#muuid {6ca5f042-7a7f-47cc-a715-fc8c46fbf434} ;============================================================ ; File: TabSRMM.dll ; Plugin: TabSRMM ; Version: ; Authors: The Miranda developers team and contributors ;============================================================ [You can add the user by user name or his ID. Wildcards are allowed and recommended.] 您可使用用户名或 ID 添加新用户. 允许并推荐使用通配符. [Cancel] 取消 [Show these events] 显示这些事件 [Actions] 操作 [Messages] 消息 [Nick changes] 昵称变更 [Users joining] 用户加入 [Users leaving] 用户离开 [Topic changes] 主题变更 [Status changes] 状态变更 [Information] 信息 [Disconnects] 断开连接 [User kicks] 用户被踢走 [Notices] 公告 [Tray] 托盘 [Options] 选项 [Add new rooms to group:] 添加新房间到群组: [Chat integration is disabled. You can enable it here, and then you to NEED RESTART Miranda after making this change.\n\nYou MUST disable the standard chat plugin when you enable the group chat support here. Otherwise no group chat at all may work.] 聊天整合已禁用. 您可由此启用, 变更后 "必须重启" Miranda 生效. \n\n在此启用群组聊天支持后, 您 "必须" 禁用标准聊天插件. 否则都不能正常工作. [Log files] 日志文件 [Enable logging to disk] 启用记录到磁盘 [Log directory] 记录目录 [Maximum size for log files (in KB)] 日志文件最大容量 (KB) [Group chat log formatting] 群组聊天记录格式化 [Your name] 您的名称 [Other name] 其它名称 [Timestamp (window)] 时间戳 (窗口) [Timestamp (logfile)] 时间戳 (日志文件) [Maximum number of events in the message window] 消息窗口最大事件数量 [Group chat nick list row height (pixels)] 群组聊天用户列表列高 (像素) [Open log file base folder] 打开日志文件夹 [Default settings for known event types] 已知事件类型默认设置 [Show when filter is active] 当过滤器激活时显示 [Show Popup] 显示弹出提示 [Notify in tray] 托盘通知 [Suppress tray notifications for focused channel windows] 焦点频道窗口禁止托盘通知 [Do not show popups when the channel window is not open] 当频道窗口未打开时不要显示弹出提示 [Highlight event] 突出显示事件 [Line markers in the message log] 消息记录中使用行标记 [Highlight user names] 突出显示用户名 [Enable highlighting for user names] 启用突出显示用户名 [Also look in user IDs] 同时查看用户 ID [Names to highlight, wildcards like * and ? are allowed, separate multiple entries with spaces] 突出显示名字, 允许使用通配符 * 及 ?, 多条目以空格分隔 [Highlight message text] 消息文本突出显示 [Enable highlighting for message text] 启用消息文本突出显示 [Words to highlight, wildcards like * and ? are allowed, separate multiple entries with spaces. Leave it empty if you only want to highlight your own nickname.] 突出显示字词, 允许通配符像 * 和 ?, 用空格分隔多个条目. 如果您只想突出显示自己的呢称请留空. [Highlight messages containing my own nickname] 突出显示消息中自己的呢称 [List] 列表 [&Message] 消息(&M) [Log] 记录 [Clear lo&g] 清除记录(&G) [Co&py all] 全部复制(&P) [Word lookup] 字词检索 [Wikipedia] 维基百科 [Link] 链接 [Open a &new browser window] 打开新浏览器窗口(&N) [&Open in current browser window] 在当前浏览器窗口中打开(&O) [&Copy link] 复制链接(&C) [Message] 消息 [Undo] 撤销 [Redo] 重做 [Copy] 复制 [Cut] 剪切 [Paste] 粘贴 [Select all] 全选 [Clear] 晴 [Tabs] 标签 [&Close tab] 关闭标签(&C) [C&lose other tabs] 关闭其它标签(&L) [&Open at this position] 在当前位置打开(&O) [&Cancel] 取消(&C) [&Send] 发送(&S) [&Add] 添加(&A) [Customize the panel] 自定义面板 [Scope of settings] 设置范围 [Use global or private panel height] 使用全局或私有面板高度 [Set size to] 设置大小为 [Compact (1 Line)] 精简 (1 行) [Normal (2 Lines)] 正常 (2 行) [Large] 大 [Tip: To use a custom size you can always drag the bottom edge of the panel] 提示: 拖动面板底部边缘可自定义大小 [Other options] 其它选项 [Note: All settings are applied immediately] 注意: 所有设置立即生效 [The container is using private settings. The panel height will not be shared with other containers.] 容器使用私有设置. 此面板高度将不会分享给其它容器. [Show picture for this contact] 此联系人显示图片 [Advanced tweaks] 高级调整 [Message send timeout] 消息发送超时 [seconds] 秒 [Input history size] 输入历史大小 [entries] 项 [Options marked with an asterisk (*) will only take effect after Miranda has been restarted.] 以星号 (*) 标记选项将在 Miranda 重启后才会生效. [More about advanced tweaks] 关于高级调整的更多信息 [Revert to (safe) defaults] 还原为 (安全) 默认值 [Event notify options] 事件通知选项 [Limit message preview to] 限制消息预览至 [Only show event notifications when my status is...] 显示事件通知仅当状态为... [Popup Options] 弹出窗口选项 [Text] 文本 [Background] 背景 [Timeout (seconds, 0 = default, -1 = no timeout)] 超时 (秒, 0 = 默认值, -1 = 不超时) [Group chats] 群组聊天 [Use the message log color theme for group chat popups] 群组聊天弹出提示使用消息记录颜色主题 [No compatible popup plugin was found. The event notification\nsystem is not available.] 弹出提示插件未找到. 事件通知\n系统不可用. [All modes] 所有模式 [Message log view mode (does not affect open windows)] 消息日志查看模式 (不影响已打开容器) [Select how to display the message log. This setting can be ignored when one of the listed plugins is not installed.] 选择如何显示消息记录. 当所列出插件有未安装时, 此设置可能被忽略. [Send text formatting method] 发送消息格式方式 [You can override the global setting for text formatting here. Use "Force Off" to never send formatting info for this contact.] 您可在此覆盖文本格式化全局设置. 使用 "强制关闭" 可永不向此联系人发送格式化信息. [ANSI codepage] ANSI 代码页 [Codepage for ANSI encoding/decoding when sending or receiving non-unicode messages.] 