/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2008 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef WIN2K_H__ #define WIN2K_H__ 1 /* This file was made to define the new constants normally provided by the windows sdk you can get from http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/ To not need to install the whole sdk you can simply comment out the following lines. To make myself clear, you are supposed to use the sdk, this is just a work around. All constants are normally declared in winuser.h File created by Christian K�stner, and tweaked a bit by Richard Hughes*/ //Windows versions in order of feature presence is: //95, NT4, 98, ME, 2000, XP //This is chronological order of release except for ME/2000. ME is barely an //improvement on 98. //These macros use the above order, not release order. #define WinVerMajor() LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion())) #define WinVerMinor() HIBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion())) #define IsWinVerNT() ((GetVersion()&0x80000000) == 0) // IsWinVerNT4Plus() is buggy, Windows 98 is 4.10.1998 #define IsWinVerNT4Plus() (WinVerMajor()>=5 || WinVerMinor()>0 || IsWinVerNT()) #define IsWinVer98Plus() (LOWORD(GetVersion()) != 4) #define IsWinVerMEPlus() (WinVerMajor()>=5 || WinVerMinor()>10) #define IsWinVer2000Plus() (WinVerMajor()>=5 && IsWinVerNT()) #define IsWinVerXPPlus() (WinVerMajor()>=5 && LOWORD(GetVersion()) != 5) #define IsWinVerVistaPlus() (WinVerMajor()>=6) #define IsWinVer7Plus() (WinVerMajor()>6 || (WinVerMajor() == 6 && WinVerMinor()>=1)) // put stuff that's not apart of any SDKs but is used nonetheless #define SIZEOF(X) (sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0])) #ifdef _WIN64 #define MENUITEMINFO_V4_SIZE sizeof(MENUITEMINFO) #else //mii was extended for NT5/Win98, so need the old length for some stuff #define MENUITEMINFO_V4_SIZE (offsetof(MENUITEMINFO, cch)+sizeof((*((MENUITEMINFO*)0)).cch)) #endif #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 #define NOWIN2K #endif #if WINVER >= 0x501 #define NOWIN2K #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define BIGI(x) x##i64 #else #define BIGI(x) x##LL #endif // collapsible groups for Vista #ifndef LVGS_COLLAPSIBLE #define LVGS_COLLAPSIBLE 0x00000008 #endif #ifndef SM_SERVERR2 #define SM_SERVERR2 89 #define VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER 0x00002000 #define VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER 0x00004000 #define VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER 0x00008000 #endif #if _MSC_VER #if !defined(DTBG_CLIPRECT) #define DTBG_CLIPRECT 0x00000001 // rcClip has been specified #define DTBG_DRAWSOLID 0x00000002 // DEPRECATED: draw transparent/alpha images as solid #define DTBG_OMITBORDER 0x00000004 // don't draw border of part #define DTBG_OMITCONTENT 0x00000008 // don't draw content area of part #define DTBG_COMPUTINGREGION 0x00000010 // TRUE if calling to compute region #define DTBG_MIRRORDC 0x00000020 // assume the hdc is mirrorred and // flip images as appropriate (currently // only supported for bgtype=imagefile) #define DTBG_NOMIRROR 0x00000040 // don't mirror the output, overrides everything else typedef struct _DTBGOPTS { DWORD dwSize; // size of the struct DWORD dwFlags; // which options have been specified RECT rcClip; // clipping rectangle } DTBGOPTS, *PDTBGOPTS; #endif #if !defined( DTT_COMPOSITED ) #define DTT_TEXTCOLOR (1UL << 0) // crText has been specified #define DTT_BORDERCOLOR (1UL << 1) // crBorder has been specified #define DTT_SHADOWCOLOR (1UL << 2) // crShadow has been specified #define DTT_SHADOWTYPE (1UL << 3) // iTextShadowType has been specified #define DTT_SHADOWOFFSET (1UL << 4) // ptShadowOffset has been specified #define DTT_BORDERSIZE (1UL << 5) // iBorderSize has been specified #define DTT_FONTPROP (1UL << 6) // iFontPropId has been specified #define DTT_COLORPROP (1UL << 7) // iColorPropId has been specified #define DTT_STATEID (1UL << 