); private: void UpdateProtoTitle(const wchar_t *szText = NULL); void UpdateStatusBar(); }; template class CProtoDlgBase : public CProtoIntDlgBase { typedef CProtoIntDlgBase CSuper; public: __inline CProtoDlgBase(TProto *proto, int idDialog, bool show_label=true) : CProtoIntDlgBase(proto, idDialog, show_label), m_proto(proto) { } __inline TProto *GetProto() { return m_proto; } protected: TProto* m_proto; }; class CPluginDlgBase : public CDlgBase { const char *m_szModule; public: CPluginDlgBase(HINSTANCE hInst, int idDialog, const char *module) : CDlgBase(hInst, idDialog), m_szModule(module) {}; void CreateLink(CCtrlData& ctrl, const char *szSetting, BYTE type, DWORD iValue) { ctrl.CreateDbLink(m_szModule, szSetting, type, iValue); } void CreateLink(CCtrlData& ctrl, const char *szSetting, wchar_t *szValue) { ctrl.CreateDbLink(m_szModule, szSetting, szValue); } template __inline void CreateLink(CCtrlData& ctrl, CMOption &option) { ctrl.CreateDbLink(new CMOptionLink(option)); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Safe open/close dialogs #define UI_SAFE_OPEN(dlgClass, dlgPtr) \ { \ if (dlgPtr) \ { \ SetForegroundWindow((dlgPtr)->GetHwnd()); \ } else \ { \ (dlgPtr) = new dlgClass(this); \ (dlgPtr)->Show(); \ } \ } #define UI_SAFE_OPEN_EX(dlgClass, dlgPtr, dlgLocal) \ if (dlgPtr) \ { \ ::SetForegroundWindow((dlgPtr)->GetHwnd()); \ } else \ { \ (dlgPtr) = new dlgClass(this); \ (dlgPtr)->Show(); \ } \ dlgClass *dlgLocal = (dlgClass *)(dlgPtr); #define UI_SAFE_CLOSE(dlg) \ { \ if (dlg) { \ (dlg)->Close(); \ (dlg) = NULL; \ } \ } #define UI_SAFE_CLOSE_HWND(hwnd) \ { \ if (hwnd) { \ ::SendMessage((hwnd), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); \ (hwnd) = NULL; \ } \ } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NULL-Safe dialog notifications #define UI_SAFE_NOTIFY(dlg, msg) \ { \ if (dlg) \ ::SendMessage((dlg)->GetHwnd(), msg, 0, 0); \ } #define UI_SAFE_NOTIFY_HWND(hwnd, msg) \ { \ if (hwnd) \ ::SendMessage((hwnd), msg, 0, 0); \ } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define message maps #define UI_MESSAGE_MAP(dlgClass, baseDlgClass) \ typedef baseDlgClass CMessageMapSuperClass; \ virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) \ { \ switch (msg) \ { \ case 0: \ break /* just to handle ";" symbol after macro */ #define UI_MESSAGE(msg, proc) \ case msg: \ proc(msg, wParam, lParam); \ break #define UI_MESSAGE_EX(msg, func) \ case msg: \ return func(msg, wParam, lParam) #define UI_POSTPROCESS_MESSAGE(msg, proc) \ case msg: \ CMessageMapSuperClass::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); \ return FALSE #define UI_POSTPROCESS_MESSAGE_EX(msg, func) \ case msg: \ CMessageMapSuperClass::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); \ return func(msg, wParam, lParam) #define UI_MESSAGE_MAP_END() \ } \ return CMessageMapSuperClass::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); \ } #endif // __M_GUI_H