当发送或接收非 Unicode 消息时所使用的 ANSI 编码/解码代码页. [Info panel mode] 信息面板模式 [Show avatar in message window] 于消息窗口显示头像 [Use private splitter position] 使用私有分隔器位置 [Contact is a favorite contact] 此联系人为最喜爱的联系人 [Force ANSI send / receive] 强制 ANSI 发送 / 接收 [Ignore sending timeouts] 忽略发送超时 [Load only actual history] 仅加载实际历史 [Always trim message log to] 永远将记录截短为 [Events] 事件 [Only show tab bar when it's needed] 仅需要时才显示标签栏 [Container stays on top] 容器永远置顶 [Vertical maximize] 直向最大化 [Close or hide inactive container after] 关闭或隐藏非活动窗口后 [sec. (0=never)] 秒. (0=永不) [Automatically size input area (*)] 输入区域大小按需调整 (*) [Use default setting] 使用默认值 [Flash until focused] 闪动直到获取焦点 [Disable flashing] 禁用闪动 [Enable popups if minimized] 最小化时启用弹出窗口 [Enable popups if unfocused] 非焦点时启用弹出窗口 [Show popups for inactive tabs in active containers] 为当前容器非活动标签显示弹出窗口 [Hide the status bar] 隐藏状态栏 [Hide the menu bar] 隐藏菜单栏 [User ID in status bar] 状态栏用户 ID [Hide the toolbar] 隐藏工具栏 [Place the toolbar at the bottom (*)] 工具栏置底 (*) [Show the info panel] 显示信息面板 [Hide title bar] 隐藏标题栏 [Title bar format] 标题栏格式 [Available formats] 可用格式 [Use this to specify a private message log theme for this container. This will have no effect when using IEView or another message log viewer and should NOT be confused with skins.] 由此指定当前容器私有化消息日志主题. 这不会影响 IEView 或其它消息记录查看器的使用, 且应不会混淆皮肤. [Use global container size and position] 使用全局容器大小及位置 [Save current as global] 保存当前设置为全局设置 [When checked, this container will use private settings, otherwise settings are shared among containers.] 当选择时, 此容器将使用私有设置, 否则容器间共享设置. [Apply] 应用 [Tab location] 标签位置 [When using the switch bar, use the following layout] 使用切换栏时, 使用以下布局 [Flash event icon on tab] 标签上闪动事件图标 [Flash text label on tabs] 标签上闪动文字标签 [Single row tab control (*)] 单行标签控制 (*) [Close button on tabs] 标签显示关闭按钮 [Use button tabs (*)] 使用按钮标签 (*) [You have chosen to disable all event notifications for open message windows.] 您已选择禁用所有打开消息窗口的事件通知. [Show contact avatars] 显示联系人头像 [Show my own avatars] 显示已方头像 [Show avatars on task bar (Win 7, large task bar required)] 显示头像于任务栏 (Win 7, 需任务栏大图标) [Enable sound effects] 启用声音效果 [Play sounds when minimized] 最小化时播放声音 [Play sounds when not focused] 非焦点时播放声音 [Play sounds for inactive tabs in active containers] 为当前窗口中非活跃标签播放声音 [Play sounds for the active tab / window] 为当前 标签/窗口 播放声音 [Options marked with an asterisk (*) do not affect open message windows.] 选项中标记星号 (*) 者对已打开聊天窗口无效. [Message window options] 消息窗口选项 [Maximum display height (pixels)] 最大显示高度 (像素) [(0 = no limit)] (0 = 不限制) [Try to keep original size] 尝试保持原始大小 [Help on this] 此项目的说明 [Reset all hidden warnings] 重置所有隐藏警告 [Indent values] 缩排值 [Left/Right] 左/右 [px] 像素 [Template sets] 模板集 [Standard templates...] 标准模板... [RTL templates...] 由右至左模板... [Load History Events] 加载历史事件 [Load unread events only] 仅加载未读事件 [Load number of previous events] 加载以往事件数量 [Load previous events less than] 加载少于 [minutes old] 分钟前 [Global message log display] 全局消息记录显示 [Typing Notification] 键入通知 [Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to the them:] 当您正在键入消息时, 发送键入通知给这些用户: [ Show typing notifications in the message window] 在消息窗口显示键入通知 [Flash window once on typing events (only if flashing enabled)] 发生键入事件时闪动一次 (仅适用于启用闪动功能) [ Show typing notifications in the contact list and tray] 在联系人列表及系统托盘显示键入通知 [Show typing notification when message dialog is open] 当消息对话框打开时显示键入通知 [Show typing notification when no message dialog is open] 没有打开消息对话框时显示键入通知 [Show balloon tooltip in the system tray] 在系统托盘显示气泡式提示 [ Show popups when a user is typing] 当用户键入时显示弹出式窗口 [More about typing notifications] 关于键入通知的更多信息 [Tab options] 标签选项 [Miscellaneous options] 杂类选项 [Setup status modes for automatic tab creation...] 设置自动建立标签的状态模式... [Limit nicknames on tabs to] 限制标签昵称为 [ESC key behavior] ESC 键行为 [Select container] 选择容器 [Available containers] 可用容器 [Delete] 删除 [Rename] 重命名 [Create a new container] 建立新容器 [Create new] 建立新的 [Reset] 重置 [Show in IM chats] 在聊天对话中显示 [Show in chat rooms] 在聊天室中显示 [Gap between buttons:] 按钮间隔: [Hide if there isn't enough space] 如无足够空间则隐藏 [Insert Separator] 插件分隔器 [To set container options, please use the container settings dialog. It is available by:\n1. choosing "container settings" from the system menu of a container.\n2. right clicking the tab or the button bar in any message window.] 若要设置容器选项, 请使用容器设置对话框. 对话框可用以下方法呼出: \n1. 从容器系统菜单选择 "容器设置" \n2. 在任何消息窗口按钮栏或标签上鼠标右键. [Tabs should be used in the following way] 标签应使用以下方法 [Use contact list groups for organizing tabs (one window per group)] 使用联系人列表群组组织标签 (每组一窗口) [Tabbed interface, limit the maximum number of tabs per window to:] 标签式界面, 限制每个窗口最大标签数量为: [No tabs at all, each session has its own top level window] 禁用标签, 每会话皆为顶层窗口 [Default mode (tabbed interface, manual assignments)] 默认模式 (标签式界面, 手工分配) [Container flashing] 容器闪动 [Flash containers] 闪动容器 [times] 次 [Flash interval] 闪动间隔 [milliseconds] 毫秒 [Help on containers] 容器的说明 [Popups] 弹出窗口 [...is &typing] ...正在键入(&T) [...stopped t&yping] ...已停止键入(&Y) [U&se Popup colors] 使用弹出窗口颜色(&S) [&Use Windows colors] 使用 Windows 颜色 [Only &one popup for each contact] 每个联系人仅一个弹出窗口(&O) [Show &entry in the main menu] 在主菜单中显示项目(&E) [From Popup plugin] 从弹出窗口插件 [From protocol] 从协议获取 [Custom] 自定义 [Edit template] 编辑模板 [Double click a template to edit it. Select a template from the list box and click "Update Preview" to show a preview message.] 在模板上双击鼠标编辑. 