8) // IStateId has been specified #define DTT_CALCRECT (1UL << 9) // Use pRect as and in/out parameter #define DTT_APPLYOVERLAY (1UL << 10) // fApplyOverlay has been specified #define DTT_GLOWSIZE (1UL << 11) // iGlowSize has been specified #define DTT_CALLBACK (1UL << 12) // pfnDrawTextCallback has been specified #define DTT_COMPOSITED (1UL << 13) // Draws text with antialiased alpha (needs a DIB section) typedef int (WINAPI *DTT_CALLBACK_PROC) ( HDC hdc, LPWSTR pszText, int cchText, LPRECT prc, UINT dwFlags, LPARAM lParam); typedef struct _DTTOPTS { DWORD dwSize; // size of the struct DWORD dwFlags; // which options have been specified COLORREF crText; // color to use for text fill COLORREF crBorder; // color to use for text outline COLORREF crShadow; // color to use for text shadow int iTextShadowType; // TST_SINGLE or TST_CONTINUOUS POINT ptShadowOffset; // where shadow is drawn (relative to text) int iBorderSize; // Border radius around text int iFontPropId; // Font property to use for the text instead of TMT_FONT int iColorPropId; // Color property to use for the text instead of TMT_TEXTCOLOR int iStateId; // Alternate state id BOOL fApplyOverlay; // Overlay text on top of any text effect? int iGlowSize; // Glow radious around text DTT_CALLBACK_PROC pfnDrawTextCallback; // Callback for DrawText LPARAM lParam; // Parameter for callback } DTTOPTS, *PDTTOPTS; #define WTNCA_NODRAWCAPTION 0x00000001 // don't draw the window caption #define WTNCA_NODRAWICON 0x00000002 // don't draw the system icon #define WTNCA_NOSYSMENU 0x00000004 // don't expose the system menu icon functionality #define WTNCA_NOMIRRORHELP 0x00000008 // don't mirror the question mark, even in RTL layout enum WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE { WTA_NONCLIENT = 1 }; typedef struct _WTA_OPTIONS { DWORD dwFlags; // values for each style option specified in the bitmask DWORD dwMask; // bitmask for flags that are changing // valid options are: WTNCA_NODRAWCAPTION, WTNCA_NODRAWICON, WTNCA_NOSYSMENU } WTA_OPTIONS, *PWTA_OPTIONS; #endif #endif #if defined (__GNUC__) #define SECURITY_ENTRYPOINTA "InitSecurityInterfaceA" #define SECURITY_ENTRYPOINT SECURITY_ENTRYPOINTA #define FreeCredentialsHandle FreeCredentialsHandle #define FAPPCOMMAND_MASK 0xF000 #define GET_APPCOMMAND_LPARAM(lParam) ((short)(HIWORD(lParam) & ~FAPPCOMMAND_MASK)) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif WINGDIAPI BOOL WINAPI AlphaBlend(HDC, int, int, int, int, HDC, int, int, int, int, BLENDFUNCTION); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* FIXME: MinGW doesn't provide _snscanf, we wrap unsafe sscanf here */ #define _snscanf(buf, size, fmt, ...) sscanf(buf, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__) #ifndef CDSIZEOF_STRUCT #define CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(structname, member) \ (((int)((LPBYTE)(&((structname*)0)->member) - ((LPBYTE)((structname*)0)))) + sizeof(((structname*)0)->member)) #endif #ifndef OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 #define OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(OPENFILENAME, lpTemplateName) #endif #ifndef NOTIFYICONDATAA_V1_SIZE #define NOTIFYICONDATAA_V1_SIZE CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(NOTIFYICONDATAA, szTip[64]) #endif #ifndef NOTIFYICONDATA_V1_SIZE #define NOTIFYICONDATA_V1_SIZE CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(NOTIFYICONDATA, szTip[64]) #endif #ifndef OPENFILENAMEW_SIZE_VERSION_400 #define OPENFILENAMEW_SIZE_VERSION_400 CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(OPENFILENAMEW, lpTemplateName) #endif #ifndef NOTIFYICONDATAW_V1_SIZE #define NOTIFYICONDATAW_V1_SIZE CDSIZEOF_STRUCT(NOTIFYICONDATAW, szTip[64]) #endif #ifndef TV_KEYDOWN typedef struct tagNMKEY { NMHDR hdr; UINT nVKey; UINT uFlags; } NMKEY, *LPNMKEY; typedef struct tagTVKEYDOWN { NMHDR hdr; WORD wVKey; UINT flags; } NMTVKEYDOWN, *LPNMTVKEYDOWN; #define TV_KEYDOWN NMTVKEYDOWN #endif #define ODS_HOTLIGHT 0x0040 #define ODS_INACTIVE 