/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project (http:// miranda-ng.org) Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // this module was created in v0.1.1.0 #ifndef M_PROTOCOLS_H__ #define M_PROTOCOLS_H__ 1 struct PROTO_INTERFACE; #include "statusmodes.h" // send a general request through the protocol chain for a contact // wParam = 0 // lParam = (LPARAM)(CCSDATA*)&ccs // returns the value as documented in the PS_ definition (m_protosvc.h) typedef struct { MCONTACT hContact; const char *szProtoService; // a PS_ constant WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; } CCSDATA; #define MS_PROTO_CALLCONTACTSERVICE "Proto/CallContactService" // a general network 'ack' // wParam = 0 // lParam = (LPARAM)(ACKDATA*)&ack // Note that just because definitions are here doesn't mean they will be sent. // Read the documentation for the function you are calling to see what replies // you will receive. typedef struct { int cbSize; const char *szModule; // the name of the protocol module which initiated this ack MCONTACT hContact; int type; // an ACKTYPE_ constant int result; // an ACKRESULT_ constant HANDLE hProcess; // a caller-defined process code LPARAM lParam; // caller-defined extra info } ACKDATA; #define ACKTYPE_MESSAGE 0 #define ACKTYPE_URL 1 #define ACKTYPE_FILE 2 #define ACKTYPE_CHAT 3 #define ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG 4 #define ACKTYPE_AUTHREQ 5 #define ACKTYPE_ADDED 6 #define ACKTYPE_GETINFO 7 #define ACKTYPE_SETINFO 8 #define ACKTYPE_LOGIN 9 #define ACKTYPE_SEARCH 10 #define ACKTYPE_NEWUSER 11 #define ACKTYPE_STATUS 12 #define ACKTYPE_CONTACTS 13 // send/recv of contacts #define ACKTYPE_AVATAR 14 // send/recv of avatars from a protocol #define ACKTYPE_EMAIL 15 // notify if the unread emails changed #define ACKRESULT_SUCCESS 0 #define ACKRESULT_FAILED 1 // 'in progress' result codes: #define ACKRESULT_CONNECTING 100 #define ACKRESULT_CONNECTED 101 #define ACKRESULT_INITIALISING 102 #define ACKRESULT_SENTREQUEST 103 // waiting for reply... #define ACKRESULT_DATA 104 // blob of file data sent/recved, or search result #define ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE 105 // file transfer went to next file #define ACKRESULT_FILERESUME 106 // a file is about to be received, see PS_FILERESUME #define ACKRESULT_DENIED 107 // a file send has been denied #define ACKRESULT_STATUS 108 // an ack or a series of acks to do with a task have a status change #define ACKRESULT_LISTENING 109 // waiting for connection #define ACKRESULT_CONNECTPROXY 110 // connecting to file proxy #define ACKRESULT_SEARCHRESULT 111 // result of extended search #define ME_PROTO_ACK "Proto/Ack" // v0.3.2+: When result is ACKRESULT_FAILED or ACKRESULT_DENIED, lParam can point to // a human readable string with an explanation. For example: "The message was too // long to be delivered". If no error message is specified, lParam must be NULL. // Right now only explanations from ACKTYPE_MESSAGE is shown. // when type == ACKTYPE_FILE && (result == ACKRESULT_DATA || result == ACKRESULT_FILERESUME), // lParam points to this #define FNAMECHAR TCHAR #define PFTS_RECEIVING 0 #define PFTS_SENDING 1 #define PFTS_UNICODE 2 #define PFTS_UTF 4 #if defined(_UNICODE) #define PFTS_TCHAR PFTS_UNICODE #else #define PFTS_TCHAR 0 #endif typedef struct tagPROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS { size_t cbSize; MCONTACT hContact; DWORD flags; // one of PFTS_* constants union { char **pszFiles; TCHAR **ptszFiles; WCHAR **pwszFiles; }; int totalFiles; int currentFileNumber; unsigned __int64 totalBytes; unsigned __int64 totalProgress; union { char *szWorkingDir; TCHAR *tszWorkingDir; WCHAR *wszWorkingDir; }; union { char *szCurrentFile; TCHAR *tszCurrentFile; WCHAR *wszCurrentFile; }; unsigned __int64 currentFileSize; unsigned __int64 currentFileProgress; unsigned __int64 currentFileTime; // as seconds since 1970 } PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS; // Enumerate the currently running protocols // wParam = (WPARAM)(int*)&numberOfProtocols // lParam = (LPARAM)(PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR***)&ppProtocolDescriptors // Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure // Neither wParam nor lParam may be NULL // The list returned by this service is the protocol modules currently installed // and running. It is not the complete list of all protocols that have ever been // installed. // IMPORTANT NOTE #1: the list returned is not static, it may be changed in the // program's lifetime. Do not use this list in the global context, copy protocols // names otherwise. // IMPORTANT NOTE #2: in version 0.8 this service is mapped to the MS_PROTO_ENUMACCOUNTS // service to provide the compatibility with old plugins (first three members of // PROTOACCOUNT are equal to the old PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR format). If you declare the // MIRANDA_VER macro with value greater or equal to 0x800, use MS_PROTO_ENUMPROTOS // service instead to obtain the list of running protocols instead of accounts. // Note that a protocol module need not be an interface to an Internet server, // they can be encryption and loads of other things, too. // And yes, before you ask, that is triple indirection. Deal with it. // Access members using ppProtocolDescriptors[index]->element #define PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR_V3_SIZE (sizeof(size_t)+sizeof(INT_PTR)+sizeof(char*)) // initializes an empty account typedef struct PROTO_INTERFACE* (*pfnInitProto)(const char* szModuleName, const TCHAR* szUserName); // deallocates an account instance typedef int (*pfnUninitProto)(PROTO_INTERFACE*); // removes an account from the database typedef int (*pfnDestroyProto)(PROTO_INTERFACE*); typedef struct { size_t cbSize; char *szName; // unique name of the module int type; // module type, see PROTOTYPE_ constants // 0.8.0+ additions pfnInitProto fnInit; // initializes an empty account pfnUninitProto fnUninit; // deallocates an account instance pfnDestroyProto fnDestroy; // removes an account } PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR; // v0.3.3+: // // For recv, it will go from lower to higher, so in this case: // check ignore, decrypt (encryption), translate // // For send, it will go translate, encrypt, ignore(??), send // // The DB will store higher numbers here, LOWER in the protocol chain, and lower numbers // here HIGHER in the protocol chain #define PROTOTYPE_IGNORE 50 // added during v0.3.3 #define PROTOTYPE_PROTOCOL 1000 #define PROTOTYPE_VIRTUAL 1001 // virtual protocol (has no accounts) #define PROTOTYPE_ENCRYPTION 2000 #define PROTOTYPE_FILTER 3000 #define PROTOTYPE_TRANSLATION 4000 #define PROTOTYPE_OTHER 10000 // avoid using this if at all possible #define MS_PROTO_ENUMPROTOS "Proto/EnumProtos" // determines if a protocol module is loaded or not // wParam = 0 (unused) // lParam = (LPARAM)(const char*)szName // Returns a pointer to the PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR if the protocol is loaded, or // NULL if it isn't. #define MS_PROTO_ISPROTOCOLLOADED "Proto/IsProtocolLoaded" __forceinline PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR* IsProtocolLoaded(const char *szProto) { return (PROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR*)CallService(MS_PROTO_ISPROTOCOLLOADED, 0, (LPARAM)szProto); } // gets the network-level protocol associated with a contact // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = 0 // Returns a char* pointing to the asciiz name of the protocol or NULL if the // contact has no protocol. There is no need to free() it or anything. // This is the name of the module that actually accesses the network for that // contact. #define MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO "Proto/GetContactBaseProto" __forceinline char* GetContactProto(MCONTACT hContact) { return (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, hContact, 0); } // determines whether the specified contact has the given protocol in its chain // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(const char*)szName // Returns -1 if it is base protocol, positive number if it is filter and 0 if it doesn't #define MS_PROTO_ISPROTOONCONTACT "Proto/IsProtoOnContact" #define PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_OFF 0 #define PROTOTYPE_SELFTYPING_ON 1 // This service is for notifying protocols that the user is typing