[Configure conference] [Join role:] [LOGOUT_CALLED] [SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED] [REJECTED_AS_UNDERAGE] [NO_SUCH_IDENTITY] [PERIODIC_UIC_UPDATE_FAILED] [DB_DISK_FULL] [DB_IO_ERROR] [DB_FAILURE] [APP_ID_FAILURE] [ACCESS_TOKEN_RENEWAL_FAILED] [You have not entered a Skype name.\nConfigure this in Options->Network->%s and try again.] [Are you sure you want to block "%s" (%s)? They won't be able to contact you and won't appear in your Contact List.] [Creator] [Master] [Helper] [Listener] [Applicant] [Retried] [Outlaw] [waits to join] [New password is same as old password.] [New password and confirmation must be same.] [Spawn conference] [Blocked contacts] [Skype protocol plugin only permits you to login to one account at a time. Adding multiple accounts is prohibited in the licence agreement and standard distribution terms of SkypeKit.] [SkypeKit did not initialize (%d).] [SENDER_NOT_AUTHORIZED] [REMOTELY_CANCELED] [FAILED_READ] [FAILED_REMOTE_READ] [FAILED_WRITE] [FAILED_REMOTE_WRITE] [REMOTE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_FT] [REMOTE_OFFLINE_FOR_TOO_LONG] [TOO_MANY_PARALLEL] [PLACEHOLDER_TIMEOUT] [NOT_VALIDATED] [The value exceeds max size limit for the given property] [Value contains illegal characters] [Value contains whitespace] [Password cannot be the same as Skype name] [Value starts with an invalid character]