#muuid {dbe8c990-7aa0-458d-bab7-33eb07238e71} ;============================================================ ; File: AvatarHistory.dll ; Plugin: Avatar history ; Version: ; Authors: Matthew Wild (MattJ), Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci ;============================================================ [Avatar List Popup] 头像列表弹出窗口 [Save As...] 另存文件... [Delete this entry] 删除此项目 [Delete this entry and the bitmap file] 删除此项目及位图 [Avatar History] 头像历史 [Store this user's old avatars in disk] 保存此联系人旧头像至磁盘 [Log this user's avatars changes to history] 记录此联系人头像变更至历史 [Show popups for this user] 为此用户显示弹出窗口 [Enable tracking for these protocols:] 启用以下协议追踪: [MetaContacts have special handling: the info is always copied from subcontacts (notifications from a meta are ignored)] 中继联系人有特别处理方法: 资料永远从子联系人复制 (中继联系人发出通知会被忽略) [Show popup when a contact change his avatar] 联系人变更头像时显示弹出窗口 [Background color] 背景颜色 [Text color] 文本颜色 [Use Windows colors] 使用 Windows 颜色 [Use default colors] 使用默认颜色 [From Popup plugin] 从弹出窗口插件 [Custom] 自定义 [Actions] 操作 [On right click:] 按右键时: [On left click:] 按左键时: [Avatar change:] 头像变更: [Avatar removal:] 头像移除: [Avatar History: Select how to store history avatars] 头像历史: 选择如何保存历史头像 [Please select how the avatar history should be stored. This setting CANNOT be changed in future, because it would cause all previous history to be lost.] 请选择头像历史应如何保存. 此设置将 "不能" 被变更, 因为它会导致所有旧历史丢失. [Store history in Miranda history and all history avatars in same folder] 把历史保存至 Miranda 历史, 而所有历史头像保存至相同文件夹 [Store history in Miranda history and history avatars in per protocol folders] 把历史保存至 Miranda 历史, 而所有历史头像保存至每个协议独立文件夹 [Store history in Miranda history and history avatars in per contact folders using shortcuts] 把历史保存至 Miranda 历史, 而所有历史头像使用快捷方式放在每一位联系人独立文件夹 [Store history avatars in per contact folders using shortcuts] 使用快捷方式把历史保存在每位联系人独立文件夹 [Store history avatars in per contact folders] 把历史保存在每位联系人独立文件夹 [History is stored inside Miranda database. It can be seen by History++ or Avatar History internal viewer.] 历史已保存至 Miranda 数据库. 它可使用 History++ 或头像历史内置查看器观看. [All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Avatar Hash>] 所有头像保存于 <配置文件>\\Avatars History\\<头像散列值> [All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash>] 所有头像保存于 <配置文件>\\Avatars History\\<协议>\\<头像散列值> [All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash> and have a shortcut per history entry in <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp>] 所有头像保存于 <配置文件>\\Avatars History\\<协议>\\<头像散列值>, 且每个历史项目在 <配置文件>\\Avatars History\\<协议>\\<联系人 ID>\\<时间戳> 中有快捷方式 [History is stored only in disk. It can be seen by Avatar History internal viewer.] 历史仅保存于磁盘中. 可使用头像历史内置查看器观看. [All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp> (the same image can be stored lot of times)] 所有头像保存于 <配置文件>\\Avatars History\\<协议>\\<联系人 ID>\\<时间戳> (相同图片可能保存多次) [Are you sure you wish to delete this history entry?\nOnly the entry in history will be deleted, bitmap file will be kept!] 您确定要删除此历史项目? \n仅历史中的项目被删除, 位图将会保留! [Delete avatar log?] 删除头像记录? [Are you sure you wish to delete this avatar shortcut?\nOnly shortcut will be deleted, bitmap file will be kept!] 您确定要删除此头像快捷方式? \n仅快捷方式被删除, 位图将保留! [Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?\nThis will delete the history entry and the bitmap file.\nWARNING:This can affect more than one entry in history!] 您确定要删除此存档头像? \n此操作将删除历史项目及位图. \n警告: 这样可能影响历史中多个项目! [Delete avatar?] 删除头像? [Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?\nThis will delete the shortcut and the bitmap file.\nWARNING:This can affect more than one shortcut!] 您确定要删除此存档头像? \n此操作将删除快捷方式及位图. \n警告: 这样可能影响历史中多个快捷方式! [View Avatar History] 查看头像历史 [removed his/her avatar] 移除他/她的头像 [changed his/her avatar] 变更他/她的头像 [History] 历史 [Show avatar history] 显示头像历史 [Show contact history] 显示联系人历史 [Test Contact] 测试联系人 [Test description] 测试描述 [Popups] 弹出窗口 [Avatar Change] 头像变更 [Unknown UIN] 未知 UIN