0x0080 #define OLERENDER_FORMAT 2 #define SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR 4 #define SPI_GETFLATMENU 0x1022 #define COLOR_HOTLIGHT 26 #define COLOR_MENUBAR 30 #define COLOR_MENUHILIGHT 29 #define COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 13 #define BP_PUSHBUTTON 1 // Push Button Type #define PBS_NORMAL 1 #define PBS_HOT 2 #define PBS_PRESSED 3 #define PBS_DISABLED 4 #define PBS_DEFAULTED 5 #define BP_CHECKBOX 3 // CheckBox Type #define TP_BUTTON 1 #define TS_NORMAL 1 #define TS_HOT 2 #define TS_PRESSED 3 #define TS_DISABLED 4 #define TS_CHECKED 5 #define TS_HOTCHECKED 6 #ifndef TTM_SETTITLE #ifndef UNICODE #define TTM_SETTITLE TTM_SETTITLEA #else #define TTM_SETTITLE TTM_SETTITLEW #endif #endif #define CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL 1 #define CBS_UNCHECKEDHOT 2 #define CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL 5 #define CBS_CHECKEDHOT 6 #define CFM_WEIGHT 0x00400000 #define CFM_UNDERLINETYPE 0x00800000 #define CFM_BACKCOLOR 0x04000000 #define CFU_UNDERLINE 1 #define CFU_UNDERLINEWORD 2 #define EP_EDITTEXT 1 // Edit #define EP_CARET 2 #define ETS_NORMAL 1 #define ETS_HOT 2 #define ETS_SELECTED 3 #define ETS_DISABLED 4 #define ETS_FOCUSED 5 #define ETS_READONLY 6 #define ETS_ASSIST 7 #ifndef PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND #define PBT_APMSUSPEND 0x0004 #define PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND 0x0007 #endif #define AW_HOR_POSITIVE 0x00000001 #define AW_VER_NEGATIVE 0x00000008 #define AW_HIDE 0x00010000 #define AW_ACTIVATE 0x00020000 #define AW_SLIDE 0x00040000 #define AW_BLEND 0x00080000 #define WM_UNICHAR 0x0109 #define LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER 0x00010000 #define RES_ICON 1 #ifndef DFCS_HOT #define DFCS_HOT 0x1000 #endif #define IP_TTL 7 #ifndef IP_MULTICAST_IF #define IP_MULTICAST_IF 32 #endif #define IMF_AUTOKEYBOARD 0x0001 #define IMF_AUTOFONTSIZEADJUST 0x0010 #define GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_H 0x00 #define GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V 0x01 #define LANG_INVARIANT 0x7f #define LOCALE_INVARIANT (MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_INVARIANT, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), SORT_DEFAULT)) #define EN_ALIGN_RTL_EC 0x0701 #ifndef OBJID_MENU #define OBJID_MENU ((LONG)0xFFFFFFFD) #endif #ifndef OBJID_VSCROLL #define OBJID_VSCROLL ((LONG)0xFFFFFFFB) #endif #define TreeView_SetCheckState(hwndTV, hti, fCheck) \ TreeView_SetItemState(hwndTV, hti, INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK((fCheck)?2:1), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) #define TreeView_GetCheckState(hwndTV, hti) \ ((((UINT)(SNDMSG((hwndTV), TVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)(hti), TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK))) >> 12) -1) #define ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_NO_REV 12056 #define ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_REV_FAILED 12057 #define APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD 1 #define APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_FORWARD 2 #define NIN_BALLOONHIDE (WM_USER +3) #define NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT (WM_USER + 4) #define NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK (WM_USER + 5) // SDK isn't present or some older VC compiler was used, include missing things. #elif !defined(NOWIN2K) && (!defined WS_EX_LAYERED || !defined IDC_HAND) #pragma message("win2k.h") #define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ((DWORD)-1) #define PSDK_WORKAROUND #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST 2 #ifndef EM_SETTEXTEX #define EM_SETTEXTEX (WM_USER + 97) #define ST_DEFAULT 0 #define ST_KEEPUNDO 1 #define ST_SELECTION 2 #define ST_NEWCHARS 4 typedef struct _settextex { DWORD flags; UINT codepage; } SETTEXTEX; #endif #if(_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) #define