从列表选择模板并点击 "更新预览" 显示预览消息. [Get more help on variables] 获取更多变量说明 [Define up to 5 colors which you can use with some variables] 定义最多 5 种可用于某些变量的颜色 [Close] 关闭 [Update Preview] 更新模板 [Save Template] 保存模板 [Revert to Default] 还原为默认值 [Reset all templates...] 重置所有模板... [Default width for fixed (single row) tabs] 固定 (单行) 标签默认宽度 [Tab text label padding vertical] 标签文本垂直补位 [Tab page padding:] 标签补位: [inner] 内部 [outer] 外部 [Bottom tabs vertical adjustment:] 底部标签垂直调整: [NOTE: some settings will not affect open containers.] 注意: 某些设置不会影响已打开容器. [Tab layout tweaks] 标签布局调整 [About TabSRMM] 关于 TabSRMM [Selected skin] 选定皮肤 [Reload active skin] 重载当前皮肤 [Load fonts and colors provided by skin] 加载由皮肤所提供字体及颜色 [Load templates provided by skin (use with care, will overwrite your templates)] 加载由皮肤所提供模板 (请小心使用, 这将覆盖您的模板) [Skin root folder] 皮肤根目录 [Before you can load or unload a skin, you must close all message windows.] 在您加载或卸载皮肤前, 您必须关闭所有消息窗口. [Close open message windows now] 立即关闭打开消息窗口 [Theme support] 主题支持 [You can export and import all your color and font settings here. This allows you to create a Theme file which can be shared between different profiles or with your buddies.] 您可以从此导入导出所有的颜色和字体设置. 您可以创建一个主题文件于不同配置文件或您的好友间分享. [Export to a file...] 导出至文件... [Import from a file...] 从文件导入... [Icons] 图标 [Event type icons in the message log] 消息记录中使用事件类型图标 [Text symbols as event markers] 事件标记使用文本符号 [Use different icons to mark incoming and outgoing messages] 以不同图标标记传入和发送的消息 [Date and time] 日期及时间 [Show seconds in timestamp] 时间戳显示秒数 [Use contacts local time] 使用联系人本地时间 [Format] 格式 [Indent message body] 缩排消息主体 [Display grid lines] 显示格线 [Message grouping] 消息群组 [Support BBCODE] 支持 BBCODE [RTL is default text direction] 由由右向为默认文本方向 [Log status changes (in open message windows only)] 记录状态变更 (仅已打开消息窗口) [Revert to global options] 还原为全局选项 [You can set private message log options for this contact here. Filled boxes are inherited from the global settings which can be found on Message Sessions->Message Log] 您可以在此设置此联系人私有消息记录选项. 选定代表由 "消息会话->消息记录" 里的全局设置所继承 [Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates)] 使用标准模板 (取消选定时将使用精简模板) [Queued send jobs] 队列发送作业 [Queued jobs] 队列作业 [Filter by contact:] 按联系人过滤: [Display popups for failed jobs] 失败任务显示显示弹出提示 [Display popups for completed jobs] 已完成任务显示弹出提示 [Do not show this message again] 不要再次显示此消息 [Yes] 是 [No] 否 [Message sending:] 消息发送: [Window:] 窗口: [Esc closes sessions (minimizes window, if disabled)] Esc 关闭会话 (如禁用则最小化窗口) [Always pop up and activate new windows] 总是弹出并激活新窗口 [Create new windows in minimized state] 创建最小化状态新窗口 [Send on Shift+Enter] Shift+Enter 发送 [Send message on 'Enter'] 回车发送消息 [Send message on double 'Enter'] 按两下回车发送消息 [Minimize the message window on send] 发送时最小化消息窗口 [Tabs:] 标签: [Use tabbed interface] 使用标签式界面 [Create new tabs without activating them] 新建标签但不激活 [Pop up minimized window when a new tab is created] 新建标签时弹出最小化窗口 [Automatically switch tabs in minimized windows] 最小化窗口时自动切换标签 [History:] 历史: [Notifications:] 通知: [Don't announce when dialog is open] 对话框打开时不通告 [Send message on Ctrl+Enter (always enabled)] Ctrl+Enter 发送消息 (总是启用) [&Copy] 复制(&C) [&Quote] 引用(&Q) [Co&py All] 全部复制(&C) [Select &All] 全选(&C) [Freeze Log] 冻结记录 [Open in &new window] 在新窗口中打开(&N) [&Open in existing window] 在已存在窗口中打开(&O) [Editor] 编辑器 [Paste formatted Text] 粘贴格式化文本 [Paste and Send immediately] 立即粘贴并发送 [Copy all] 全部复制 [Show Message Length Indicator] 显示消息长度指示器 [Leave Chat Room] 离开聊天室 [Save Tab Position] 保存标签位置 [Clear saved Tab Position] 清除已保存标签位置 [Attach to Container...] 吸附至容器... [Container options...] 容器选项... [Close Container] 关闭容器 [Show Contact Picture] 显示联系人图片 [Default] 默认 [Hidden for this Contact] 对此联系人隐藏 [Visible for this Contact] 对此联系人可见 [Contact Picture Settings...] 联系人图片设置... [Always keep the button bar at full width] 永远保持按钮栏完整宽度 [Save this Picture As...] 保存此图片为: [&Message Log Settings] 消息记录设置(&M) [&Global...] 全局(&G)... [&For this Contact...] 为此联系人(&F)... [Send &Default] 默认发送(&D) [Send to &multiple Users] 发送给多位用户(&M) [Send to &Container] 发送至容器(&C) [Send &Later] 稍后发送(&L) [Force &ANSI] 强制 ANSI(&A) [Send unsafe (ignore Timeouts)] 非安全发送 (忽略超时) [Send Nudge] 发送闪屏 [Splitter Position] 分隔器位置 [Global] 全局 [Send Text Formatting] 发送文本格式 [Off] 关闭 [This Contact] 此联系人 [Global Setting] 全局设置 [Force Off] 强制关闭 [Unread Menu] 未读菜单 [Recent Sessions] 最近会话 [Favorites] 我的最爱 [Disable All Event Notifications] 禁用所有事件通知 [Don't create Windows automatically] 禁止自动建立窗口 [Hide all Message Containers] 隐藏所有消息容器 [Restore all Message Containers] 还原所有消息容器 [Don't play Sounds] 禁止播放声音 [Be "Super Quiet"] "超级安静" [Font] 字体 [Default Color] 默认颜色 [Magenta] 绛红色 [Cyan] 青色 [Clear all Formatting] 清除所有格式化 [Dummy] 笨蛋 [No Message Sessions opened] 无已打开消息会话 [Add Contact to Favorites] 将联系人加至我的最爱 [Remove Contact from Favorites] 将联系人从我的最爱移除 [dummy] 笨蛋 [Set Position for this Session] 为此会话设置位置 [Set and Save for all Sessions] 为所有会话设置并保存 [Set and Save for this Contact only] 仅为此联系人设置并保存 [Revert to old Position] 还原为旧位置 [Queue manager] 队列管理器 [Mark Selected for Removal] 标记选定为删除 [Reset Selected] 重置选定 [Hold Selected] 保持选定 [Resume Selected] 恢复选定 [Cancel all Multisend Jobs] 取消所有多重发送任务 [Copy Message to Clipboard] 复制信息至剪贴板 [&File] 文件(&F) [Save Message Log As...] 