a message v0.3.3+ // in a message dialog. // This is typically sent by a message dialog when a user in the clist is typing. // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(int)typing state // NOTE: Only protocols should generally call this service #define MS_PROTO_SELFISTYPING "Proto/SelfIsTyping" #define PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_OFF 0 #define PROTOTYPE_CONTACTTYPING_INFINITE 2147483647 // This service is for notifying message dialogs/other plugins of a user typing. v0.3.3+ // This is typically sent by a protocol when a user in the clist is typing. // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(int)time (secs) // NOTE: The time in seconds is used to tell a message dialog (or other plugin) // how long to display its notification. If time is 0, then notification // of typing ends. // NOTE: Only protocols should generally call this service #define MS_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING "Proto/ContactIsTyping" // This hook notifies when a user is typing. If a message dialog supports sending v0.3.3+ // typing notifications it should hook this event and fire the // ProtoService PSS_USERISTYPING to the contacts protocol *after* verifying // that the hContact is not NULL and the the user wishes to send notifications // to this user (checked visibility, individual typing blocking, etc). // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = (LPARAM)(int)typing state #define ME_PROTO_CONTACTISTYPING "Proto/ContactIsTypingEvent" // -------------- accounts support --------------------- 0.8.0+ typedef struct tagACCOUNT { int cbSize; // sizeof this structure char* szModuleName; // unique physical account name (matches database module name) TCHAR* tszAccountName; // user-defined account name char* szProtoName; // physical protocol name bool bIsEnabled; // is account enabled? bool bIsVisible; // is account visible? bool bIsVirtual; // is account virtual? bool bOldProto; // old-styled account (one instance per dll) bool bDynDisabled; // dynamic disable flag, is never written to db bool bAccMgrUIChanged; HWND hwndAccMgrUI; int iOrder; // account order in various menus & lists PROTO_INTERFACE *ppro; // pointer to the underlying object } PROTOACCOUNT; // account enumeration service // wParam = (WPARAM)(int*)piNumAccounts // lParam = (LPARAM)(PROTOACCOUNT**)paAccounts #define MS_PROTO_ENUMACCOUNTS "Proto/EnumAccounts" __forceinline INT_PTR ProtoEnumAccounts(int* accNumber, PROTOACCOUNT*** accArray) { return CallService(MS_PROTO_ENUMACCOUNTS, (WPARAM)accNumber, (LPARAM)accArray); } // creates new account // wParam = 0 // lParam = (LPARAM)(ACC_CREATE*) account definition // return value = PROTOACCOUNT* or NULL #define MS_PROTO_CREATEACCOUNT "Proto/CreateAccount" typedef struct tagACC_CREATE { const char *pszBaseProto; const char *pszInternal; const TCHAR *ptszAccountName; } ACC_CREATE; __forceinline PROTOACCOUNT* ProtoCreateAccount(ACC_CREATE *pAccountDef) { return (PROTOACCOUNT*)CallService(MS_PROTO_CREATEACCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)pAccountDef); } // retrieves an account's interface by its physical name (database module) // wParam = 0 // lParam = (LPARAM)(char*)szAccountName // return value = PROTOACCOUNT* or NULL #define MS_PROTO_GETACCOUNT "Proto/GetAccount" __forceinline PROTOACCOUNT* ProtoGetAccount(const char* accName) { return (PROTOACCOUNT*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETACCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)accName); } // this event is fired when the accounts list gets changed // wParam = event type (1 - added, 2 - changed, 3 - deleted, 4 - upgraded, 5 - enabled/disabled) // lParam = (LPARAM)(PROTOACCOUNT*) - account being changed #define PRAC_ADDED 1 #define PRAC_CHANGED 2 #define PRAC_REMOVED 3 #define PRAC_UPGRADED 4 #define PRAC_CHECKED 5 #define ME_PROTO_ACCLISTCHANGED "Proto/AccListChanged" // displays the Account Manager // wParam = 0 // lParam = 0 #define MS_PROTO_SHOWACCMGR "Protos/ShowAccountManager" // determines if an account is enabled or not // wParam = 0 // lParam = (LPARAM)(PROTOACCOUNT*) // Returns 1 if an account is valid and enabled, 0 otherwise #define MS_PROTO_ISACCOUNTENABLED "Proto/IsAccountEnabled" __forceinline int IsAccountEnabled(const PROTOACCOUNT *pa) { return (int)CallService(MS_PROTO_ISACCOUNTENABLED, 0, (LPARAM)pa); } // determines if an account is locked or not // wParam = 0 // lParam = (LPARAM)(char*)szAccountName // Returns 1 if an account is locked and not supposed to change status, 0 otherwise #define MS_PROTO_ISACCOUNTLOCKED "Proto/IsAccountLocked" // gets the account associated with a contact // wParam = (MCONTACT)hContact // lParam = 0 // Returns a char* pointing to the asciiz name of the protocol or NULL if the // contact has no protocol. There is no need to mir_free() it or anything. // This is the name of the module that actually accesses the network for that // contact. #define MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEACCOUNT "Proto/GetContactBaseAccount" /* -------------- avatar support --------------------- First a protocol must report it supports PF4_AVATARS via PS_GETCAPS, secondly it will return the following acks for certain events, the protocol must use ProtoBroadcastAck(), listeners must hook ME_PROTO_ACK, note that lParam = ACKDATA* */ /* The following ACKs MUST be sent in order of .result via ProtoBroadcastAck() .szModule = protocol module .hContact = contact the avatar is for, or 0 if its for the user .type = ACKTYPE_AVATAR .result = ACKRESULT_CONNECTING, ACKRESULT_CONNECTED, ACKRESULT_SENTREQUEST, ACKRESULT_DATA .hProcess = protocol specific .lParam = 0 Once the transfer is complete the following ACKs MUST be sent by the protocol .result = ACKRESULT_SUCCESS or ACKRESULT_FAILED .hProcess = (HANDLE) &PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION .lParam = 0; Anytime before or during the ack or series of acks ACKRESULT_STATUS maybe sent, this might be sent a long while before anything else happens (or after anything happening) For avatars it allows callers to identify status information to do with the avatar, including the time before background transport has been created, so that you know an avatar will be exchanged sometime in the future. When ACKRESULT_STATUS, hProcess is the result code - the value of this is protocol dependent, See protocol documentation to do with avatars for what codes are defined and what they mean. */ #define PA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN 0 // the protocol can not determine much about the "bitmap" #define PA_FORMAT_PNG 1 // the image is PNG #define PA_FORMAT_JPEG 2 #define PA_FORMAT_ICON 3 #define PA_FORMAT_BMP 4 #define PA_FORMAT_GIF 5 #define PA_FORMAT_SWF 6 #define PA_FORMAT_XML 7 typedef struct { int cbSize; // sizeof() MCONTACT hContact; // this might have to be set by the caller too int format; // PA_FORMAT_* char filename[MAX_PATH]; // full path to filename which contains the avatar } PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION; #ifdef _UNICODE typedef struct { int cbSize; // sizeof() MCONTACT hContact; // this might have to be set by the caller too int format; // PA_FORMAT_* WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; // full path to filename which contains the avatar } PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONW; #endif #define GAIF_FORCE 1 // force an update of the avatar if there is none #define GAIR_SUCCESS 0 // information about the avatar has been returned #define GAIR_WAITFOR 1 // you must hook ME_PROTO_ACK and wait for replies about avatar status #define GAIR_NOAVATAR 2 // sorry, this contact has no avatars /* wParam : GAIF_* lParam : (LPARAM) &PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION Affect : Make a request to the protocol to return information about a hContact's avatar (or main user) it can return information, tell you there is none, or if forced start requesting an avatar. Note: Version: 0.3.4+ (2004/09/13) */ #define PS_GETAVATARINFO "/GetAvatarInformation" #ifdef _UNICODE #define PS_GETAVATARINFOW "/GetAvatarInformationW" #define PS_GETAVATARINFOT PS_GETAVATARINFOW #define PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONW #else #define PS_GETAVATARINFOT PS_GETAVATARINFO #define PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONT PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATION #endif #endif // M_PROTOCOLS_H