#muuid {748f8934-781a-528d-5208-001265404ab3} ;============================================================ ; File: Tlen.dll ; Plugin: Tlen protocol ; Version: ; Authors: Santithorn Bunchua, Adam Strzelecki, Piotr Piastucki ;============================================================ [Username:] 用户名: [Password:] 密码: [Create new account] 建立新帐号 [Options] 选项 [Leave status message after disconnection] 断开后留下状态信息 [Ignore advertisements] 忽略广告 [Show offline users with status messages as invisible in contact list] 显示联系人列表中离线用户状态信息为隐身 [Send and receive client version information] 发送和接收客户端版本信息 [Alert policy] 警告策略 [Use Nudge plugin] 使用闪屏插件 [Log alerts as messages] 记录警告为信息 [Group chat policy] 群组聊天策略 [Voice Chats] 语音聊天 [Voice chat policy] 语音聊天策略 [Recording device:] 录音设备: [Playback device:] 播放设备: [Expert Options] 专家选项 [Connection Host:] 连接主机: [Port:] 端口: [Enable encryption] 启用加密 [Enable Always Visible and Never Visible] 启用永远可见及永不可见 [P2P Connections] P2P 连接 [Use proxy for incoming connections] 传入连接使用代理服务器 [Proxy type:] 代理服务器类型: [Proxy server:] 代理服务器: [Proxy requires authorization] 代理服务器需要授权 [Mail Notification] 邮件通知 [Enable incoming mail notification] 启用传入邮件通知 [Background] 背景 [Text] 文本 [&Custom] 自定义(&C) [P&ermanent] 永久(&E) [Cancel] 取消 [First name:] 名字: [Last name:] 姓氏: [E-mail:] 邮件: [Gender:] 性别: [Year of birth:] 出生年份: [City:] 城市: [School:] 学校: [Looking for:] 寻找: [Voice chats] 语音聊天 [Publicly visible status] 公开状态 [Save changes] 保存变更 [Avatar Options] 头像选项 [Public avatar] 公共头像 [Tlen login:] Tlen 登录: [Subscription:] 订阅: [Software:] 软件: [System:] 系统: [Personal Information] 个人信息 [Nickname:] 昵称: [Age:] 年龄: [to] 至 [Extra Search Criterias] 附加搜索条件 [Plan:] 计划: [Tlen Voice Chat] Tlen 语音聊天 [Quality] 质量 [In] 入 [Out] 出 [Tlen Voice Chat Invitation] Tlen 语音聊天聊天邀请 [From:] 从: [The following invitation to join a voice chat is received.] 收到以下邀请, 邀请您加入语音聊天. [Group chats] 群组聊天 [Tlen chats] Tlen 聊天 [Voice chat] 语音聊天 [Microphone] 麦克风 [Speaker] 喇叭 [Incoming mail] 传入邮件 [Alert] 警报 [Tlen Chats] Tlen 聊天 [Send picture] 发送图片 [Voice Chat] 语音聊天 [Request authorization] 要求授权 [Grant authorization] 准许授权 [1 File] 1 文件 [%d Files] %d 个文件 [Tlen Authentication] Tlen 验证 [You have been kicked. Reason: %s ] 您已被踢. 理由: %s\s [You cannot join this chat room, because you are banned.] 您已被封锁, 无法加入此聊天室. [Chat room not found.] 聊天室无法找到. [This is a private chat room and you are not one of the members.] 这是一个私人聊天室您非其成员. [You cannot send any message unless you join this chat room.] 除非您加入此聊天室否则不能发送任何信息. [Chat room with already created.] 聊天室已建立. [Nickname '%s' is already registered.] 呢称 '%s' 已被注册. [Nickname already in use, please try another one. Hint: '%s' is free.] 呢称已被使用, 请尝试其它. 提示: '%s' 未使用. [You cannot register more than %s nicknames.] 您无法注册超过 %s 个呢称. [You cannot create more than %s chat rooms.] 您无法创建超过 %s 个聊天室. [You cannot join more than %s chat rooms.] 您无法加入超过 %s 个聊天室. [Anonymous nicknames are not allowed in this chat room.] 聊天室中不允许匿名. [Unknown error code: %d] 未知错误代码: %d [General] 常规 [Advanced] 高级 [Network] 网络 [These changes will take effect the next time you connect to the Tlen network.] 这些变化将在您下次连接至 Tlen 网络时生效. [Tlen Protocol Option] Tlen 协议选项 [Accept all alerts] 接受所有警报 [Ignore alerts from unauthorized contacts] 未授权联系人忽略警报 [Ignore all alerts] 忽略所有警报 [Always ask me] 总是问我 [Accept invitations from authorized contacts] 已授权联系人接受邀请 [Accept all invitations] 接受所有邀请 [Ignore invitations from unauthorized contacts] 忽略已授权联系人邀请 [Ignore all invitation] 忽略所有邀请 [<Last message>] <最后消息> [Forwarding] 转发 [%s mail] %s 邮件 [Tlen login] Tlen 登录 [Tlen Connection Error] Tlen 连接错误 [%s Web Messages] %s 网络信息 [Web message] 网络信息 [E-mail] 邮件 [An alert has been received.] 警报已收到 [Private conference] 私人会议 [both] 两者 [none] 无 [...Connecting...] ...连接... [...Waiting for connection...] ...等待连接... [...Finished...] ...完成... [...Error...] ...错误... [...Denied...] ...拒绝... [Default] 默认