#muuid {8392df1d-9090-4f8e-9df6-2fe058edd800} ;============================================================ ; File: Tipper.dll ; Plugin: Tipper ; Version: ; Authors: Scott Ellis, yaho ;============================================================ [General padding:] 常规补位: [Text padding:] 文本补位: [Labels:] 标签: [Values:] 数值: [Window] 窗口 [Max width:] 最大宽度: [Min width:] 最小宽度: [Max height:] 最大高度: [Min height:] 最小高度: [Hover time:] 悬停时间: [Show if list not focused] 列表非焦点时显示 [Options] 选项 [Status bar tips] 状态栏提示 [Avatar border] 头像边框 [Keep original avatar size] 保持原头像大小 [Substitution] 替换 [Module:] 模块: [Contact protocol module] 联系人协议模块 [Setting or prefix:] 设置或前缀 [Translation:] 翻译: [Cancel] 取消 [Item] 项目 [Value:] 值: [Draw a line above] 在上面绘制横线 [Value on a new line] 数值放于新行 [Items] 项目 [Substitutions] 替换 [Add] 添加 [Remove] 移除 [Edit] 编辑 [Separator] 分隔器 [Advanced options] 高级选项 [Extra icons] 额外图标 [Enable SmileyAdd support] 启用 SmileyAdd 支持 [Resize smileys] 重置表情大小 [Status bar and tray tooltip] 状态栏及托盘提示 [Limit status messages in status bar and tray tooltips to:] 限制状态栏状态信息及托盘提示为: [Effects] 效果 [Hide offline protocols] 隐藏离线协议 [ms] 毫秒 [Favorite contacts] 我的最爱 [You must enter a label] 您必须输入标签 [Invalid Substitution] 替换无效 [<No Label>] <无标签> [Add separator] 添加分隔器 [No icon] 无图标 [Center] 中间 [Max avatar size:] 最大头像大小: [None] 无 [Customize] 自定义 [Content] 内容 [Number of contacts] 联系人数量 [Protocol lock status] 协议锁状态 [Logon time] 登录时间 [Unread emails] 未读邮件 [Status] 状态 [Miranda uptime] 运行时间 [Contact list event] 联系人列表事件 [Jabber activity] Jabber 活动 [Gender] 性别 [Client] 客户端 [%s (locked)] %s (已锁定) [Status message:] 状态消息: [Other] 其它 [Email] 邮箱 [Gender:] 性别: [Homepage] 主页 [Homepage:] 主页: [Idle] 闲置 [Last message] 最后消息 [Name] 名称 [Name:] 名称: [Time:] 时间: [Sunrise:] 日出: [Sunset:] 日落: [Background] 背景 [Dividers] 分隔器 [Labels] 标签 [Values] 数值 [Female] 女 [Male] 男 [WORD to status description] 字至状态描述 [DWORD timestamp to time] 双字时间戳至时间 [DWORD timestamp to time difference] 双字时间戳至时间差 [BYTE to Yes/No] 字节至是/否 [BYTE to Male/Female (ICQ)] 字节至男/女 (ICQ) [WORD to country name] 字至国家名 [DWORD to IP address] 双字至 IP 地址 [<prefix>Day|Month|Year to date] <前缀>天|月|年至日期 [<prefix>Day|Month|Year to age] <前缀>天|月|年至年龄 [<prefix>Hours|Minutes|Seconds to time] <前缀>小时|分钟|秒至时间 [<prefix>Day|Month|Year|Hours|Minutes|Seconds to time difference] <前缀>天|月|年|小时|分钟|秒至时间差 [<prefix>Day|Month to days to next birthday] <前缀>天|月至下次生日天数 [DWORD timestamp to time (no seconds)] 双字时间戳至时间 (无秒) [<prefix>Hours|Minutes to time] <前缀>小时|分钟至时间 [DWORD timestamp to date (short)] 双字时间戳至日期 (短) [DWORD timestamp to date (long)] 双字时间戳至日期 (长) [xStatus: empty xStatus name to default name] 扩展状态: 空扩展状态名使用默认名称 [DWORD seconds to time difference] 双字秒至时间差 [BYTE timezone to time] 字节时间戳至时间 [WORD to name of a day (0..6, 0 is Sunday)] 字至星期名 (0..6, 0 为星期天) [WORD to name of a month (1..12, 1 is January)] 字至月名 (1..12, 1 为一月) [BYTE to language (ICQ)] 字节至语言 (ICQ)