WS_EX_LAYERED 0x00080000 #define MIIM_STRING 0x00000040 #define MIIM_BITMAP 0x00000080 #define MIIM_FTYPE 0x00000100 #define HBMMENU_CALLBACK ((HBITMAP) -1) #define ODS_HOTLIGHT 0x0040 #define ODS_INACTIVE 0x0080 #define IDC_HAND MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649) #define COLOR_HOTLIGHT 26 #define COLOR_MENUBAR 30 #define COLOR_MENUHILIGHT 29 #define COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 13 #define SPI_GETFLATMENU 0x1022 #define TVS_NOHSCROLL 0x8000 #define SPI_GETLISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING 0x1006 #define SPI_GETHOTTRACKING 0x100E #define BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE 0x0040 #define LVS_EX_LABELTIP 0x00004000 #define LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER 0x00010000 #define DFCS_HOT 0x1000 #define FLASHW_TRAY 0x00000002; typedef struct { UINT cbSize; HWND hwnd; DWORD dwFlags; UINT uCount; DWORD dwTimeout; } FLASHWINFO; /* for the help plugin without the SDK */ #define SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN 76 #define SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN 77 #define SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN 78 #define SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN 79 #define COLOR_HOTLIGHT 26 #define VK_OEM_PLUS 0xBB #define VK_OEM_MINUS 0xBD /* the structure only needs to be defined for VC5 or lower */ #if _MSC_VER < 1200 typedef struct tagLASTINPUTINFO { UINT cbSize; DWORD dwTime; } LASTINPUTINFO, *PLASTINPUTINFO; #endif /* #if _MSC_VER < 1200 */ #ifndef OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 #define OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 sizeof(OPENFILENAME) #endif #ifndef CCM_SETVERSION #define CCM_SETVERSION (CCM_FIRST + 0x7) #endif #define SYSRGN 4 WINGDIAPI int WINAPI GetRandomRgn(IN HDC, IN HRGN, IN INT); #endif /* _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 */ #define LWA_ALPHA 0x00000002 #define AW_HIDE 0x00010000 #define AW_BLEND 0x00080000 #define SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING 114 #define SM_CMONITORS 80 #ifndef AW_ACTIVATE #define AW_ACTIVATE 0x00020000 #define AW_SLIDE 0x00040000 #define AW_VER_NEGATIVE 0x00000008 #define AW_HOR_POSITIVE 0x00000001 #endif #ifndef DWORD_PTR typedef DWORD DWORD_PTR; #endif #ifndef HMONITOR DECLARE_HANDLE(HMONITOR); typedef struct tagMONITORINFO { DWORD cbSize; RECT rcMonitor; RECT rcWork; DWORD dwFlags; } MONITORINFO, *LPMONITORINFO; #endif #ifndef IDropTargetHelper DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_DragDropHelper, 0x4657278a, 0x411b, 0x11d2, 0x83, 0x9a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xd9, 0x18, 0xd0); #define INTERFACE IDropTargetHelper DECLARE_INTERFACE_( IDropTargetHelper, IUnknown ) { // IUnknown methods STDMETHOD (QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void **ppv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) ( THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) ( THIS ) PURE; // IDropTargetHelper STDMETHOD (DragEnter)(THIS_ HWND hwndTarget, IDataObject* pDataObject, POINT* ppt, DWORD dwEffect) PURE; STDMETHOD (DragLeave)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD (DragOver)(THIS_ POINT* ppt, DWORD dwEffect) PURE; STDMETHOD (Drop)(THIS_ IDataObject* pDataObject, POINT* ppt, DWORD dwEffect) PURE; STDMETHOD (Show)(THIS_ BOOL fShow) PURE; }; #endif /* IDropTargetHelper */ #define WM_MENURBUTTONUP 0x0122 // tabsrmm uses these #define SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR 4 #define EM_SETEDITSTYLE (WM_USER + 204) #define EM_SETSCROLLPOS (WM_USER + 222) #define SF_USECODEPAGE 0x00000020 #define TreeView_SetItemState(hwndTV, hti, data, _mask) \ { TVITEM _TVi; \ _TVi.mask = TVIF_STATE; \ _TVi.hItem = hti; \ _TVi.stateMask = _mask; \ _TVi.state = data; \ SendMessage((hwndTV), TVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(TV_ITEM *)&_TVi); \ } #endif /* SDK check */ #ifndef BPPF_ERASE typedef enum _BP_BUFFERFORMAT { BPBF_COMPATIBLEBITMAP, // Compatible