消息记录另存为... [Close Message Session\tCtrl-W] 关闭消息会话\tCtrl-W [Close Container\tAlt-F4] 关闭容器\tAlt-F4 [&View] 查看(&V) [Show Menu Bar] 显示菜单栏 [Show Status Bar] 显示状态栏 [Info Panel...] 信息面板... [Toolbar] 工具栏 [Show toolbar] 显示工具栏 [Place toolbar at bottom] 在底部放置工具栏 [Title Bar] 标题栏 [Tabs at the bottom] 标签在底部 [Window Flashing] 窗口闪动 [Use default Value] 使用默认值 [Show Multisend Contact List] 显示多重发送联系人列表 [Stay on Top] 保持在顶端 [Message &Log] 消息记录(&L) [&Container] 容器(&C) [Event Popups] 事件弹出窗口 [Disable all Event Popups] 禁用所有事件弹出窗口 [Show Popups if Window is minimized] 窗口最小化时显示弹出窗口 [Show Popups if Window is unfocused] 窗口非焦点时显示弹出窗口 [Show Popups for all inactive sessions] 所有未激活会话显示弹出窗口 [Save current Window Position as Default] 保存当前窗口位置为默认值 [Help] 说明 [About TabSRMM...] 关于 TabSRMM... [Protocol Button] 协议按钮 [Info button] 信息按钮 [Bold text] 文本粗体 [Italic text] 文本斜体 [Underlined text] 文本下划线 [Strike-through text] 文本删除线 [Select font color] 选择字体颜色 [Send message\nClick dropdown arrow for sending options] 发送消息\n点击下拉箭头显示发送选项 [Quote last message OR selected text] 引用最后消息或选定文本 [Message Log Options] 消息记录选项 [View User's History] 查看用户历史 [Edit user notes] 编辑用户说明 [Change background color] 变更背景颜色 [Toggle nick list] 切换昵称列表 [Event filter - right click to setup, left click to activate/deactivate] 事件过滤器 - 按右键设置, 左键激活/失效 [<Separator>] <分隔线> [Message Session...] 消息会话... [Default container] 默认容器 [Attach to] 吸附于 [General options] 常规选项 [Window layout] 容器布局 [Tabs and switch bar] 标签及切换栏 [Choose your options for the tabbed user interface. Not all options can be applied to open windows. You may need to close and re-open them.] 选择标签式用户界面选项. 并非所有选项都可用于已打开窗口. 您可能需要关闭重开它们. [Select, when you want to see event notifications (popups) for this window. The settings apply to all tabs within this window.] 选择, 当您想看到此窗口的事件通知 (弹出提示). 此设置应用于此窗口中所有标签. [Title bar] 标题栏 [Window size and theme] 窗口大小及主题 [You can select a private theme (.tabsrmm file) for this container which will then override the default message log theme. You will have to close and re-open all message windows after changing this option.] 您可为此联系人选择一个私有主题 (.tabsrmm 文件) 这将覆盖默认消息记录主题. 更改此选项后您必须关闭并重新打开所有消息窗口. [This feature requires Windows 2000 or later and may be unavailable when using a container skin.] 此功能需 Windows 2000 或更高版本, 使用容器皮肤时可能无法使用. [Contact avatars] 联系人头像 [Sound notifications] 声音通知 [Container options] 容器选项 [Configure container options for\n%s] 配置容器选项于\n%s [Tabs at the top] 标签位于上方 [Switch bar on the left side] 切换栏位于左侧 [Switch bar on the right side] 切换栏位于右侧 [Globally on] 全局打开 [On, if present] 如存在则打开 [Globally OFF] 全局关闭 [On, if present, always in bottom display] 开, 如存在, 则永远显示于底部 [Don't show them] 不要显示 [&User] 用户(&U) [&Room] 房间(&R) [Sounds are %s. Click to toggle status, hold SHIFT and click to set for all open containers] 声音当前 %s. 点击可切换状态, 按住 SHIFT 键点击可为所有打开容器设置 [disabled] 禁用 [Sending typing notifications is %s.] 发送键入通知当前%s. [Session list.\nClick left for a list of open sessions.\nClick right to access favorites and quickly configure message window behavior] 会话列表.\n左键点击列表打开会话.\n右键访问我的最爱及快速配置消息窗口行为 [There are %d pending send jobs. Message length: %d bytes, message length limit: %d bytes\n\n%d messages are queued for later delivery] 有 %d 个待发送作业. 消息长度: %d 字节, 消息长度限制: %d 字节\n\n%d 消息已加入稍后发送队列 [One of your popup actions is set to DISMISS EVENT.\nNote that this options may have unwanted side effects as it REMOVES the event from the unread queue.\nThis may lead to events not showing up as "new". If you don't want this behavior, please review the Event Notifications settings page.] 您的其中一个弹视窗口操作已设为 "关闭事件". \n注意此选项可能会有副作用, 因为它会从未读事件队列中 "移除" 事件. \n可能会导致事件无法显示为 "新". 如果您不想有类似行为, 请查看事件通知设置页. [TabSRMM warning message] TabSRMM 警告信息 [Incoming file] 传入文件 [Incoming file (invalid format)] 传入文件 (无效格式) [Unknown event] 未知事件 [New messages: ] 新消息:\s [Unknown module or contact] 未知模块或联系人 [Configuration issue|The unattended send feature is disabled. The \\b1 send later\\b0 and \\b1 send to multiple contacts\\b0 features depend on it.\n\nYou must enable it under \\b1Options->Message Sessions->Advanced tweaks\\b0. Changing this option requires a restart.] 配置问题|自动发送功能禁用. \\b1 稍后发送\\b0 和 \\b1 多重发送\\b0 功能信赖于此.\n\n您必须启用其于 \\b1选项->消息会话->高级调整\\b0. 更改选项需重启生效. [You cannot edit user notes when there are unsent messages] 有未发消息时您不能编辑用户注释 [%s is typing a message...] %s 正在输入消息... [Last received: %s at %s] 最后接收于: %s %s [%s has entered text.] %s 正在输入. [%s is typing a message] %s 正在输入消息 [Autoscrolling is disabled, %d message(s) queued (press F12 to enable it)] 自动卷屏已禁用, %d 条消息队列 (按下 F12 开启) [UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nRight click for MetaContact control\nClick dropdown to add or remove user from your favorites.] UID: %s (按 SHIFT 点击 -> 复制到剪贴板)\n点击显示用户详细信息\n右击显示中继联系人控制\n点击下拉从您的收藏夹添加或删除用户. [No UID] 无 UID [UID: %s (SHIFT click -> copy to clipboard)\nClick for User's Details\nClick dropdown to change this contact's favorite status.] UID: %s (按 SHIFT 点击 -> 复制到剪贴板)\n点击显示用户详细信息\n右击显示中继联系人控制\n点击下拉更改此联系人收藏状态. [Instant messages] 即时消息 [Incoming (Focused Window)] 传入 (窗口获取焦点) [Incoming (Unfocused Window)] 传入 (窗口未获取焦点) [Incoming (New Session)] 传入 (新会话) [Outgoing] 发送 [Message send error] 消息发送错误 [No status message] 无状态消息 [Other] 其它 [TabSRMM: Typing] TabSRMM: 键入中 [TabSRMM session list] TabSRMM 会话列表 [TabSRMM Menu] TabSRMM 菜单 [&Messaging settings...] 