// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
// ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger
// ________________________________________
// Copyright 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede
// Copyright 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes
// Copyright 2002-2004 Martin berg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater
// Copyright 2004-2010 Joe Kucera
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File name : $URL: http://miranda.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/miranda/include/m_icq.h $
// Revision : $Revision: 11723 $
// Last change on : $Date: 2010-05-09 14:55:59 +0300 (Вс, 09 май 2010) $
// Last change by : $Author: borkra $
// Public headers for ICQ protocol plug-in
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef M_ICQ_H__
#define M_ICQ_H__ 1
//extended search result structure, used for all searches
typedef struct {
DWORD uin;
BYTE auth;
BYTE gender;
BYTE age;
DWORD country;
BYTE maritalStatus;
// Request authorization
// wParam=(WPARAM)hContact
#define MS_REQ_AUTH "/ReqAuth"
// Grant authorization
// wParam=(WPARAM)hContact;
#define MS_GRANT_AUTH "/GrantAuth"
// Revoke authorization
// wParam=(WPARAM)hContact
#define MS_REVOKE_AUTH "/RevokeAuth"
// Add contact to server-list
// wParam=(WPARAM)hContact
#define MS_ICQ_ADDSERVCONTACT "/AddServerContact"
// Display XStatus detail (internal use only)
// wParam=(WPARAM)hContact;
#define MS_XSTATUS_SHOWDETAILS "/ShowXStatusDetails"
//Send an SMS via the ICQ network
//wParam=(WPARAM)(const char*)szPhoneNumber
//lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)szMessage
//Returns a HANDLE to the send on success, or NULL on failure
//szPhoneNumber should be the full number with international code and preceeded
//by a +
//When the server acks the send, an ack will be broadcast:
// type=ICQACKTYPE_SMS, result=ACKRESULT_SENTREQUEST, lParam=(LPARAM)(char*)szInfo
//At this point the message is queued to be delivered. szInfo contains the raw
//XML data of the ack. Here's what I got when I tried:
//"airbornww.comYesBT Cellnet, United Kingdom[my uin]-1-1955988055-[destination phone#, without +]0\r\n"
//Now the hProcess has been deleted. The only way to track which receipt
//corresponds with which response is to parse the field.
//At a (possibly much) later time the SMS will have been delivered. An ack will
//be broadcast:
// type=ICQACKTYPE_SMS, result=ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, hProcess=NULL, lParam=(LPARAM)(char*)szInfo
//Note that the result will always be success even if the send failed, just to
//save needing to have an attempt at an XML parser in the ICQ module.
//Here's the szInfo for a success:
//"[my uin]-1--1461632229-[dest phone#, without +][dest phone#, without +]Yes[first 20 bytes of message]Tue, 30 Oct 2001 22:35:16 GMTTue, 30 Oct 2001 22:34:00 GMT"
//And here's a failure:
//"[my uin]-1-1955988055-[destination phone#, without leading +][destination phone#, without leading +]NoTue, 23 Oct 2001 23:17:02 GMT999999150Multiple message submittion failed"
//SMSes received from phones come through this same ack, again to avoid having
//an XML parser in the protocol module. Here's one I got:
//"MTN[UIN of recipient, ie this account][sending phone number, without +][contains one space, because I sent from ICQ][body of the message]"
#define ICQACKTYPE_SMS 1001
#define ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS 2001 //database event type
#define MS_ICQ_SENDSMS "/SendSMS"
//e-mail express
//db event added to NULL contact
//blob format is:
//ASCIIZ text, usually of the form "Subject: %s\r\n%s"
//ASCIIZ from name
//ASCIIZ from e-mail
#define ICQEVENTTYPE_EMAILEXPRESS 2002 //database event type
//www pager
//db event added to NULL contact
//blob format is:
//ASCIIZ text, usually "Sender IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\r\n%s"
//ASCIIZ from name
//ASCIIZ from e-mail
#define ICQEVENTTYPE_WEBPAGER 2003 //database event type
//missed message notification
//db event added to contact's history
//blob format is:
//WORD error code
#define ICQEVENTTYPE_MISSEDMESSAGE 2004 //database event type
//for server-side lists, used internally only
//lParam=server's error code, 0 for success
//for rate warning distribution (mainly upload dlg)
//hProcess=Rate class ID
//lParam=server's status code
//received Xtraz Notify response
//lParam=contents of RES node
//received Custom Status details response