bitmap BPBF_DIB, // Device-independent bitmap BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, // Top-down device-independent bitmap BPBF_TOPDOWNMONODIB // Top-down monochrome device-independent bitmap } BP_BUFFERFORMAT; typedef struct _BP_PAINTPARAMS { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwFlags; // BPPF_ flags const RECT * prcExclude; const BLENDFUNCTION * pBlendFunction; } BP_PAINTPARAMS, *PBP_PAINTPARAMS; #define BPPF_ERASE 1 #define BPPF_NOCLIP 2 #define BPPF_NONCLIENT 4 #endif /* windows seven taskbar interface comes with sdk v7.0 if not existent define on our own */ #ifdef _SHLOBJ_H_ #ifndef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ITaskbarList3 */ typedef enum TBPFLAG { TBPF_NOPROGRESS = 0, TBPF_INDETERMINATE = 0x1, TBPF_NORMAL = 0x2, TBPF_ERROR = 0x4, TBPF_PAUSED = 0x8 } TBPFLAG; typedef struct THUMBBUTTON *LPTHUMBBUTTON; static const GUID IID_ITaskbarList3 = { 0xea1afb91, 0x9e28, 0x4b86, { 0x90, 0xE9, 0x9e, 0x9f, 0x8a, 0x5e, 0xef, 0xaf } }; #ifdef INTERFACE #undef INTERFACE #endif #define INTERFACE ITaskbarList3 DECLARE_INTERFACE_( ITaskbarList3, ITaskbarList2 ) { // IUnknown methods STDMETHOD (QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, void **ppv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS ) PURE; // overloaded ITaskbarList2 members STDMETHOD (HrInit) (THIS ) PURE; STDMETHOD (AddTab) (THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE; STDMETHOD (DeleteTab) (THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE; STDMETHOD (ActivateTab) (THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetActiveAlt) (THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE; STDMETHOD (MarkFullscreenWindow) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, int fFullscreen) PURE; // ITaskbarList3 members STDMETHOD (SetProgressValue) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, ULONGLONG ullCompleted, ULONGLONG ullTotal) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetProgressState) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, TBPFLAG tbpFlags) PURE; STDMETHOD (RegisterTab) (THIS_ HWND hwndTab, HWND hwndMDI) PURE; STDMETHOD (UnregisterTab) (THIS_ HWND hwndTab) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetTabOrder) (THIS_ HWND hwndTab, HWND hwndInsertBefore) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetTabActive) (THIS_ HWND hwndTab, HWND hwndMDI, DWORD dwReserved) PURE; STDMETHOD (ThumbBarAddButtons) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, UINT cButtons, LPTHUMBBUTTON pButton) PURE; STDMETHOD (ThumbBarUpdateButtons)(THIS_ HWND hwnd, UINT cButtons, LPTHUMBBUTTON pButton) PURE; STDMETHOD (ThumbBarSetImageList) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST himl) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetOverlayIcon) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, HICON hIcon, LPCWSTR pszDescription) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetThumbnailTooltip) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszTip) PURE; STDMETHOD (SetThumbnailClip) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, RECT *prcClip) PURE; }; #endif /* __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #endif /* _SHLOBJ_H_ */ #define FTA_Exclude 0x00000001 #define FTA_Show 0x00000002 #define FTA_HasExtension 0x00000004 #define FTA_NoEdit 0x00000008 #define FTA_NoRemove 0x00000010 #define FTA_NoNewVerb 0x00000020 #define FTA_NoEditVerb 0x00000040 #define FTA_NoRemoveVerb 0x00000080 #define FTA_NoEditDesc 0x00000100 #define FTA_NoEditIcon 0x00000200 #define FTA_NoEditDflt 0x00000400 #define FTA_NoEditVerbCmd 0x00000800 #define FTA_NoEditVerbExe 0x00001000 #define FTA_NoDDE 0x00002000 #define FTA_NoEditMIME 0x00008000 #define FTA_OpenIsSafe 0x00010000 #define FTA_AlwaysUnsafe 0x00020000 #define FTA_AlwaysShowExt 0x00040000 #define FTA_NoRecentDocs 0x00100000 #define FTA_SafeForElevation 0x00200000 #define FTA_AlwaysUseDirectInvoke 0x00400000 #endif // WIN2K_H__