通信设置(&M)... [&Send later job list...] 稍后发送作业队列(&S)... [Message from %s] 从 %s 收到的消息 [signed off.] 已注销. [signed on and is now %s.] 已登录, 当前%s. [changed status from %s to %s.] 的状态已由 %s 变更为 %s. [Most recent unread session] 最近未读会话 [Paste and send] 粘贴并发送 [Contact's messaging prefs] 联系人消息首选项 [Send nudge] 发送闪屏 [Send a file] 发送文件 [Quote message] 引用消息 [Toggle send later] 切换稍后发送 [Smiley selector] 表情选择 [Show message history] 显示消息历史 [Show user details] 显示用户详细资料 [Toggle toolbar] 切换工具栏 [Toggle info panel] 切换信息面板 [Toggle text direction] 切换文字方式 [Toggle multi send] 切换多重发送 [Clear message log] 清除消息记录 [Collapse side bar] 折叠侧栏 [Toggle filter] 切换过滤器 [Show server window] 显示服务器窗口 [%s Idle: %dh,%02dm] %s 闲置: %dh,%02dm [Topic is: %s] 主题为: %s [no topic set.] 未设置主题. [Open User Details...] 打开用户详细资料... [Open History...] 打开历史... [Messaging Settings...] 消息设置... [Room Settings...] 房间设置... [\\tab \\ul\\b Status message:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s] \\tab \\ul\\b 状态消息:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s [\\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b Extended status information:\\ul0\\b0 \\par ] \\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b 扩展状态信息:\\ul0\\b0 \\par\s [\\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b Listening to:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s] \\par\\par\\tab \\ul\\b 聆听信息:\\ul0\\b0 \\par %s [\\par\\par\\ul\\b Client:\\ul0\\b0 %s] \\par\\par\\ul\\b 客户端:\\ul0\\b0 %s [TabSRMM Information] TabSRMM 信息 [Set panel visibility for this %s] 设置 %s 面板可见性 [chat room] 聊天室 [contact] 联系人 [Do not synchronize the panel height with IM windows] 不要同步 IM 窗口面板高度 [Do not synchronize the panel height with group chat windows] 不要同步群聊窗口面板高度 [Inherit from container setting] 从容器设置继承 [Always off] 始终关闭 [Always on] 始终打开 [Use default size] 使用默认大小 [Use private size] 使用私有大小 [Use Global Setting] 使用全局设置 [Show always (if present)] 永远显示 (如果存在) [Never show it at all] 永不显示 [Insert [img] tag / surround selected text with [img][/img]] 插入 [img] 标签 / 以 [img][/img] 环绕选定文本 [Add this contact permanently to your contact list] 将此联系人永久加至您的联系人列表 [Do not add this contact permanently] 永不添加此联系人 [Expand or collapse the side bar] 展开或折叠侧栏 [Character Encoding] 字符编码 [Contact not on list. You may add it...] 联系人不在名单中. 您可将其加上... [A message failed to send successfully.] 无法成功发送消息. [WARNING: The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. It will be sent in chunks of max %d characters] 警告: 您正在粘贴的消息超过当前协议的消息大小限制. 它将被分段(最多 %d 字符)发送. [The message you are trying to paste exceeds the message size limit for the active protocol. Only the first %d characters will be sent.] 您正在粘贴的消息超过当前协议的消息大小限制. 仅发送起始 %d 个字符. [Save and close session] 保存并关闭会话 [Autoscrolling is disabled (press F12 to enable it)] 自动卷屏已禁用 (按下 F12 开启) [Click for contact menu\nClick dropdown for window settings] 点击显示联系菜单\n点击下拉箭头显示窗口设置 [Send later] 稍后发送 [Selection copied to clipboard] 选定内容已复制到剪贴板 [Delivery failure: %s] 递送失败: %s [The message send timed out] 消息发送已经超时 [You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode] 您正在编辑用户注释. 再次点击按钮或使用热键 (默认: Alt-N) 保存注释并恢复正常通讯模式 [Contact is offline and this protocol does not support sending files to offline users.] 联系人离线, 协议不支持发送文件给离线用户. [Error creating destination directory] 建立目的目录发生错误 [Save contact picture] 保存联系人图片 [The file exists. Do you want to overwrite it?] 文件已存在. 您想覆盖它吗? [Set Your Avatar...] 设置您的头像... [The 'paste and send' feature is disabled. You can enable it on the 'General' options page in the 'Sending Messages' section] "粘贴并发送" 功能已关闭. 您可以由 "选项 -> 发送消息 -> 常规" 里启用. [Either the nudge plugin is not installed or the contact's protocol does not support sending a nudge event.] 无论闪屏插件未安装或联系人协议不支持发送闪屏事件. ['(Unknown Contact)'] '(未知联系人)' [<no skin>] <无皮肤> [Do you want to also read message templates from the theme?\nCaution: This will overwrite the stored template set which may affect the look of your message window significantly.\nSelect cancel to not load anything at all.] 您想从主题中读取消息模板吗? \n注意: 这样将覆盖模板集, 并严重影响您的消息窗口显示方式. \n选择 "取消" 将不加载任何内容. [Load theme] 加载主题 [IEView plugin] IEView 插件 [History++ plugin] History++ 插件 [You have chosen to use an external plugin for displaying the message history in the chat window. Most of the settings on this page are for the standard message log viewer only and will have no effect. To change the appearance of the message log, you must configure either IEView or History++.] 您选择使用一个外部插件显示聊天窗口消息历史. 此页面上多数设置是针对标准日志查看器, 将无任何效果. 