//Update user details on server
//Permited operation types:
#define CIXT_BASIC 0x0001
#define CIXT_MORE 0x0002
#define CIXT_WORK 0x0004
#define CIXT_CONTACT 0x0008
#define CIXT_LOCATION 0x0010
#define CIXT_BACKGROUND 0x0020
#define CIXT_EDUCATION 0x0040
#define CIXT_EXTRA 0x0080
#define CIXT_FULL 0x00FF
#define PS_CHANGEINFOEX "/ChangeInfoEx"
//Change nickname in White pages
//lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)szNewNickName
#define PS_SET_NICKNAME "/SetNickname"
//Set password for current session
//lParam=(LPARAM)(const char*)szPassword
#define PS_ICQ_SETPASSWORD "/SetPassword"
//miranda/icqoscar/statusmsgreq event
//called when our status message is requested
//msgType is one of the ICQ_MSGTYPE_GET###MSG constants in icq_constants.h
//uin is the UIN of the contact requesting our status message
#define ME_ICQ_STATUSMSGREQ "/StatusMsgReq"
/* Custom Status helper API *
- to set custom status message & title use PS_ICQ_GETCUSTOMSTATUS to obtain
DB settings and write values to them (UTF-8 strings best). (obsolete)
- custom messages for each user supported - ME_ICQ_STATUSMSGREQ with type MTYPE_SCRIPT_NOTIFY
#define CSSF_MASK_STATUS 0x0001 // status member valid for set/get
#define CSSF_MASK_NAME 0x0002 // pszName member valid for set/get
#define CSSF_MASK_MESSAGE 0x0004 // pszMessage member valid for set/get
#define CSSF_DISABLE_MENU 0x0020 // disable default custom status menu, wParam = bEnable
#define CSSF_DISABLE_UI 0x0040 // disable default custom status UI, wParam = bEnable
#define CSSF_DEFAULT_NAME 0x0080 // only with CSSF_MASK_NAME and get API to get default custom status name (wParam = status)
#define CSSF_STATUSES_COUNT 0x0100 // returns number of custom statuses in wParam, only get API
#define CSSF_STR_SIZES 0x0200 // returns sizes of custom status name & message (wParam & lParam members) in chars
#define CSSF_UNICODE 0x1000 // strings are in UCS-2
#if defined(_UNICODE)
#define CSSF_TCHAR 0
typedef struct {
int cbSize; // size of the structure
int flags; // combination of CSSF_*
int *status; // custom status id
union {
char *pszName; // buffer for custom status name
TCHAR *ptszName;
WCHAR *pwszName;
union {
char *pszMessage; // buffer for custom status message
TCHAR *ptszMessage;
WCHAR *pwszMessage;
WPARAM *wParam; // extra params, see flags
LPARAM *lParam;
// Sets owner current custom status (obsolete)
//wParam = (int)N // custom status id (1-32)
//lParam = 0
//return = N (id of status set) or 0 (failed - probably bad params)
// Sets owner current custom status
//wParam = 0 // reserved
//lParam = (ICQ_CUSTOM_STATUS*)pData // contains what to set and new values
//return = 0 (for success)
// Retrieves custom status details for specified hContact
//wParam = (HANDLE)hContact
//lParam = (ICQ_CUSTOM_STATUS*)pData // receives details (members must be prepared)
//return = 0 (for success)
#define LR_BIGICON 0x40
// Retrieves specified custom status icon
//wParam = (int)N // custom status id (1-32), 0 = my current custom status
//lParam = flags // use LR_SHARED for shared HICON, LR_BIGICON for 32x32 icon
//return = HICON // custom status icon (use DestroyIcon to release resources if not LR_SHARED)
// Get Custom status DB field names & current owner custom status (obsolete)
//wParam = (char**)szDBTitle // will receive title DB setting name (do not free)
//lParam = (char**)szDBMsg // will receive message DB setting name
//return = N // current custom status id if successful, 0 otherwise
// Request Custom status details (messages) for specified contact
//wParam = hContact // request custom status details for this contact
//lParam = 0
//return = (int)dwSequence // if successful it is sequence for ICQACKTYPE_XSTATUS_RESPONSE
// 0 failed to request (e.g. auto-request enabled)
// -1 delayed (rate control) - sequence unknown
#define PS_ICQ_REQUESTCUSTOMSTATUS "/RequestXStatusDetails"
// Called when contact changes custom status and extra icon is set to clist_mw
//wParam = hContact // contact changing status
//lParam = hIcon // HANDLE to clist extra icon set as custom status
// Called when a contact changes its custom status
// wParam = hContact
// lParam = 0
// Called from contact list in order to get index of custom status icon in list
// wParam = hContact
// lParam = 0
// rerurn = (int) index of extra contact icon shifted <<16 (the low word will be normal status icon, the high will be xStatus Icon
#define PS_ICQ_GETADVANCEDSTATUSICON "/GetAdvancedStatusIcon"
#endif // M_ICQ_H__