要更改消息日志外观, 您必须配备 IEView 或 History++. [** New contacts **] ** 新联系人 ** [** Unknown contacts **] ** 未知联系人 ** [Show balloon popup (unsupported system)] 显示气球式弹出窗口 (不受支持的系统) [Always, but no popup when window is focused] 永远, 但窗口获取焦点时不显示弹出窗口 [Only when no message window is open] 仅在消息窗口未打开时 [Normal - close tab, if last tab is closed also close the window] 普通 - 关闭标签, 如为最后标签则关闭窗口 [Minimize the window to the task bar] 最小化窗口至任务栏 [Close or hide window, depends on the close button setting above] 关闭或隐藏窗口, 依赖于上面按钮关闭设置 [Message Sessions] 消息会话 [General] 常规 [Tabs and layout] 标签及布局 [Containers] 容器 [Message log] 消息记录 [Typing Notify] 键入通知 [Message window] 消息窗口 [Window layout tweaks] 窗口布局调整 [Log formatting] 记录格式 [Events and filters] 事件及过滤器 [Highlighting] 突出显示 [Choose status modes] 选择状态模式 [Image tag] 图片标记 [Quote text] 引用文本 [Save and close] 保存并关闭 [Smiley button] 表情按钮 [Format bold] 粗体格式 [Format italic] 斜体格式 [Format underline] 下划线格式 [Font face] 字体名称 [Font color] 字体颜色 [Format strike-through] 格式删除线 [Background color] 背景颜色 [Room settings] 房间设置 [Event filter] 事件过滤器 [Message delivery error] 消息传递错误 [Incoming message] 传入消息 [Outgoing message] 发送消息 [Status change] 状态变更 [Static container icon] 静态容器图标 [Sounds (status bar)] 声音 (状态栏) [Pulldown Arrow] 下位箭头 [Left Arrow] 左箭头 [Right Arrow] 右箭头 [Up Arrow] 上箭头 [Session List] 会话列表 [Frame 1] 框架 1 [Frame 2] 框架 2 [Frame 3] 框架 3 [Frame 4] 框架 4 [Message Log] 消息记录 [Clock symbol (for the info panel clock)] 时钟符号 (用于信息面板时钟) [Feature disabled (used as overlay)] 功能禁用 (使用覆盖) [Feature enabled (used as overlay)] 功能启用 (使用覆盖) [Select container for %s] 选择 %s 容器 [You cannot delete the default container] 您无法删除默认容器 [Error] 错误 [You cannot rename the default container] 您无法重命名默认容器 [This name is already in use] 此名称已在使用中 [A send later job completed successfully.\nThe original message: %s] 一个稍后发送作业成功完成.\n原消息: %s [A send later job failed to complete.\nThe original message: %s] 一个稍后发送任务未能完成.\n原始消息: %s [<All contacts>] <所有联系人> [Removed] 已移除 [Failed] 已失败 [Sent OK] 发送 OK [Deferred] 延迟 [Suspended] 暂停 [Pending] 等待中 [Contact] 联络方式 [Original timestamp] 原时间戳 [Message text] 消息文本 [Status] 状态 [Last send info] 最后发送信息 [You are about to modify the state of one or more items in the\nunattended send queue. The requested action(s) will be executed at the next scheduled queue processing.\n\nThis action cannot be made undone.] 您将要修改一或多项的状态于\n自动发送队列. 所要求操作将在下次执行计划队列时处理.\n\n此操作无法撤消. [The message cannot be sent delayed or to multiple contacts, because it exceeds the maximum allowed message length of %d bytes] 此消息无法延迟或多重发送, 因为它超出了允许最大消息长度 %d 字节 [A message delivery has failed.\nClick to open the message window.] 一项消息递送已失败. \n请点击打开消息窗口. [A message delivery has failed after the contacts chat window was closed. You may want to resend the last message] 一项消息递送在聊天窗口关闭后失败. 您可能想重新发送最后消息 [There are unsent messages waiting for confirmation.\nIf you close the window now, Miranda will try to send them but may be unable to inform you about possible delivery errors.\nDo you really want to close the window(s)?] 有正等候确认的未发消息. \n如果您现在关闭窗口, Miranda 将尝试发送他们, 但可能无法通知您任何递送错误. \n您确定要关闭窗口? [Message window warning] 消息窗口警告 [Message successfully queued for later delivery.\nIt will be sent as soon as possible and a popup will inform you about the result.] 消息成功加入稍后发送队列.\n它将被尽快发出并以弹出提示将结果通知您. [The send later feature is not available on this protocol.] 此协议稍后发送功能不可用. [\n(Sent delayed. Original timestamp %s)] \n(发送延迟. 原时间戳 %s) [Like tabs, vertical text orientation] 类标签, 垂直文字方向 [Compact layout, horizontal buttons] 紧凑布局, 横向按钮 [Advanced layout with avatars] 高级头像布局 [Advanced with avatars, vertical orientation] 高级头像, 垂直方向 [TabSRMM Message (%s)] TabSRMM 消息 (%s) [Previews not availble when using History++ plugin for message log display.] 当消息记录使用 History++ 插件显示时无法预览. [%d Unread] %d 未读 [Chat room %s] 聊天室 %s [%d User(s)] %d 用户 [Template Set Editor] 模板集编辑器 [This will reset the template set to the default built-in templates. Are you sure you want to do this?] 此操作将重置模板集成的默认内置模板. 您确定想这样做? [Template set was successfully reset, please close and reopen all message windows. This template editor window will now close.] 模板集已被重置完成, 请关闭并重新打开所有消息窗口. 此模板编辑器窗口现在将会关闭. [Semi transparent, custom colors] 半透明, 自定义颜色 [Silver shadow] 银色阴影 [Custom (use own gradient colors)] 自定义 (使用自有渐变色) [All message containers need to close before the skin can be changed\nProceed?] 在皮肤变更前需要先关闭所有消息容器\n要进行吗? [Change skin] 变更皮肤 [Message window tweaks] 消息窗口调整 [Error feedback] 错误反馈 [Enable typing sounds] 启用输入声音 [Disable animated GIF avatars (will not affect already open message windows)] 禁用动态 GIF 头像 (已打开消息窗口无效) [Close current tab on send] 发送时关闭当前标签 [Disable error popups on sending failures] 禁用发送失败时错误弹出窗口 [Automatic keyboard layout: Do not load the system default for new contacts] 自动键盘布局: 不要为新联系人加载系统默认 [Enable unattended send (experimental feature, required for multisend and send later) (*)] 启用自动发送 (实验性功能, 需多重发送及稍后发) (*) [Show a preview of the event] 显示事件预览 [Don't announce event when message dialog is open] 当消息对话框打开时不要公布事件 [Don't announce events from RSS protocols] 不要公布 RSS 协议事件 [Enable the system tray icon] 启用系统托盘图标 [Merge new events for the same contact into existing popup] 合并同一联系人新事件至已有弹出提示 [Show headers] 显示标题 [Open event] 打开事件 [Dismiss event] 关闭事件 [Disable event notifications for instant messages] 聊天时禁用事件通知 [Disable event notifications for group chats] 群聊时禁用事件通知 [Disable notifications for non-message events] 禁用非消息事件通知 [Remove popups for a contact when the message window is focused] 当消息窗口取得焦点时移除联系人弹出提示 [Remove popups for a contact when I start typing a reply] 当我开始输入回复时移除联系人弹出提示 [Remove popups for a contact when I send a reply] 当我发送回复时移除联系人弹出提示 [System tray icon] 系统托盘图标 [Left click actions (popups only)] 左键操作 (仅弹出窗口) [Right click actions (popups only)] 右键操作 (仅弹出窗口) [Timeout actions (popups only)] 超时操作 (仅弹出窗口) [Combine notifications for the same contact] 合并同一联系人通知 [Remove popups under following conditions] 以下情况移除弹出窗口 [Message window behavior] 消息窗口行为 [Sending messages] 发送消息 [Close the message window on send] 发送时关闭消息窗口 [Always flash contact list and tray icon for new messages] 新消息到来时永远闪动联系人列表和托盘图标 [Delete temporary contacts on close] 关闭程序时删除临时联系人 [Enable "Paste and send" feature] 启用 "粘贴并发送" 功能 [Automatically split long messages (experimental, use with care)] 自动分割长消息 (实验性, 请小心使用) [Automatically copy selected text] 自动复制选定文本 [Message log appearance] 消息记录外观 [Support for external plugins] 支持外部插件 [Timestamp settings (note: timstamps also depend on your templates)] 时间戳设置 (注意: 时间戳也取决于您的模板) [Message log icons] 消息记录图标 [Show dates in timestamps] 在时间戳显示日期 [Use contacts local time (if timezone info available)] 使用联系人本地时间 (当时区信息可用时) [Draw grid lines] 显示格线 [Use Incoming/Outgoing Icons] 使用传入/发送图标 [Use Message Grouping] 使用消息分组 [Simple text formatting (*bold*, etc.)] 简单文本格式化 (例如 *bold*) [Support BBCode formatting] 支持 BBCode 格式化 [Place a separator in the log after a window lost its foreground status] 当一个窗口失去焦点状态时于记录放置一个分隔符 [Only place a separator when an incoming event is announced with a popup] 当一个传入事件弹出提示时仅放置一个分隔符 [Show events at the new line (IEView Compatibility Mode)] 在新行显示事件 (IEView 兼容模式) [Underline timestamp/nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)] 时间戳/昵称加下划线 (IEView 兼容模式) [Show timestamp after nickname (IEView Compatibility Mode)] 在昵称后面显示时间戳 (IEView 兼容模式) [Use normal templates (uncheck to use simple templates if your template set supports them)] 使用标准模板 (取消选定时若您的模板支持将使用精简模板) [How to create tabs and windows for incoming messages] 传入消息如何创建标签及窗口 [Show status text on tabs] 标签显示状态文本 [Prefer xStatus icons when available] 可能时优先使用扩展状态图标 [Detailed tooltip on tabs (requires Tipper plugin)] 标签详细工具提示 (需 Tipper 插件) [ALWAYS activate new message sessions (has PRIORITY over the options below)] 永远激活新消息会话 (优先于以下选项) [Automatically create new message sessions without activating them] 创建新消息会话时不激活 [New windows are minimized (the option above MUST be active)] 新窗口最小化 (上面的选项必须激活) [Activate a minimized window when a new tab is created inside it] 当有新标签创建时激活最小化窗口 [Automatically switch existing tabs in minimized windows on incoming messages (ignored when using Aero Peek task bar features)] 收到消息时自动切换至最小化窗口已存在标签 (当使用 Aero Peek 标签栏功能时忽略) [Remember and set keyboard layout per contact] 记住每位联系人的键盘布局 [Close button only hides message windows] 关闭按钮仅隐藏消息窗口 [Allow TAB key in typing area (this will disable focus selection by TAB key)] 输入区允许 TAB 键 (此操作将禁用 TAB 键焦点切换) [Add offline contacts to multisend list] 将离线联系人加至多重发送列表 [Disable &typing notification] 禁用键入通知(&T) [Enable &typing notification] 启用键入通知(&T) [...is typing a message.] ...正在键入消息. [...has stopped typing.] ...已停止键入. [Contact started typing] 联系人开始输入 [Contact stopped typing] 联系人停止输入 [Always On] 永远打开 [Always Off] 永远关闭 [Force Default Message Log] 强制使用默认消息记录 [Force History++] 强制使用 History++ [Force IEView] 强制 IEView [Set messaging options for %s] 设置通讯选项于 %s [Important release notes|A test warning message] 重要发布说明|一个测试警告信息 [Edit user notes|You are editing the user notes. Click the button again or use the hotkey (default: Alt-N) to save the notes and return to normal messaging mode] 编辑用户说明|您正在编辑用户说明. 再次点击按钮或使用热键 (默认: Alt-N) 可保存说明并返回正常聊天模式 [Aero peek warning|You have enabled Aero Peek features and loaded a custom container window skin\n\nThis can result in minor visual anomalies in the live preview feature.] Aero peek 警告|您已启用 Aero Peek 功能并加载了自定义容器窗口皮肤\n\n这可能导致实时预览存在轻微的视觉差异. [Settings problem|The option \\b1 History->Imitate IEView API\\b0 is enabled and the History++ plugin is active. This can cause problems when using IEView as message log viewer.\n\nShould I correct the option (a restart is required)?] 设置问题|选项 \\b1 历史->模拟 IEView API\\b0 已启用且 History++ 插件激活. 当使用 IEView 做为消息记录查看器时可能导致问题.\n\n是否修正选项 (需重启)? [Closing Window|You are about to close a window with multiple tabs open.\n\nProceed?] 关闭窗口|您即将关闭打开多个标签的窗口.\n\n是否继续? [Closing options dialog|To reflect the changes done by importing a theme in the options dialog, the dialog must be closed after loading a theme \\b1 and unsaved changes might be lost\\b0 .\n\nDo you want to continue?] 关闭选项对话框|想使由选项对话框中导入的主题生效, 加载主题后对话框必须关闭\\b1 未保存更改可能会丢失\\b0 .\n\n您是否想继续? [Loading a theme|Loading a color and font theme can overwrite the settings defined by your skin.\n\nDo you want to continue?] 加载主题|加载颜色和字体主题会覆盖现有皮肤设定.\n\n您是否想继续? [Text color] 文本颜色 [%s has joined] %s 已加入 [You have joined %s] 您已加入 %s [%s has left] %s 已离开 [%s has disconnected] %s 已断开连接 [%s is now known as %s] %s 现在改名为 %s [You are now known as %s] 您现在被称为 %s [%s kicked %s] %s 已被踢走 %s [Notice from %s: ] %s 的公告:\s [The topic is '%s%s'] 主题为 '%s%s' [ (set by %s on %s)] (由 %s 设置于 %s) [ (set by %s)] (由 %s 设置) [%s enables '%s' status for %s] %s 启用 '%s' 状态于 %s [%s disables '%s' status for %s] %s 禁用 '%s' 状态于 %s [Add user to highlight list] 添加用户至突出显示列表 [Edit user highlight list] 编辑用户突出显示列表 [Log background] 记录背景 [Status background] 状态背景 [Incoming background(old)] 传入背景(旧) [Outgoing background(old)] 发送背景(旧) [Horizontal Grid Lines] 水平网络线 [Info Panel] 信息面板 [Panel background low] 面板背景暗 [Panel background high] 面板背景亮 [Common colors] 常见颜色 [Toolbar background high] 工具栏背景 高 [Toolbar background low] 工具栏背景 低 [Window fill color] 窗口填充颜色 [Text area borders] 文本区域边框 [Aero glow effect] Aero 发光效果 [Generic text color (only when fill color is set)] 普通文件颜色 (仅设置填充颜色时) [Normal text] 普通文本 [Active text] 活动文本 [Hovered text] 悬停文本 [Unread text] 未读文本 [Normal background] 普通背景 [Active background] 活动背景 [Hovered background] 悬停背景 [Unread background] 未读背景 [>> Outgoing misc events] >> 发送杂项事件 [<< Incoming misc events] << 传入杂项事件 [>> Outgoing messages (old)] >> 发送消息(旧) [>> Outgoing misc events (old)] >> 发送杂项事件(旧) [<< Incoming messages (old)] << 传入消息(旧) [<< Incoming misc events (old)] << 传入杂项事件(旧) [>> Outgoing name (old)] >> 发送名称(旧) [>> Outgoing timestamp (old)] >> 传出时间戳 (旧) [<< Incoming name (old)] << 传入名称(旧) [<< Incoming timestamp (old)] << 传入时间戳 (旧) [* Message Input Area] * 消息输入区域 [* Status changes] * 状态变更 [* Dividers] * 分隔器 [* Error and warning messages] * 错误及警告消息 [* Symbols (incoming)] * 符号 (传入) [* Symbols (outgoing)] * 符号 (发送) [Nickname] 昵称 [Protocol] 协议 [Contacts local time] 联系人本地时间 [Window caption (skinned mode)] 窗口标题 (皮肤模式) [Open new chat rooms in the default container] 在默认容器中打开新聊天室 [Flash window when someone speaks] 有人说话时闪动窗口 [Flash window when a word is highlighted] 有字词被突出显示时闪动窗口 [Create tabs or windows for highlight events] 突出显示事件创建标签或窗口 [Activate chat window on highlight] 激活聊天窗口时突出显示 [Show list of users in the chat room] 在聊天室中显示用户列表 [Colorize nicknames in member list] 在成员列表中将昵称着色 [Show button menus when right clicking the buttons] 在按钮上点击右键时显示按钮功能菜单 [Show topic as status message on the contact list] 联系人列表中显示主题为状态消息 [Do not pop up the window when joining a chat room] 加入聊天室时不要显示弹出窗口 [Hide or show the window by double click in the contact list] 联系人列表中双击隐藏或显示窗口 [Sync splitter position with standard IM sessions] 在标准 IM 会话中同步分隔分割器位置 [Show contact's status modes if supported by the protocol] 如协议支持则显示联系人状态模式 [Display contact's status icon before user role icon] 在用户角色图片前显示联系人状态图标 [Use IRC style status indicators in the nick list] 用户列表中使用 IRC 风格状态指示器 [Use alternative sorting method in member list] 在成员列表中使用交替排序法 [Prefix all events with a timestamp] 在所有事件前加上时间戳 [Timestamp only when event time differs] 仅事件时间不同时显示时间戳 [Timestamp has same color as the event] 时间戳使用相同颜色类似事件 [Indent the second line of a message] 缩排消息第二行 [Limit user names in the message log to 20 characters] 限制消息记录中用户名长度在 20 个字符内 [Add a colon (:) to auto-completed user names] 添加一个冒号 (:) 至自动完成用户名 [Start private conversation on doubleclick in nick list (insert nick if unchecked)] 在昵称列表上双击开始私聊 (不选时插入昵称) [Strip colors from messages in the log] 在记录中去除消息颜色 [Enable the 'event filter' for new rooms] 新房间启用 '事件过滤器' [Use IRC style status indicators in the log] 在记录中使用 IRC 样式状态指示器 [Allow clickable user names in the message log] 消息记录中允许点击用户名 [Colorize user names in message log] 消息记录中使用彩色用户名 [Scale down icons to 10x10 pixels in the chat log] 在聊天记录中将图标缩放为 10x10 像素 [Window Icon] 窗口图标 [Icon overlay] 图标重叠 [Status 1 (10x10)] 状态 1 (10x10) [Status 2 (10x10)] 状态 2 (10x10) [Status 3 (10x10)] 状态 3 (10x10) [Status 4 (10x10)] 状态 4 (10x10) [Status 5 (10x10)] 状态 5 (10x10) [Status 6 (10x10)] 状态 6 (10x10) [Message in (10x10)] 收到消息 (10x10) [Message out (10x10)] 发送消息 (10x10) [Action (10x10)] 操作 (10x10) [Add Status (10x10)] 加入状态 (10x10) [Remove Status (10x10)] 移除状态 (10x10) [Join (10x10)] 加入 (10x10) [Leave (10x10)] 离开 (10x10) [Quit (10x10)] 结束 (10x10) [Kick (10x10)] 踢走 (10x10) [Notice (10x10)] 公告 (10x10) [Nickchange (10x10)] 昵称变更 (10x10) [Topic (10x10)] 主题 (10x10) [Highlight (10x10)] 突出显示 (10x10) [Information (10x10)] 信息 (10x10) [Group chat log] 群组聊天记录 [Appearance and functionality of chat room windows] 聊天室窗口外观及功能 [Appearance of the message log] 消息记录外观 [Voiced] 语音 [Half operators] 半操作员 [Channel operators] 频道操作员 [Extended mode 1] 扩展模式 1 [Extended mode 2] 扩展模式 2 [Selection background] 选择范围背景 [Selected text] 已选择文本 [Incremental search highlight] 增量搜索突出显示 [Fields background] 栏位背景 [Nick list background] 用户列表背景 [Group chat log background] 群组聊天记录背景 [year without century, 01-99] 2 位年份, 01-99 [All Files] 所有文件 [Select Folder] 选择文件夹 [No markers] 无标记 [Show as icons] 显示为图标 [Show as text symbols] 显示为文本符号 [Look up '%s':] 查看 '%s': [No word to look up] 无可查找字词 [Highlight User...] 突出显示用户... [Edit Highlight List...] 编辑高亮列表... [Unique ID] 独有 ID [Nick] 昵称 [%s: Chat Room (%u user%s)] %s: 聊天室 (%u 用户%s) [%s: Chat Room (%u users%s)] %s: 聊天室 (%u 用户%s) [, event filter active] , 事件过滤已激活 [%s: Message Session] %s: 消息会话 [%s: Message Session (%u users)] %s: 消息会话 (%u 个用户) [, %d %s, %d %s idle] , %d %s, %d %s 闲置 [hours] 小时 [hour] 小时 [minute] 分钟 [, %d %s idle] , %d %s 闲置 [The filter canoot be enabled, because there are no event types selected either global or for this chat room] 无法启用过滤, 因为全局或此聊天室都没有选定事件类型 [Event filter error] 事件过滤错误